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Chapter Six
by Chelle, Shawn, Jennifer and Beth

As the couples arrived to the luau, they quickly mingled in with the rest of the locals who were already there.
Feeling a little tipsy, "It is soooo beautiful" Chelle said as she stumbled. Nick caught her just before she hit the ground.
“Woah, I’ve got ya,” Nick replied with a laugh.
"Thanks, Nick" Chelle said with an embarrassed tone in her voice.
"Oh no, I knew she's had to much to drink tonight" Shawn whispered to Kevin with a motherly look on her face.
"Do you think she can handle the rest of the night" Kevin asked.
"I hope so, I know if say anything to her that will only encourage to drink more" Shawn admitted in defeat.
"You're right on that one" Kevin said. "We'll just watch her closely."
"Thanks Kevin" Shawn said graciously
As the couples arrived to the main entrance of the luau, they were greeted by local women who presented each guest with a lei and a kiss. After Tanya got her lei she walked over and got a drink.  When A.J. sees the women perform this ritual he sees this as his chance to kiss Carmen. He pulls Carmen to the side and leans forward and kisses her softly on the lips. Carmen shocked but happy to feel AJ's lips on hers returns the kiss. Carmen not wanting to stop continues holding him tight. AJ then realizes that she is enjoying this feeling and presses harder against her.
"Oh good god, get a room you two" Chelle blurted out and stumbles past them and spots the hula dancers.

A.J. and Carmen didn't hear her and continued on. Carmen found herself exploring A.J.'s body. She grabbed his ass and squeezed. AJ let out a soft moan and went for her ass. They stopped kissing long enough for AJ to grab her hand and lead her towards the beach. "Do you want to join me?" he asked.  Carmen looked around for the others and said "what about the others? AJ answered, "they will be fine without us for awhile I would just like to alone with you for now. Besides, they look like they are having fun and won't notice that we’re gone".

Meanwhile back at the party, the others followed Chelle to where the hula girls were picking volunteers to join in. Chelle instantly recruited Tanya and Sherry to join her. Chelle shouts "wow look at me I am a hula girl then falls and starts to laugh even harder.
“Chelle you are nuts.” Tanya said laughing at her.
“And half drunk off her ass.” Shawn added a little too loudly.
Chelle continued to ignore Shawn. She started moving her hips very suggestively in hopes to attract Nick’s attention. Nick watched with hungry eyes. When the music slowed down, Chelle was finally getting tired of dancing. ‘I’m a little thirsty so I think I’ll go get me another drink’ Chelle thinks to herself. She looks towards Shawn making sure that she’ does not see where she’s headed.  When she realized that Shawn’s eyes are fixed on Tanya she makes her move.
As Nick saw Chelle going for another drink he decided to follow her to keep from finding more trouble.
While Chelle was looking behind her to makes sure Shawn was not following her,  she bumps in to someone. She looks up and finds her ex-fiance Jared standing there in front of her with a very familiar looking woman.
“Chelle is that you?” He asked.
“Hello Jared.” Chelle says with hate in her voice and tries to move around him. 
“Oh come on don’t tell me you haven’t forgiven me.” Jared said with a smile.
“Well Jared if I recall our relationship did not exactly end on good terms and not to mention you did cheat on me with oh gee, Mary was you’re name right?  So I gather you’re still with the same bitch you left me for?” Chelle asked in a voice even she didn’t recognize.
“Yeah this is my wife Mary.” Jared said.
“Nice to meet you.” Mary said in a cold voice as she held out her hand to Chelle.  Chelle could not believe what just happened, she felt as if she was stabbed right in the heart.  Without saying a word back, Chelle turned around and ran without a second glance.  She had to get out of there as fast as she could before anyone could see her crying.

~~~~~~~~Back with Everyone but A.J., Carmen, Nick and Chelle~~~~~~~
Tanya got tired of dancing so she decided to go and sit down by Howie.
“Tired huh?” Howie asked Tanya with a smile.
“Yeah but you know what I’m also a little thirsty.” Tanya said.
“Well your drink is still sitting by me that you got when we first arrived.” Howie said handing it to her.
“Thanks” Tanya said.
After Tanya finished the drink Howie goes to her and asks “Would you like to take a walk with me?”
Tanya shakes her head yes. Howie stands up and puts a hand down for Tanya to grab for help getting up. Once Tanya’s up he doesn’t want to let go of her hand so he decides to keep her hand in his. Together they walked away from party hand in hand.
Once Shawn sees that Carmen’s not around and sees that Tanya’s walking off with Howie she goes searching for Chelle. She’s really worried about Chelle because of the amount of alcohol she’s been drinking.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~With Chelle~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Nick who’s trying to keep out of Chelle’s sight almost gets up to Chelle when he notices her running by him. After he realized who it was that ran by him he turns around to run after her. A few minutes later Shawn notices Chelle running she turned in the direction that Chelle came from to see what made her run. Shawn sees Jared there.  She turns to follow Chelle when Kevin lays a hand on her to still her. “Why don’t you let Nick comfort her.” Kevin says.
“She needs me Kevin.” Shawn tells Kevin.
“I think she just needs someone to listen to her and not past judgment on her.” Kevin replies
“I won’t.” Shawn said.
“You won’t mean to but you will hon. Nick will just listen to her also I want to get to know you. We seem a lot a like and I know that’s what I would do if I were in your place. Please stay with me.” Kevin pleaded with Shawn.
“Oh ok. You are right I better let Chelle cool down first before I talk to her.” Shawn said with a smile.
“See. The father’s always right.” Kevin laughed.
“Some times.” Shawn added.
“So how long have you been a mother to the girls?” Kevin teasingly asked.
“Since I’ve known them.  Chelle and Carmen always seem to find trouble, especially Chelle.  I remember when were in college receiving a call from Chelle where she was attacked by some guy she met at a party.  Luckily, she was able to get herself away from the guy before it would‘ve been considered an actual rape.  But  I remember how scared she was when I got there to pick her up.  After that incident, she mellowed out for along time.  But when Chelle and Jerod, her fiancé,  broke up last year everything her life seemed to change for the worse.   She told everyone that they both just decided to part ways but I think there was a lot more it then she’s admitted.  So you see, that one other reason why we needed to have a trip somewhere relaxing.  But I am afraid, Chelle’s headed for more trouble if she’s not careful.   ” Shawn told Kevin.
“That sounds like Nick he’s always getting into scrapes that big brother has to get him out of.” Kevin said. “How did you know what to do with Chelle?”
“I rather not talk about that.” Shawn said. Shawn had been rapped by her cousin’s ex husband. She had never told anyone about it and she wasn’t going to start now. She still had nightmares to this day about it because she hadn’t got any help.
“Ok that’s fine with me.” Kevin said.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~With Chelle and Nick~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Chelle finally couldn’t run anymore she just fell to her knees and started crying.
“What’s wrong?” Nick asked coming behind her.
Chelle jumped when she heard Nick’s voice. She didn’t know anyone followed her.
“It’s nothing.” Chelle said trying to wipe her tears so Nick couldn’t see her tears.
“Yeah if it’s nothing then I’m Santa Claus.” Nick said.
“Well Santa I don’t want anything.” Chelle said sarcastically.
Nick ignored her sarcastic remark. He walked over to her and wrapped his arms around her. At first Chelle tried to resist his arms but Nick just kept them wrapped around her. A few minutes later the tears just started falling and Chelle couldn’t fight Nick anymore.
“It’s ok.” Nick said smoothing her long brown hair.
“No it’s not and it will never be.” Chelle said.
“Want to tell me about it?” Nick asked her.
“That guy we ran into is my ex-fiance. The woman he’s with is the one he cheated on me with.” Chelle said crying
“Oh honey.” Nick said. He wrapped his arms around her again. Chelle lifted her head up and Nick took his hand and wiped the tears from her eyes.  He then leaned forward and kissed her sweetly on the cheek and gave her the most comforting look in the eyes that said everything she needed hear.  "Please just hold me." Chelle cried.  “Sure."   Nick said lowering himself to the sand.   He grabbed Chelle close and laid her head on his chest.  Nick continued holding her while she cried. A few minutes later her crying had stopped.  So he looked down to see that she had drifted off to sleep.   'She looked so beautiful laying there on his chest ' Nick thought to himself.  
Before he knew it he grabbed her chin lightly and tilted it up towards him then leaned over her face and kissed her on the lips. The touch of his lips woke Chelle up. She was surprised to see what he just did.
Nick says "I'm sorry, Chelle. I don't want to seem pushy"
Chelle says, "no problem. you just scared me"
Chelle started thinking about Jared again and tears came to her eyes.
Nick saw them and asked, "Chelle, would you like to talk about what's bothering you?"
Chelle replied, "I don't want to bother you, Nick."
"Chelle, if you were bothering me, I would have never asked you to talk about it" Nick said
"yeah, but you're on vacation, you don't need to get mixed up in my problems" Chelle replied back.
Nick grabbed her hand and said, "Look, Chelle, I don't mind. I'm a great listener. If all you want to do is talk and for me to just listen, I'll do that. If you want advice, I'll do that too. So, come on, talk to me."
Chelle starts to tell Nick what happened." Back in college I met a guy at at party and we got along ok and then he asked me to go outside with him and started to do things that I didn't feel comfortable with and then I started to think that all men were jerks! I am sorry Nick but I did. Then I met Jared and he swept me off my feet and I thought he was my prince charming and then our relationship some how went sour. Everyone around me tried to warn me, but I just wouldn't listen.
We were to be married last August, but I caught him in bed with another woman only a few weeks before our wedding. 
"Nick, I've not told this to anyone so please don't repeat it. It was a very embarrassing situation and not one that I'd care to share with anyone else. the reason I got so upset earlier was because the woman Jared married is the same woman he left me for." Chelle confessed.
"Chelle, what happened to you was horrible. No woman should have to go through what you did. First, that other guy needs to be taught a lesson. As for Jared, it's his loss, not yours. He is very wrong for hurting you like he did since he said that he loved you and was going to commit the rest of your lives together.
Chelle just stares at Nick. Nick added, "Jared is a jerk for letting you go. If I were him, I'd treat you like the princess you are"

"I can't believe I just met you today and here I am telling you things I've not told my best friends. you really are an incredible man Nick. you've made me feel safe and warm tonight, thank you so much for listening to me" Chelle said looking directly into Nick's eyes.

Nick looked in Chelle's eyes and said, "Your welcome." He leaned towards her and gave her a soft kiss. Then he entered her mouth with his tongue. She wasn't going to let this moment pass, so she kissed him back.
Nick gently laid her down and started rubbing her stomach. Chelle was getting more excited every time he touched her. He started kissing her neck and chelle let out a soft moan.
Nick pulled down her spaghetti strap and kissed her shoulder, not knowing how far she would let him go. 
She wanted him so badly by the tone of her moans and Nick knew it.
Nick started caressing her breast. She turned a little and Nick unzipped her dress.
Nick slowly unzipped her dress and continued to kiss her down the middle of her back.  "Oh Nick that feels so wonderful, please dont stop" chelle moaned out. "well then tell me what you want chelle" Nick asked seductively. "you've made me feel so cared for tonight, now I want to feel all of you" Chelle answered back. "your wish is my comand' Nick said as he took off her dress. 
