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Chapter Eight
By Chelle, Jennifer and Beth

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Back at the room w/Shawn and Kevin~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Shawn enters the room to the girl's suite and holler's out Chelle's name but hears nothing in reply. She then goes to her room but still doesn't find her. "Well, I would've thought that she came back here but I guess not" Shawn says still looking around the room.

"Well, maybe Nick took her somewhere else to help ease her mind" Kevin replied back.

"I know I am overreacting here, Shawn admitted then said, "but I care about her like a big sister as well as the other girls".

I know what you mean, I feel the same about the guys!" Kevin says then continues," It is only natural since you have known each other for so long."

“I know deep down they know I mean well but sometimes they have a hard time remembering that, especially Nick" Kevin replied.

"You're right, Kevin" Shawn said.

"So, you girls have anything to drink in here", Kevin asked as he made himself comfortable on the sofa..

“Sure, what would you like?" said Shawn walking towards the mini fridge.

"A beer would be great, what do you have?" Kevin asked.

Shawn reaches in the fridge and grabs two corona bottles along with a container filled with limes and then turns to Kevin and asks "Do you like lime in your beer?"
Shawn takes a wedge of lime and places it inside her beer bottle and tips her bottle upside down allowing the lime to add an extra flavor to her beer and continues "it's a trick I learned back in college, it makes the flavor of the beer taste better".

“Wow, I've never seen that trick done before. Can I try?" Kevin asked .

"sure.  Would you like me to teach you first?" Shawn asked.

Before Shawn is able to demonstrate, Kevin grabs the beer bottle and places the lime in the beer bottle as he watched Shawn do. Then, he placed his thumb over the top of the beer bottle but as he does this the beer starts foaming at the tops and then it splattered all over him, leaving him drenched. Shawn couldn't help but laugh out loud. Shawn gets a towel and says," can dress you up, but can't take you anywhere!” and continues to laugh as Kevin joins her.

“well you didn’t tell me that it would splat all over me like that" Kevin fired back laughingly.

“Like you gave me a chance” Shawn said laughing and then continues taking a better look at him, “oh my you really are wet, go change your clothes in the bathroom over there" Shawn instructed pointing in the direction of the bathroom.

"Yes, ma'am" Kevin answers back as he walked towards the bathroom then added " or should I say mom".

Shawn in her best motherly voice shouts back, "If you give me your clothes I can rinse them out so they won't stain.”  

Kevin looks back at Shawn before he entered the bathroom door and teases “oh I get it, you just wanna get me out of my clothes huh”.

Shawn then follows him into the bathroom, Kevin immediately thinking "damn this girl wants me".  As she closes the gap between the two, she then closes the bathroom door slightly and grabs the robe on the back of the door and hands it to Kevin then says in a seductive voice, "here ya go hot stuff" and walks back out the door closing it behind her.

Shawn surprised by her own actions and says to herself “yes he is gorgeous Shawn but control yourself here”.  

Inside the bathroom, Kevin removes his cloths and chuckles at the memory of what just occurred.  He then picks up his clothes and quickly opens the door hearing Shawn mumbling something to herself.  “Do you always talk to yourself” Kevin said softly.

Shawn didn’t hear Kevin open the door and jumped when she heard his voice.  “Aaah” she squealed.  “Dang woman, I am not that scary to look at without my clothes on”, Kevin said teasingly.

"I just didn’t realize you were standing there", Shawn admitted trying not to stare back at Kevin who was holding his clothes out to her and wearing only his boxer shorts.

Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you" Kevin said.

"That's okay" Shawn replied with a devilish grin and then said pointing at him, "um, Kevin looks like you forgot about the robe"

Kevin looks down and realizes that he's standing in front of Shawn wearing just his boxers.  He says with a smile, "Oops, sorry" and quickly gives her his clothes and goes back to get the robe.

While Kevin went put on the robe, Shawn quickly started to rinse Kevin's clothes. She thought back of Kevin in his boxers and said to herself, "Damn, that man is sexy."  

Just as Shawn finished rinsing out Kevin's clothes, Kevin came out and said, "Looks like you were having fun in the water!" Shawn looked down at her clothes and saw that she had gotten all wet from rinsing the clothes.  

Shawn fires back, "I didn't want you to have all the fun!"

She then splashes a little water at Kevin.   Stunned by what she did he says back, "Hey, is that how it is" and gets a glass and pours it on Shawn.

Soon the two are laughing and getting each other soaked. Still laughing, Shawn looks around and sees the mess that they have made. "Oh no! Just look at the mess we have made!"

Kevin looks around and continues to laugh and says, "Parents are allowed to have fun too!" With that they both laugh and start cleaning up the mess.

After they were done, Shawn got another robe for Kevin and then went to change her clothes. She puts on her favorite blue satin robe. She loves the lace that goes around the collar.

Shawn comes out of the room feeling all pretty and sees Kevin sitting on the couch and then he sees her and gets up and is smiling at her with a really big smile. Shawn thinks to herself 'Great, he likes it!' As she gets closer to him, he says, "WOW! That looks really great on you!"

"Thanks!" Shawn said with a big smile.

As they sit down, Kevin asks, "So how did you all meet?".  

Shawn begins explaining how the girls met back in high school. The were on the cheerleading team together. After high school, the girls followed one another to college and even joined the same sorority. She then goes into talking about how girls have a hard time spending time with each other. “First Tanya was married during our junior year of college, right around the same time Carmen quit to become an actress.”  Shawn says and continues explaining, "of course Carmen has been doing small parts and working on the side as a dancer or working as a bartender at the local pub back home. Chelle moved to the east coast right after graduation, and landed a job from some big firm. We don’t get to see her much except around holidays.  That is why I am not sure as to what happened between her and Jared.   
They met during our senior year, and he convinced her to move with him to New York.  Next we heard they were getting married and then broke up.  I don’t think she would've come home this time if Tanya’s husband didn’t die so suddenly.”

"and what about sherry" Kevin asked.

"well, Sherry and I are the only two who actually stayed put here at home. She works at a local school as a teacher" Shawn answers.  

"and that leaves you, what do you do for a living?" Kevin asked .

"I am a registered nurse at  Cedar-Sinai back home", Shawn quickly answered back.

“wait a minute, back home” Kevin asked then said, “that means you live in LA”

"yup, that's where we all are from" Shawn answered with a yawn.

"wow, I didn't realize that, I also have a home there" Kevin replied.

“really, you do?" Shawn asked pretending as if she didn’t know this tidbit already. Shawn then thought to herself, " I am going to shoot Chelle for making me lie" and then says, "So that is how we met. And now that I have told you my bedtime story, how about yours." Shawn said with a smile.

Kevin tells her how they met, even though she already knows how, it is still nice to hear him talk about it.   

During the story, Kevin puts his arm around Shawn and she leans her head on his shoulder. Kevin stops and looks at her and smiles, "Almost bedtime for you!"

Shawn replied back with another yawn, "You have to finish my bedtime story first!" then smiled a big smile.

Kevin lets out a big laugh and then continues to tell the story. A few minutes later Kevin looks over and notices that Shawn fell asleep. He then leans back on the sofa where he brings Shawn closer and holds her in his arms. Moments later they both fall asleep.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Back at the Beach w/AJ and Carmen~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

As the couple walked hand in hand down the beach towards the luau AJ asked quietly, “So, any regrets about missing the luau tonight?”

“Are you kidding, of course not I’ve been anxious to check out your tatts all day”, Carmen teased.

“Well, if that’s all you wanted see then I will send you a picture next time”, AJ replied back pretending to be hurt.

“Aww, you look so cute pouting like that” Carmen cooed back then kissed his lips in hopes of removing the pout away.

“That’s more like it” AJ kidded back and said, “I hope we didn’t miss too much at the luau tonight, what time is it anyways”.

"well being that I am not wearing a watch, um I don’t actually know. But, we left around 7:30 for the party, well I'd say its almost about 10 o clock or maybe 10:30." Carmen answered.

They continued walking  inching their way closer and closer to the party.  “Damn, how far out did we go?” AJ questioned.

“Considering what we came out here for, we had to go out pretty far” Carmen replied back with a giggle.

“I dunno, the way we were back at the party I was ready for you then” AJ said proudly.

“Yeah I remember, that’s why I insisted we have some privacy, don’t want to hear from Mother Shawn how improper it is to have sex in public”, Carmen said with a laugh.

Just then, AJ looked in front of them and thought he saw someone else there.  “Hey Carmen, looks like someone else is out here too, woah correction make that two people” AJ said.

“AJ, that couple’s going at it, oh my god, I don’t want to walk near them.  Why couldn’t they be a little more discrete like we were.” Carmen said almost in a panic.

AJ then pulls at Carmen’s arm towards a northern direction and says, “let’s go this way perhaps they won’t see us, okay”.

“Alright, but I don’t want to hear them either that would not be cool”, Carmen said in a whisper afraid to be heard.

“Relax girl, they won’t see or hear us, looks like their preoccupied with each other anyway” AJ replied a little curious to hear what was going on in front of them.  AJ then peers over hoping to see something.  Carmen then yanks on his arm harder and says, “AJ you are such a guy, you’re wanting too see this aren’t you?”

At this point both AJ and Carmen were close enough they could hear the other couple moaning.  "Oh god baby you feel so good, oooh" the male voice hollered out.

"Wow, that sounds like Nick!" says AJ. He then moves in closer to get a better look.  At this point even Carmen was curious to see if this was Nick and Chelle.

The second voice then moaned out “Oh Nick don’t stop I am gonna oh my god, oh my god”.

"Shit, that is Nick!! " AJ said almost a little too loudly.

"And that is Chelle!" Carman said with a gasp.

Nick then looked up and thought he heard voices but wasn’t for certain.  “What the fuck? Nick whispered.  That got Chelle’s attention.   “What is it?” Chelle asked still trying to catch her breath.

“I heard someone’s voice, come on let’s get dressed real quickly.  We can go back to our rooms and pick this back up” Nick said as he quickly put his clothes back on.  

Chelle followed Nick’s advice and quickly tried to get her clothes back on.  But while the couple was scrambling around, they suddenly heard a pair of voices hollering and laughing out loud. “Oh Chelle, that’s it baby” followed by another voice that belonged to a female “oh Nick give it to me, yes, yes”.

“What the hell?” Nick shouted back then suddenly recognized one of the voices belonging to none other than AJ.

“AJ, you are so dead my friend” Nick shouted and took off after him.

While Nick and AJ went running down the beach, Carmen then went to her friend and couldn’t help but continue to laugh and tease “and what would momma Shawn say at this point”.

“Oh shut up Carmen and what are you two doing eaves dropping on us” Chelle snapped back smacking her lightly then laughs.

"Chelle, You don't have to get all huffy, it wasn't me that had to be out in the open. Besides, it is not considered eaves dropping when you two were hollering so loud.  Hell, everyone in China could've heard you" Carmen replied trying not to laugh.

Chelle then takes a look around not paying any attention that Nick and AJ were in headlocks at this point, "what exactly are you two doing out here, hmm? Chelle asked suspiciously.

Carmen then avoids answering Chelle’s question by pretending to focus on Nick and AJ. "look, the guys are playing right?" Carmen asked.

"oh, don't do that, your face always speaks the truth. You are still a lousy poker player I swear", Chelle says with a laugh.

"I know!” said Carmen with a laugh.

Chelle then laughs even louder, "and you're wondering what Shawn would say about me".

“I think it would do us all a lot of good if Shawn got her some don’t ya think” Carmen said sarcastically.

"Hey Carmen", Chelle asked quickly. "Yeah?" Carmen questioned back. "um, I do have my dress on straight right" Chelle asked quietly.

"yeah you do Chelle, how about me?" Carmen asked back.

"you look fine. remind me next time to not have sex on the beach. I prefer the drinks much better. Damn sand gets in the strangest places", Chelle said still straightening her dress and shaking back forth trying to get rid of sand.

The girls then decide to it's time to change the subject and goes to make sure the guys are ok.  "hey you guys aren't killing each other over there" Chelle yelled out loud.

When Nick and AJ saw the girls heading their way, they finally got up dusting themselves off.  "man, leave it to blonde here to take you to the closest spot on the beach so that everyone could hear your lungs Chelle, AJ said laughingly.

Chelle then looks at Nick and blushes.  The couples then rejoin their partners and walk back towards the luau together.
