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Chapter 48 As the Sun Sets…

By Chelle, Tess and Farah

~~~~~~~~~~~~~Hotel Lobby~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Tess and Elliott arrived in the hotel lobby, where they met Mr. Roark. He took Elliott aside and handed him a white silk scarf. Elliott shook his hand and returned to Tess' side. She looked up at him with a frown.

"What was that all about?" she asked.

Elliott smiled at her and pulled the scarf through his fingers. "You will see. But you will like it. I promise." He held out his hand, a smile playing on his lips.

Tess placed her hand in his, willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. She followed him outside and was immediately surprised. Sitting in front of the hotel was a white horse hooked up to an open carriage. She turned to look at Elliott, who just smiled, his eyes twinkling.

"Come on Cinderella your carriage awaits."

Elliott escorted Tess to the carriage and helped her up into it. He settled in beside her and tapped their driver on the shoulder. He leaned back and turned to Tess. "Are you having fun so far?" he asked.

"No one has ever picked me up in a horse drawn carriage before, Elliott."

"Is this good then?"

"This is very good," she said, leaning into his shoulder. Elliott took that as a sign and eased his arm around her shoulder. She grinned and snuggled closer to him. She breathed in and nearly groaned out loud. He smelled so good, it made her giddy.

The carriage rolled to a stop and Elliott turned to Tess, holding the silk scarf between his finger tips. He smiled, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "Do you trust me?" he asked.

Tess looked from him to the scarf, then slowly nodded. "Okay...but if you aren't nice to me, Chelle will kill you."

Elliott laughed then tied the scarf around her eyes. "It's not too tight, is it?" Tess shook her head no. Then suddenly, the carriage moved again.

"Elliott? What's going on?"

"We're almost there. Don't panic on me yet...." he said with a laugh.

The carriage rolled to another stop and Tess felt the lurch of the buggy as Elliott got out. Then she felt his hand on hers, guiding her to the edge, where he lifted her from it. His hands were warm on her waist and she could feel her heartbeat race. Whether it was from his touch or the thrill of her surprise, she didn't know. She followed him, blindly, her footsteps unsure over the uneven ground. She counted the steps as they walked and when her count reached fifteen, he stopped. She felt his hands near the back of her head, then the blindfold was removed. "" Tess said in a hushed voice. In front of her was a white gazebo, covered in tiny twinkling lights. Soft music played around them, but she couldn't tell where it was coming from. She turned to Elliott, tears shimmering in her eyes. ""

"Come on...there's more," Elliott said, reaching for her hand.

They went up the steps and Tess gasped. Inside the gazebo were hundreds of yellow roses. Along with the roses were, thousands of candles and a small intimate table set for two. "How did you do all this?" Tess asked, looking around at the beautiful sight in front of her.

"Mr. Roark. He helped me put it all together. I never would've been able to pull it off without him."

"Remind me to thank him the next time I see him. This is wonderful. And Elliott...I don't know what to say......I...well...this is just incredible. Thank you," Tess said, standing on her tip toes to gently place a kiss on his cheek.

"Well....are you hungry?" Elliott asked, reaching up to touch his cheek. He quickly moved to pull out a chair for her, his cheek still burning from her lips. He sat on the other side of the table, pulling a bottle of champagne from the ice bucket beside him. He poured her a glass, then one for himself. He raised his glass and smiled at her. "Here's to new beginnings," he said, raising his glass. Tess carefully touched her glass to his and repeated his words. "To new beginnings....." she whispered.

Elliott raised the covers of their dinner and Tess smiled. "Lobster? Now how.....never mind. Mr. Roark....." Tess said, smiling. This was indeed turning out to be a wonderful date. They ate, talking about everything from her his last girlfriend.

"We just didn't connect very well," he said, with a sad smile.

"Well, I haven't been lucky in love either. First there was Kevin....we got along great, but the fans...well let's just say they didn't think I was good enough for him. I got a lot of hate mail. So I eventually left. Then there was my ex-husband, Will."

"Ah...the man from your book....."

"Yeah....he was so nice in the beginning, but now that I look back, I think he was always abusive. I just never noticed until he started...well..." Tess explained.

"Yeah...the beatings. Chelle sort of hinted about that. When she wanted me to ask you out. She said you were vulnerable."

"Wait a minute? Chelle wanted you to ask me out? She wanted me to ask you out. That little sneak!" Tess said with a smile.

"Yeah...I think she's been trying to play match maker. Too bad I didn't listen to her earlier," Elliott said, with a smile that nearly melted her heart.

"Oh....and what would you have done?" Tess asked.

"Well....." he began, blushing just a little. "Are you finished? If so how about a walk along the beach?" Elliott suggested, wanting to change the subject. He wanted to get to know her better, but he was unsure as to her feelings. He knew he would have to go slow.

Tess saw the quick maneuvering away from her question and frowned slightly. What did that mean? She was very much interested in what he would've done then...and if she admitted it to herself, what he had in mind now.

She stood up and took his hand, following him toward the beach. The sun was just setting and the ocean turned a beautiful crimson red as it fell beyond the horizon. Tess sighed and Elliott turned to her. "Something wrong?" he asked.

"No...everything is....perfect. The carriage ride was so romantic....the roses...I have never seen so many roses. The candle light, the music....and now this gorgeous sunset. I don't want this night to end." Tess replied.

Elliott grinned. He didn't either. He slipped his arm around her shoulders, pulling her tight against his warm body. He felt her shiver and looked down into her green eyes. "You cold?" he asked.

When she nodded, he slid his jacket off and wrapped it around her shoulders. "There you go, sweetheart," he said, the endearment slipping out.

Tess looked up at him and smiled. He wrapped his arm around her again, then gently touched a kiss to the top of her head. He pointed to a spot by a tree and said, "How about we go sit and talk some more?" Tess nodded and they headed for the tree, Elliott sitting against it and Tess sitting against him. He wrapped his arms around her and she leaned back against him, her head resting on his shoulder.

"So....tell me about Kevin," he said. "Are you still in love with him?" he asked.

Tess looked over her shoulder and smiled. "No. When I first got here, I thought so. But now...I realize I was more in love with the past I had shared with him, than the man himself. I will always love him. He was my first real love. You never get over those. do not love him now."

Elliott hugged her, placing his head on top of hers. That was all he needed to know. Tess was quickly breaking down every barrier he had placed around his heart over the last few years, making him want much more with her than he ever had with any other woman. He was just so scared that she would turn out like every other woman he had ever dated. He wanted to go slow with her. To guard his heart. And hers. He knew she had been through a lot, thanks to Chelle and all her well meaning prying. He would have to thank her for being so persistent. He felt Tess relax in his arms and as the moon rose high in the sky, he dozed, holding her tight in his embrace

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~with Brian, Sherry, AJ and Carmen~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The two couples walked hand in hand towards a restaurant that was a short distance from the hotel. “I am glad we walked here. This is so pretty watching the sunset.” Sherry admired.

“You guys did tell Howie where we were going right?” Carmen asked as she also looked out at the horizon.

AJ who was lost in his own thoughts remained silent. Brian then spoke up “He knows where we’re going. This was his idea actually to come here. Something about the scenic view”

“Yes, and it’s a beautiful one” Sherry replied with a dreamy voice. She made a mental to note to capture her memories of the beautiful sunsets on the island for her book.

“Almost as beautiful as you” Brian said as he wrapped his arm around Sherry’s waist. Sherry looked over and quickly gave Brian a kiss.

“AJ? Where did you drift off to?” Carmen quietly asked as the other two were talking with each other.

“Huh? What?“ AJ said as he snapped back to reality “I was just thinking about the last time I held you in my arms while we were watching the sunset. And thinking of when the next time will be….”

“AJ…” Carmen squealed.

“What are you two whispering about?” Brian asked as he turned around at the sound of Carmen’s squeal.

" you really want to know?" AJ asked, wiggling his eyebrows at him, an evil grin on his face.

Brian's cheeks grew red at the thought and he shook his head no. He looked beyond AJ and Carmen and saw Billy and Mike close behind. Damn, too bad they had to have the bodyguards with them. He had gotten used to being alone. " guys are still here." Brian said, wishing he could make them disappear.

" can't get rid of us. Sorry," Mike said.

As the group entered the restaurant, Billy went in first to talk to the host. A private room had been requested for the small group since the fans had been hanging around so much. And he wanted to be sure all the precautions they had suggested had been followed. After they were seated they decided to just enjoy the atmosphere while they engaged in small talk among themselves. As they waited for Tanya and Howie to arrive, the group ordered a few appetizers as well as some drinks to hold them over.

~~~With Howie and Tanya~~~

Howie and Tanya headed back to the hotel and returned to the suite. Tanya quickly showered, then Howie did while she dressed. "Where is everyone?" Tanya asked.

"They're waiting at the restaurant for us. I don't know how we are going to explain what happened to make us so late," Howie said as he stepped from the shower stall, wrapping a towel around his waist.

"Uhm....I'm not too sure they would believe us anyway, Howie. Let them think what they want. We know the truth."

Howie grinned at her, slipping his arm around her shoulders. He leaned over and kissed her, getting her wet. "Howie!! Now I have to change...." Tanya cried.

Howie laughed as she pushed at his chest. She disappeared back into the room, and quickly changed again. Howie followed her, a smile on his handsome face. "We could really be late," he grinned, reaching for her.


"I'm kidding. Come on..." he said pulling his shorts on quickly.

Tanya tossed him a shirt, then reached for her sandals. Within a few minutes, they both were ready to go. "It's a short walk right?" Tanya asked as they left the suite.

"Yeah....and we have a room reserved, so it will be a peaceful evening," Howie told her as they rode to the lobby in the elevator.

They left the hotel and within a short while, they were outside the restaurant. Howie turned and kissed her quickly. "What was that for?" she asked.

"For the hell those two are gonna put us through for being so late," Howie said with a smile as he opened the door.

They were shown to the private room and the others cheered as they entered the room. "About time, love birds!" Brian called out as they settled into chairs around the table.

"Woohoo...did we take some horizontal mambo lessons?" AJ asked.

Howie looked at Tanya and threw her an 'I told you so' look, causing her to blush.

"Well, if I had known that, we could've ordered," Carmen laughed. "I am starving. And I am sure you all are too. So knock off the rude jokes and let's eat."

Tanya smiled at her, grateful that she had put a stop to the comments so early. She didn't want to tell them the truth, yet she didn't want them to think that she and Howie were sleeping together either. That was private and just between the two of them.

~~~~With Kevin, Shawn and the Wilsons~~~~

They were seated at a table close to the outdoor stage where the Hawaiian dancers would be performing. As the waiter passed out the menus, Kevin looked over at Shawn. "I wish Chelle and Nick could've joined us."

"I know. They would've liked this. It's so much like the first luau we went to. You should've seen Chelle do the hula, Diane. Too funny."

Diane grinned, remembering when she had tried the Hawaiian dance. "I am sure she had a few drinks before she tried. I know I did when I tried to do it."

“ I remember that," Robert said, making her blush.

"So, have you all been to the volcano?" Diane asked.

"Yeah, we took a tour," Kevin said.

"And got us lost," Shawn teased.

"Yeah....I did," Kevin grinned. "But we had a good time anyway."

"So, Kevin....what can you tell us about Nick?" Robert asked.

Kevin folded his menu and placed it on the table. He wasn't sure what the Wilsons wanted to know about Nick, but he wouldn't tell any tales. "Well, he's a good kid. And I say that because I am so much older than he is. I have watched him grow up from a young snot nosed the considerate man he is today. He has changed even more since he has met Chelle. He's grounded....mature..."

“We have seen that in the few times we have gotten to talk to him. I am really impressed with how down to earth he is," Diane said. "After all, he was just a little boy when you all started."

"That's true, but we all keep each other's heads out of the clouds and our feet firmly on the ground," Kevin said with a smile.

"You know, Chelle has changed too," Robert said.

“Yes, she has. She's confident in her love for Nick. And I think she realizes how much he loves her. It's not a situation like what she had with Jared," Shawn replied.

"Oh not say that horrible man's name. He actually had the nerve to come up to our table this morning at breakfast," Diane said with a shudder.

“He didn't?" Shawn said in disbelief.

"Oh yeah...and he was really overbearing and arrogant. As usual," Robert said.

"Until you put him in his place, dear," Diane said with a chuckle.

"Oh I would've liked to hear that," Shawn said with a small laugh. Kevin grinned. He would've liked to hear that too. He could just imagine what Robert would've said. Their waiter returned and they all ordered, then sat back to enjoy the show. The dancers came out, twirling fire batons. Diane and Shawn were enthralled by the male dancers, who twirled the fiery batons faster and faster.

“Wow, I need to be sure and thank Mr. Roark for suggesting this place. This is fabulous” Diane cheered.

“yeah we do” Robert agreed.

Shawn glanced over at Kevin and found his eyes focused on her. They were dark, just like that day under the waterfall. Shawn felt warm as he looked at her. She wasn't sure if it was the temerature of the warm air, or her body heat rising as he stared at her, but she needed to cool

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~with Chelle and Nick~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Several hours had passed since everyone had left Chelle’s room. Well everyone but Nick. She couldn’t believe how incredible he was to her. He was on a vacation trip with his friends and had the choice to be anywhere doing whatever he wanted. But he chose her. He had stayed by her side when she needed him most. Actually glued was a better word, she laughed at the thought. Even though they hadn’t really discussed what led up to the accident, she knew Nick loved her. Never again would she doubt that. She glanced to the right of her and there was her Nicky. He was sound asleep laying in her bed next to her with his hand laying across her body. All throughout the day as Chelle laid in her bed Nick’s hands would always be somewhere caressing her body. If she would move an inch so would he. It was almost like a game to her to see how quickly he‘d noticed she had moved. But it didn‘t take long. Perhaps it was his way of knowing she was there and safe with him. Chelle replayed in her mind the discussion between Nick and her mother and began to laugh even harder. Nick had refused to leave Chelle’s side but her mother wouldn’t take no for an answer. Little did he know Chelle’s mom did not understand the word ‘NO’. As Chelle continued to watch over Nick sleeping, she would occasionally run her hand through his hair. How she loved to run her fingers through it. She then rested her head next to Nick, and with in minutes she was sound asleep.


Chelle was walking along the beach. The sun was shining bright. She looked up and noticed the sun getting brighter and brighter. She could hear a faint voice calling her name. She looked around to see who was calling her. The voice was familiar but still she didn’t know who the person was. As she blinked her eyes, the light around her disappeared. She then was surrounded in darkness. Unsure of where she was, Chelle became frightened by the sudden transformation. She called for Nick but never heard a reply. She then began to run in hopes of finding Nick. She once again called for him but still heard nothing. As she continued to run she could see someone standing before her. Thinking it was Nick, she reached for the person. As the person turned to look at her, Chelle heard a loud piercing laugh. “HA HA HA HA NICK HELP ME… WHO ARE YOU KIDDING? YOU ARE A DIME A DOZEN!”

“NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” Chelle screamed out loud then opened her eyes.

“Chelle! Baby! Wake up! You’re having a nightmare!” Nick was holding her trying to wake her up. Frightened by her dream, Chelle began to cry.

Nick held her in his arms. “Shhhh. Hun, you were dreaming. You‘re ok. I am here. I didn‘t leave you baby.”

A nurse came running into Chelle’s room “What happened? Her heart rate has jumped?” she asked as quickly looked over a few of Chelle’s monitors.

“She had a nightmare. But she’s awake now.” Nick replied then looked at Chelle who was embarrassed . Nick then asked “Chelle? What were you dreaming about?”

“Oh my god Nicky. I saw him. He was there again. That man” Chelle started babbling.

“What? Who?” Nick asked as he brushed Chelle’s hair out of her eyes and wiped away her tears.

“Davy. He’s the man in my dreams. He hates me. He…” Chelle explained but was cut off by Nick.

“He’s fired Chelle. Long gone.” Nick said as he tried to contain his anger. Not only did he hate Davy but he wanted to strangle him for what he put Chelle through.

“Fired?” Chelle asked as she tried to regain her composure.

“Fired!” Nick repeated. “And Billy escorted him onto a plane back home. He will never bother you ever again. I promise”

“Chelle? How are you feeling? Are you feeling any pain anywhere?” the nurse asked as she quickly checked over her vital signs.

“yeah I am fine. Sorry to cause any trouble.” Chelle answered.

The nurse gave Chelle something to help her relax then asked “Do you need anything?”

“No I am fine thanks” Chelle said as she leaned her head onto Nick’s shoulder as he held her in his arms “I have what I need right here”

“well, call us if you need anything ok. And do try to get some rest. You have a big day ahead of you tomorrow. Doctor is going to send you up to physical therapy to get you moving around a little. Then, I hear you’re going to be able to move around a little more freely. Perhaps, you can go out to the courtyard area. Your friends could all bring you lunch out there or something. It’s a great place for a nice picnic.”

Chelle smiled at the thought. “Outdoors? Really” She smiled then looked over at Nick “Nick you hear that? A picnic. Oh god that would be great”

“Yup, your parents, Kev, Shawn and the others are going to stop by in the early part of the afternoon. So, hopefully we’ll get the green light for you then.” Nick suggested.

“Yeah, I better get the green light or I may have to resort to Brian’s plan B or better yet Inspector AJ. I need away from these walls even if it’s for a short time” Chelle whined.

Nick laughed, “Inspector AJ? Oh my god, now that frightens me." The two continued laughing till Nick was certain that Chelle had already forgotten her nightmare. Once she seemed calm, he held her close in his arms to ensure her that she was safe as they both drifted back to sleep.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~with Mr. Roark and Tattoo~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

“Boss? Boss?” Tattoo said as he ran towards Mr. Roark in a panic.

“What is it Tattoo?” he questioned.

“Did you see Ms. Tanya at the beach” Tattoo asked as he tried to catch his breath.

“Yes. I am afraid I did.” Mr. Roark replied.

“Are you aware of what happened? She saw him. She saw her late husband” Tattoo said out loud then asked “Why do you think that happened?”

“Tattoo, you know better than anyone here. Here at Fantasy Island, there are many things that will and can happen that we can not explain nor understand. But for Ms. Tanya, this was her fantasy. She was searching for hope and wanted to move forward in her life. However, in order for her to do that she had to face her fears of the past. She needed to let go and to believe that she could move on with her life” Mr. Roark explained.

“So you knew this was going to happen? That Ms Tanya would disappear like she did.?” Tattoo asked.

Mr. Roark didn’t say a word but nodded his head.

Tattoo then asked, “I guess you also knew Howie would find her?”

He again nodded his head saying “I knew that he would be drawn to her somehow but I didn’t realize that his late girlfriend would have anything to do with it.”

“Wow, you were right sir. Our friends would overcome a few things but eventually they seek their fates. I just hope our other guests will find the same happiness as Tanya and Howie” Tattoo commented.

“Me too Tattoo, but ….” Mr. Roark started but was interrupted.

“Yes, I know.. We shall see.” Tattoo said finish Mr. Roark’s statement.

“Come my friend. It’s getting late. We have another long day ahead of us. One that will be filled with many more surprises.” he laughed as he led Tattoo back towards the lobby of the hotel.

“Oh? Good surprises I hope.” Tattoo said as he and Mr. Roark disappeared into the hotel.
