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Chapter Seven
by Chelle, Shawn, Jennifer and Beth

~~~~~~Back at the Luau w/Brian and Sherry~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

here ya go Sherry, one pina colada with a wedge of a pina apple" Brian greeted her at the table with and continues, wow, looks like everyone deserted us. Well, I am really glad, cuz I was looking forward to spending more time alone w/you.

"you know Brian, I've been enjoying your company and our surroundings so much that I didn't realize everyone else disappeared" Sherry

“Me either Sherry, now back to us" Brian replied as he placed his arm around Sherry.

This is my very first luau I've attended" Sherry said then continued. "the music, the food, the lights and these...drinks are incredible”.

"They are aren't they," said Brian with a smile.

hey Brian, can I ask you something?" Sherry said.

"Sure, anything" Brian replied

"Well, I was just wondering...if you'd dance with me?

Brian said, "I would love to." He took her hand and led her to the dance floor.

When they got to the dance floor they saw people doing the limbo and Brian turns to Sherry and says, "Are you up for a little limbo?"

Sherry turns to Brian and smiles and says,” I am if you are!"

so Brian takes sherry over to the limbo and said, "You go first, my angel"

sherry thinks this should be easy, it isn't that low yet.  She goes under and makes it and she turns around to see Brian cheering her on.  "Way to go Sherry!!" Brian shout with a smile.
"Ok Brian, Now it's your turn." Sherry said as she cheered him on.

As the limbo dance was winding down only three couples were still in the game with Brian and Sherry.  They were surprised on how far they have gotten without falling.  It then came to only three people left, leaving sherry and Brian to go last.  Then it came to Sherry with Brian right behind her watching her every move. She made it under the stick with no problems. When Brian's turn came, as he went under the stick his foot slipped and he fell right on top Sherry. As Sherry looked up to Brian she said giggling, " I guess I win".

 Brian's response, "I think I'll lose like this all the time." He looked in her eyes and gave her a sweet kiss on the lips.  While the couple shared their first kiss, other onlookers can be heard behind them oohing and awing.  Both Brian and Sherry suddenly remembered they were in front of a crowd and quickly got up and headed towards the bar for a drink. "Wow, almost forgot where we were" Brian said.

"Yeah, me too" Sherry replied back.

 "So, care for another Pina colada? I guess I do owe the limbo queen here a drink to celebrate her victory." Brian said happily.

"Yes you do." Sherry said with a laugh.

"Can I help you" The bartender asked when he turned around and found Brian standing there.
"Yeah I'd like two Pina Coloda's." Brian told the bartender.

Brian returns to the table, hands Sherry her drink and says , "here ya go my lady, one pina colada as requested". "thank you Brian and not only for the drink" Sherry says and continues, "but for an incredible evening. I can't remember when I've had this much fun."

"yeah, same here. We've just finished a long tour and are in much need of a vacation. Today has been wonderful. But meeting you has been the best part of it", Brian confesses and places his hand on the side of Sherry's cheek and tucks a loose strand of hair behind her ear. the touch of Brian's hand sends a chill down Sherry's spine and she couldn’t help but let out a moan.

Brian then sees the opportunity to lean over and kiss Sherry.
As he leans over to kiss her, he falls off of his chair.
Sherry starts laughing.
"Well I love you too." Brian said with a laugh. He stood up and grabbed his chair. He looked at Sherry's glass it was about empty.
"Would you like some more to drink?" Brian asked Sherry
"Yeah" Sherry told Brian.  And back to the bar they went.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~With Shawn and Kevin~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Chelle hasn't come back yet." Shawn said looking around.
"Nick and her are probably still talking." Kevin said.
"I'm sorry maybe it's just the mother in me but I want to go make sure she's ok." Shawn told Kevin.
"Well if you want some company I'll go with you if you don't mind?" Kevin asked.
"I don't mind." Shawn said.  
"ok, well where should we look first" Kevin asked.
"my guess would be her hotel room" Shawn replied.
As they started walking to the hotel, Kevin took her hand in his.

~~~~~~~~~~~~with Tanya and Howie~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"It's such a beautiful night." Tanya said as they were headed towards garden area behind the resort.

Howie looked towards the party which was in the distance. He saw Shawn and Kevin walking towards the hotel. "Hey, I wonder where Kevin and Shawn are headed" Howie asked.

"those two really seem to have a lot in common and I am glad they've really seem to take a liking to each other" Tanya commented.

"yeah, Kevin has been under a lot of stress lately maybe shawn will help him relieve some of that" Howie replied and then continued, "especially since we need him here stress free, the more relaxed he is the more creative he will be when we start writing".

"wow, I can't wait to hear you sing Howie" Tanya said not realizing she may have just started a conversation she wasn't ready to have.

"ya  know, I still can't believe you girls have never heard of us" Howie said looking at Tanya suspiciously in hopes that she'd admit to know who they were.

” It is such a beautiful night for a walk" Tanya said obviously wanting to change the subject.
"Yeah it is a beautiful Night. Want to take a stroll through the garden there.“ Howie asked pointing towards the garden before them.
 ‘Now are they really telling the truth about not knowing us or what” Howie thought to himself.
 “Oh I’d love to Howie” Tanya answered back relieved that Howie didn’t question her sudden change of topic.

 As they entered the garden, they both were amazed how beautiful the the flowers were .  “wow, the flowers and beautiful and smell incredible”, Tanya commented.  “yeah they are but you know what's better is the view I'm looking at." Howie told Tanya.
 Tanya blushes.  "Thank you," Tanya said with a shy look.
“You're welcome." Howie said.
They walked past a large arrangement of orchids.  Howie then reached over and plucked a single orchid and tucked it in Tanya’s hair.  “There you are, perfect”  Howie said as he kissed Tanya on the cheek.
 "Oh thank you howie, you are so sweet to me" Tanya replied.
 "Oh wow, check this out" Howie said pointing at a pond that had a built in waterfall. "Oh my this is breath taking" Tanya said in amazement.
"you are breathtaking' Howie whispered in her ear as he took her hand in his.
 As they walked towards the pond they found a bench where Howie invited Tanya to join him so they could admire the beauty that surrounded them. He found the moment rather romantic and decided to add an extra touch by seranading his favorite Backstreet song to Tanya.   

Howie moves in closer towards Tanya and places his hand on the side her face stroking her cheek with his thumb and begins to sing, "what makes you different, makes you beautiful," he then pauses to plant a kiss on her neck and continues singing while placing more kisses around her face. the vibration of his lips and the kisses set Tanya in a trance.

Tanya then whispered back, "Oh Howie that is my favorite song".

Howie then sits up and looks Tanya in the eyes and quietly laughs. "your favorite song huh? how is that possible since you've never heard it before?" howie asked teasingly.

Realizing what she had just said, "Oh no, Howie look I am so..." but didn't get to finish her statement because Howie took her face in his hands and gently brought her face to his and kissed her passionately.  Tanya's arms instantly went around Howie's neck inviting him to go further.  Howie found his hands gently caressing her body.  He then whispered in her ear, "you are so beautiful".   They again began kissing like it was their first time, exploring one another’s mouths.
Tanya briefly breaks away and asks, "Howie are we alone here?"
 "yeah, why?" he replies back.
   Tanya then looks at Howie with a devilish grin. The look Howie saw in Tanya's eyes was everything he needed to tell him to go further and further they went.  She starts to unbutton Howie's shirt, making her more curious to see what is underneath.  She slides his shirt off only to reveal more of what she has fantasized.
  Howie whispers in Tanya's ear, "I want you right here, right now."
Tanya replies, "You got me."
Tanya then slowly moves off the bench leaving Howie watching her every move. She unbuckled Howie's belt then undid his pants, then took off his underwear. Howie reached under her skirt and pulled off her panties. He pulls tanya towards him and she straddled him.  He unzipped her dress and pulled it off, revealing her breast.  He looked at her for a moment then kissed her. He left her mouth and traveled down to her breast.  He cupped one while he started sucking on the other.  She let out a soft moan saying, "Oh Howie".  His hands then began to move towards her womanhood. She more than welcomes them there.
Howie then realizes that she is more than ready for him. He then removes his fingers and replaces them with his manhood. He lets out a loud moan as she eases down on him "oh baby, yes.”
Once she feels that he's completely inside her, she then begins moving in a slow rhythmic dance. Their moans become louder and louder, not caring who may hear. Howie begins to suck on her breast as she runs her fingers through his hair. "oh Howie" she moans out as she quickens the pace.  Howie feels her walls clenching and knows he's about to explode himself.  As he looks up at her, he sees her eyes roll in the back of her head.  She lets out a moan, letting him know that she reached her peak.  Hearing her sweet sounds sends him over the edge with her.   "wow" Tanya whispers in his ear and kisses his ear lobe. Howie looks up at her and kisses her on the lips, then says... "so, what were you saying sorry about earlier"  Tanya then grins and says, "well, ....I guess you can say I have a confession to make".
