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Chapter 50  ‘Let’s Have a Party!’

By Chelle and Tess

“Oh my god AJ, you guys are really planning on getting married tomorrow?”  Howie asked.  He was shocked but also happy for his friend.  “I don’t know what to say.  But, congrats man!”

“Thanks man.  yeah, we are planning on getting married tomorrow.  So, you guys wanted to know what we’ve been planning the last two days.  Well, there you have it.  We’ve been making arrangements to have a small but sentimental wedding”  AJ explained.

Carmen then added in “With all of our best friends here and both moms on their way as we speak we can have the wedding we’ve both dreamed of”.

“Wow.  This is incredible.”  Shawn said as a tear escaped her eye.

“Is there anything we can do to help you guys get ready?”  Sherry asked.  She made another mental note to be sure to write everything down.  This was the perfect ending for her book.  

“Is there anything you can do?  Oh yeah, I need all the help I can get” Carmen gasped.  The girls all gathered around Carmen to discuss what needed to be done.  The guys all laughed.

“Don’t laugh too much guys cuz I could really use a hand on some things too.”  AJ said as he watched Carmen with the girls each smiling ear to ear.  This was everything he had imagined, now if everything else would fall into place.

Robert and Kevin pulled AJ aside to offer their assistance.  As AJ was preoccupied, Nick, Brian and Howie all decided to plan a few things on their own.  

Once the girls decided on what needed to be done, each girl had something to do.  Well, everyone except Chelle.  Unfortunately, she was going to be left behind at the hospital.  The guys gathered up their things and quickly said their goodbyes to Chelle. They had a lot to do if they were going to help out AJ.

“Hey babe, let me help you back to your room” Nick said as he helped Chelle back into her chair. “Hope you don’t mind, but I am gonna go with the guys to take care of a few things.”

“No, I don’t mind.  AJ needs your help.”  Chelle said with a pouting voice.

“Oh babe, I’m sorry. I know you want to go with the girls.  But at least you’re getting out tomorrow.  That’s one thing I know we’re gonna celebrate.”  Nick said trying to sound cheery.  He knew Chelle hated to feel left out.

Tess overheard Nick’s comments to Chelle.  She then walked over towards them and said “Hey Nick, why don’t you let me and Elliott take Chelle back to her room.  That will give you the chance to help Brian plan that killer bachelor party for AJ.  Chelle and I can get caught up on some things.”

Chelle looked up at Nick, a pert frown on her face. She stuck her tongue out at him, which made him laugh. "Aw, Chelle. You know I would rather be with you. But they need me! I mean...should we really trust Brian with a bachelor party?"

“Fine.  I love you too!   Go help Brian.  You’re right I don’t think you should leave the planning alone with Brian.  Lord knows what he‘ll do.”  Chelle said with a small smile.  

With that said, Nick bent down and gave Chelle a quick kiss.  “I love you babe.  See ya later.  If you need me, call me on my cell”  Nick said as he walked off to catch up with the guys.

“Alright Chelle, let’s get you back to your room, shall we?”  Tess said as she pushed her in the wheel chair.

“yeah we can go over the particulars about your move to Florida”  Elliott suggested as he followed behind Tess and Chelle.  Chelle rolled her eyes then thought, “Great.  Everyone gets to plan parties and weddings, I get to talk about work”

Once they got Chelle back into her room and back into her bed, Elliott started discussing the plans of getting her set up in full work mode in Florida.  Chelle then cut him off “Elliott.  Did anyone ever give you the rules of discussing work here in Hawaii?”  Elliott looked puzzled for a moment as Chelle continued, “that is RULE #1 in Hawaii, NO SHOP TALK!”  Tess laughed as she was briefed on that rule by non other than Chelle.

“Sorry Chelle, bad habit”  He replied as wrapped his arm around Tess.  “I agree we’re not working here in Hawaii”

“Now that’s more like it.” Chelle laughed, “Besides...I would rather hear all the juicy details about your date."   Elliott laughed, only Chelle could get him to forget about work for a little while.   What better way than with Tess.

Tess giggled at her friend, “Somehow, I just knew you were going to ask that.  Well, to sum it up for you.  We had an incredible night.  Funniest part of the evening was we both learned what a little sneak you really are”

“Who me?”  Chelle teased. The three laughed and teased about the big date.


Kevin, Brian and Howie got out the van and started walking towards the hotel doors.  Nick and AJ were following behind them.   

AJ pulled Nick back “Hey man, you got a sec? I need to ask you something ”

“Sure hang on.”  Nick said then called out to the others. “I will catch up with you guys in a minute alright”.   The others nodded and continued on with their search for Mr. Roark.  Nick then turned his focus back to AJ “what’s up man?”

AJ shuffled his feet, then looked at Nick. "We've been through a lot over the years. And we're closer than any brothers could be. Well, I guess what I am trying to say is.....would you be my best man? You know stand up for me at the wedding?"

Nick stared at him, unshed tears in his eyes. He quickly wiped them away, not wanting to look like a dork in front of AJ. "Wow.....I don't know what to say."

"Say you will man....please." AJ pleaded.

"Yeah....I will. You know I will." Nick replied with a big smile.  

The two friends hugged, while AJ said, "Thanks man, this means a lot to me"

Nick then asked, “What do I need to do now?”

AJ pulled out a box from his pocket and said, "Guard this ring with your life."

"that I can do." Nick said as he looked at the ring inside the small box. "wow, you have been busy. When did you get this?"

“Yesterday, when Howie had his back turned.  I wanted to surprise everyone with our plans so I did my best to keep him guessing as to what we were shopping for.” AJ said as they headed back towards the lobby of the hotel.  

"AJ my friend, I can't believe you actually kept it a secret this long" Nick teased as they saw the other guys talking with Mr. Roark from a distance.

"Ha ha ha. Well, I need to go meet my mom at the airport, she's suppose to be flying in any minute now." AJ said to Nick and the others as they walked up to join them.

"See you later AJ" The guys said as AJ ran back towards the exit of the hotel. The guys then looked back over at Nick.

Brian spoke up, "ok, now that he's gone.. let's tell Nick what we've planned out for AJ's bachelor party."

~~~~~~~~~~~back at the hospital with Chelle~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Tess was sitting on Chelle's bed, Elliott standing behind her, his hand resting on her shoulder. She was telling her about their date. The horse carriage, the roses, the romantic candlelight.

"You really pulled out all the stops, Elliott," Chelle said with a smile.

Tess glanced up at him and smiled. "He sure did."

Just then the door opened and Sherry peeked in. "Can I borrow Tess for a little bit?" she asked.

"Hey we probably should go anyway," Elliott said. "I am sure Chelle is tired of hearing all about our date . Besides, we don't want to tire her out. She gets out of here tomorrow, so we want her to be well rested."

"Yeah, you're right Elliott. Chelle, I'll talk to you later, okay?" Tess said, leaning over to hug Chelle.

"Ok Sherry, I'm all yours," Tess said, throwing her arm around her shoulder. "Watcha need?" she asked as she walked out of the room.

"Elliott? Do me a favor?" Chelle asked.

"What's that?" he asked.

"Keep an eye on those two....they could be trouble," she said, with a laugh.
Elliott grinned. "No problem. See you later," he said, heading out the door to follow the girls down the hall.

Chelle watched the door close with a frown. She was all alone and missing out on all the fun. Even Tess had left her all alone. She leaned back against the pillows, feeling sorry for herself. The door opened and Hattie walked in, carrying a tray.
"Hello dear. How was your little surprise?" she asked, pouring Chelle a cup of water.

"Great. My friend announced they were getting married. But I am stuck in here while everyone else is out making plans," she said as she took the pills Hattie handed her.

"You will get to enjoy the celebration. I am sure that they are planning something that you can join in too," she said, handing her the water.

Chelle took her medicine and laid back against her pillows.. Hattie left and Chelle closed her eyes. She was just drifting off, when the door opened again.

“Knock knock!”  Carmen said loudly as she walked in the door.  “Oh hope you weren’t sleeping”

Chelle laughed at her friend, “It must a conspiracy.  AJ put you up to this didn’t he.”

“Hey now.  That’s my AJ you’re talking about.”  Carmen teased.  

“yeah, he’s YOUR AJ.”  Chelle agreed, “So, what are you doing here.  Don’t you have like a thousand things to do?”

“Yeah I do. But…”  Carmen said but was interrupted.

“Sorry, I can’t be much help to you.”  Chelle said with a sad look.

“Aww, me too Chelle.  Lord knows you are the best shopping pal around”  Carmen said as she hugged her friend.  

“Thanks”  Chelle smiled.

“But, actually there is something you could help me with”  Carmen replied with a teasing glance.   

“Oh?  What would that be?”  Chelle asked.

“Be my maid of honor.”  she asked looking her friend in the eye.

“Really?  Me?”  Chelle asked surprised.

“You’re my best friend Chelle.  And well, regardless of how you and AJ tease each other endlessly, he loves you too.  And, it would mean a lot to the both of us.”  Carmen suggested.

“I would be honored too.  You’re my best friend too.” Chelle said a tear escaped her eye “ And well, cant’ let you marry that guy alone now.”  

“Thanks Chelle, I knew I could count on you”  Carmen said as she also was near tears.

“Oh my god, would you look at us.  Crying.  Sheesh”  Chelle laughed as she wiped her face.  “you better not breath a word of this to anyone”

Carmen laughed, “Don’t worry.  I won’t tell if you won’t.  Well, that’s why I wanted to stop by.  Your mom is coming with me to get you a dress to wear for tomorrow”  

“My mom?” Chelle asked rolling her eyes. “Oh god, don’t let her pick my dress.”

Carmen hugged her friend as she walked towards the door, “I will try my best.  Now you rest up.  You’ve got a wedding to go to tomorrow!”  Chelle smiled at her friend.  That she did.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~with AJ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

AJ arrived at the airport and checked the arrivals board. He saw that his mom's flight was on time and had already arrived.  He checked his watch. He was sure Carmen said her mom was arriving about the same time. He heard his name being called and turned to see Carmen heading through the airport, waving at him.  "Hey babe. I thought your mom was coming in about this time. What flight is she on?" AJ said as he kissed her cheek.

"She's on flight 1180. She should be arriving any minute now." Carmen replied "You get a chance to talk to Nick?"

"Yeah I did and he's agreed to be my best man. What about Chelle?" AJ asked as he looked at the passengers that were disembarking.

Carmen smiled, "She cried when I asked her. But if you tell her I told you, I will so deny it! And she said yes."

"Awww...Blackmail on Chelle...woohoo...this could be good!" AJ grinned, looking up to see his mom waving at him. "well, there she is.”

Denise smiled and waved as she saw Alex, standing in the middle of the concourse, a beautiful girl by his side. She assumed this was Carmen, the girl that had captured his heart. "Hi honey. I am so glad to see you" she said as she hugged him then turned towards Carmen, "and you must be the angel I keep hearing Alex talk about."
Denise embraced Carmen in a warm hug.

"Hello Ms.." Carmen greeted by was cut off with a admonition from her future mother-in-law.

"Denise, Please. We'll get along much better if you don't make me feel any older than I am. Or better yet, just call me mom, since you're going to be my new daughter in law" Denise replied as she tried to not get emotional.

Carmen heard her name being yelled and turned to see her mother heading through the concourse toward them. "Mom!"

She ran to her mom and threw her arms around her neck. " know I love you, but I have told you a thousand times not to call me mom in public. I am too young to have a daughter your age!" she said, scolding her.

"Ok..ok.....Farah. would think you were 25 or something," Carmen laughed.

"Well, I am. We are sisters." Farah said with a grin. "Now, who is this fabulous looking man? Please tell me it's not AJ."

Carmen rolled her eyes. "Hands off, Farah. This is my AJ. Find your own man!" Carmen laughed wrapping her arms around AJ.

“Hello there”  AJ greeted  then said, “And this young lady to my right is my mom, Denise”

“Oh hush AJ”  Denise teased “Tell them the truth, I am your sister also”

AJ shook his head as he laughed at their mothers.  “Alrighty ladies, we’ve got a lot of things to do.  So if we could get going.  Carmen and I can fill you on what we’re planning”

“ok, honey.  I still can’t believe it. My baby is getting married”  Denise cried.

“I thought I was your brother , mom?”  AJ teased.  The foursome laughed as they claimed their baggage and left for the hotel.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~The Bachelorette Party~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Shawn wheeled Chelle into the conference room the hospital had set aside for Carmen's bachelorette party about 7pm.  Chelle looked around the room, surprised at how much they had gotten accomplished. The room was decorated with wedding bells and streamers.  There was a table set up with food that Mr. Roark had sent over.  " guys really did alot. Where's everyone else at?" Chelle asked.

“On their way. I wanted you to be the first one here. I have a surprise for you." Shawn said.

"I love surprises. Show me."

Shawn pulled out a box from beside a table and handed it to her.  Chelle opened it and found a beautiful dress inside.  "I knew you didn't want your mom to buy your dress, so I went too. I hope you like it."

“Wow, it’s beautiful.  Thank you Shawn”  Chelle said as she hugged Shawn “You’re the best.”

“You’re welcome, hun”  Shawn said then turned as she heard the other girls enter the room.

Chelle smiled “Hey guys.  Thanks for including me in the party.”

“Oh like we’d ever hear the end of it if you were left out”  Sherry said as she discarded several items from her hand.  “Love your pj’s there Chelle.  They will definitely go with the theme of our party tonight.”

“When is Carmen suppose to get here?”  Tess asked as she placed a few items on the gift table.  

“What theme?  And what’s the plan when Carmen gets here?”  Chelle asked.  She was excited to finally feel somewhat human.

“Well, what Tess and I came up with was…” Sherry explained but was interrupted.

“Ssshhh, guys she’s coming”  Tanya said running back towards the others.  Tanya closed the door behind her and turned off the lights.

Everyone was quiet and when the door opened, Tanya flipped the lights back on as they all yelled "Surprise!!".

Carmen jumped, throwing her hand over her mouth. The room was decorated and all her friends were there in their pajamas!.  "'ll need these," Sherry said tossing them all a pair of pj's.

“What the...?" Carmen laughed as she caught them.

"We didn't want Chelle to feel left we decided to have a pajama bachelorette party!" Tess said with a laugh. " Hi Denise," she said hugging AJ's mom.

"Well, it's good to see you again. This is Carmen's mother...I mean sister, Farah," Denise said with a laugh.

Carmen laughed as she pulled on her pj's. Tess also handed her a teddy bear. Carmen stared at her, questioning the weird gift. "Every girl needs her teddy bear," Tess said.  Carmen looked at the bear and grinned. Tess had drawn AJ's tattoos on the cream colored bear.

"Ok...we all have something for you," Sherry said, handing Carmen a box.

Carmen opened it and found a pair of hand cuffs with fur on them. "Oh my...these will be put to good use," Carmen said with a wicked grin.

"I got you this," Tanya said, handing her another box.

Carmen opened it and found a white silk negligee with a matching robe. "This is beautiful. Thanks Tanya."

Shawn headed up to Carmen and handed her a box. "This is from me. I am sure you will like this."

Carmen opened the box and started laughing. "Only you mama Shawn. Only you," Carmen said, holding up a box of condoms and a chastity belt with a key.

"Look further," Shawn said.  Carmen removed more of the tissue paper and found a pair of flannel pjs. "Oh my GOD!!" Carmen laughed holding them up for all to see.

"This is from me and my mom,' Chelle said, handing Carmen a box. "But after Shawn's gift...I don't know....this may not come in handy at all..."

Carmen removed the lid and cried out loud, squealing with delight. She pulled a leopard print teddy from the box and held it up to her. It barely covered anything. "Diane! You picked this out!?"

Diane laughed and shook her head yes. " I had some help. But yeah..this was my first choice!"

A knock on the door startled everyone and Sherry called out for the unexpected visitor to come in. The door opened and a tall handsome doctor came into the room.

"I heard there was an emergency in here?" he questioned.

"No...we are all fine," Carmen said, confused.

The doctor approached her and reached his hand out to feel her forehead.  "You seem to be running a fever...I have just what you need," he said.

Next thing Carmen knew, music had started and the doctor began to dance in front of her. All the women screamed as he pulled on his scrubs, revealing tight abs.  Carmen looked at Sherry, who nodded and pointed to Tess.

"Another "gift"..." she said with a wicked grin "Oh and look he brought a few friends with him." As the stripper began to dance to the music, his friends joined in and showed off what they do best.

The lead 'doctor' danced between Carmen's legs and she reached up to run her hand down his bare chest. He pulled his top off and tossed it at Chelle who whooped, twirling it around her head.  Carmen looked over at Tess and grinned ear to ear. "I so owe you one, girl!"

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Back at the Hotel~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

AJ sat in the suite, waiting for Nick to finish getting ready. "Come on, Nick," he yelled. "I'm coming, geesh. It's only the guys." Nick said. AJ stood up and headed for the door. "I'm leaving without you."

Nick ran to the door. "I'm ready. Let's go."  The two headed to the elevators and Nick whistled as he walked.

"You're up to something, Nicky. What is it?" AJ questioned.

"Nothing...really."  Nick replied.  They rode the elevator down to the lobby and once the doors opened, AJ was jumped by Kevin and Nick.

"HEY! What the..." he complained as one of them tied a blindfold over his eyes.

"Stay calm, will like this..." Kevin said.

They steered AJ into the bar, where Brian, Howie, Robert and Elliott waited. They sat AJ in a chair and handed him a glass.  "Here man, you had better drink this," Howie said.  

AJ sniffed the contents of the glass and downed it in one gulp. "Ugh...pineapple juice! What the fuck........."

"Well...we wanted you to be prepared son," Robert said.

"Prepared for what??" AJ asked, reaching for the blindfold.

" don't want to spoil your surprise," Kevin said.

AJ felt a hand on his shoulder. A soft, delicate, feminine hand.  "Mhmmmm.....hey baby..." AJ purred.  He could hear snickers in the background as music started to play. The unknown woman slid her hands down his chest and he groaned.  "This is torture guys.....Come on..."

"Oh no...AJ.....this is fun," Brian laughed.  Nick laughed, holding his hand over his mouth as he waited for AJ to finally take the blindfold off.  The hands crept into his hair and AJ groaned again. "This is wrong...just wrong," AJ said reaching for the blindfold. He had to see this woman.  He pulled the blindfold off, before the others could stop him and when he turned in his chair he jumped and screamed. "What the FUCK!! Oh my GOD!! You guys are so dead!!!"  Behind him was Ululani, the old woman he had hired to play that dirty trick on Davy.  Everyone in the bar laughed hysterically. Nick was laughing so hard he had to clutch his sides to relieve the pain.
"I am gonna kill someone!! Whose idea was this?" AJ asked, looking around the room.

All the guys held up their hands, saying 'not me'.  AJ looked around the room at all their faces and grinned.  He had to admit. They got him but good. Well, paybacks..were a bitch.  He turned around, kissed Ululani on the cheek and slipped her a 20$. "You are a good sport, sweetheart." he told her.  She smiled toothlessly at him, then shuffled out of the room.  "So what happened to the sexy stripper I was supposed to have?" AJ asked.  

"We didn't think Carmen would appreciate a half naked woman crawling all over you," Brian said.  Elliott started to laugh, elbowing Robert.  

"Don't worry about the girls. Tess has them well entertained," he said, downing his scotch. "Oops...l wasn't supposed to let that out of the bag."  

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Kevin asked.

"Well, Diane said Tess and Sherry found a group of dancers to come in and entertain them. Besides Kevin...we could always crash their little party." Robert said, taking him by the arm.  He looked around the room and saw the same emotion he was feeling on every face in the room. Every one of the guys was just as jealous as he was.

" we vote on this?" Brian asked.

"Hell no....let's go," Nick said, tossing down his drink.  The others all agreed. They set their glasses down and they headed out, intent on crashing Carmen's bachelorette party.

~~~~~~~~20 minutes later outside the conference room of the hospital~~~~~~

The guys stood outside the conference room, music and muffled screams coming from inside.  They all looked at each other, frowns on every face. This was not gonna happen. The women were having way too much fun without them.  Then suddenly, they heard a chant of 'go Carmen' followed by hoots and hollers. AJ pushed by the guys and opened the door to find a half naked man nearly sitting on Carmen's lap.  AJ closed the door and turned to the other guys. The women had been so wrapped up in their 'hoochie dancers', they had never even noticed him. "I got an idea. You guys game?"

~~~Inside the Conference room~~~
The girls were fanning themselves as the strippers danced all around them. They had already stripped down to string bikinis and they had all their temperatures elevated. Sherry stood and turned off the music, reaching for her drink. "Oh my God, Tess. You are the best. That was even better than I had imagined."  Carmen nodded, unable to find her voice. She sure owed Tess one hell of a bachelorette party if she ever got married again. The strippers started gathering up their discarded clothes, when the door opened and seven more doctors entered the room. Sherry looked at Tess and frowned. "More?"

Tess shook her head. "I didn't think there was a second performance..." she said.

Carmen pulled on her arm, forcing her to sit between her and Chelle. "Shut up and let them dance. Sherry....turn the music back on!"  The music flooded the room and one of the dancers headed straight for Tess. He was tall and completely covered in green scrubs. He had a mask over his face and a little green hat on his head.  Tess blushed as he did a quick hip swivel right in front of her.  He turned and raised his shirt, revealing his smooth back.  Tess reached out and touched his back, turning him with her hands until he was facing her. She ran her hands over his tight abs, as he thrust his hips toward her. All the women screamed as he shed his shirt....his face still covered, his identity concealed.  "Oh my God!!" Tess whispered as he tossed his shirt onto her head.  Tess pulled the shirt off her head and stood up as he danced in front of her. He grabbed her hands and put them on his waist, dancing with her, guiding her hands over his body.  Tess groaned and turned to see that the other guys had joined in on the in front of each of the other girls. All except Denise and Farah. Chelle's dancer was tall....and lanky, dancing all around her chair, rubbing his hands over his still clad body. Sherry's dancer was short, as was Tanya's. Shawn's dancer was tall...and Carmen's was very thin. Tess frowned....there dancing was so familiar. She gasped as she realized who the other guys were. She looked up at the man in front of her and grinned when she recognized the startling blue eyes. She reached around and smacked him on the ass. "You...sneak!!"

Elliott grinned and pulled her tight against him. "It was AJ's idea," he whispered in her ear.

Chelle watched the man in front of her, her heart pounding wildly in her chest. He reached out and placed both hands on her chair. She leaned up and looked at him. "'re gonna give me a heart attack....strip already!"

Nick stood and put his hands on his hips. "What? How did you know it was me?" he pouted.

"Hell, baby, I would know that body anywhere."  Chelle said as she placed a dollar bill in his pants.  “Woo hoo!”

Tess watched as Chelle busted Nick then turned her attention to Sherry.  Brian was dancing in front of her, shaking his butt in her face. Sherry had just reached out and placed a dollar bill in his waistband, causing him to jump.  He turned around, the dollar in his hand. He pulled down his mask and frowned.  "A dollar? That's all I am worth? A dollar?" Brian said, pretending his pride was wounded. He placed a hand over his heart and groaned. ""

Sherry laughed and pulled him down onto her lap. "To see that again.....I would pay any amount of money."

Chelle watched as her dad danced in front of her mom. He raised his shirt and was about to take it off, when she yelled out, "Daddy!! No...please!"

He turned around and took his mask off, sticking his tongue out at her. "You are no fun, princess."

" had your fun, daughter. Now let me have mine. Hush....." she told Chelle. "Now come here, baby," she purred crooking her finger at her husband.  Chelle blushed then heard a squeal as Tanya realized who her dancer was. She turned to see that Howie had just sat in Tanya's lap.  Somehow, they had pulled off the perfect practical joke.  Chelle turned her head, looking for AJ. This had to be his baby. None of the others would've done something like this.  She didn't see him right away, because Kevin had just tossed his shirt at Shawn, causing Denise, Shawn and Farah to go wild.  Chelle laughed as the three woman gathered around him, pulling at the remaining of his clothes.  She turned, leaving Kevin to the tender mercies of the 'moms', to search for the guest of honor.  Carmen and AJ were totally into each other. AJ was dancing, and Carmen was tugging at every piece of clothing he had on. He pushed her to her chair and danced above her, practically making love to her right there. He tossed the mask away, his eyes focused on her.
She groaned, reaching for his shirt hem. She yanked it over his head, running her fingers over his chest.  

" two! Get a room!" Sherry yelled at them.

Carmen and AJ grinned. AJ stood up and pulled Carmen to her feet. "I guess the party's over," he said.

"Yeah...get out of here," Tess said. "I'll clean up. Nicky...take Chelle back to her room, okay? She's got a big day tomorrow."

"Thanks, you guys...what a great surprise," Carmen said, hugging each of the women as she headed for the door.

"Yeah...thanks for the cool bachelor party guys," AJ said, shaking hands with the guys.

They all laughed. Chelle glanced over at Nick with a curious glance. "What did you do?"

"Sorry, babe. Trade male bonding secret. I can't tell." Nick said with a laugh.  

"Besides, this was far better than what we had planned," Kevin said.

"Yeah....glad we crashed it," Brian said, wrapping his arm around Sherry.

"How did you know what we were doing anyway?" Tanya asked.

"Well....Elliott kind of spilled the beans," Howie said.

Tess turned to Elliott and smacked him on the arm. "Elliott!! See if I ever tell you my secrets again!"

"Oh Please.  Tess, I didn't see or hear you complaining when he was half naked and nearly in your lap!" Chelle said from across the room.

Tess blushed a deep red and stuck her tongue out at Chelle. "Nick..take her to her room! Please?"

Chelle laughed and sat in her wheelchair. "Ok....Nick...take me back. I know when I'm not loved. Night all. See you tomorrow."  Nick and Chelle left, followed closely by Carmen and AJ. The others stayed behind to help clean up.  Soon, the room was back to normal. They all said goodnight to Tess and Elliott and headed back to the hotel. Tess gathered up the scrubs and they headed down the hall to the laundry.

"Tess...." He asked.

"Mhmmm? She said.

" the wedding....." Elliott began.

"What?" she asked, tossing the scrubs into a laundry chute.

"Save the first dance for me?" he asked.

Tess touched his cheek, smiling. "All my dances will be for you." she told him.  Elliott smiled, leaning down to kiss her tenderly. Tess held onto his shoulders, fearing she would fall over if she didn't.

"Let's go back to the hotel," Elliott said softly, leaning his head against hers.


"Mhmmm?" he asked, his arm around her shoulders, holding her close.

"Where did you learn to dance like that?" she asked as they left the hospital.

"In college. Want another demonstration?" he asked.

"Hell yeah," she said, groaning. He would kill her. Then again, maybe she could teach him a few new moves.
