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My Creation Corner

UPDATE 1 11/21/04-As most of you can tell I changed the name from MY DREW FULLER SITE to MY CREATION CORNER.I love Drew it is just that I am a Moderator at 2 boards, working, and going to school and I couldn't update the site as a Drew Fuller One. But I will be adding more stuff of Drew:)But I am helping out at one.
I have decided to make this site my creation corner. Which will include videos, banners, wallpapers, etc.

UPDATE 2 11/21/04-I should be updating this site a little more pretty soon. But in the meantime I have added a Evan Farmer vid when he was on VH1,added the IMMORTAL video a CHRIS PERRY vid and as well took off the VC one. I lost that one so I have to redo.As for Banners jsut go to the banners page and follow the link there are more to view:)As for the gallery I should be adding more DREW FULLER pics as well EVAN FARMER,CHRISTIAN KANE,CHARMED,AND MORE pretty soon.





Vapours Charmed Wallpapers

Please feel free to email with any questions.
