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Chapter 34~~That's What Friends Are For
By Chelle and Tess

~~~~~~~~~at the studios with the guys~~~~~~~~~~~
Brian stood outside the sound booth watching Kevin work the sound panel. He approached Kevin saying, “Um, Kev? Look. I am sorry for what I said earlier.” Kevin just stared ahead of him as he listened to Brian’s words. Brian continued, “I know I can’t take back what I said. What happened between you and Tess was none of my business but I am your cousin and I care about you man. No one remembers what happened to you when you guys broke up better than I do.”
Kevin then interrupted, “Brian, I know what you’re going to say. You don’t need to repeat it either. Tess and I are not getting back together. What happened between Tess and me was a long time ago. A lot has happened to her and to me since then. And whether you want to believe it or not, I am crazy about Shawn. Tess being here was purely coincidental.”
Brian then said, “Sorry if I didn’t’ give you the benefit of the doubt earlier. I just don’t want to see you get hurt.”
“Well then lets just agree to disagree when it comes to Tess. I still care for her. And that is something you’re going to have to accept. Any negative comments about her you need to please keep to yourself” Kevin explained.
“Agreed. I promise to not put my two cents in anymore.” Brian said as he shook hands with Kevin. Howie, Nick and AJ all sighed in relief.
Kevin then looked at the other guys, “Ok, break over with… let’s get back to work. The sooner we get this track down the sooner we’ll be able to enjoy our off time. "
From a distance, Davy listened to the guys sing....and with each note he saw dollar signs. He thought to himself 'A few more hours and they will have this perfected. Mr. James' spies will have nothing but good news to report. I am glad I didn't tell the guys about them coming down here. Can’t interfere with the plan.’ As Davy continued dreaming away, Tyler bolted through the doors of the studio and announced,
“Um, Kev.”
“yeah, what’s up Tyler?”
“You need to get back to the hotel. There was a problem with the girls” Tyler said..getting the attention of the other guys.
“WHAT HAPPENED?” Kevin asked.
“It’s Shawn. She was attacked by some guy?”
“WHAT?!? Where were Billy and Mike? Never mind, tell me in the car..Let’s go” Kevin instructed as he ran towards the door, his heart beating a mile a minute. The other guys followed behind also wanting to make sure the other girls were alright.
~~~~~~~~~~~with Davy~~~~~~~~~~
“Son of a bitch. They left.” Davy fumed. “well, they better be on their toes or there will be hell to pay.”
  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~at the girls’ suite~~~~~~~~~~~~~
As the girls entered the suite, Billy tried to help Chelle and Carmen with Shawn; however, Shawn wouldn’t hear of it since Billy was a man. The other girls couldn’t help but worry for their friend. “Shawn, let’s get you settled in your bed. You can relax then. We’ll make sure no one bothers you. Okay?” Chelle said softly.
In the living room, the girls began to pace the floor. Billy walked back into the room, “I called Mr. Roark and he is calling a doctor to check on the girls. Maybe they can prescribe something for Shawn. You know, to help her relax. She went through a scary ordeal. And well, the doctor could maybe help her deal with what happened.”
“yeah, well what I don’t understand is…how did this all happen?” Sherry blurted out.
“Sherry, calm down. All of this was an accident. The guy apparently was drunk and picked the wrong girl to mess with” Tanya replied. A knock was heard from the door. Mike opened the door , Mr. Roark along with a doctor appeared. “Hello. This is Dr. Gwen Naguwa. She is here to see the girls.” Mr. Roark advised. Carmen showed the doctor to Shawn’s room where both Shawn and Chelle were.
When the doctor entered the room, she was greeted by Chelle who was seated next to Shawn. “Hi there. I am Dr. Gwen Naguwa. This is Shawn Rogers I presume” the doctor pointed at Shawn. Chelle looked over at Shawn and slowly nodded. Shawn was lying on the bed, her face pale and her ___expression blank. It seemed like she was miles away not in the same room. Chelle was worried about her, she had not said much since they had gotten back to the hotel. "Let me talk with her," the doctor suggested. Chelle got up and moved out of her way. Shawn began to tremble as Chelle moved further away. "I’m right here," Chelle told her. "Dr. Naguwa is just going to look you over. Make sure you're okay."
"Hi Shawn...My name is Gwen. I just want to check you over. It won't take long. I just want to be sure you're okay." As the doctor looked Shawn over, she casually asked chelle to tell her what happened.
"She was only gone a few minutes. I heard her scream and when I found her, a man had her pinned against a car. I don't think he did anything to know..." Chelle explained. "Yes, Chelle I know. Shawn....can you tell me if anything hurts?" Gwen asked. Shawn shook her head no, then turned away with a sob, ashamed that it had almost happened again. The doctor got up from Shawn’s side and moved with Chelle to the other side of the room to talk. “I don’t see anything more than a few minor scratches. However, the shock of what happened will play a toll on her for awhile. I am going to prescribe something for her to help her relax. Then maybe sometime tomorrow, someone can bring her by my office. I would like to talk to her a little more” Chelle nodded. Dr. Naguwa then looked at Chelle’s hands, “now you on the other hand, you’ve got some nasty bruises there. Let me take a look at your hands.”
Chelle held out her hands as the doctor asked. “Doc? Um.. I think the reason why Shawn is reacting this way is cuz of something that happened in her past.”
As the doctor continued looking over Chelle‘s hands she looked back at Shawn and said, “That is what I am thinking also. That is why I want her to come by my office tomorrow. She is not in any condition to talk about it now. What she needs is rest.”
“yeah.” Chelle agreed.
Looking over her hands, Gwen said, “now, you’re hands look just a little swollen. I hear you took care of this guy. Good for you.”
“Yeah, well he deserved it” Chelle said with a firm tone, “they said he was drunk but that was no excuse to attack Shawn.”
“I agree.” Dr. Naguwa picked up her bag “again, you’re hand is swollen. It doesn’t appear to be broken. What I suggest you do is put some ice on them. That will help the swelling go down.. If you need anything here’s my card . You can call for anything. I will have the prescription delivered over here in a bit. You guys keep a close eye on her. She’ll be alright. She’s got some great friends.”
~~~~~~~~back in the living room~~~~~~~~~
As the others awaited for the doctor to reappear, Sherry again began to pace the room.
“Sherry, would you please sit down. You’re making the rest of us nervous” Carmen pleaded. Sherry turned back and gave a dirty look to Tess. Tess was unsure as to why Sherry was angry with her, but was sure she was gonna hear about it soon.
The front door flew open with Kevin running through. “Where is she? Is she ok? What happened?”
“Kevin, the doctor is examining her now. Chelle is in there with her. Try to stay calm ok?" Tanya said as she placed her arm around Kevin to comfort him.
“But you’ve seen her, how is she?” Kevin begged for an explanation.
“Physically, I think she is ok.. However, she was traumatized. So, we’ll just have to wait and hear from the doctor. But for her sake, we have to remain calm.” Tanya explained.
The others guys entered the room and only heard tidbits of what happened. “How is she?” Howie asked Tanya.
“Yeah? and is Chelle ok?” Nick asked a little out of breath from running.
Tanya took a deep breath and replied, “Guys, the doctor is looking at the both of them. Neither one is badly injured. Chelle probably has a few bruises from beating up the guy….”
AJ and Nick both interrupted, “What?”.
Tanya then continued, “but Shawn is traumatized by what happened…which is understandable.”
“I don’t understand how this could happen? Mike? Billy?” Kevin asked looking at both men for an explanation.
“Kevin. The beach was crowded with many tourists. The girls…” Billy tried to explain but was cut off by Tess.
“Kev, we didn’t think there would be a problem. The beach turned out to be over crowded with other tourists. We stayed far away from the crowds as possible..but the guys weren’t able to keep watch on us the entire time…I mean afterall, there is six of us and only two of them.” Tess explained.
“Yeah, we thought we were headed to a secluded beach…but it turned out to be over crowded.” Sherry replied sarcastically.
Before Kevin was able to ask another question, Shawn’s door opened. As Chelle walked the doctor to the door, the doctor advised, “Chelle, I will have her prescription delivered here”. Chelle replied while looking at her friends, “Thank you Gwen. We’ll keep you posted if anything else comes up.” Chelle closed the door behind the doctor.
“How is she?” Kevin pleaded.
Chelle answered while looking at the others, “Kev… she’s ok… on the outside..however, on the inside" she paused for a moment, “she’s playing mind games with herself. The doctor gave her something that will help her relax. Right now, rest is the best thing for her. The doctor is also having a prescription sent over which is basically something that will help keep her calm.”
“Can I see her?” Kevin begged.
“yeah, I will go in there with you.” Chelle said then turned back to the others. “I will be right back out." Without giving a second thought, Kevin ran into the room.
Nick quickly ran up to Chelle before she followed Kevin and hugged her, “are you ok?”
“Yeah babe, I am fine. A little sore..but I will be fine.” Chelle replied then kissed him. “ I’ll be out in a sec ok? I will be ready for one of your famous back rubs then.”
“ok. See you in a bit” Nick said with a smile.
Chelle walked back into Shawn’s room, closing the door behind her.
“Chelle, what happened?” Kevin asked as he ran his hand across Shawn’s cheek. With a soft voice Chelle explained the details of what happened. “It’s my fault this happened to her," Chelle whimpered out. Her tears beginning to fall.
“No, Chelle it's not your fault. You didn’t make that guy do what he did," Kevin said then looked at Chelle’s bruised hand. “I am so thankful you were able to get that guy away from her when you did. Not to mention beating the hell out of him. I just wished I could’ve gotten a hold of him.”
“I am glad you didn’t. You would’ve killed him” Chelle said. She then looked over at Shawn making sure she was still asleep, “Kev? I know you’ve become pretty close with Shawn. But I am worried about something. I think something happened to her.” Kev looked Chelle in the eyes,
“what do you mean?”
“what happened today I think triggered something that happened in the past.” Chelle explained. "Something horrible, Kevin."
"You don't mean..." Kevin asked, scared to voice his thoughts.
"Yes....physically assaulted....she has never spoken of this, Kevin, but I think it might have happened. Especially now. She has turned in on herself. I have never seen her this way."
"If she was attacked in the past, then this will have an overwhelming effect on her. She will need all of us there for her."
Kevin looked over at her sleeping face and smiled tenderly. She would need all of his support and he would give it to her willingly.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~back in the living room~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
As Chelle disappeared into Shawn’s room with Kevin, AJ said to the others, “so, Chelle actually beat up the guy?”
“Yeah she did. I am very thankful that we took that self defense class” Tess said.
“yeah, well.. maybe we should have left before things got out of hand." Tanya said.
"Yeah why did you all stay when you found the beach so over crowded?" AJ asked.
"We didn't think anyone would really notice us. We blended in pretty well," Tanya said.
"Besides, someone said it was a secluded beach and wouldn't be very populated," Sherry said looking at Tess.
" this is your fault!" Brian yelled at her. "You bring trouble every where you go!"
"Brian......" AJ warned, fearing where this was headed.
"Your damn right it is! None of this would've happened if we hadn't listened to you!" Sherry screamed at Tess. "This is all your fault! Shawn getting attacked, Chelle being hurt...I wish you never would've come to Hawaii!"
"I'm sure this isn't all her fault....." Howie said, trying to support Tess.
"Shut up, Howie....We all know what a trouble maker Tess is...look at what she did to Kevin when she left him..." Brian said.
Tess looked around the room through fresh tears. She found angry eyes staring at her from Brian and Sherry, but what really shocked her was that everyone else seemed to be blaming her as well. They didn't come right out and say it, but she could see it in their eyes. They blamed her for what happened to Chelle and Shawn.
As Tess looked at everyone in the room, she heard someone behind her. She turned and found Chelle staring at her, looking stunned. "Chelle....."
"You...and Kevin?" Chelle questioned, hurt shining in her eyes.
"I...I'm sorry...." Tess cried, running from the room.
"Tess! Wait!!"
"Yeah run away Tess...just like you always do!" Brian yelled at her retreating back.
"I can't believe all of you! This was not Tess' fault! We all decided to stay at that beach!" Chelle said, standing in the doorway to Shawn's room. "Sherry, you are out of line! You don't even know Tess. She wouldn't hurt a soul! She has been through so much this past year.  

"What could she have been through that would equal what she has put Kevin and Shawn and you through since she got to Hawaii?" Brian asked.

"Well for your information, Tess lost everything....had to start over. Her husband lost his job, and instead of turning to her, he turned to a bottle. And when she lost their baby, he took his grief out on beating the shit out of her every time he lost himself in a bottle of booze!  All Tess wanted was to go home. I asked her to stay. She needed the rest. I wanted to include her in our fun. She needs that. She needs her friends around her. I thought you all were better than this."  Chelle grabbed her room key and shoved it into her back pocket. She crossed the room and quickly kissed Nick on the cheek. "I'll be back," she told him softly. " I have to check on Tess."  

AJ looked stunned....Tess had been battered? She had a miscarriage? It all made sense to him now. Her thin frame, the sadness in her eyes.
Knowing what Tess had gone through made him angry. More angry than he had been in along time. No one deserved what she had endured. And to make matters worse, Brian had rubbed salt into an open wound.  "Man, I believe you owe the lady an apology," he told Brian. And he owed her a hug, the one she should've gotten from her husband and didn't.  Brian and Sherry looked around the room and saw the same look on each face. A look of disgust. Brian felt horrible for the way he had treated Tess.  He had never given her a chance. AJ was right. He owed her a huge apology.  One he wasn't sure if he would accept if he were in her shoes.  "I....I....oh my God....I was so horrible....." Sherry cried.  Without saying a word, Nick slipped out the door to go after Chelle and Tess.

Kevin sat on the bed beside Shawn, silent tears streaming down his cheeks. Tess had endured so much. First the hysteria of Backstreet and then a husband that had let her down, hurt her when she needed him most. No wonder she looked so sickly. He made a promise to himself that he would figure out a way to help her. But right now his first concern was Shawn.  
~~~~In Tess' room~~~~
Tess emptied the dresser drawers, tossing her clothes into her suitcase. She could barely see, through the haze of tears. This was not what she had bargained for when she had come to Hawaii. All she wanted was her check advance so she could get Will out of her life once and for all. Who had known she would run into the Backstreet Boys. She had enjoyed seeing AJ and Howie again....even Nick. But seeing Kevin again after three years had been hard and dealing with Brian was unbearable.
A knock at the door startled her. She tried to ignore it and kept packing, but the knocking got louder and soon turned into pounding.
"I know you're in there, Tess. Let me in!"
Tess wiped her tears and crossed the room to open the door. Chelle stood in the hall, her hand on her hip, a slight smile on her lips. "Hey..." she said quietly.
Chelle looked passed her and noticed Tess' suitcase on the bed. She pushed by Tess and entered her room. "You going somewhere?" she asked.
"Home.....where I should've been all along. I am sorry I ruined your trip...I'm sorry Shawn got hurt.....I'm sorry I never told you about me and Kevin...." she whispered, tears spilling over once again.
Chelle pulled her into her arms and held her as she cried. "This is not your fault, Tess. Sherry was out of line about what she said to you. Don't take it to heart. You didn't ruin my are NOT to blame for what happened to Shawn...and Kevin...well, I am sure there's a reason why you didn't tell me about that hunk of a man being in your life," Chelle said standing back to look Tess in the eye. "But please....don't leave. After everything you have been through this last need a break. You can't bury yourself in work."
Tess sat down on the bed and wiped away yet another wave of tears. "Look who's talking, Ms. Workaholic."
"Yeah...I know....that's why I am telling you this. Being with Nick has taught me that. Now, please tell me you're going to stay. We'll do something tomorrow...just you and me," Chelle said, taking Tess's clothes from the suitcase as she talked and returning them to the dresser.
"Do I have a choice?" Tess asked.
"No....not really," Chelle said.

As the two hugged and were laughing with each other, a knock was heard on the door.  Tess yelled 'Come in' and Nick poked his head into the room "Can I come in?"
"I did say come goof."  Tess laughed then looked back at Chelle, “you sure you know what you’re getting yourself into… I mean he’s blond?”  Chelle laughed at Tess’ comment.  Nick gave his famous Carter pout. As he crossed the room, he noticed Tess' suitcase on the bed.
"You're leaving?" he asked, concern on his handsome features.

“Not anymore”  Chelle insisted as she continued removing Tess’ clothes from her suitcase.

"You're not giving me much choice here. Besides...after today, I don't think I want to make you mad."  Tess said with a laugh.

“Yeah?  I did kick some major butt didn’t I?”  Chelle bragged as she gave Nick a light punch to the arm.

“Hey! What did I do?”  Nick whined.  

“Awwww, you poor baby”  Chelle leaned over and gave him a kiss.

“Oh, would you two get outta here.  AJ was right.  You two are pitiful.”  Tess teased as she grabbed her clothes out of Chelle’s hand.

“Ok, so… you and I have a date tomorrow.  Don’t forget now.”  Chelle said as she hugged her friend goodbye.

Nick also leaned over and gave a bear hug to Tess, “I’m sorry about what happened earlier Tess.  They were out of line back there.  No one hates you.  Brian is just being over protective..and he realizes that he was wrong.”  

“Thank you Nick.  I wish there’s something I could do to mend things between me and Brian…but I just don’t know what to do”

“well, give him a chance to come to his senses…and if that doesn’t happen soon.  You can count on AJ beating some sense into him”  Nick kidded.

Tess laughed at Nick’s joke, “you know Chelle, you do have a good guy here.  I am really happy that you two found each other”.

Nick wrapped his arm around Chelle as the two looked at each other.  “yeah, I agree with you… I do”  chelle replied.

“Well, goodnight Tess.”  Nick called out as he and Chelle walked out the door.  Tess closed the door behind them.

“Nick?  Let’s not go back right away.  I am not really in the mood to deal with the others right now.”  Chelle begged.

“want to get some dinner somewhere?”  Nick suggested.

“Yeah? But where could we go without drawing some attention?”  Chelle asked.

“Welcome to my world.  Let me show you how I do this.”  Nick said as he pulled out his baseball cap and placed it on his head.  

Chelle laughed at Nick’s efforts, “ok.. That disguises you.  What about me?”

Nick leaned over and covered Chelle’s mouth with his.  She moaned, “mmmmm, nice disguise”.
