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Chapter 38 - Time Stands Still
By Chelle, Tess, Farah and Shawn

The waiting room was quiet as the second hour of Chelle's surgery
passed with no word on her condition. Nick paced the floor, while
Kevin tried to keep Shawn calm. Tess kept watch on the OR doors,
waiting for a doctor to appear. The others had come and gone,
bringing coffee and food for Nick, Shawn and Tess, but none of them
wanted any. Finally, just as the third hour was approaching, the OR
doors opened and a surgeon, his green scrubs covered in crimson,
appeared. "There's a doctor coming," she announced. Nick stopped
pacing and everyone jumped to their feet, anticipating the outcome of
his report.
"You all are here for Michelle Wilson?" the doctor asked as he
entered the waiting room. Nick stepped forward, his voice caught in
his throat. All he could do was nod. He was too damned scared to say
what he thought out loud.
"Yes sir," Kevin answered.
"I am Dr. Jacobs. Michelle is a very lucky woman. Her present
condition is still critical but stable. We encountered several tears
in her spleen, which we repaired and we seemed to have stopped the
internal bleeding."
"The Code Blue we heard...was that Chelle?" Shawn asked.
Dr. Jacobs answered, "Yes....we nearly lost her, but she is a
fighter. Brought her back...."
"Is she going to be okay?" Brian asked, voicing the one question
everyone wanted an answer to.
"The next 24 hours are going to be the true test. If she makes it
through them, I have a positive outlook for her complete recovery."
The doctor looked around the room and saw the relief on all their
faces. He hated to tell them the rest of the news, but he believed in
pulling no punches. "There's one more thing," he started. "Michelle
has slipped into a coma.' A collective gasp was heard through the
room and several of the girls started to cry again. "This is not
uncommon for trauma of this type. We expected this to happen.
However, she has to come out of this coma within a few days."
"Can we see her?" Nick asked softly, needing to see Chelle with his
own eyes to prove to himself that she was okay.
"Yes..I want you to see her. Talk to her. She needs to know that her
friends are here. Now she may seem like she's asleep, that she can't
hear you, but we know that comatose patients can hear everything
around them."
Nick nodded, his face grim. He needed to see her, to talk to her, to
tell her he was sorry and that he loved her.
"As soon as she is settled into ICU, I will have a nurse come for
you." Dr. Jacobs said as he turned to walk out of the waiting area.
"Thank You Dr. Jacobs" Shawn called out. Dr. Jacobs nodded to the
group as he walked out of the room.
Kevin spoke up looking over at Shawn and Nick, "Nick. Shawn. how
about you two go first to see Chelle"
" should both go," Tess said, when Shawn glanced her way.
Brian stood and looked at Nick and Kevin, "I think the rest of us
should go back to the hotel. There's no sense on staying here."
"I agree," Howie said, "We don't want to tire Chelle out. She's been
through enough tonight."
"We would like to just see for ourselves that she's okay," Sherry
said, looking at the other girls.
" I think it would be best," Tess said, agreeing with her.
"We won't stay...just look through the window," Tanya said.
"'s been a long day, but I want to see her...if only for a
minute." Carmen said.
As the others continued talking, Nick kept his focus on the doorway,
waiting for the nurse to appear. He was anxious to see Chelle. She
had to know he loved and needed her.
"Did anyone remember to call Chelle's parents?" Shawn asked looking
over at the girls.
"I did. Talked to her dad. And he was going to contact her mom"
Sherry answered, "He said they would probably be here by morning."
"Good. I know Chelle will be happy. She's very close to them." Shawn
replied as she joined Nick by the door. "Any sign of the nurse?"
"No. Not yet." Nick said with a shaky voice, "Shawn? Chelle's parents
are going to hate me. This was my fault."
"They're not going to hate you." Shawn said as she placed her arm
around Nick, "now if you were Jared.. you should be afraid. Very
afraid. Mr. Wilson despises anyone who purposely hurts his baby.
Jared did that. What happened here was an accident. But Chelle loves
you Nick…and you are here for her now…That's what going mean more
than anything in the long run."
"Yeah I am here now.. And I will never leave her side again. I love
her Shawn…and I will make sure she doesn't forget that" Nick said
with confidence.
Shawn gave Nick a hug then looked out the doorway of the waiting
room. "Look there. I think that is the nurse there." Shawn said
pointing at a short elderly woman.
The nurse walked into the waiting area, "Ms. Wilson has been moved
into ICU. I can only allow two visitors at a time."
"we're going first" Nick said pointing at himself and Shawn.
"ok. Follow me. We're gonna have to get you cleaned up and into a
pair of scrubs. Can't let you bring any germs in there with you." the
short woman instructed then motioned for the two to follow her. Nick
and Shawn both quickly followed the woman out the door. "tell her we
love her" Carmen said as Shawn along with Nick disappeared behind the
double doors.
The kindly nurse led Nick and Shawn down the hallway past the double
doors and showed them to a room where they could wash and change into
a set of scrubs. Afterwards, she led them to Chelle's room.
As they entered her darkened room, they were greeted with a series of
intermittent beeps. A pale light shone above her head, casting a soft
glow onto her face. She looked so pale, the white of the bandage on
her forehead a stark contrast to her dark hair. Nick gasped. She had
bruises along the side of her face and down her right arm.
Seeing her like this was difficult for both Nick and Shawn. He stood
at one side of Chelle while Shawn was on the other. Shawn grabbed
Chelle's hand then said, "Hey little sister. You gave us all quite a
scare tonight. Honey, everyone is here and is anxious for you to wake
up. Especially this good looking man standing next you." Shawn
whispered as tears fell down her cheek, glancing over at Nick. As
Nick listened to Shawn's words, his tears began to spill even harder.
He couldn't believe where he was. Earlier that morning he was holding
Chelle and kissing her. Now she was hanging on for dear life. And he
was the blame. "Nick? Try to remain strong. Remember, Chelle can hear
us" Shawn said as she looked back at Chelle. Nick wiped his tears
away then took Chelle's hand in his. "Hey Angel. I'm here with you.
And I am going to be here when you wake up. Baby, I am so sorry for
all of this. What you heard me say was a lie. Your are not just some
ordinary girl I just met. To me, you are….my Chelle."
Shawn then stood up and interrupted Nick, "Nick? I am going to go
talk to the nurse so you can have some time alone with Chelle." Nick
nodded as he watched Shawn leave the room. He then ran his fingers
across Chelle's cheek. "God you are so beautiful when you are
sleeping." He then began kissing her hand "I am so thankful that we
met. You see, before… I really didn't believe I'd ever fall in love.
But you made that possible for me. Running into you was the best
thing that has ever happened to me. I've met the love of my life.
Together we have so much to look forward to. So you see, you can't
leave me Chelle." Nick said as his tears again began to fall "I need
you Chelle…..I love you".
Shawn walked out to the nurses station and asked the nurse to speak
with the doctor. When the doctor arrived, Shawn motioned him over to
speak in private." Can I talk to you for a minute?" Shawn asked.
After brief discussion with the doctor, Shawn walked back into the
waiting room to speak with her friends. "Shawn? How is she?" Carmen
asked as she ran from the chair she was sitting in. Shawn chose her
words carefully trying to prepare them for what they were going to
see. "She's in the same condition. She looks like she's just sleeping
there…but…she's hooked up to a lot of wires and IVs and she is
covered with many bandages. I am not gonna lie" Shawn admitted as her
voice began to crack "it's horrible seeing her like that….but we've
gotta remember to be brave..and stay positive in front of her…because
she can hear us."
Tess felt her heart sink as she listened to Shawn describe Chelle.
She couldn't wait any longer to see Chelle with her own eyes. "How
could I let this happen" she thought. The group listened closely to
Shawn. She then continued, "I spoke with Dr. Jacobs and he's agreed
to let you all see her from the window of her room.. Each of us can
go in small numbers..but we can't stay long. And if you are going in
to see her…you'll need to wash up and put on a pair of scrubs…we
can't bring in any germs."
After Shawn spoke with her friends, they all followed her passed the
double doors… only the girls all changed into a pair of scrubs so
they could see their best friend. The guys wanted to see her as well
but knew they'd have to wait their turn..right now it was important
for the girls to see their best friend. As the group approached the
window of Chelle's room, gasps were heard as they saw her still form
laying in the bed. Nick was seen holding her hand and occasionally
kissing it. Each of the girls had tears in their eyes.
"Tanya why don't you go in there first" Shawn suggested.
"Are...You...sure" Tanya said with tears in her eyes.
"yes. Chelle would love to hear your voice" Shawn encouraged.
"Ok" Tanya said. She walked into Chelle's room. Nick looked up. "Hey
baby Tanya's here." Nick told Chelle. Tanya looked towards the bed.
This scene was the same scene that played out with her husband except
he hadn't been in a coma.
"Go ahead and talk to her she can hear you." Nick told Tanya.
"Um..." Tanya started. "I'm sorry..." she put her hands to her mouth
and ran out past everyone standing near Chelle's door. Howie turned
around and ran after Tanya.
"Tanya wait up" Howie called. Tanya didn't hear she just kept
running. Carmen and sherry looked at each other, their anxiety
showing on their faces. What were they gonna find? Was Tanya's
reaction going to be replayed over and over?
"I'll go next, " Carmen said next. She reached over and squeezed
Sherry's hand, then turned and headed into Chelle's room. As she
approached the bed, Nick smiled. He was sitting on the right side of
Chelle's bed. He stayed quiet, not wanting to intruded on the private
moments between the girls, but not wanting to leave her side either.
Silent tears slipped down her cheek as she looked at her friend.
Chelle looked so peaceful lying there. It was hard to believe she
wasn't just asleep. " know if you needed attention, all
you had to do was ask," she said, reaching out to take Chelle's hand
in hers. "You know I love you, Chelle.....I will be back, but the
others want to see you really quick. You know, to see you with their
own eyes." She started to leave and turned back to whisper something
in Chelle's ear. "AJ...he's a real sweetie....was the first one in
line to donate blood for you..." Carmen smiled as she saw a corner of
Chelle's mouth twitch. They were right. She could hear what they said
to her. She smiled, hope swelling in her. She headed out and Sherry
exchanged places with her.
"Chelle......oh my God....I am so sorry. I can't believe this
happened. And the last thing we said to each other was in anger."
Sherry said with tears falling from her eyes. "And you were right
about Tess......Brian and I ...well we were wrong. We know that now.
I am so sorry for accusing her. Tess gave me some incredible advise
and well... You need to wake up soon. I've got to tell you something.
Things that will shock you." Sherry paused for a moment then looked
directly at her friend "She wants to see you too.....I will be back
with the others later. We love you little sister." Sherry smiled and
placed her hand on Nick's shoulder, squeezing it gently. As Sherry
walked out of Chelle's room, Brian quickly embraced her. He knew that
Sherry was feeling the same as he was…helpless. "Are you ok?" Brian
asked as continued to hug Sherry. "she's going to be alright isn't
she Brian?" Sherry asked as she began to cry. "you heard the doctor's
words earlier… she's a fighter..I don't think Chelle will leave us.
She has so much waiting for her not to mention my best friend over
there" Brian said as he pointed towards Nick who once again was
kissing Chelle's hand. Carmen walked over to Sherry and wrapped her
arms around her. "Chelle's not gonna leave us. She can't. Especially
after what I told her" Carmen said as she wiped the tears from her
face. Sherry looked at Carmen, "what did you tell her?" Carmen looked
over at AJ and gave a small smile "I told her that she's got AJ's
blood. Told her he was the first to donate. That ought to wake her
up." Without pulling his gaze away from the scene between Nick and
Chelle, AJ replied "well.. If that's what I got to get Chelle
laughing and kidding with me again..well then I will donate as much
as she needs" It hurt AJ to see Nick look so sad, he only prayed that
Chelle would be alright.
Brian then spoke up, "Hey guys it's getting late. We probably should
head back to the hotel. While you girls were in visiting Chelle,
Kevin told us that Howie took Tanya back already. She was pretty
shook up."
"Yeah we probably should go. We need to get a good night's sleep so
we can be back early int he morning," Carmen suggested.
Sherry turned to look for Tess. When she spotted her at the nurses's
station, Sherry said to the others' "There's Tess. Let's see if
she's going back to the hotel. If she is we can wait a little
longer. That way she doesn't have to go back alone."
The others agreed as they walked behind Sherry. "Tess?" Sherry
called out. Tess looked up, turning away from her conversation with
the nurse to see Sherry standing next to her along with Carmen AJ and
"How is she?" Tess asked Sherry.
"She looks like she's asleep. But you will get to see for yourself.
We are going back to the hotel but if you want we can wait for you so
you won't have to go alone."
"Thanks..I appreciate the offer, but I think I am going to stay
here. I just don't think I will be able to sleep," Tess explained,
looking at the floor. " I...I...keep seeing the car skidding on the
wet road....Chelle's.....I can't...I'm afraid to close my eyes.
Sleep is out of the question."
Sherry crossed the short distance to Tess and wrapped her arms around
her in a warm hug. "We are all here for you if you need to talk."
Tess sniffed, fighting the ever threatening tears. To have Sherry
extend a peace offering was a little overwhelming, but Tess knew that
it had a lot to do with Chelle's accident. She was going to accept
it and move on. She pulled from Sherry's embrace and
smiled. "Thanks....if I need to talk, I will let you know. I think
I am going to take a walk...clear my head before I go to see Chelle."
"Ok....well...we're going to head out. Will you tell Kevin and Shawn
goodnight for us?" AJ asked, giving Tess a hug.
"Sure..." she said squeezing AJ tight. "I'll see you tomorrow, pal."
~~~~~~~~~~~~~30 minutes later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Tess stood outside Chelle's room. She was anxious to see her, tell
her how sorry she was that this had happened. She felt a hand on her
shoulder and turned to see Kevin. She smiled weakly and turned her
attention back to Chelle. Nick was still with her and she didn't want
to intrude. Besides what she had to say was private. She didn't want
anyone feeling sorry for her. Everyone's attention needed to be
focused on Chelle right now.
"I am gonna take him to get some food. He's been in there all night.
He needs a break," Kevin said.
"I'll stay with her. I wanted to talk with her anyway. Where's Shawn?"
"She fell asleep in the waiting room. I borrowed a blanket and
covered her up. She's exhausted."
"Well, let her sleep. I'll sit with Chelle. And take your time. Nick
needs to rest."
Tess went in and tapped Nick on the shoulder. She pointed to Kevin,
then smiled as he wearily stood up. He stretched, arching his aching
back. He had dozed, still holding Chelle's hand tight in his own.
"I'll sit with her. Go keep him company. Go....if there's any change
I will let you know," Tess said with a reassuring smile.
Nick nodded. As much as he wanted to stay with Chelle, he needed to
talk to Kevin. He hugged Tess, then leaned over and placed a soft
kiss on Chelle's cheek.
"I'll be back," he whispered.
Tess watched as he left, then she sat down in the chair he vacated.
She reached for Chelle's hand and squeezed it gently.
"Hey pal...I know you wanted a vacation, but damn did you have to go
to such lengths?" Tess asked, trying to use humor so she didn't cry.
She wanted to stay positive for Chelle. "I...this is all my fault,
Chelle. If I hadn't listened to Davy.....this wouldn't have
