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Chapter 41 A Dawning of a New Day
By Chelle, Tess and Farah

The rain finally stopped and the morning promised another day of sunshine. But that was the weather. The sunshine in Nick's life would beam only when Chelle would wake up. He stayed by her side the entire night talking to her, holding her hand and singing to her. He would doze off occasionally but would wake up as nurses came to check on her. He would constantly ask the same question and that was if there were any signs of improvement. But the only reply he received was ‘No’. His eyes were red and sore due to lack of sleep and tears. The later being the major cause. At one point he just stared at Chelle in hopes that she would just spring back to life and jump into his arms. As Nick kept watch over Chelle, the others would take turns sitting with him and keeping him company. But as the night wore on they all drifted off to sleep in the waiting room. At one point in the early part of the morning, Tyler had alerted Kevin about a few fans lurking around at the hospital. He explained to Kevin that they apparently were spotted at the hospital and now fans were curious as to what was going on. Tyler then had to assign a few of the guys on Chelle’s floor for assistance and also had to contact the local authorities to be on alert just in case things got out of hand with the media. As the sun began to rise, several fans were outside the hospital waiting to hear any bit of news that was offered. The attention the fans stirred also alerted the media. Word was out that the Backstreet Boys were seen at the hospital; however, no one was certain as to who was in the hospital or what had happened. As the crowd thickened, a cab was seen making its way through the mob. A security guard stopped the cab and questioned who was in the car. A man and woman were seen screaming at the guard. Afterwards, the guard waved the cab through and allowed the man and woman to enter the hospital.
“Mr. Carter? Mr. Carter?” The nurse replied trying to wake and move Nick away from Chelle long enough to look her over.
“Huh? What?” Nick questioned barely awake.
“I need to check the reading on the machines. I will be out of the way in just a sec” the nurse said with a soft voice. As Nick moved out of the nurses way, he again asked the nurse about Chelle’s condition. Hoping that there was some sort of sign that she was improving. The nurse looked up and sadly shook her head no. She then said, “Keep talking to her. Deep down she can hear you. Singing to her like you were earlier also will have a positive effect.” After the nurse walked out of the room, Nick once again took Chelle’s hand in his and began talking to her. Minutes later, a woman was heard crying outside Chelle’s door. Nick turned to see who was crying. From the outside of Chelle’s room he could see an older couple looking in and was about to enter the room. At that moment Nick knew, they were Chelle’s parents. As the woman tried to regain her composure, both she and man walked in the room.
“Oh my baby…” the woman cried out.
The man with her looked over at Nick and spoke up. “you must be Nick. I’m Robert Wilson, Chelle‘s dad. And this is my wife, Diane. The nurse tells us you were with our daughter all through the night.” Robert said as he turned to look at his daughter. With tear in his eyes he then looked back at Nick “Thank you for staying with her.”
“There’s no where else I would’ve been.” Nick replied softly as he held Chelle‘s hand against his lips quickly giving it a kiss.
“Nick, what happened? We haven’t heard anything from the doctors yet. The last we heard was from Sherry when Chelle was brought in.” Diane asked finally looking over at Nick who was still sitting on the opposite side of Chelle.
Unsure of what to tell them, Nick explained what the doctor had told him as Chelle was brought into ICU. He decided to leave out the reasons as to what caused the accident in fear that the couple would have him thrown out.
As Nick continued talking with Chelle’s parents, the doctor had entered the room and greeted Nick, Robert and Diane. “Hello, I am Dr. Michelson.” Looking over at Robert and Diane “you are Michelle’s parents I presume?”
“Yes we are.” Robert answered.
“We had a couple of close calls with her last night. But after the surgery, the internal bleeding has stopped. She’s proven herself to be a tough young lady. Now due to the trauma she has suffered, she is still in a coma. We are monitoring everything, her heartbeats, her blood pressure and so on. You name it, we’re watching it. Now I told her friends last night that this was pretty common for what she has been through. But I am going to be very honest with you..if she doesn’t show any signs of improvement over the next 24 hours… then, we’re going to have to consider a few options. Now before we go into those options, I need to know does she have a living will?”
Nick sat there listening to the doctor talk with Chelle’s parents. When he heard the words living will…it was as if something hit him in his heart. “oh god. No.” He said to himself. Tears once again began to fall. He couldn’t lose Chelle. Not like this.
Both Robert and Diane held on to each other. They couldn’t believe this was happening. Robert then spoke up with a shaky voice “Yes…she does” As his emotions took over he found it very difficult to answer the doctor‘s question. After taking a deep breath he then whispered “she doesn’t want any extreme measures taken.” He then looked back over to his wife and closed his eyes. He could not believe it. He just explained to the doctor that his daughter would choose to die.
“I see. I know that this is very difficult for all of you but please do remember that Michelle can hear you. Keep talking with her and reminding her that her loved ones need her. If the time comes that we need to discuss the other options well…we’ll do that at that time. Let me quickly check over her charts and current readings from the monitors and I will be out of your way” Dr. Michelson replied. As soon as he finished reading the charts he gave everyone a warm smile and left the room.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~in the waiting room~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Forgetting where she was, Shawn stretched her aching muscles and accidentally smacked Kevin who was snuggled up next to her on the couch.
“Ow” Kevin replied as he quickly was awakened from Shawn’s movements.
Realizing what she had done, she giggled “Oh god. I’m sorry Kevin”
“uh huh. Then why are you laughing” Kevin smiled back as he continued rubbing his jaw line.
Shawn sat up and realized where she was and never replied to Kevin’s question instead she asked “What time is it? Oh my god, I’ve got to go check on Chelle.”
Kevin looked at his watch, "It's early babe....about 8 am...."
"Oh...." Shawn said, then stood, shaking out the wrinkles in her clothes.
Kevin stood up and stretched, looking around the empty waiting room. "That's funny....I thought Tess was still here."
Shawn looked around the room and saw that he was right. Tess was nowhere to be seen. "Maybe she's in the cafeteria or something," Shawn said.
Kevin nodded, but he was still worried. Tess was beating herself up for taking Chelle to the studios and if he knew her as well as he thought he did, she was blaming herself for Chelle's accident as well. "I will go look for her later. But I want to check on Nick first" Kevin said as he led Shawn towards Chelle's room. Kevin and Shawn walked passed the double doors and headed for the door to Chelle's room.
Shawn looked through the window and saw Nick sitting by the bed, holding Chelle's hand. Chelle's parents were on the other side of the bed. Chelle's mother was sitting by the bed in another chair and her Dad was standing behind her, his hand on her shoulder. "Chelle's parents are here," Shawn told Kevin.
Diane looked up and saw Shawn in the doorway. She felt the tears slowly slip down her cheeks as she stood and walked the short distance to take Shawn into her arms. "I can't believe this happened......"
“Me either. But she’s going to make it through this. She is a tough girl.” Shawn cried out. She then looked over at Nick who was near tears himself, “And she has all of us waiting for her. Everyone was here till really late and they should be back soon”
Diane glanced over at Nick and smiled, “And Nick here has been incredible. The nurse told me he stayed by her side the entire night…talking and singing to her. When I spoke to Chelle on the phone the other day, she was so happy. She told me she was in love and that she had met an incredible man here in Hawaii.” As Diane continued to speak her voice began to crack “I would give anything to see my baby smile like that again. She has been through so much over this past year. She deserves to be happy” Shawn once again gathered Diane into her arms where she also couldn’t help but let out her emotions as well. Diane pushed away, wiping her tears away. "I'm sorry...I know we need to be strong for Chelle now....."
Nick stood up and touched Diane's shoulder. "I am sorry...." he said, in some way trying to make up for his part in the accident.
Diane turned and pulled Nick in for an endearing hug, "Oh have nothing to be sorry for. It's been such a great comfort knowing that Chelle has found such a caring man in you. I am grateful that you were here for her."
Nick embraced Diane, whispering, "I love her. She makes my life complete. She has shown me what true love really is." Robert stood and placed his arm around his wife and Nick. He had heard Nick tell Diane about his love for Chelle and it warmed his heart to know that she had finally found a man that treated her the way his princess deserved to be treated. Kevin put his arm around Shawn and heard her sigh. It was good to see Chelle's parents take to Nick so quickly. He knew that Nick had been worried about their reaction to him. But it seems that all was well.
Tess walked down the hallway from the chapel, where she had just spent the last hour praying for Chelle. She was not normally a really religious person, but she knew that she had a lot to atone for this time. She had inadvertently caused Chelle's accident and no matter what anyone said, she felt responsible. She looked up and found herself at the nurses' station just outside Chelle's room where she watched an intimate moment between Nick and a couple that she assumed were Chelle's parents. She felt a pang of guilt as she saw the tears in her mother's eyes. She knew she had put them there. She stifled a sob and turned, putting as much distance between herself and Chelle's room. She had to get out of there. Had to leave the hospital. Hell, she needed to get the hell off the island and as far away as she could. Besides, Chelle had Nick, her best friends, Kevin and the guys and now her parents to help her through this ordeal. She didn't need her around too. She would just be in the way.
AJ opened the side entrance door, holding it open so the others could step into the lobby of the hospital. They were using an emergency exit only, due to the enormous crowd outside the main doors of the hospital. They had appeared and grown in leaps and bounds since last night. As Howie, the last of the group, entered the lobby he nudged him. "Hey AJ...isn't that Tess?" he asked pointing toward the front doors.
"Yeah..I think it is. She shouldn't be going out that way. She's gonna get mobbed," AJ said worried about her. He took a step toward the main doors, intent on stopping her, but she was gone an instant later.
"She's a big girl, AJ. She can take care of herself," Howie said, pulling AJ toward the elevators.
"Yeah..." AJ said, quietly "She's still Ms. Speedy Gonzales....can't catch her if she don't want you to." Howie chuckled remembering how well adapted Tess had become while a member of the family. He couldn't argue with AJ on that one.
AJ, Carmen, Howie, Tanya, Brian and Sherry arrived on the ICU floor and were headed down to the nurses' station when a code blue was called over the intercoms. "Oh my God...that's Chelle's room!" Tanya cried. She ran down the hallway, the others following and just as they got to her room, a crowd of doctors and nurses were pushing Nick, Kevin, Shawn and Chelle's parents from the room.
"What happened?" Sherry asked, grabbing onto Shawn's arm.
"I don't know. She started to buck, her head rolling from side to side on the pillow. Oh was so scary." Shawn whispered. She watched as the Wilson's struggled to hold it together. She knew this was hard on them. Chelle was their only child. She heard a choked sob and turn to find Nick had slid to the floor, his head resting on his knees. Howie was kneeling beside him, doing his best to convince him that everything was going to be okay. "Maybe we should clear the hallway.." Shawn suggested.
Nick looked up, jumping to his feet. "No!! I am staying here! I can't leave her!!"
Diane went over to him, wrapping her arm around his shoulder. "She's in good hands, Nick. We have to trust in the doctors."
"Come on, son...Shawn's right. We need to keep the hallway clear," Robert said, placing his arm around Nick as well. Nick sighed in defeat. He wanted to stay close to Chelle.....just in case......No, he would NOT think that way. Her parents were optimistic, so he would be too.
Kevin nodded and everyone headed to the waiting room just down the hall. Shawn went over to Diane and Robert, talking to them quietly. Nick and Howie sat on the couch, Howie doing his best to keep Nick's spirits up. Tanya was nervously biting her nails, while Sherry paced the floor from one wall to the other.
"Kevin....hey man, I know this is a lousy time to tell you this, but I saw Tess heading out alone when we came in. I don't know, but I think she looked a little upset." AJ said, his voice barely above a whisper.
Kevin swore under his breath. He knew he should've kept a closer eye on her. She was upset, he knew it. But he couldn't leave now. He had to know how Chelle was first. Have something positive to tell her when he found her. "Ok, AJ. I'll look for her as soon as we hear something on Chelle." AJ smiled. He knew he could count on Kevin. Tess had always had a place in his heart and he had a distinct feeling that she always would.
The door opened and everyone turned to see the doctor enter the waiting room. AJ walked over to Carmen, who throughout the whole ordeal had kept unusually quiet. "You okay, Babe?" he asked her as the whole room erupted, asking the doctor questions at once.
"I will be as soon as I hear that Chelle is going to be okay." Carmen answered.
"Okay....listen. I have news on Michelle. She has just suffered a seizure. Now this is common among coma patients....we have stabilized her and put her on a medication that will prevent this from happening again." the doctor began, going slowly so as not to lose anyone in the process.
Carmen sank to the couch, the tears finally spilling over. " Oh God, AJ....a seizure."
AJ sat beside her, wrapping his arms around her, holding her close. "She's going to be okay, Carmen."
"Now, with this latest episode, we are going to have to limit how many visitors Michelle can have at one time. We feel the stress of so many of you wanting to see her as contributed to this seizure. So we are going to ask that you go in 2 at a time. And not to stay very long." Nick jumped to his feet intent on arguing with the doctor's last directive, when he felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned and saw Diane, tears shinning in her eyes. "Now, Mr. Carter, I know that you have been there nearly round the clock, and we believe that it is doing her some good. We want you to spend a lot of time with Michelle. She is responding to your voice....If anyone can bring her out of's you." the doctor said with a smile. Nick grinned and turned to hug Diane.
" are good for her," she said quietly, hugging him close.
"Okay....if you would like to visit with her, remember two at a time, keep it short and be positive." The doctor said, then left the room, giving everyone a positive report.
Diane looked around the room, searching everyone's face. She saw genuine concern and love in every face. "If I could....I would like Nick to be able to stay with Chelle " she said. "Maybe we could all take turns going in?"
Everyone in the room agreed. Robert hugged his wife and whispered, "You go in with Nick first. I'll wait out here for you."
Nick and Diane both walked out of the waiting and re-entered Chelle’s room. They were shocked to see how pale Chelle had become. Another IV drip had been added, probably the one for the medication to prevent another seizure.
Nick once again sat in the same chair that he had occupied all throughout the night and held Chelle’s hand in his as he did before. Diane sat on the opposite side of Chelle running her fingers along the side of her daughter’s face. “Chelley. It’s momma. Your dad and I are both here with you honey and we’re anxious to see you wake up. All of your friends are here as well.” Diane then leaned in closer as she spoke to her daughter “I have also met your Nick. He’s a keeper. He’s been a complete angel. He has been by your side all night. So you see, you’ve gotta wake up soon so you can tell me all about him.”
Nick smiled at Diane as she continued complimenting him, his cheeks getting pinker with every word. Diane continued talking with her daughter for a little while longer then leaned over to Nick and whispered “I am going to go and let Robert come sit with you and Chelle.”
Nick nodded, his attention never leaving Chelle’s face. Diane quickly left the room as Nick continued to study the look on Chelle's face. If he didn’t know any better, the ___expression on her face had changed once again but he wasn’t certain. During the evening there were several times he could see a change on her facial ___expression; however, the nurse had told him over and over that it was only her reflexes. Nick did the same thing he did before when he saw Chelle’s ___expression, he sang to her in hopes that this would comfort her. At least he hoped it did. Nick remembered Chelle telling him which Backstreet song was her favorite. The words to the song described exactly what his heart was feeling.
I never thought that I would lose my mind
That I could control this
Never thought that I'd be left behind
That I was stronger than you, baby
Girl if only I knew what I've done
You know, so why don't you tell me
And I, I would bring down the moon and the sun
To show how much I care
Don't wanna lose you now
Baby, I know we can win this
Don't wanna lose you now
No no, or ever again
I've got this feeling you're not gonna stay
It's burning within me
The fear of losing
Of slipping away
It just keeps getting closer, baby
Whatever reason to leave that I,ve had
My place was always beside you
And I wish that I didn't need you so bad
Your face just won't go away
Don't wanna lose you now
Baby, I know we can win this
Don't wanna lose you now
No no, or ever again
I never thought that I would lose my mind
That I could control this
Never thought that I'd be left behind
That I was stronger than you
Don't want to lose to loneliness
Girl I know we can win
Don't want to lose to emptiness, oh no
Never again
Nick sang the song over and over in hopes that he could see some response from Chelle. A twitch or something. He was beginning to loose hope that she would never wake up. As he sang, there was a constant rotation of people in and out of her room. When someone new would come in, he would pause, letting them talk to Chelle, to reassure her that she was not alone. After a while, they would quiet and he would sing once more, pouring his heart into the lyrics.
AJ came into the room on silent feet as Nick sang yet another version of Chelle's song. Quietly, AJ sat down in the chair across the bed. Within moments his voice blended beautifully with Nick's. Nick looked up at him and smiled.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~back in the darkness with Chelle~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Chelle was laying on the ground. She was so confused. Every way she would turn her head, she’d hear a different pattern of voices but no matter who’s voice she’d hear…the evil man would still haunt her.
“Chelley? It’s momma.” a soft voice spoke out.
“Momma? I can hear you but I can’t see you. Where are you?” Chelle replied into the darkness. She stood up and began to walk into the darkness in hopes of somehow finding her mother.
“Mom?” Chelle called out as she continued walking towards the darkness. In a faint distance, she could hear a beautiful voice singing to her. “Nick?”
“AHHHHH HA HA HA HA. ” The evil man laughed then screamed out. “No one is here for you. You’re all alone Chelle. Your mother can’t help no more than Nick can. You’re a dime a dozen!!!”
“NOOOOOO. Stop saying that. Leave me alone!” Chelle screamed out and broke down into sobs. Once again she found herself unable to move and lying back on the ground. Exhaustion was begging to set in. She couldn't face this nightmare any longer.
Nick and AJ finished singing as the sounds of the machines beeping in the room became louder. "So, you know I really love Chelle. She's the little sister I never had, but always wanted," AJ said, trying to talk louder than the machines.
Nick grinned. "Yeah, she grows on you," he joked. "I love her AJ." he said laying his head next to her hand.
"I know, little bro." AJ said.
AJ watched as Nick's eyes slowly closed. He had been up most of the night and the exhaustion was finally catching up to him. AJ was just about to get up and leave the room, when he saw Chelle's hand move. He reached for the call button, then stopped as her eyelids fluttered. He sat down, pulling his chair closer to the bed. "Chelle?" he whispered. He watched in fascination as Chelle's right hand closed over Nick's head, her fingers slipping into his golden hair. Nick felt something in his hair and looked up to find AJ grinning like an idiot across the bed. He turned his head and saw what AJ did. Chelle's beautiful brown eyes staring at him. "Nicky?" she croaked.
