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Chapter 44 New found discoveries?
By Chelle and Tess

Robert and Diane walked into the dining room and were immediately
seated at a table near the window. The sun was shining brightly and
as they ordered breakfast, Mr. Roark approached their
table "Ah...Good morning.....I am Mr. Roark....I hope your daughter
is doing better this morning," he said, shaking hands with Robert.
"Actually we have very good news from the hospital. She's having some
tests run right now, but we are confident that everything will be
okay," Robert said, reaching for his wife's hand to squeeze it gently.
"I don't know how we can possibly thank you Mr. Roark for helping us
out," Diane said.
"Think nothing of it. We had a few empty rooms. And as for will be taken care of. Tell your daughter I am
thinking of her." Mr. Roark said with a smile as he walked away,
Tattoo joining him from a few tables away.
"He is such a nice man," Diane commented as she watched Mr. Roark
talk with a few other guests.
"Yes he is. I've gotta say, the girls had great taste picking this
hotel," Robert said as he looked out the window.
"Yes they did...and luckily they met some really nice men here. I
know another nice man we need to talk about, dear." Diane suggested
with a smile.
"Ah, that would be Chelle's new boyfriend, Nick" Robert nodded. "I
like him. He's a very polite young man. He turned out to be
completely different from what I was expecting."
"I know dear. I was worried about the kind of man we were going to
find when she told us she was involved with a celebrity. . And mind
you, Chelle does not have a very good track record with
relationships." Diane replied.
"No...she doesn't, but I like Nick. He seems good for her. He would
make good husband material, if they were to ever think along those
lines." Robert agreed with his wife.
"You think so too?" Diane asked, a soft smile on her face as she
imagined Chelle in a white wedding dress.
"Yes...unlike...." Robert began.
"Jared..." Diane finished, completing her husband's sentence as her
line of vision found Jared heading their way.
"So you didn't like him..." Robert said oblivious to Diane's comments.
"What the hell?" Diane said, ignoring Robert as Jared waved at her
and headed toward their table.
"WHAT?" Robert asked.
"Jared..." Diane said.
"Yeah I know...he was a jackass..." Robert growled.
"No...JARED...." she hissed, indicating to Robert to turn around.
Robert turned his head and saw Jared heading across the room toward
their table, a smile on his face. "Oh Hell.....what's he doing here?"
"I think we are about to find out," Diane said with a grimace.
"Damn." Robert said under his breath as Jared approached their table.
"Mr. And Mrs. Wilson? It's great to see you. What brings you here?"
Jared asked with a big smile on his face. Along side of him was a
blonde haired slender women.
'What an idiot. Still trying to kiss ass.' Robert thought to himself
as he glanced at the woman to Jared's side "wonder who the bimbo is.
Hopefully his wife."
Diane groaned to herself. She hated Jared for what he did to her
daughter. 'Thankfully, Chelle came to her senses before making a very
big mistake with Jared.' She then spoke up "Hello Jared."
"We're here visiting Chelle" Robert chimed in but was immediately cut
off by Jared. Another trait that Robert disliked about him. Jared
talked to much.
"Yeah? I ran into her several days ago. And then of course she got
into some trouble the other day with the crazy fans of those
Backstreet Boys, so luckily I was there to help her out" Jared
"Oh really. I didn't hear about that. Well thank you for helping her
out" Diane replied.
Jared wasn't too surprised that Chelle didn't mention him. "Yeah,
well… I am glad to have been there when I was. You know how she
sometimes is in over her head. That Nick Carter guy seems to be
nothing but trouble for her."
Diane was about to reply to Jared's comment but was once again
"We were finally able to mend some fences" Jared said as he looked
over at his wife who gave him a scowling look. "Oh, I'm sorry. Where
are my manners. This is my wife Mary" Jared said introducing her.
Mary smiled.
Robert said a silent thank you then smiled at the young woman. "Hello
Diane felt sorry for Mary but was very grateful that Jared had
finally moved on with his life.
"So, what do you guys make of Chelle's involvement with Nick Carter?
Crazy isn't it?" Jared asked knowing that Chelle's parents were very
reserved. "I guess that's probably why you're talk some
sense into her. Especially since she's appearing across the tv
screens and tabloids."
Having heard enough, Robert threw his napkin down and said out loud
not caring who heard him "You know Jared, you still are the same
arrogant little rich boy who runs his mouth non stop. Where do you
get off thinking for one that you can interrupt our breakfast. And
two, tell us what you think about our daughter's decisions. Best
thing Chelle ever did was to finally ditch you. And as for Nick. We
like Nick. He's a very polite young man who seems to know how to make
our daughter very happy. Something you were not capable of doing.
Mary, I am sorry for being very direct here..but I have to say that I
am very glad to meet you. That way your jackass husband can once and
for all leave our daughter alone." With that Robert stood and held
his hand out to his wife. "Come on Diane. Let's go see Chelle and
Nick". Jared stood there looking like a fish out of water, his wife,
Mary staring at him openmouthed, as the Wilsons walked away. Robert
and Diane weaved their way through the dining room, several of the
guests staring at them, then back at Jared.
"I am sorry Diane. He just infuriated me." Robert apologized.
Diane just giggled, "I know....he was about to get a piece of my
mind. You just beat me to it."
~~~~~~~~~~~with Tanya, Howie, Sherry and Brian~~~~~~~~~~~~
As the two couples arrived at the entrance of the restaurant, Robert
and Diane were seen quickly rushing past them. "Woah, what was that
all about?" Sherry said as the group turned to see the Wilsons making
a fast escape from the hotel. "Wonder what is wrong? They seem mad or
something?" But before anyone was able to comment, a woman had
stormed past them followed by a man whom both Sherry and Tanya
"Mary. Stop. I am sorry. You got this all wrong. I am not still hung
up on Chelle. I promise" Jared yelled as he tried to catch up to a
retreating Mary. As Jared ran past the two couples, both Sherry and
Tanya started to laugh. "Oh my god. Chelle would have gotten a kick
out of that" Tanya replied as she continued to laugh.
"yeah. Well that explains the look we saw on the faces of both of
Chelle's parents. Wonder what was said?" Sherry snickered as she
turned her attention back to her friends.
"Let's just say, Mr. Wilson let our young friend, Jared have it. He
reminded him to stay away from Chelle once and for all" Mr. Roark
said as he greeted his guests.
"Hey Mr. Roark. I guess you pretty much get to see everything around
here." Brian said as he and the others followed Mr. Roark to their
"We do get to see a great deal of things happen here at Fantasy
Island. Some good and unfortunately some not so good." Mr. Roark said
as he pulled back a couple of chairs for both Tanya and Sherry.
"Yeah I guess you do" Howie said as he helped Tanya into her seat.
"The Wilsons did say that the young Miss Wilson is going to be
alright. I know you all are delighted about your friend." Mr. Roark
said as his guests all were seated.
"Oh yes. We are very, very happy about Chelle." Tanya answered with a
"I talked to Nick just a little while ago and he said they are going
to run a few tests on her this morning but she's expected to make a
full recovery." Brian advised.
Mr. Roark smiled then said "Well, that is very good news. I am quite
sure Mr. Carter had a lot to do with Chelle's recovery. He really
cares about her"
"Yes he does." Howie agreed.
"Well, if you'll excuse me. I must be tending to a few other things.
Enjoy your breakfast. It's on the house" Mr. Roark said as he walked
"Thank you." the group all said in unison.
"What a great man he is" Sherry said out loud.
"yeah he is." Brian smiled over at Sherry then looked over at Howie
and Tanya. "Wonder where the others are at?"
"Kevin and Shawn are probably sleeping in. They were keeping an eye
on Nick and Chelle so they didn`t get much rest from the previous
night. Not sure where AJ and Carmen went off to." Howie said
shrugging his shoulders.
"Yeah. Something is going on with those two. Can't remember the last
time Carmen was awake this early." Sherry replied shaking her head.
"Perhaps they left early for the hospital." Tanya suggested.
I guess we'll see here in a bit" Brian said as he closed his menu.
They were planning on heading to the hospital themselves after
breakfast. So if that was where AJ and Carmen had gone so early, they
would see them there.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~with AJ and Carmen~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
AJ looked over at Carmen who was a million miles away as he drove
back toward the hotel. She was really quiet, however, the wide smile
on her face told him that she was happy. "You think the others are
gonna think we're crazy" AJ asked as he glanced over at Carmen.
"Probably. But they wouldn't expect anything different from us.
Besides, I think we should be more concerned about our feelings."
Carmen replied as she leaned her head over on AJ's shoulder "and I am
happy AJ. For the first time in my life. I have no regrets. No second
thoughts. I know what I want"
"Me too. No regrets. I love you Carmen" AJ said as he wrapped his
free arm around her.
"AJ? How are we going to keep this from the others? Chelle can read
me like a book...and you know how Kevin is with all you guys." Carmen
"Oh yeah, 'Dad'...knows all....sees all."
Carmen was quiet for a moment, trying to figure out how to fool
Chelle, when AJ grinned, squeezing her shoulder. "We will just
deny...deny...deny..." he said.
"Oh yeah, AJ, that will work," Carmen said sarcastically. "Those are
words Chelle would suggest, so she'll definitely see through that. I
guess we'll just have to figure something out. I just hope she gets
released soon."
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Back at the hotel with Mr. Roark and Tattoo~~~~~
"So Boss....will things get any better for our guests?" Tattoo
asked. "I would hate to see things continue as they have."
"Yes, Tattoo...I believe they are already starting to. And we have
another guest arriving today that will help move things along for
several of our guests."
"Oh really Boss? That's good. I don't like to see our guests so
"Well, Tattoo....times are certainly going to be a lot happier after
today," Mr. Roark said, clapping Tattoo on the back.
~~~~~~~back in the suite with Shawn and Kevin~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Kevin watched as Shawn picked up the room. She folded clothes, then
made the bed, all the while ignoring him. It had been this way since
they had come back from the hospital last night. He had tried to
explain what had taken him so long with Tess, but Shawn wasn't in the
mood to listen to his explanations. Finally, he couldn't take it any
more and he had gone to bed, leaving her to sulk alone.
"Shawn...are you going to talk to me?"
Shawn looked at him, then turned back to her task. She wasn't
believing a word he said. She had seen with her own eyes the sparks
that flew between him and Tess.
"Shawn....nothing is going on between Tess and me, I swear. We are
just friends. How many times do I have to tell you that? I don't love
her. I love you." he said, the words falling from his lips
He watched in awe as Shawn plopped on the freshly made bed, her back
to Kevin. Kevin just stared at her back. He was stunned. The words
had slipped out of his mouth, but he felt them. He truly loved her.
And she had IGNORED him! "Shawn? Did you hear me?" Kevin asked.
Shawn ignored him once again, flipping on the tv. As she watched, a
report came on, showing yesterday's events in front of the hospital.
She watched as the report showed Kevin, holding Tess, answering
questions. At first, Shawn was upset to see them together. But when
he said that he and Tess weren't back together, Shawn turned and
looked at him, fresh tears in her eyes.
"I tried to tell you," Kevin whispered to her, wrapping his arms
around her, his face buried into the back of her neck.
Shawn turned in his arms and hugged him. "I'm sorry. With the past
that the two of you share...well, I got a little jealous."
"Shawn, Tess will always be a part of my life. There's a lot between
us. I love her. I always will. But I'm `in' love with you," Kevin
said, kissing her softly.
"What did you say?" Shawn asked him.
"I said I love you....." Kevin said, whispering softly against her
"You love me?" Shawn questioned him.
"Yes..." Kevin said, smiling at her.
"And Tess?" Shawn asked.
"We are friends....nothing more...nothing less." Kevin answered. "Can
we just leave her out of this?" he asked, wanting to enjoy this new
found feeling. Shawn nodded in agreement. She would never doubt him
again. Tess would always be a part of their lives, but she could
handle that as long as she had Kevin by her side. Kevin grinned and
scooped her into his arms, carrying her to the bed.
"I just made the bed, Kevin!" Shawn squealed.
"I'll help you remake the bed, Shawn," he said with a quick smile and
a twitch of his eyebrow.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~a mysterious new arrival~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
He came into the hotel, carrying a duffle bag over his shoulder. This
would be the first vacation he'd had in nearly five years. Yes, he
was coming to see an employee in the hospital, but his father had
insisted he stay for a few days to rest and relax. When he had seen
the brochure on the island, he had to admit, it was a great idea.
He stepped up to the front desk and was immediately greeted by the
"Good morning sir," she said, having to look up at their newest
guest, who stood close to 6'4".
He flashed the young woman a quick smile, showing off his dimples.
She giggled as she handed him his room key, blushing several shades
of red when he smiled again, thanking her.
As he walked away, she turned to another woman from behind the
counter and said, "Oh My God.....did you see him?"
"How could I miss him? He's gorgeous. That dark hair, those startling
blue eyes...."
"Yeah...and that smile......." the first woman said.
They both sighed as they watched him disappear into the elevator.
~~~~half an hour later~~~~
Tess walked out of the hotel gift shop carrying a huge bundle of
balloons in brilliant colors. A few of them were made of Mylar and
said things like `Get Well Soon' and `Best Friend'. The others were
in every color of the rainbow. She checked her watch and smiled. It
was early yet...just before lunch and she was sure that everyone else
had yet to make it into the hospital. She could go...visit with
Chelle for a while, then say her goodbyes in private.
She was determined to get her life back and the first step was to
quit leaning on her friends. Mainly Chelle and now Kevin. She had to
learn to stand on her own two feet. She would start by heading home,
back to New York City and finding a place of her own to live. Then
she would concentrate on her next book.
She walked out the front doors, her high heels clicking first on the
marble tile floor of the lobby, then on the concrete of the sidewalk.
She spotted a cab and headed for it, the balloons and her sun dress,
blowing wildly in the wind.
She was just about to the cab door, when from out of nowhere, she was
hit by a large, solid object. She let out a stifled scream and as she
tried to catch her balance, she let go of the balloons. She twisted
her ankle and heard a loud snap as the heel to her right shoe broke.
She felt strong hands wrap around her waist and her hands immediately
went to the mystery person's shoulders. When she looked up, she found
herself staring into the most handsome face she had ever seen.
"Sorry about that," he said, his blue eyes sparkling. He smiled and
helped her to stand, his hands never leaving her waist. "I didn't
mean to knock you over,' he said. "Or make you lose your balloons."
"Oh hell...the balloons," Tess cried as she realized he was right.
They were gone. She looked up to watch helplessly as they floated
As she watched the bright colored balloons get smaller and smaller,
she heard the cab door open and close. She looked down just as it
pulled away, a man in the back seat. "Hey!!" she yelled, turning to
watch as it left the grounds.
"Damn...that was my ride," she said. She felt his hands leave her
waist and felt an immediate loss.
He bent down to pick up what was left of the bouquet of flowers he
had been carrying. They were in a shambles, not fit to give to
anyone. Tess looked back at him when she heard him sigh.
"I guess your flowers didn't fare much better," she said.
He laughed, his face lighting up as he smiled. Tess nearly went weak
in the knees. He had the most gorgeous smile and the cutest dimples.
"No...looks like I will have to get more," he agreed, tossing the
flowers into the garbage, all but a single yellow rose that had
managed to come through the mishap unharmed. This he handed to her.
"For you....I really am sorry."
She took it and brought it to her nose, smelling its sweet fragrance.
She smiled at him, just about to introduce herself when another cab
pulled up. She bent down and picked up her broken heel.
"Well, I guess I had better go," she said, hobbling toward the cab.
He rushed to open the door for her and as she slid inside, he smiled
at her again. She smiled back, then waved as the cab pulled away. As
he watched the car disappear down the road, he groaned. He never even
got her name!
