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Gormion's Bio

Millennia ago, in a time unknown to humans, a great clan of magic-wielding vampires known as the Clan Drachoni lived in the Icereach Mountains. Their monarchy thrived and grew for many centuries; as they were not the creatures known by modern-day humans.
These vampires were of a rare and now extinct race, called the Vamphyri; wise, powerful, timeless, and possessing a now-forsaken form of magic known as Shayderi; which incorperated them to evoke spectacular spells from the Five Ancients: Black Khamsedria, red Xayin, blue Tebrielian, green Septerraos, and white Kiiryanos.
Along with this ability, each member of Clan Drachoni were blessed with a gift from the Dark Lady herself, Tiamat. Whether this ability be song, music, additional magic, or the ability to shapeshift, each gift was unique and ultimately mind-blowing.

However, these creatures met their end on the battlefield in a time and fashion that the human mind will never understand.....

However; it is known, that in an age of humans, of things alien and surreal, a lone Drachoni woman shall arise. How she comes about is unknown, but she shall be the one being who restores ultimate power, honor, and glory to her allies.
An ultimate weapon, she shall be; as she shall be seen as the Daughter of the Five Ancients.Ruthless, deadly, uncaring, emotionless, she will have legions upon legions at her disposal.
The beauty of a silver dragon, the mind of a soldier, and the unquestioning loyalty of a dog would be the best way to describe her.

Not a soul knows of the day she will arrive, nor what fashion that will be in.........yet she will arrive. And when she does, she will take the world by storm...... FROM THE PROPHECIES OF THE DRACHONI.

In the distant Icereach Mountains, former home of the Clan Drachoni, a young was created by the Celestial Serpent Syndicate. They were able to find a perfectly preserved Vamphyri corpse from which to splice genes...their subject: a comatose elven woman. For years, they kept her in a sleeplike state; awakening her only long enough to train her in the arts of combat and spellcraft.
Many, many times, she returned from the Pit to her cell horribly wounded, yet not defeated. Never defeated. Each day; she would be awoken, only to be placed in the fighting Pit.
Her creators never knew that the day that they pitted her against a solid black, shapeshifting female falcon named Soraylah, that it would be the young Vamphyri's last days within the Pit.
She was paired off against Soraylah; so that Soraylah would defeat the young woman, whom was a failure. Instead of living up to be the Drachoni from the Prophecy, the young, nameless, ageless woman was a failed experiment.
A deadly fighter she is; and a perfect shot with her recurved bow, yet she feels the entire range of human emotion, thinks, reasons, and schemes. She was not the mindless warrior whom was so desperately needed.
Seeing who her opponent was, the young woman glared and snarled ferally; the C.S.S. thought that it was a challenge to Soraylah the Falcon. They could not have been more wrong.
Soraylah and the young woman fought and killed ten agents from the C.S.S. and fled into the mountains, supposedly never to return.

Halfway to their destination, a small tavern in the middle of an ice valley, they were assaulted by a small troupe of eight C.S.S. agents.
Sorayah battled viciously and valliantly against the opposition; with the nameless young woman at her side. The young woman's attentions were focused elsewhere; while the falcon-woman fought and slayed seven of the eight adversaries.
Soraylah was taken down by the sword of a near-death warrior. Both brave fighters collapsed upon each other, and died.
The young woman; being insecure, unsure, and terrified, fled to the tavern. There, she met a dwarf woman, whom took her under her wing, listened to the Vamphyri's story, and named her Gormion Savarra, which translates to the Common tongue as "She Who Fails."
Gormion, after a scant year of training with the dwarf, left once again.

She vowed that she would destroy the C.S.S; and their memory, if it was the only thing of importance that she ever did in her entire existance.
That blood-boiling desire for vengeance; and the companionship of a certain mercenary, are all that keeps her alive. . .