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Words Spoken Between Satin Sheets

Disclaimer: I wish they were mine, but they aren't! I am doing this for fun!! Just fun!! I am in no way affiliated with Telemundo, Pasion de gavilanes, or JJ


This starts from the wonderful kiss between Sarita and Franco!!


Chapter 1

Sarita couldn't believe what passion she felt as she looked at Franco. Their amazing kiss had just ended and her body was still tingling. Her mind raced, thinking of what to say, what to do. She had no idea! The only thing that she knew for sure was that she had went too long denying her feelings and if she held them in for another second she was going to burst! She just had to tell Franco; she had to! There was no way of denying him now! She had to tell him all the feelings that had been right there all along, but hadn't blossomed until her kissed her!

Franco stood in front of Sarita stunned. His lips longed for another kiss, but he wasn't sure. He knew that Sarita had feelings for him, but was he going too fast? Franco grinned, turning red when he realized that he was being a fool. By the look on Sarita’s face, he knew that she was feeling the love he was feelings as well as the stress of what to do next.



They both began to speak at the same time. Both chuckled. "You first," Sarita responded quickly. The flash in his eyes made her feel insecure again.

Franco took a deep breath. He reached for her hand and stroked it gently. "I enjoyed that," he said staring at her hand that he was caressing so gently, the hand that fit so perfectly into his. His eyes roamed up her unrevealing gown, but he could picture her body. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, his blue eyes, met her burning brown ones. His expression serious. "Sarita, I have waited so long to touch you."

"You have?" she asked, her voice quivering as he started to pull her near to him. Sarita wasn't scared of Franco. No, she would trust him with her life-that is what she had been doing all these months- she was afraid...afraid of letting herself get lost in his arms, his touch, his love.

"I have," he answered, his voice deep and sexy. He leaned in a hugged Sarita. He felt her exhale against his body. He inhaled her scent, memorizing this moment.

"I want this too," she said pulling back from the hug. "I want you," she seductivly.

Franco looked at her shocked. He didn't think she would want to go so fast, but he wasn't comlaining. He had waited for this moment since he had laid eyes on her. "Sarita," he started, dreading that he would have to turn her down. "We can't do this."

"Franco," she said, feeling her insides jump as she brushed up against his hard body.

"Sarita, my job...I just can't cross that line," Franco shook his head, trying to get that little voice out that was telling him to touch her, to make love to her.

"But, Franco..." Sarita began to protest, but he held his finger to her lips, which were still moist from the kiss they had shared.

Franco looked at her firmly. "Not now Sarita, it just isn't right." With that he kissed her cheek and walked into the living room.

Chapter 2

Sarita could not believe that Franco had just turned her down! She was sure that he was feeling the same sparks that were flying between them. You’re so damn stubborn! Franco’s words hit Sarita like a ton of bricks. So, Franco thought she was stubborn and she was about to show him the meaning of the word. There was no way that she was going to let him arouse all these feelings in her and then turn away, leaving her to sleep alone.

In the living room, Franco was lying on the couch. He didn’t want to be on the couch, he wanted to be tucked away in Sarita’s bed with her lying in his arms, praising him for the most wonderful night of lovemaking that she had ever experienced. Franco’s mind drifted back to their kiss. That kiss had been the most passionate thing that he had shared with anyone and as he laid there thinking about it, he was glad that he shared it with her. Suddenly, he felt as though someone was watching him. It was just that cop instinct. He turned around, only to be greeted by a sultry Sarita Elizondo, staring at him. He couldn’t help but to smile. She had changed out of the gold, long and unrevealing gown, into a red, short, and very revealing nightie. “You just aren’t going to give up are you?” he asked, as he sat up, hoping that she would join him.

Sarita smiled, praying that the plan of making herself irresistible to Franco was working. She sway over to him. “Give up on what? I just...” she sat next to him, her bare thigh touching his. “I just can’t sleep,” she said with a soft sigh.

Franco chuckled. “Me either.”

There was an awkward silence. Sarita took advantage of his silence. She moved her hand down to her knee and began lightly scratching it will her long nail. She then moved her finger higher, to her thigh, watching Franco’s eyes with glee. His eyes were locked on her finger, and the trail it was making up her shapely leg. “So,” she said breaking the silence and his stare. “Any suggestions as to what can make us sleepy?” she asked, hoping that she wasn’t pressuring too much. Sarita knew how much Franco valued doing the right thing, especially when it came to his job.

“Sarita,” he turned to face her. “You’re not fooling me with this I-can’t-sleep act. But Sarita...”

“I know!” she stood up in a huff. “You can’t do anything because it is your job! Well, you know what Franco Reyes, you have always been the one telling me that I wasn’t listening to my heart and now that I am, you aren’t listening to yours.”

Franco looked at her in surprise. The woman was right, stubborn as hell, but right. Franco couldn’t count the times that he had told Sarita that if she would listen to her heart, then she would be in his arms. Franco now had the chance to be with her, make her his in every possible manner and he was hesitating. Why? he screamed at himself.

Franco’s silence made Sarita’s face crumble. What seemed like was going to turn into the night of her life, had turned out to be just like any other night. Franco would sleep on the couch, and she would slip between her satin sheets and cry herself to sleep. Sarita just had to face the fact, that no matter how irresistible she was, Franco wasn’t going to step over that line, no matter how he felt or how much she begged.

Sarita was so embarrassed at the scene she had caused. She couldn’t believe that she had mustered up the courage to go out there, just to have him turn her down again. How will I face him in the morning? How can I look into those eyes?

Franco was certain that he heard muffled cried coming from Sarita’s room. It sent pain straight through his heart that he had hurt her, but Franco Reyes stood for truth and honesty. He kept thinking about the ‘What ifs...’

Franco sat there, listening for a few more minutes, but he couldn’t stand to hear her cries for another second, he quickly walked to her room. He hesitated at the door, then decided not to knock. He knelt beside her bed. “Sarita,” he said, reaching his masculine hand up to her angelic face and wiped away the free tears that were strolling down her face. “I don’t want you to cry over me.”

“Franco, it just hurts so much, to know how you feel, and how I feel, and know that I can’t have you. I can’t be with you, because of your job. Am I that unimportant?”

Sarita’s words hit him the gut. She was important to him, she was the most important thing in his life. He rose up and sat gently on the side of her bed. “Sarita, it’s not that I don’t want to make love you. I do,” he said with a low, subtle groan. “It’s just the timing.”

“The timing? It couldn’t be more perfect!” Sarita protest.

“No, it couldn’t be more wrong.” Franco moved toward her, closing the gap between their lips. His lips brushed her, but he did not kiss her. “Sarita, I love you,” he said in a whisper. “I have felt this way for months and that was the barrier,” he explained.

Sarita was overcome with joy. She had never imagined that Franco would admit it to her. She smiled, then kissed him lightly. “I love you too, Franco, I love you too!” She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him into a hug. She was surprised when she felt Franco’s hot lips press against her neck. “Franco...”

“Shhh...” he silenced her. “Just let me have you, Sarita.”

Chapter 3

Sarita’s body quivered as Franco’s tongue frolicked from her ear to her neck. She had never felt this way before. She had never experienced so many emotions at one time. Love, lust, and nervousness flushed through her body. She wasn’t nervous about giving herself to Franco, but nervous about how to please him, or if she would be able to. Sarita wanted to give Franco an unforgettable night. She wanted their night together to be special, a night that Franco would never forget.

Franco felt like he was about to explode. All the months of pent up desires were coming out; he wasn’t holding anything back. He slowly sat up. He wanted to feel her bare skin against his.

Franco moved his hands down to the edge of her nightie, and in one stride, the nightie was off her body and lying somewhere on the floor. Franco stared at her creamy body in awe. He had never seen something, someone, so beautiful. He slowly moved his hand toward her breasts, which seemed to be calling his name.

Sarita licked her lips in anticipation as Franco reached for her breasts. “Mmm...” she groaned as he touched her and began massaging her breast gently. Franco placed his body on top of hers, kissing her lips quickly, then moving down to take one of her breast into his steaming mouth. Sarita couldn’t stop the moans and groans that escaped her body. The chemistry between them was so intense. She wondered how she had fought it away for all those months.

Franco nibbled on Sarita’s nipple, slightly grinning as he listened to her moan. He moved from her breast to her stomach, his tongue diving in and out of her belly button. Sarita was arching each and every time. His hands traced the waistline of her silky panties, then he hungrily ripped them off her. He needed to know she was ready, because he couldn’t wait a second longer.

Sarita screamed as his fingers entered her body, thrusting every so slowly. After a moment, Franco stopped stroking her with his fingers and looked at her. He wasn’t going to do anything until she said it was okay. “You know,” he kissed her. “after we do this, there is no turning back.”

“I know, Franco. I don’t want to turn back. I want to be with you,” Sarita said as she pulled down his boxers, revealing his manhood that stood at attention. Sarita stared at him for a moment. Just seeing him was enough to send her over the edge, she couldn’t wait to feel him. “Please, Franco...”

Franco protected himself, and her...then his slid one thigh between hers and then the other. Sarita arched herself as Franco united them; made them one. She gasped at first. It had been so long, that it hurt. Franco stopped. “Sara-”

“No, please, go on!” She cried.

Franco didn’t need anymore coaxing. He went in deeper and began stroking her...slowly and tenderly at first, but with each of her moans and groans and her calling out his name, he stroked faster and harder, harder and faster until...

Until Sarita went over the edge...going to her ecstasy...a place that she had never ventured with another. A place that she had went to for the first time and it had been with Franco.

Franco gave one last thrust that sent him hurling over the edge. His body shook and his eyes rolled back in his head. He had never experienced anything this good in his life. He had never been to this place with the was his first time to tread these newfound waters, but he promised himself that it wouldn’t be the last.


It was hours later and Sarita was lying in Franco’s arms. She couldn’t sleep. She was just so excited and worked up that she couldn’t close her eyes. She couldn’t take her eyes off the man that lay next to her. She reached up and gently pecked his cheek, causing Luis to stir.

“Still awake?” he asked, without opening his eyes.

“Mmmm-Hmmm...I was watching you sleep,” she admitted. She kissed his lips.


“Yes Franco?”

“I love you...” his voiced trailed off and his chest began rising and falling as he took in those sleepy breaths.

Sarita knew he had all ready drifted back to sleep. “I love you too Franco, more that you will ever know.” She snuggled her head to his chest, took one last sniff of his cologne that lingered on his body, even after the shower, closed her eyes and drifted to sleep.

To Be Continued..?? I don’t know yet…



Lyrics of the song……

"I'll Make Love to You"

Close your eyes, make a wish
And blow out the candlelight
For tonight is just your night
We're gonna celebrate, all thru the night

Pour the wine, light the fire
Girl your wish is my command
I submit to your demands
I'll do anything, girl you need only ask

I'll make love to you
Like you want me to
And I'll hold you tight
Baby all through the night
I'll make love to you
When you want me to
And I will not let go
Till you tell me to

Girl relax, let's go slow
I ain't got nowhere to go
I'm just gonna concentrate on you
Girl are you ready, it's gonna be a long night

Throw your clothes on the floor
I'm gonna take my clothes off too
I made plans to be with you
Girl whatever you ask me you know I'll do


Baby tonight is your night
And I will do you right
Just make a wish on your night
Anything that you ask
I will give you the love of your life