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Chapter 40 Solace in the Night
By Chelle, Tess and Farah

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~back at the hotel~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The group entered the suite quietly.  Each lost in their own thoughts.  “anyone hungry?”  Brian asked trying to break the silence as he picked up the room service menu and began to look over it.

“Yeah, actually I am.”  Sherry answered.

“not me. I think I am going to bed.”  Carmen replied as she headed towards her room.

“Yeah, me too.  It’s been along night.”  AJ said then looked back at the others “Good night guys, be sure to wake us up if you guys here anything from the hospital”

“We will”  both Sherry and Brian said as they sat down on the sofa.  Once the door to Carmen and AJ’s room was closed, Brian looked over at Sherry and asked “How are you holding up hun?”

“I am numb.  I just can’t believe this is happening”  Sherry said as her tears once again began to fall, “this was suppose to be a trip we’d never forget.  You know filled with great memories.  But now it’s become the trip from hell.  And I just can’t believe the last thing I said to Chelle was in anger.”

Brian replied “I know.  I feel the same way.  I just pray that she’ll make it through this alright.  

"Yeah," Sherry said, breaking down in tears once again. Brian reached over and pulled her into his arms, hugging her tight.  Sherry pulled back and brushed the tears away.   "Brian? Do you think I could be a serious writer?" Sherry asked out of the blue.
Brian looked at her and smiled, brushing away the last tear on her cheek. " could."
"I've been thinking about it. I want to write a story about our time here on the island. Change the names and stuff, but basically have it about us. Do you think I could do it?" Sherry asked.
Brian wrapped his arms around her and answered, "I know you can do it. You are a very talented woman. That is one thing that has really attracted me to you."

Sherry looked over at Brian and gave him a warm smile, "I knew I could count on you to support me."

"Sherry.....I've been working on something. It's a melody that I have been working on for a while now, but it never seemed to work out the way I wanted it to. But since I have met you...the lyrics have just poured out.”

“Can I hear it?”  she asked.
"Well....not out here. I don't want any of the others to hear it. With everything that's happened I want to fine tune it a bit.." Brian stood up extending his hand to Sherry. "Let's go back to our room. I can sing it to you there. And well, maybe I will get inspired."

"What about food? I thought you were hungry?"  Sherry asked.

"Food? Oh yeah...well, we can order room service in a little while..I am sure we'll really be hungry then" Brian replied with a crooked grin.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~in Tanya and Howie’s room~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Glancing over at the clock, Tanya couldn’t believe how late it was. She looked back at the bed where Howie was fast asleep and smiled at his sleeping form. “What an incredible man he is,” she thought to herself. Howie mumbled something in his sleep and turned around facing her. His trademark open mouth just completed the look. Howie always knew what to say and what to do to make her feel better. It was only a few hours before that she was in a hysterical state of mind. But now, her body felt a little at ease. Well, part of her felt a little guilty for making herself seem so desperate for Howie’s love. But at the time, nothing could ease the pain she felt. So, they both gave into the desire that healed any emotional stress that either had felt.  Tanya wrapped her arms around her body as she remembered the sensations she had felt as Howie caressed her body only minutes before. Smiling at the memory, Tanya said a silent thank you to Howie for being the perfect angel that he was. He was now 'her Howie'.  A guardian angel that was sent to not only heal her broken heart but to mend his heart as well. Sighing heavily, Tanya turned and looked back out the window as if she were looking for explanations to her life. She was so upset when they left the hospital. After losing her husband so tragically, seeing Chelle look so helpless was more than she could bear. She didn’t want to run out like she had, but she knew that everyone wanted to remain strong in Chelle’s presence. Therefore, staying in the room was not an option for Tanya. She only hoped that everyone would understand later.  Mainly Chelle. As Tanya continued staring off in the distance, she began to replay the events that had occurred over the evening. Due to a series of misunderstandings, Chelle was now trapped in a coma and hanging on for dear life. Seeing her best friend hooked up to all those machines was heart wrenching. She looked… Tanya didn’t want to even think it but she could not help it. To her Chelle looked dead. Just like Josh.

Howie rolled over in bed to snuggle up to Tanya but found an empty space there instead. He looked around the room until he saw her standing by the window lost in thought. He got off the bed and wrapped the sheet around himself but made no attempt to move. He just stood there looking at Tanya, wondering what was going on in her head. ‘Tanya, hun? Are you alright?” Howie spoke up.
Jumping at his voice, “Oh my god, I didn’t see you there.” Tanya said as she placed her hand on her chest then answered “I'm fine. Just couldn’t sleep.”

"Come here," Howie said, holding out his hand to her. Tanya went to him and they snuggled back onto the bed, Howie's strong arms wrapped around her. He kissed the top of her head. "Wanna tell me about it?"

"I'm just so scared for Chelle." Tanya replied.

Howie hugged her tight, whispering softly in her ear that it was okay.  "I know I felt a lot of bad memories resurface when they draped that blanket over Chelle. I could only see Jenn...."

"Oh Howie....." Tanya cried, knowing the pain he felt.  They laid back against the headboard , Tanya cradled in Howie's arms. She sighed, in spite of what happened tonight, she was happy.  She wasn't alone anymore. She had Howie, who understood how she felt and who knew how to help her deal with the pain. "Thank you, God, for bringing me this angel, this sweet man." Tanya thought as she drifted off to sleep.

~~~~~~~~~~~~with AJ and Carmen~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Carmen closed the door behind her and leaned against it. The day's events had her physically and emotionally drained. "Why Chelle?" she thought biting her bottom lip. "Just when she was living her happiest moment, feeling truly loved, everything came crashing down. And now she's in the hospital fighting for her life." She turned around and saw AJ looking out the window. AJ was in his own world going over what had happened. He couldn't believe that Chelle, so full of life, was lying in the hospital, struggling for her life. This was not what he had imagined for the rest of his vacation. They were supposed to be having fun...a good time. Not worrying about whether or not Chelle was going to live or die.  "AJ? Are you ok??" Carmen asked as she gave his shoulder a squeeze and rested her head on it.
"I don't know." His voice was barely above a whisper as he managed to get the words out. "Everything... just... went so wrong here. Chelle doesn't deserve to go through this."
"I know baby. I know." Carmen wrapped her arms around his waist. "Chelle's one of my best friends."
"Mine too. Even though we've only just met a few days ago, the bond between us has become so strong." AJ's body shook and his knees gave out, his body collapsing to the floor and the tears he managed to hold back started rolling down his cheeks. Carmen sat down next to him and held him tightly, crying softly herself.
"Shhh AJ. It'll be ok." she whispered, rocking him gently. "She's going to make it baby. I know she will."
"I don't want to lose her Carmen." He was crying harder now. "I've spent all my life with half a family and I know I can relate to her because she's like the sister I never had."
She brought his head up to hers and held his face in her hands. "Listen to me Alexander James. She's not gonna let anything come between Nick and her. And what's more encouraging is that she's got your blood in her now. And God help her. You're both fighters. She's got twice the strength to make it back to us. She's not gonna let us down. She has to live for her friends, Nick and most important she has to live for herself. AJ I have never seen her so happy with anyone else besides Nick. And I know she sees forever with him despite what she heard him say at the studio."
She wiped his tears away and he leaned in and put his head on her shoulder. "I don't know how Nick's handling this. He's been the baby of the five of us for so long and we have tried to protect him as best we could, but right now he's going through his toughest time. He's never faced anything like this before. Even I can't erase the image of Chelle's accident out of my head. It keeps on playing over and over again."
Carmen remained silent and let him get it all out. She had never seen him like this before. She didn't know he had such an emotional side to him.
"I know I would not be able to handle it if it was you. I love you too much to see you get hurt."
She looked down at him in shock as he continued to speak. "I can't imagine a day living without you. I want to share my hopes, dreams and life with you. I want Dwayne and Beth's dream to become a reality for us too. I've played around too much and now I know who I want to spend the rest of my life with. You're everything I have looked for in a woman. Your kind, make me laugh.  And more importantly, you see me more than just a dollar sign.   You see beyond the spotlight....and see the man that I really am.”  AJ then turned to look Carmen in the eyes, “ I love you. And well, I guess I am hoping that you were feeling the same for me.”

Carmen finally found her voice. "AJ I don't know if I should laugh or cry. I think right now even under these circumstances you just made me the happiest person in the world. I love you too. I can't even tell how much. I just do. And oh my God I have been thinking about the same thing.  I want all that with you too. In these past few days, I thought I was building a castle in the sky, thinking about our future together and then reality would hit me and I tried to stop myself from falling in love with you. But I guess I couldn't help myself.  It would've been too difficult to let go of you. I love you, AJ"
AJ took her hands in his and looked into her eyes. "Carmen I love you and I promise you I will make all our dreams come true."  He leaned in and kissed her softly sealing the promise he made.  Without any words spoken, AJ swooped Carmen into his arms and carried her towards the bed.  With a husky voice he said, “I think tonight needs to be a night we’ll never forget.”
"I love you, AJ" Carmen whispered as his mouth covered hers. He placed her on the bed, exploring her body as he removed her clothes. With a gentleness she didn't know he had, he placed tiny kisses on her skin.  Carmen reached for him, pulling him down to the bed. He pulled the sheet over their bodies, and moaned..."mmmmm, Carmen.... 'You complete me'.

 Carmen laughed out loud, "Oh god.. I love that movie....Jerry McGuire...Tom Cruise has NOTHING on you AJ"  as she wrapped her arms around his back.  

  ~~~~~~~~~~~w/ Mr. Roark and Tattoo~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Boss, boss. They say that Miss Wilson is in the hospital and in a coma? " Tattoo said to Mr. Roark then asked “did you know this was going to happen?”

"No, one can guess what fate has in store for us." Mr. Roark replied.

"But you knew something was going to happen. I just assumed you saw this coming" Tattoo said.

" must never assume."

"So what's going to happen now?" Tattoo asked, worried about their guests.

"Unfortunately, even I can't see their futures but perhaps this will allow our guests to take another look at their lives" Mr. Roark answered as he guided his friend towards his office.

"I hope our young friend Miss Wilson will be ok. " Tattoo said as he followed Mr. Roark.

"Me too Tattoo. Me too." Mr. Roark replied as he placed his arm around his friend "come Tattoo. Let's make sure we are available for our young guests.”
