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Chapter 43 - AJ's Blood? WHAT!?!
By Chelle, Tess and Farah

~~~~~~~~in Chelle's room~~~~~~~~~
Chelle reached for Nick's hand, bringing it to her lips. "I am gonna
have to yell at those guys for not taking care of you," she said, her
voice still raspy.
Nick handed her a glass of water, which she sipped. "I was too
worried about you, to worry about me," Nick said. He took the glass
from her and set it down on the night stand.
" really should go get some sleep," Chelle said, cupping
her hand around his cheek.
"No...not yet. I want to wait until you get moved. I am not letting
you out of my sight."
"Oh...Nicky...I am gonna be fine. I promise," she said, wishing he
would take care of himself. Chelle whispered.
"No Chelle. Not until I know you are out of the woods. I am not
leaving you." Nick insisted.
Chelle closed her eyes, knowing that she was fighting a losing battle
with him. Once he had made up his mind, he was harder to budge than a
boulder. He could be just as stubborn as Kevin. And as pig headed as
AJ. But she loved him. "Ok...if you won't get some about
crawling up here into bed with me?" Chelle asked, trying to slide
Nick grinned. "That's the best offer I have had all day," he said,
slipping onto he bed beside her. Nick wrapped his arms around her,
pulling her close. "I'm not hurting you am I?" he asked, concerned.
"I am fine, kiss me..." Chelle told him.
Nick leaned close, touching his lips to hers. He nibbled her lower
lip, pulling on the tender flesh just a little, making her moan. He
then whispered into her mouth, "God, I love you"
"I love you too Nicky" Chelle whimpered as she welcomed another
endearing kiss.
The door opened and they pulled apart, Nick looking guilty. He looked
over his shoulder as he heard a throat being cleared. He saw Diane
and Robert Wilson standing in the doorway. Nick rolled his eyes and
cursed under his breath. 'Great,' he thought, 'Busted.' He hung his
head and carefully rolled off the bed.
"Mom...Daddy......" Chelle started, trying to explain.
"Relax, Princess...." her dad said, as he leaned over to kiss her
forehead, "It's good to see that you are feeling better," he said
with a grin, causing Chelle to blush.
"Yes Daddy...I am feeling better," Chelle said with a smile.
"Well, you were in good hands," Robert said, then realizing what he
said, he added, "I...mean the hospital. The doctors.
Suddenly, there was a strained silence, then everyone started
"Oh..God, Daddy....don't do that," Chelle said, clutching her side.
Nick looked over at Chelle in concern.
"Oh baby...are you okay?" Diane asked, sitting on the edge of the bed.
" just hurts to laugh," Chelle explained. "Don't worry.
I am fine."
Diane leaned in closer to talk with her daughter. She was so happy to
see her daughter awake and smiling away. She could definitely see the
change in Chelle. As Diane and Chelle were having a mother daughter
conversation, Nick and Robert gave the two a little privacy to talk.
Diane then whispered to her daughter Chelle I am so glad you've met
Nick. He's seems to be quite the catch. The nurse told us he never
left your side and spent the entire night holding your hand, talking
with you and singing to you." Chelle glanced over at Nick who was
talking with her dad. This was a sight she would never forget. Her dad
had his arm around Nick's shoulder as they were engaged in a
conversation of their own. And then her mother was there giving her a
thumbs up over the man she fell in love with. While Chelle was
staring away at Nick, he looked over and caught her stare and gave
her a quick wink. Chelle then thought to herself, `Eat your heart out
Davy. Nicky is mine. All mine.'
The door to Chelle's room opened and Dr. Michelson walked
in. "'re awake. We've got your room ready. Now if we
could clear everyone out, we can get you moved. I am sure you will be
more comfortable in your own room. All your friends are anxious to
see you." Chelle smiled. She was anxious to see them too. Especially
Shawn and Tess.
"Okay...we will meet you in your new room, dear," Diane said, kissing
Chelle on the cheek.
"Bye Princess....see you in a bit," Robert said, kissing her too.
"Nick....why don't you go and tell the others where my new room is
going to be?" Chelle suggested, wanting him to go relax for a little
"But..." he started to protest.
"Go, Nick.....I am gonna catch a few winks. I am getting tired. I
want to be at my best when everyone comes to visit."
"Okay...but I'll see you in a little bit," nick said leaning over to
kiss her.
Chelle waved goodbye to her parents and Nick, then closed her eyes.
She was asleep moments later.
~~~~~~~In the Cafeteria~~~~~~
Brian, Howie and AJ were sitting at a table waiting for the girls to
come through the line with their food. They had headed through first
while the girls went to the ladies' room.
"Why do women do that?" AJ asked.
"What?" Brian asked, confused as to what AJ meant.
"Have to pee in pairs?" AJ answered him. Howie rolled his eyes. Only
AJ would ask a question like that.
"Where'd Kevin go? I haven't seen him for over an hour?" Brian said,
completely ignoring AJ's question.
"To find Tess. She ran out of here just as we got here. She looked
real upset, Brian. I think this whole Davy business is really getting
to her. And after what she went through this last year...well I
didn't think she should be alone," AJ explained.
"So you sent Kevin?" Howie asked, questioning AJ's reasons.
"Well...she does respond better to him. Always had," Brian said,
remembering how close Kevin and Tess had been.
"But what about Shawn?" Howie asked, knowing that Kevin was really
serious about her now.
"What about me?" Shawn asked as she approached the table with the
other girls.
"Ah....well...we ah...." Howie stumbled.
"They were wondering where Kevin was," AJ explained. "I sent him to find Tess," Shawn said quietly as she sat down beside AJ.
"You did what?" Tanya asked, sitting down beside Howie.
"Why would you send him after Tess?" Sherry asked.
"Because she needs him," Shawn explained.
Carmen looked at her, shocked and amazed. After all that Shawn had
been through, she needed Kevin just as much as Tess, if not more. How
could one woman be so unselfish?
~~~~~~~~w/Tess and Kevin~~~~~~~~
Tess and Kevin slid out of the back seat of the cab and were
immediately surrounded by photographers, reporters and fans. Kevin
tried to shield Tess from them, but the reporters shoved their
microphones into her face, the flash bulbs going off in her face.
"Kevin....who's in the hospital? Who are you visiting? Are you and
Tessa back together?"
The questions flew fast and furious and Kevin could barely keep up
with them. He put his hand up, asking everyone to quiet down.
"Please....calm down folks. I will answer your questions. But I have
to be able to hear them. Now...I will not divulge the name of the
person we are visiting. Let's just say that this person is a close
friend. As for Tess and I...we are just friends. We are not back
together romantically. However, I am sure you will see her around
Backstreet a little more often."
The reporters flocked to Tess, throwing questions her way, but Kevin
ushered her inside, telling the reporters that they were finished.
Once inside the lobby, Tess sighed. That was the one thing she did
not miss about being a part of the Backstreet world. She hated
reporters and photographers.
"You ready to go see Chelle?" Kevin asked.
Tess nodded. Kevin placed his arm around her shoulders and they
turned to head for the elevators. As they were walking, a delivery
boy with a huge bouquet of flowers walked up to the information desk.
They stepped into the elevator and Kevin pressed the button for the
ICU floor.
"Kevin...thank you.."
"For what?" he asked, confused.
"For coming after me. But I don't understand how you knew what I was
going to do."
"Well, AJ saw you leave the hospital. He warned me that you were on
your own. And I know you better than anyone, Tess. I knew you would
be blaming yourself for Chelle's accident. And I was right. I also
knew that you would be running away. I couldn't let that happen.
Chelle needs all her friends around her. And you need all of us."
Tess started to protest that she was fine. That she didn't need
anyone's help, but Kevin stopped her, placing his fingers against her
lips. She shuddered, as a small static shock passed from him to her.
She jumped back, as did he. They both laughed uneasily.
"Sorry..." Kevin mumbled as the doors slid open.
"It's okay," Tess said as she headed for Chelle's room. When she got
there, it was empty. A nurse walked by and Tess stopped
her. "Michelle Wilson?" she asked.
"Oh she's been moved," the nurse said, giving Tess and Kevin the new
room number.
Tess and Kevin returned to the elevators and rode to Chelle's new
floor. As they headed down the hallway, they saw the delivery boy
coming out of a room. It turned out to be Chelle's. When they went
inside, they found Chelle dozing. Tess was just about to turn around
and push Kevin back out the door when Chelle cleared her throat.
"I know you weren't going to leave without saying hello," she
said. "Where are the others?" she asked looking from Tess to Kevin.
She could hear Tess shuffle her feet when Kevin answered, "We don't
"And why not?" Chelle asked Tess.
Tess looked up at her and smiled weakly. "Because she was in her
hotel room....packing." Kevin replied. Tess smacked Kevin in the arm
and headed toward the bed, ready to defend herself against Chelle's
inevitable tirade.
"You were leaving?"
Tess noticed the two large bouquets of flowers and figured she could
avoid Chelle's question by commenting on them. "Wow....beautiful
flowers..." she said.
"Yes...the roses are from my Nicky," Chelle said with a smile then
asked again "Why were you leaving Tess?" "Did I hear my name
mentioned here" Nick said out loud as he entered the room. Tess
sighed, thankful for the interruption. Chelle groaned but then took a
double take at the sight of Nick. "Hi Handsome" Chelle beamed. "and
thank you for my flowers. I love them" Nick leaned over and gave
Chelle a quick kiss. "So you got the flowers already I am glad" Nick
stood back up and looked at the two bouquets "Who are the tulips
"The tulips are from the office. But I don't know how they even found
out about my accident." Chelle answered
Tess kind of hung her head and smiled. "That would be my fault.
Someone from the office called and I was at the desk when the call
came in. Well, to make a long story slipped out about your
Chelle gave Tess that look, but smiled. Then she turned to Kevin, who
was standing behind Tess and motioned him closer. He leaned in close,
his body nearly on top of Tess' who was sitting on the edge of
Chelle's bed. "Thank you for keeping this nut from running away
Kevin smiled and squeezed Tess' shoulder, placing a quick kiss on the
top of her head. "I love this nut," he told Chelle with a grin.
"Shawn...hey come in here," Chelle said as she noticed her standing
in the doorway.
Shawn placed a fake smile on her lips and went into the room,
jealousy surging through her. First Tess stole her best friend, her
little sister and now she was trying to take Kevin back. Kevin
turned his head at the mention of Shawn then stood up to greet her.
She walked into the room and brushed by Kevin and Tess, who had both
jumped at the sound of her name. She went straight to Chelle and
leaned over to hug her.

"Hi baby sis.....You feeling better?" Shawn asked, casting a quick
look over her shoulder at Kevin and Tess, who stood side by side,
guilty expressions on their faces. "sorry I wasn't here sooner. We
didn't realize that you had already been moved."

"Shawn...we just got here. We didn't know she had been moved until
the nurse on the ICU floor told us," Tess said.

Kevin crossed the room and placed an arm around Shawn's shoulder.
Shawn turned into his embrace, but didn't return his hug.

"Shawn, I am feeling a little better," Chelle said, sensing a
distinct tension in the air.

Kevin pulled away from Shawn, feeling just a little hurt. He turned
to Nick and looked him over. "Well you look human again."

"Well, I feel like a human being. But um, Kev? Can't say the same
about you man." Nick kidded back.

"Yeah? well, no one looks as good as me" AJ blurted out as he entered
the room, carrying a teddy bear with a pair of black shades on
it. "Hey Hey, Sleeping Beauty....look what I found in the gift shop.
Ain't he cool?"

Chelle laughed, "He's great! And looks like you AJ! Of course he's
got a little better color coordination on the clothes"

AJ leaned over Nick and hugged Chelle as he whispered "Glad to see my
little con artist is back to her old self" Chelle laughed back then
looked towards the door again as she saw the others enter the room.

"Damn, AJ. I think you have terrorized the whole floor with that
crazy dance you did on the way in" Carmen said out loud as she walked
over beside AJ and Chelle. "Hey Chelle! I am so glad to see you're
awake." She then turned back towards Nick and said "and who are you?
I mean you're not the same guy we all saw earlier. You actually
showered, shaved" Carmen teased then leaned over sniffing Nick "ooh,
and cologne." Nick blushed at Carmen's comments.

"Oh no. we better keep an eye on these two" AJ said in his
authoritative voice "you know how they are in public"

Howie and Tanya slipped into the room, each carrying a small bouquet
of flowers. "Hey're you feeling?" Howie asked.

"Hi're looking good...." Tanya said with a smile. "You
gave me quite a scare there. Don't ever do that again. Promise?"

Chelle nodded in response. "I promise Tanya. Sorry for scaring you or
anyone here for that matter" Chelle said as she looked around the
room. She was so happy. All of her friends were there.

At the foot of the bed was Sherry and Brian. Sherry spoke up, "yeah,
don't ever do that again"

Realizing how crowded the room had gotten Tess spoke up "Chelle, I am
going to head back to the hotel. I promise that I will be back
Shawn leaned over toward Kevin and grimaced. "Chelle, I think we're
gonna head out too. Someone obviously needs a shower..." she said
wrinkling her nose.

"Uh, Shawn?" Sherry said as she pinched her nose then whispered "you
do too."

The room broke out in laughs. Chelle once again grabbed her side as
she tried to control her laughter.

Nick who was sitting on the side of Chelle's bed leaned over, "you

Noticing everyone's concerned looks, Chelle said "Relax guys. I am
ok. Just hurts to laugh that's all"

"Well as much as I would love to stay and join in the festivities
here, I really need to be going. I will see you tomorrow Chelle."
Tess spoke up and then looked over at Nick "Take Care Nicky." She
then waived to the others "bye guys. Have a good night"

Shawn walked over to Chelle's bed. Nick stepped back to give her some
space so they could talk. Shawn whispered as she noticed Chelle fight
back a yawn "Kev and I are gonna go also. We'll be back in the
morning. If you need anything just give us a ring ok" Chelle nodded.

Shawn then asked "where are your parents?

"They were here for a little while after I was moved into my room.
But they were tired. It had been a long day for them so they left.
They are at the hotel so perhaps you could check up on them for me in
the morning."

"I will be glad to do that. Looks like they really they hit it off
with Nick. Should've seen them earlier. It was so sweet." Shawn said
as she looked over at Nick.

Chelle yawned again and Nick looked around the room. "Okay
guys....she needs her rest...."he said.

Shawn agreed with Nick. Chelle looked tired. "Yeah...she does. See
you later." She then stood up and Kevin wrapped an arm around
her. "Thanks Shawn, Kevin. See you tomorrow," Chelle said as they
left the room.

"Hey...we're gonna head out too," Howie said, reaching for Tanya's

"Get some rest Chelle. We'll be back tomorrow" Tanya called out as
she walked along with Howie out the door.
Sherry and Brian then moved around toward the side of Chelle's bed as
the others cleared out. "We'll catch up tomorrow Chelle. I am so glad
you're going to be alright." Sherry said, leaning over to hug her
best friend.

Brian then exchanged places with Sherry and hugged Chelle. "Glad to
see our prayers were answered." Brian said, giving Chelle a quick
kiss on her cheek.

"thanks you two. we'll talk more tomorrow. thanks for being here."
Chelle replied.

As Brian and Sherry left the room Chelle glanced over at those who
were still remaining, "Wow, do I know how to clear out a room or

"Oh please. who do you think you're kidding. You're just trying to
get rid of us so you can have your way with blondie over here" AJ

Chelle rolled her eyes then said "AJ. Come here a sec. I forgot to
ask you something earlier." Chelle looked from Carmen to Nick "It's
kinda private."

AJ moved closer to Chelle "Yeah what's wrong?"

"You can come closer. I won't bite." Chelle said softly. AJ moved
even closer so Chelle could whisper something into his ear. Chelle
then smiled and grabbed AJ by his goatee "Now what's this shit about

"YEOOOW. Damn woman let go of that" AJ whined.

Both Carmen and Nick laughed. Carmen looked over at Nick "Yup, they
were separated at birth".

Chelle giggled then quickly kissed AJ's cheek. Then with a sweet
voice she said, "Thank you AJ. You are the brother I've always
wanted. I will never forget what you did for me" AJ nodded and
said "You're welcome sleeping beauty. Just promise to not scare me
like that ever again. " As AJ stood back up, Chelle then said "oh and
AJ?" AJ looked back. "I may have your blood, but you now have my

"EEEEUUUWWWHHHH!!! Not only do I have your cooties but I've got
Nick cooties as well." AJ teased as he wiped his back of his hand
along his cheek.

"Ok, that's enough kiddies. Someone here really needs to get her
rest" Carmen interrupted. She yanked on AJ and looked back over at
Chelle and Nick. "we'll see the both of you tomorrow. Good night"

"Later babe," AJ said with a wink as he followed Carmen out the door.

"Good night" both Chelle and Nick called out.

Nick sat on the edge of the bed and pushed a stray strand of hair out
of her eyes. "You really tired?" he asked.

Chelle reached up and placed her arms around his neck. "AJ may be a
pain in the butt.....but, he does know me pretty well," she said with
a grin.

Nick grinned and laid down beside Chelle on the bed. "When's the
nurse coming back to check on you?" he asked as he began kissing her

"Later...." Chelle said. "Much later."
