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Orlando Bloom and Billy Boyd Official-Unofficial Fansite

Welcome to the FIRST Orlando Bloom and Billy Boyd website! We are your webmistresses Christyl and Samantha (from here on out we will be known as Frodo and Sam.) We are very big fans of these two actors and feel very privleged to be the first ones to have a page up like this!!! ENJOY!!!

02/10/04: oh good god, don't even look at the date please!! I'm soooooo sorry everyone! really! life's been kinda weird lately and I'm really sorry about leaving you all in the cold. There will be a new page, I swear, I just don't know when it will be up. Please just hang in there with us please. To tide you all over though read the stories Frodo and I have written:

LOTR Meets Men In Tights: Dance Competition

LOTR Meets Monty Python

Scenarios Chat Room: Hormones and Guys

We've been told they're all hillarious, be sure to leave a review we like to see what people think. Again very sorry for the long wait.
P.S. the Video page is still being updated.
days till ROTK
days till ROTK

Billy Boyd Info!

Orli Info!

Learn about Mistress Samwise!

Learn about Mistress Frodo!

Links To These Wonderful Sites!!

BRAND NEW!!! hehehehe, it's the .Sex Page. ok, not literaly, but it does have to do with three of our favorite men who happen to have a nick name with the word sex in it. :-)

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Click Above To E-mail Sam (she has all the pics of Orli)

Click Above to E-mail Frodo (She has all the pics on Billy)