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Chapter four
by Chelle, Shawn and Jennifer

Tanya and Shawn walked into  chelle's room laughing.

chelle just looked at them knowing what they were laughing at
“I can't believe what AJ did to me" chelle said.

shawn said, "that was too funny. you should have seen your face."

"Yeah you should of" Tanya added.

Chelle said, "Just wait. Mr. AJ will get his."

“and, oh my god chelle, what were doing pretending not to know them” Shawn squealed.

chelle said, "come on....why say we know who they are.  it's better this way, girls.  say something comes out of all this, they may think we were only after them because they are the backstreet boys."

tanya says, "well, I can see your point, chelle."

Shawn says, "OMG, did you see Kevin? I almost died of a heart attack right then and there."

"Me too when Howie first walked up to us and started talking to us." Tanya added.

"You had a heart attack, I ran smack into Nick I mean I literally ran into him" Chelle said.

Tanya said, "I just couldn't believe Howie was actually talking to us."

"and to think, we're going to have dinner with them" Shawn said

ok, girls, does this look alright?" chelle asked holding up a green slinky sundress.

Shawn said, "you go, chelle. someone wants to get some tonight."

"Oh, be quiet, Shawn. You know damn well, if Kevin asked you to go back to his room, your ass would jump at the chance" chelle said.

Shawn just stood there with a smirk on her face and replied, “damn straight”.

Tanya said laughing, "well, I won't wait for Howie to ask me. I'll just ask him."

"I've got to see this, you're the quietest of our bunch and you're gonna ask Sweet D for some loving," Shawn teased back.

"Bite me." Tanya told Shawn.

The girls finished getting dressed so they could quickly join the others. They didn't want to keep them waiting too long. Every minute spent with them is like a dream come true.

---------------------meanwhile at the restraunt-----------------------

"So how did you meet the girls?" Kevin asked A.J. and Howie.

"I noticed the girls on the plane ride over here." Howie told Kevin.

"yeah, apparently Nick did too“, Kevin answered back.

“Yeah pick on the blond like you always do." Nick said.

 "Hate to burst your bubble Nick but Brian's a blond too." Kevin said.

Just then Sherry and Carmen came back to the table with two fruity drinks in hand.  “um, what's with the two drinks in each hand" AJ asked, "is one of them for me?" aj said laughing.  

"no, actually it's my drink thanks to Jerry over there" Carmen said smiling over at the bartender.

AJ couldn't take his eyes off of Carmen while she was giggling with her friend. He thought to himself, "I must have her tonight."

“so howie here says that you ladies are best friends from high school?" Brian asked.

"Yeah we've known each other awhile and we've been there for one another through some tough times" Sherry stated

"really? that's good" howie said. "you know, we're great listeners too"

“well, chelle has been working non stop for her new firm and went through the ringer with this guy she was engaged to, Carmen said pausing for a moment then continued, “but Tanya's husband died last fall and this is her first time out in a long time so we felt the need to have a girls trip together.  When the five of us get together, it’s just really nice  to escape real  life for just a little while.  

"what happened to Tanya‘s husband?" Brian asked.

"well, he was in a car accident and was killed instantly" Carmen said. "He didn't know what hit him."

“That's terrible, you‘d never guess she‘s been through so much by just looking at her.  She hides her troubles very well" Howie said with much concern.

Kevin was listening and when he heard car accident, he jumped a little. Brian saw him do that, but didn't want to let him know that he saw.  Kevin quickly grabbed his beer and gulped it down to calm his nerves hoping no one saw his reaction. Unfortunately, the drink didn't help, but it numbed the pain for a little while.

"um, guys, here come the others" nick says.

They all looked up and saw that Nick wasn't playing some kind of prank.

Brian said, "Well, look who decided to show up. Let me check my watch and see how long it took you all."

"Hey, we didn't take that long" Shawn said.

“We only took 20 minutes. That's a record for us" Tanya said laughing.

“well, it was well worth the wait” Howie said sweetly towards Tanya pulling out a chair for her to sit next to him.

“Aw, thanks that was nice of you to say”, Tanya replied back and accepted the seat next to him.

“Oh god, I need a drink” Chelle said rolling her eyes at the mushy couple as she walked past them.

“Hey, whatcha drinkin their Carmen” Chelle asked.

“It’s Jerry’s famous Pina Colada you should get one their great!” Carmen answered back.

“Now, that sounds like an idea” Chelle said and started heading towards the bar.

“Hey Chelle, wait up I’ll come with you” Nick said.

“Sure, only if you promise not to trip me this time”, Chelle teased.

“Hey, if my memory serves me correctly you ran into me”, Nick fired back.

“oh, whatever are you coming or not” Chelle laughingly said.

“Yeah I am. Also I’m buying.” Nick said.

“I can afford my own drink.” Chelle said giving Nick a dirty look.

“Please let me buy you a drink.” Nick said laying his hand on hers. This sent a tingling feeling up Chelle’s spine one she hadn’t felt in a long time.

“Ok just one drink.” Chelle said.

“Thanks.” Nick told her.
They got up to the bar where Nick bought the drinks and then they headed back to the table to rejoin the group.

“Hey guys I hear there is suppose to be a old fashion Hawaiian Luau do you want to go?” A.J. asked everyone

“That sounds like fun.” Everyone but Kevin said. A.J. looked towards Kevin and saw his mind was somewhere else.

“Hey old man did you hear me.” A.J. said waving his hand in front of Kevin’s face.

Brian glanced over at Nick hoping he saw the same distressing look that was on Kevin’s face.  Nick nodded his head towards Brian acknowledging that he saw the same thing and gave him the look which meant they would discuss it later.

“What did you say Bone?” Kevin asked coming back to the present.

“I asked if you wanted to go to an old Fashion Hawaiian Luau?” Bone said.

“That sounds fun yeah I’ll go with you guys.” Kevin replied.

“Good why don’t we all go get change after we get done eating and meet right back here.” A.J. said.

“O.K.” Everyone said Just then a waiter came up and asked them what they would like. They all gave him their orders and sat back to wait for their food.

“So Howie tells us you are all in a band together.” Chelle started to say as they waited for their food.
“Yeah we are.” Kevin replied his reply was a little bit guarded.

“Hey Train can you believe it these girls have never heard of us.” Howie told him.

“You haven’t?” Nick asked surprise. He would of thought by now everyone knew who they were.

Just then their food arrived, which saved the girls from answering Nick’s question. Shawn was the most thankful about their food coming because she didn’t feel comfortable lying to their new friends. Chelle could see that Shawn wanted to end their little game by telling the truth so she took her foot and gave Shawn a kick in the shin.
“Ouch.” Shawn said.
“Are you ok?” Brian asked who was sitting between Sherry and Shawn.
“Yeah I’m fine I just think I got bitten by a fly.” Shawn said looking over towards Chelle who was giggling back at her.
“ Oh, ok” Brian said.
For the rest of their meal they ate in silence everyone once awhile they would talk about themselves if they were asked or about their friendships.
“So Bone what time does this Luau start?” Kevin asked.

“About eight.” A.J. told them.

“Well it’s seven now so I think we should go get ready don’t you guys?” Kevin asked.

“Well I am ready now, so I think I will wait here at the bar with good ole Jerry while everyone is getting ready.  I think I need a few more fruity drinks here” Chelle announced proudly.

“Um Chelle, exactly how many of those fruity drinks have you had already” Shawn asked.

“Oh relax Shawn, I am not driving tonight and I’ve only had a few.  Besides, if you’ve forgotten we are on a vacation”, Chelle snapped.  

“ok, but I don’t want hear you complaining that you’re sick tomorrow” Shawn reminded her.  

“Ya know Chelle I think we’ll stay and keep you company and hopefully get Ms. Mom here to relax” Tanya added in.

“Well, alrighty we’ll meet you ladies back here in a bit okay? AJ again stated.

“Yeah” Everyone agreed.
