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Chapter 39 It’s Confession Time
By Chelle and Tess

Kevin and Nick headed down the sterile hallways of the hospital, their shoes echoing in the silence. Kevin tried to talk to Nick, yet the words just wouldn't come. They opened the door to the cafeteria and went inside. "I can't believe the cafeteria is still open" Kevin said as he led Nick through the line. Nick just walked behind Kevin in silence, his mind a million miles away. Kevin glanced over at Nick and realized he was frowning. "She'll be alright. You heard the doctor say it. She's already proven to be a fighter." Kevin looked at the food, frowning. Nothing worse then hospital food. But he took a sandwich anyway and followed Nick to a corner table.

Nick looked at Kevin as they sat down, his voice shaky. "Man, Kev....I can't get the look on her face before she ran out of the studios out of my head. She was so upset." He looked back at his plate, frowning at the food on it. He pushed it away from him and placed his head in his hands. "And I am the reason for that look....." he whispered.
Kevin reached his hand over and placed it on Nick's shoulder in a reassuring gesture. "It wasn't your fault Nick."

"I never should've said that." Nick groaned.

Kevin then interrupted, "It was my fault. I told you to play down your relationship with her."

Nick just sighed, hanging his head. He felt so guilty. “If she dies, I will never be able to forgive myself.”

Kevin leaned down and tried to get his attention. Hearing the familiar words come from Nick, he knew exactly what Nick was thinking and feeling. "Look, Nicky....Chelle is a trooper. I am sure she will come out of this just fine. Then when she's awake, I will explain what happened. That it was my fault. That you were just following my instructions. Lord knows you wouldn't have said those things otherwise."

"Yeah but........" Nick started to say before Kevin interrupted him.

"But nothing. Your main focus needs to be to remind Chelle how much you love her. And that you're waiting for her to wake up. She needs to feel positive about your relationship. Remember what the doctor said. She can hear you. Your telling her how much you love her and want her in your life will make a big difference," Kevin explained to his friend. Nick nodded and tried to smile. He knew Kevin was right. Chelle needed to hear just how much he needed her in his life.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~back with Tess~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Tess sat in the chair, wiping the tears from her eyes. "Chelle...after all that you have done for me. I can't believe this happened. And that I am the cause. I am so sorry that I let Davy talk me into going to the studio. I should've known better."
The only answer to her apology was the sound of the beeps of the machines Chelle was hooked up to. "You have been such a good friend. I don't know what I would've done this past year without you. When things started getting were there for me. You helped me pick up the pieces when I lost my baby. And when Will put me in the were there to help me pack and get out. I know you can hear me Chelle. Know this....I am here for you. Whatever happens...I am here." Tess heard a scuffle behind her and turned expecting to see Nick. When she saw Shawn, she jumped out of her chair. "Shawn? How long have you been standing there?" she asked, completely unnerved at seeing her.

Shawn spoke up "Ah....well...I heard the whole thing. I'm sorry Tess. I didn't mean to eavesdrop. I was looking for Kevin...and well....."

Tess smiled weakly. She hadn't meant for anyone to hear what she had told Chelle, most of all Shawn. It was private and very personal. And it hurt so much. She was still grieving over her baby and failed marriage. "Shawn..." she started.

"I won't say a thing," she said leaning over to hug Tess. "I am so sorry for what you've gone through. It must've been awful."

"Yeah...I guess so." Tess replied her voice a hushed whisper.

"That's why you knew how I felt isn't it? You were able to understand what I was going through?" Shawn asked as a tear rolled down her cheek.

Tess hugged her tight as Shawn began to cry. "It's ok...I do understand. You see why Chelle has become such a dear friend to me. She was there for me just as she was for you.” Both girls held on to each other as they glanced over at Chelle’s still form.

“Yeah, she is my little sister.” Shawn said with another tear falling down her face.

As the girls continued talking over Chelle, Nick and Kevin re entered the room. Seeing both Shawn and Tess in tears, Nick panicked “Is something wrong? Is it Chelle?”

Shawn and Tess both jumped at the sound of Nick’s voice. Shawn wiped her eyes then said in a soft whisper “No Nick. Unfortunately, there's been no change in her condition.”

“Oh. I saw the two of you crying…I just thought….” Nick said with his head hanging low.

“No Nick. Don’t even think that. For Chelle, we’ve all got to stay positive here.” Shawn snapped.

“Why don’t you girls go get something to eat or drink. I think it will do you both some good. I will stay here with Nick and Chelle and keep them both company” Kevin suggested as he walked between Shawn and Tess wrapping his arms around them.
“Ok. I think that is a good idea” Shawn agreed. She was surprised at her sharp tone to Nick. He on the other hand wasn’t too alarmed. He really had expected the others to be angry at him. Shawn walked over to Nick and placed her arm around him, “I am sorry I snapped like that. But we have to be strong for her. I love her too Nick…and we just can’t accept the idea of losing her. We have to remind her of what is waiting for her. All of her friends and more importantly, you. You have put a new sense of hope into her…in spite of what has happened…deep down I know she knows this…but you’ve got to keep telling her that Nick.” Shawn looked back at Kevin and Tess with a small smile, “Tess? Let’s go get that cup of coffee and leave these two with Chelle. I know she’d love the idea of being alone with two good looking men.”   Kevin and Nick both smiled at Shawn’s words. Tess nodded and walked out of the room with Shawn.

Nick once again took Chelle’s hand in his and smiled “Hey angel. I'm back. Kevin is here with us, I got to watch what I say around dad. Ya know”

“Hey Chelle.” Kevin whispered as he sat down in the chair next to the bed. “Where’s that ball of fire we’ve all come to know and love. Girl, you need to hurry and wake up. You know AJ’s just lost without someone to pick on. You know I hear he donated some blood for you. Don’t know about you, but that sure would freak me out knowing I had AJ’s blood.” Kevin tried his best to keep a light hearted conversation but all he heard in response were the constant beeps of the machines in the room. Every beep he heard reminded him of his brother after the accident. It was almost too much, the pain of the memory. He took a deep breath then said with a soft voice “Hurry back to us Chelle. We all can’t wait to see your smiling face again. Especially Nick here” Kevin looked up at Nick. He could see the tears fall from his eyes. “He loves you Chelle. What happened wasn’t his fault. It actually was mine. All we wanted to do was protect you and the girls from the press and the big whigs from our record company. None of this should have ever happened. I am so sorry Chelle. Please give us a chance to make it up to you.” Kevin wiped a hand across his eyes, feeling a little wetness on his fingertips. He turned to Nick and smiled. "I'm going to go look for Shawn and Tess. Will you be okay?"

"Yeah....I'll be okay," Nick said softly, never taking his eyes from Chelle.

“Alright. Well, if you need anything we’ll either be in the cafeteria or in the waiting room” Kevin said as he walked out of the room.

Nick brought Chelle's hand to his lips, his tears falling on her fingers. "Please baby...please wake up. I need you. I love you. We've got so much ahead of us. You're moving to Florida with me so we can be together. There's so much I want to show you. So much we haven't done. I haven't met your family. And I want mine to get to know you. They will love you just as much as I do. You're my future...Chelle. I can't do this without you." Nick looked upon Chelle's face hoping to see her smiling back at him. But her eyes were still closed, her breathing still slow, the machines still beeping in the silence. He closed his eyes, the doctor's words ringing in his ears. "The next 24 hours are going to be the true test. If she makes it through them, I have a positive outlook for her complete recovery." "Michelle has slipped into a coma" "She has to come out of this coma within a few days." As the words cluttered his thoughts, the tears he was holding back slowly slipped over his cheeks, falling so fast he couldn't hold them back anymore. He cried harder, his sobs the only other sound in the room. "Oh God, Chelle. I can't lose you. Please...please wake up." Nick laid his head on the bed beside her hand. His cries softened and soon he quieted, falling into a fitful sleep.

~~~~~~~~Somewhere in the darkness with Chelle~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
As she kept running through the dark tunnel, Chelle could hear whispering voices all around her. She couldn’t see anyone but the voices kept getting louder and louder as she continued to run. Why it was so dark, she didn’t know. She could faintly see a light ahead….but it seemed so far away.
“Chelle! Please Stop” She heard a familiar voice scream out. She turned around but saw no one. She was so confused. Who was screaming for her? Suddenly she heard sounds of coins dropping, followed by a snickering laugh from a male voice.
“Ha ha ha..Think you’re something’re a dime a dozen”
Trying to avoid this invisible man, Chelle continued to run down the tunnel. A light rain started to fall.
“Chelle, please come back” a female voice hollered out.
Chelle turned once again recognizing a voice, “Shawn? Where are you?”
“We’re waiting for you. Hurry back to us. Hurry Chelle. Hurry!” the female voice cried out.
“SHAWN? I Don’t know where you are?” Chelle called out.
Chelle heard the male voice again, filled with a horrid laughter “Ah ha ha ha….you think he really cares for you? You’re only a replacement. How could he love you?’
“What? What are you talking about? Who are you?” Chelle asked the strange man. But she never heard an answer. All she could hear were more pleas to come back and the tinkling of coins falling to the ground.
“Hey Chelle. It’s me baby. I am here and I will be here waiting for you” Chelle heard the familiar voice whisper.
“Nick? Is that you?” She asked.
“Please don’t leave me” she heard him cry.
“NICK? WHERE ARE YOU?” Chelle screamed, her frantic voice echoing throughout the dark tunnel but she heard nothing in return.
Instead the rain started falling harder and more coins could be heard as they hit the wet ground. She heard more cackling laughter all around. Chelle became more frightened and continued to run, her heart pounding hard, her breathing ragged. Ahead of her she could see a bright, beckoning light.
“If I could only get to the light, I would see who is out there” Chelle said to herself.
“Chelle, hey girl. What a way to get some attention” another female’s voice blurted out.
“Carmen? Oh my god. Where are you? I don’t see you” Chelle asked as she began to cry. “Carmen I am afraid. Help me please. I can’t see anything in this tunnel. Help me.” She then heard Carmen’s voice come closer, “You have AJ’s blood. How about that?”
“What? AJ’s blood? What?” Chelle turned around once again to ask out loud. Her head again began to hurt. “AJ? Please help me?”
She saw AJ ahead of her, his lanky form shrouded in a mist but the closer she ran towards AJ the further away he became. “Wait AJ. Please wait!” She again screamed out. As she continued looking at AJ, he turned into the same man who had been laughing at her. She screamed, her voice hoarse to her own ears.
“Ha ha ha. AJ, help me” The voice mocked. “Who are you kidding. He doesn’t care about you. You’re a dime a dozen.”
“No I am not. Nick loves me. I know he does.” Chelle screamed at the male voice. When she said Nick’s name, she then could see the sailboat with Nick and her on it. “What? How can I see this? I don’t understand?” Another person appeared before her, “this is what makes you feel safe Chelle. Nick makes you feel that way. Follow me towards the light, and you’ll see more.” the soft voice said. “wait, don’t leave me. I can’t see anything.” Chelle said to the voice as she followed it towards the light ahead.
“Follow me, Chelle. Follow me to the light. All your questions will finally be answered” the familiar voice said once again.
“CHELLE? PLEASE DON”T LEAVE ME. I LOVE YOU. I NEED YOU” Chelle heard Nick cry out. She turned quickly towards the darkness and heard Nick’s cries become even louder.
“Nick? Please don’t cry. Where are you? I don’t see you anywhere. Nick?” Chelle called out to the darkness but was once again lured towards the light. “Chelle?” She heard her name being called out in every direction and was so confused as to which direction to go. The closer she was towards the light the louder Nick’s cries were. But the further from the light she was the more the darkness began to surround her, followed by the strange man’s laughs. Chelle stopped running and screamed out loud “NICK! HELP ME! PLEASE!”
