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Spiderman 電影簡介

An odd thing has just occurred in the life of nerdy high school student Peter Parker, who is an orphan and lives with his uncle, Ben Parker, and auntie, May Parker. After he has been bitten by a radioactive spider in a spider laboratory field trip, his body chemistry is mutagenically altered so that he can scale walls and ceilings. Moreover, he develops a "spider-sense" that warns him of approaching danger. Adopting the name "Spider-Man", Peter first uses his new-found powers to make money, but after his uncle is murdered at the hands of a criminal Peter failed to stop, he swears to use his powers to fight against crimes.

一件很奇怪的事發生在中學生 Peter Parker 身上。 Peter 的是一名孤兒,從小跟他的叔父(Ben Parker)和嬸嬸(May Parker)一起居住。在一次學校舉辦的蜘蛛實驗室旅行中, Peter 不小心被一隻經基因改造的蜘蛛咬了一下,在此以後,他的身體產生了微妙的變化,讓他擁有飛詹走壁的神奇能力,同時亦擁有一種警告他危險正來臨的「蜘蛛感應」(spider-sense)。在 Peter 發覺他的新能力後不久,他打算用蜘蛛俠(Spider-Man)的名義去賺錢,但在他叔父被一位他親手放走的盜匪殺害以後,Peter 決定用他的特殊能力去打擊罪惡。

At the same time Peter transforms into "Spider-Man" and determines to use his powers to fight against crimes, scientist and businessman Norman Osborn, after exposure to an experimental nerve gas, develops an alternate personality himself - the super-strong, psychotic Green Goblin. Peter Parker must now juggle three things in his life: his new job at the local newspaper under a perpetually on-edge employer, his battle against the evil Green Goblin, and his fight to win the affections of beautiful classmate Mary Jane Watson, against none other than his best friend Harry Osborn, son of Norman Osborn. Is this challenge too much for even the amazing Spider-Man to handle?

Peter 決定利用他的能力,以蜘蛛俠的身份去警惡懲奸的同時,生意人兼科學家 Norman Osborn 在一次實驗中吸入了神經氣體,讓他個性上起了變化,變成了強大及瘋狂的綠惡魔(Green Goblin)。 Peter 一面要應付在紐約市報館的工作和其報館刻薄的老闆(J. Jonah Jameson),一面要對抗邪惡的綠惡魔,還要花盡心思,跟他最好的朋友 Harry OsbornNorman Osborn 之子)競爭,以博得夢中情人 Mary Jane Watson 的芳心。這種種的事情會否讓蜘蛛俠應付不來?

電影簡介來源: Internet Movie Database

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