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Chapter 33 To trust or not to trust Tess? That is the question.
By Chelle, Tess and Farah

~~~~~~~at the studios with the guys~~~~~~~~
Howie looked at the clock and sighed. They had been at the new song for over an hour, and Kevin still wasn't happy with the tracks he, AJ and Nick had laid. Brian had taken a quick break for some water and Kevin had entered the sound booth, trying to tweak out just the right combination. "Come on, Kev....can't we take a break?" Nick whined.
“Yeah...we aren't going to get any better....we need some water," AJ agreed with Nick.
"Ok.....I know...I'm being an ass. Take a break. We'll try again in fifteen minutes." Kevin said over the intercom.
Howie grinned and headed for the cooler and some much needed water. He grabbed one for AJ and one for Nick, both of whom had collapsed on the couch in the sound studio. They were talking in hushed tones as Howie returned. "Why are you guys whispering?" Howie questioned.
AJ looked over Howie's shoulder then said, "We were talking about the girls and you never know when Davy is lurking about."
"Yeah really," Nick and Howie agreed.
"I feel better knowing that Mike and Billy are with the girls today," Howie commented.
AJ laughed, "I gave them specific instructions on how to deal with Chelle. Told them that she tends to wander off."
"She's gonna get you for that," Nick warned.
"I know she will. But I can deal," AJ bragged.
"Man, you two are like brother and sister....are you sure there's no relation?" Howie teased.
"Oh god, I hope not!" Nick said with a laugh.
"Hey Nick.. why are you worried anyways? You two planning on getting hitched?" AJ looked at his friend.
" never know...." Nick said, blushing a little. "She did say she was moving in with me...."
"What?" both AJ and Howie asked.
"Yeah....I asked her to come to Florida...move in with me....." Nick answered.
"And she agreed. Wow, that's incredible. Congrats man." Howie said as he patted Nick on the back
"Yeah, Nick...that's great....Now I gotta deal with her when I go home," AJ kidded. "Seriously...we hit the babe jackpot. We're all lucky bastards."
Howie and Nick sighed at the same time, “yeah we did”.
"So....we know how the kid is fairing...what about you D? How're things between you and Tanya?" AJ asked.
Howie looked over at the guys "we're not moving in together..but we're definitely gonna stay in touch after we leave the island. We agreed to take things slow."
"yeah? Have you been able to talk to her about um her ya know" Nick asked.
"Her husband? A little.....that's why we are going to go slow....She needs time...and so do I after Jenn." Howie answered.
AJ asked with a surprised look, "You told her about Jennifer". AJ was very shocked to hear this. Howie never talked about her.
With a soft voice Howie replied, "Yeah I did. That's what is so amazing about Tanya. After dealing with her own grief, she's more concerned about my feelings. It's almost like she's an angel sent to me to deal with my loss.. and I am that for her."
“That’s incredible man.” Nick said. He was glad that Howie also found someone.
"Hey man....I wonder what the hell has Kevin so hot under the collar....he looks like he's gonna take Brian's head off." AJ said, noticing that Kevin and Brian were in the middle of a heated discussion.
"Maybe we should head in there and see what's going on?" Howie suggested.
"Are you kidding? Look at Kev, man. He looks like he's gonna explode. I don't want anywhere near the fallout." Nick said with a shake of his head.
"Well, I wish I was a fly on the wall. Brian really must've said something bad...I haven't seen Kev this far gone in a while." AJ commented, watching the silent exchange between the two cousins, with unbridled curiosity.
~~~with Kevin and Brian~~~
"I can't believe you are still holding this stupid grudge against Tess, Brian. Jesus Christ you would think she left you not me!" Kevin yelled.
"Dammit Kev...can't you see? She's the reason why the press found out about us being here....She is trying to get back into your life. Just when you found Shawn and are getting on with your life." Brian screamed back.
"How the hell would she know where I was? It's not like I have kept her up to date on my whereabouts."
"Damn Kevin.....use your head. Can you say release...."
"Brian....shut up....she is not here to cause problems. Hell! She didn't even know I was here. She was looking for Nick when I found her."
"Oh...and that's a good thing? You are blind to her. Always have been...always will be..."
" are treading on thin ice...." Kevin warned, his temper near the breaking point. He didn't want to fight with Brian...but damn he was pushing this thing with Tess too far.
"She must've been a really good lay for you..." And that was all Brian got out. Kevin uncoiled like a cobra, catching Brian around the collar and forcing him against the wall.
The wind was knocked out of him and Kevin's face was a mere few inches from Brian's. "Don't you ever.....I swear, cousin or not...I will kill you....if you ever bad mouth her like that again....She doesn't deserve it. Not from you."
~~~back in the studio~~~
"woah. we better get in there. This could get ugly" Howie said as he along with AJ entered the booth. Nick ran in behind AJ. He was able to help pull Brian and Kevin apart.
“what the hell is going on guys?” Howie shouted out. “we could hear you guys all the way down the hallway.
"Damn Brian what the hell did you say?" Nick asked as he tried to restrain Kevin.
"Dammit, Brian...don't you dare...." Kevin screamed at him, trying to lunge back at him.
"I just reminded him that Tess was a real good lay..." Brian said with a smirk.
"JESUS!! Do you have a fucking death wish!" AJ screamed in his ear as he turned and put himself between the two cousins.
This was the last thing Brian should be bringing up to Kevin. Tess had several run ins with death threats and hate mail when she was dating Kevin....including a physco that had stalked her. It had scared her to death and was the main reason why she had left the Backstreet family. Brian had accused her of being a tramp and only wanting Kevin for his money. This had caused a serious rift between the two cousins, one that has never quite been mended. "I am gonna fucking rip you apart......." Kevin said lunging for Brian, nearly ripping Nick's arm out of its' socket. "She was looking for Nick...not me.....You god damned little prick..."
Nick looks at Kevin..."Me? Huh?"
"" Kevin answered.
Brian rolled his eyes. He still thought Tess had ulterior motives. "So what did she want with blondie? She gonna work her way through the rest of us too?" Brian questioned.
"Damn Brian...can you just keep that mouth of yours shut?" AJ asked, pushing him out of the room, before Kevin tried to really get at him.  Nick was the same size as Kev, but Kev was on fire, his temper getting the best of him.

"Why was she looking for Nick?" Howie asked once Brian was safely out of the room.
"She's friend's with Chelle or works for her..I dunno..but apparently Chelle mentioned Nick to her." Kevin explained.
"Really?" Nick blushed.
"So why was she looking for me?" Nick asked.
"She was looking out for Chelle.....wanted to know your intentions, so to speak." Kevin said, with a slight laugh. "You know how protective she is."
"She always was protective of you," Howie said, remembering how things had been when Tess had been a part of their family.
"Anyway..that's all in the past. But I won't have anyone bad mouthing her. She doesn't deserve it. She is still a friend...and we have both moved on," Kevin said.
"Especially when you now have Shawn." Nick reminded. Kevin's eyes softened and the harsh line around his mouth disappeared. Shawn. Just the sound of her name made his anger disappear. She had brought him more happiness in the last few days then he had in the last few months. Since the accident.... Kevin sat down, the emotional upheaval he had just experienced leaving him drained. All he wanted to do now was curl up next Shawn. Instead, he had to regain his composure and try to recreate some musical vibe..
Nick and Howie looked at each other, wondering where AJ had taken Brian. At least for know, it was far away from Kevin.
~~~outside the sound room~~~
He stood there, rubbing his hands together an evil grin spreading across his face. This couldn't have worked out better if he had planned it. There was trouble brewing in Backstreet Land...and if he played his cards right, it could work out for the best for him.
~~with Brian and AJ~~~
AJ pulled Brian down the corridor, looking for a quiet room. He pushed on a door and when it opened, he pushed Brian inside. "Man, what is wrong with you? Why do you hate Tess so much?"
"Keep your hands off me, AJ...." Brian snapped.
"You had better calm down....Your lucky it's my hands on you and not Kevin's around your throat! Now...what the hell do you have against her?" AJ asked.
“She broke Kevin's heart. You guys weren't there to see how much pain she put him through. What knots his insides were tied into, knowing that she left because of him....what he does. I was...I had to pick up those pieces." Brian explained.
" self centered bastard! Kevin forgave her a long time ago......why the hell can't you?" AJ said in one breath. Brian couldn't answer. "If you haven't realized it yet, a lot has happened to all of us. Everyone has moved on. You need to do the same man. Or you may not be so lucky next time. Kevin's fist may find your jaw.” AJ advised.
"I just don't know how to, AJ....she just makes me so angry every time I see her, or hear her name." Brian confessed.
"You're a praying man, maybe you ought to ask the Man upstairs," AJ suggested, then walked out, leaving Brian standing there staring at his back.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~with the girls~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
As the van arrived to the northern part of the island, the girls looked out at the shore and smiled. “What is the name of this beach Tess?” Shawn asked.
“I can’t remember the name of it. But from what I heard, we can go snorkeling or boogie boarding. And it’s a little far out of the way for most of the tourists." Tess answered.
“Wow! It is so beautiful here.” Carmen said cheerfully.
“Yes it is. And look at that water.” Chelle pointed.
When the driver slowed down, he announced. “ok, I believe up ahead is the location where you’re wanting to go…but I am going to have to park here. It’s not that far of a walk.”
“Not a problem. We can walk the distance. Right ladies?” Chelle said out loud.
“Sure. Lets go!” Carmen shouted as she was about to run off.
“Hang on there a sec” Billy said getting a hold of Carmen, “wait for the rest of the group.”
Carmen thankful that she was wearing her sunglasses, rolled her eyes. “Great just what we need. Another mama” Chelle laughed at Carmen. The girls gathered their bags and began their walk towards the beach area. When they got closer, they were stunned at the site in front of them. There were hundreds of people out and about.
“Oh shit.” Tess cursed.
“Tess, I thought this place was secluded.” Sherry quickly asked. “that’s what I was told” Tess answered back.
“Surely, we can blend in without any hassles right?” Carmen asked.
“Uh, I don’t know girls. If anyone recognized you we would have a big problem on our hands.” Mike replied.
“How about if we went over towards that area over there “ Shawn said pointing towards a vacant spot on the beach, “no one knows us. And with you guys blending in with us.. You know like you’re out for some fun in the sun..”
“Meaning, you need to lose the shirts…” Tanya suggested “and pretend you’re here for a good time on the beach… people won’t get that suspicious right?”
“yeah, that’s right” Shawn replied. Silently she hoped the day wasn’t ruined but she knew after recent events they were going to have to play it safe.
Mike and Billy scoped out the area. “Well… as long as you ladies promise to stay close…and the minute a problem have to agree to leave with us. Agreed?” Billy asked. The girls all agreed. “Ok, Mike looks like we’re gonna have to blend in somehow” Billy suggested. Both men removed their shirts and rolled up their pant legs.
Mike looked over at Tanya and asked, “How’s this? Do we look rad?”
Tanya laughed, “Bad and rad to the bone.” Carmen and Sherry both whistled at the two men.
“Oh yeah. That’s not gonna stir any attention.” Chelle replied shaking her head. The girls along with Billy and Mike walked towards the beach. When they found the perfect spot to set their bags at, Tanya reached in her bag and began to unpack. “Tanya, what all did you bring in that bag of yours. I swear that thing is bigger than you are” Sherry asked.
“Well, if you must know.” Tanya explained as she pulled each item from her bag one by one, “first, a blanket which we all can lay on. Next, my tanning lotion..cuz you know me.. I want to tan but I don’t want to cook out here. And just like Chelle, I never go anywhere without my handy dandy portable cd player.”
Sherry laughed at her friend. Leave it to Tanya to always plan ahead. “You didn’t by any chance bring us something to drink in there?”
“As a matter of fact, I did” Tanya said proudly holding up her water bottle. Shawn helped Tanya spread her blanket. After the blanket was adjusted to their liking, Shawn and Tanya pulled off their tee shirts and shorts and laid back on the blanket. “aaaah, this is heaven” Tanya said aloud. “well, almost perfect” Shawn replied. “what? What’s wrong Shawn?” Tanya asked but laughed as her friend was looking at the person blocking her sun. “uh hmm, Mike?” Shawn asked. “Yes?” Mike replied. “You know for you guys to blend in, you can't stand post while we are sun bathing. And especially in my sun.” “Oh. Sorry” Mike said with an innocent smile. Tess laughed, “yeah guys. To look like a tourist, you need to really act the part.” Tess joined the girls on the blanket. Sherry not wanting to let Tess out of her sight, sat down on the other side of Tess. She thought this was the best way to find out more about Chelle’s mysterious friend.
“So Tess, you’re a writer huh?” Sherry asked. “How did you hook up with Chelle?”
“To be honest, it was pure luck.” Tess answered.
“oh yeah? How so?" Sherry asked, wanting to know how Chelle had gotten mixed up with Tess.
"Well, I was looking for a publisher and Chelle's firm was recommended. At first I was assigned to a guy, but we didn't hit it off very well, so Chelle volunteered to take over my account. It has worked out well and over the last year we've become friends."
"Really?" Sherry asked, hurt that Tess had taken over in the best friend department with Chelle.
"We do a lot of things together. Girls' night out, shopping, lunch occasionally. We try to stay off the topic of work when we're out together. That's why I felt so bad interrupting her vacation."
"So why did you come out here? Must've been pretty important to crash Chelle's vacation."
Tess looked at Sherry, wondering why she was asking all these questions. They were harmless, of course, she wasn't hiding anything, but still, they were a bit disconcerting. Like she was on trial for something.
"I needed her signature on some papers. That's all. No real big mystery."
"So you finished your first book huh?"
" hit bookstores last week. It's getting great reviews. I am still shocked at how well it's doing."
"What was it about? Anything autobiographical?" Sherry asked, wondering if Tess had written about her travels with the guys.
"It's loosely based on my life. The heroine's name is Teresa....and she has a hard road to travel before she finds true love. But if you are asking if I wrote about Kevin and the guys, didn't. I used my life experiences as the basis of the novel."
"So you used life write about what you know...hmmm. That's a good idea," Sherry mumbled.
" took a lot of hard make sure I didn't write about anything that someone could perceive as true to life. I worked hard....and it finally paid of. Writing takes a lot of time, hard work and determination. Something a lot of people don't have. They don't have what it takes...and give up before they are even started. You have to be dedicated to the story. You have to find yourself wrapped up in it. It has to take you over. A lot of people just can't do that. They make up excuses. I'm too busy, I have writer's block, I can't find a good agent. Those are the ones that never get published."
Sherry stared at Tess, her heart pounding. She was sure that little remark was aimed at her. Well, she was a hard worker. And she had determination. She would show her. Tess wasn't the only one that could write. She just needed some encouragement. Stop it, Sherry, she chided herself. You are making excuses. You can do it...and you will.
Sherry was silent for a while and Tess took that as an opportunity to discourage her from any more conversation. She placed her sunglasses on her nose and closed her eyes. How she wished she had just gone home. It was too hard dealing with Brian's distrust, and now it seems, Sherry's. And seeing Kevin with Shawn? Well..she thought she had been over him, but now, she wasn't so sure.
~~~with Chelle and Carmen~~~
As the girls made themselves comfortable on the beach, Chelle and Carmen walked towards the edge of the shore. “Wow, this is sooo nice. I don’t think I will ever forget this trip Carmen” Chelle said looking over the water.
“yeah I know what you mean.” Carmen replied then added, “would you just look where we are Chelle? We are in Hawaii. And what a way to spend a vacation. We are staying at a luxurious hotel.. And somehow we all lucked up and met the guys… who just so happens to be the Backstreet Boys”
“yeah. We are very lucky, Carmen” Chelle said dreamily as she stared out at the water.
“Oh my. You are so far gone huh?” Carmen asked her friend.
“I think I am. I haven’t told the others yet but I’ve decided Carmen. I love Nick. And I am going back with him” Chelle said looking over at her friend.
“We kinda figured. I am really happy for you Chelle. Nick really loves you” Carmen replied.
Chelle looked at Carmen with a curious look then asked, “So, how are things with you and AJ?”
“they’re great. And you might laugh at this, but remember when I told you the other day that AJ and I witnessed that couple getting married?” Carmen asked.
Chelle nodded, “yeah that is incredible. And they even wanted AJ as a witness. Wow”
Carmen smacked her friend, “hey that is my AJ to you.. Now let me tell you this. I can’t get that couple out of my mind and what they said. Not to mention, I keep replaying their wedding vows in my head..but only when I do.. I see me and AJ in their place. Isn’t that crazy. I mean of all people Why would I think about getting married.”
Chelle smiled at her friend, “Well, I am shocked to hear the words marriage come from you. But I knew you’d say it one day. And there’s nothing crazy about wanting to find someone.” Chelle paused for a moment then said, “and if you tell AJ this…I will deny, deny, deny….but .. He’s a good guy. He may go out of his way to show the rough edges of himself..but deep down..he’s a softy. Especially when you’re around. You look really great together.”
“Really do you think so?” Carmen asked.
“Yes I do.” Chelle answered then laughed.
“what are you laughing at” Carmen asked her friend.
“Us. Do you realize how we’ve changed. and this all happened within a few days. Amazing huh?” Chelle said shaking her head.
“Oh my god you’re right. Normally you and I are the last ones talking about falling in love or marriage…but we are.
“yup, here we are.” Chelle repeated then looked to her left and noticed a group of people boogie boarding. “Look Carmen..that looks like a lot of fun.”
Carmen looked to where Chelle was pointing, “wow that does look like fun..let’s go….that was one thing we said we wanted to do when we got here..”
Chelle and Carmen walked back to where the others were at. Chelle reached in her beach bag for some money. Shawn asked, “what are you doing Chelle?”
“Carmen and I are going to rent us some boards over there” Chelle answered pointing towards a vendor who was renting out boogie boards..and surf boards.
“Oh that looks like fun. I think I will join in.” Tanya replied as she grabbed money from her bag. “yeah, me too” Sherry said still sulking over her conversation with Tess.
"Woah. Hold up girls. If you're headed that way then we'll have to come with you." Mike said as he noticed the large crowd. He looked back at the girls who were on the blanket still, "you ladies stay put we will stay close enough if you need us, all you'll have to do is yell.."
“We’ll be fine…” Shawn encouraged.
“yeah you guys go on and have fun… Shawn and I are watching the stuff here.” Tess called out. The other girls ran off, waving over their shoulders, the guys following close behind, leaving Shawn and Tess alone.
"So...that leaves just you and me," Shawn said, stating the obvious. "What should we talk about?" she asked. "We have a lot in common now, don't we."
Tess looked over at her and smiled. She liked Shawn, she really did, but she didn't want to have a personal conversation about Kevin right now. And that seemed like what she was hinting around about.
"Yes....we do, Shawn. Chelle for instance. How long have you known each other?" Tess asked, trying to steer the conversation as far from Kevin as possible.
“the girls and I have known each other since high school. Chelle has been the little sister I never had.” Shawn explained.
“So you're real close then?" Tess asked.
"Yes...and what about you...How long have you known Chelle?" Shawn asked.
"Just over a year. We've gotten pretty close. We do the usual girl thing...eating out, shopping, late night girl talks...." Tess replied.
'yeah, I miss those late night talks" Shawn said with sadness in her voice. So much has happened since Chelle moved away.
Tess looked over at Shawn and noticed her ___expression, "I am so sorry Shawn...I didn't mean to upset you..."
"I'm okay...I just miss her. And now she's not coming home....she's going with Nick to Florida." Shawn said as she tried to hide her disappointment.
Tess looked up and saw Chelle running toward them a wide grin on her face. “Speak of the devil” Tess said to Shawn. They both laughed as Chelle approached them.
"Oh my God, you missed it! Carmen just fell flat on her ass.....she looks like a drowned rat. I need my camera.." Chelle said, searching through her bag.
"Oh I bet that was a site to see" Shawn added.
"yeah it was, and one that needs to be captured on film" Chelle said as she continued searching. "Dammit, where is my camera. I know I packed it. Wait a sec, where's the coca cola bag?" Chelle looked around the blanket and still didn't see her bag.
"I think you must have left it in the car Chelle" Shawn said as she tried helping her friend.
"Oh no. I sure did leave it. Damn. Well, the car isn't too far away. I could run and get it real quick," Chelle suggested.
"You can't, Chelle.....we promised the guys we would stay put." Tess said.
Chelle pouted, "Shit. I can't miss the perfect shot of Carmen. I'd never forgive myself."
"I'll go...." Shawn said, "It won't take long....I'll be right back." And with that she was gone before either Chelle or Tess could protest.
"Chelle..keep an eye on her......I'm gonna go find Mike." Tess said as she stood and walked towards Mike’s direction.
“Alright.” Chelle said as she watched the direction Shawn was walking. As Chelle continued watching over Shawn, a loud scream was heard from Carmen. Chelle turned her head and watched as Carmen and Tanya both went flying into the water butt first. “Oh shit. I need to invest in a video camera. I could make some serious money from those two” Chelle laughed. She turned back to watch Shawn but she had lost sight of her. "Damn....where did she go?' Chelle muttered as she started walking towards the car. Chelle was just about half way to the car when she heard a shrill scream. Her head registered the voice and her heart began beating wildly. Shawn.
She took off at a run, searching the area as she did. She turned her head, looking between the rows of cars as she ran by them.
Tess approached Mike and he smiled. He looked over her shoulder and his smile turned to a frown.
"Where are the others?" he asked
Tess turned and swore. "Shawn was headed for the car. Chelle was keeping watch. Oh God...something's wrong!" She turned on her heel and started running back up the beach, Mike close behind her. The others noticed Mike and Tess running back toward the car and quickly followed, leaving the rented boards on the beach.
Chelle finally found Shawn close to where the car was parked. She was between two cars, pressed against the one, a man so close to her that there appeared to be no space between them. She heard Shawn's muffled sobs...and cries of protest and without a second thought rushed to her aid.
She grabbed the man by the back of his head and using the techniques she had learned at Tess' self defense classes, disabled him. Chelle punched the guy in the sternum, then stepped on his instep, then hit him in the nose with the flat end of her palm and finally kneed him in the groin. She smiled when he fell to the ground.
"Huh...SING actually works...."she said. Then she rushed to Shawn's side, placing an arm around her shoulders. “I am so sorry Shawn”. As she was comforting Shawn, Mike, Tess and the others ran up. Mike and Billy leaned down and lifted the guy to his feet and Tess ran to help Chelle.
"I thought we were supposed to protect you..."Billy said, noting how beat up the guy was.
"Can we just get back to the hotel Mike?" Tess asked concerned with the distant look on Shawn's face.
Mike nodded quietly and he and Billy helped the man to the grass just beyond the cars. Turning him in to the authorities didn't make much sense...he was completely out of it. Chelle had really taken it to him. They turned back and noticed that the others had joined them, stopping long enough to gather their things from the beach.
"So much for safe and secluded," Sherry muttered, directing her comment at Tess.
"Sherry can it. This isn't the time for that" Tanya scolded. “Our main concern is Shawn.” Sherry agreed with a nod but this was far from over. Shawn was attacked and somehow Sherry knew Tess was the blame.
Once the group was inside the car, Billy suggested, “I think we need to take these two to the hospital to get looked at. Shawn hearing the one word ‘hospital’ screamed, “NO! I don’t want to go to the hospital. I just want to go back to the room”.
“Ssssh, we’re going back” Chelle said soothingly as she held on to her friend. Never before has she seen Shawn react this way. Usually Chelle was the one who got into trouble and Shawn always knew how to handle things. Chelle then looked over at her friend and thought, “why is that? Why do you know what to do, Shawn? What happened to you in the past…that’s it. Something happened to Shawn. I know it.”
“Shawn, I am sorry this happened to you. But it’s all over with now. We’re all here for you” Tess said in a comforting voice.
“yeah we are. Thank god Chelle got there when she did.” Tanya commented patting Shawn’s arm.
Carmen looked over to Chelle, “What happened Chelle?” Chelle shook her head no signaling that now was not the time to discuss it. Chelle worried for her friend, held her like her life depended on it. The girls remained quiet on the ride back while Billy phoned in to report back to the others.
The girls were only able to hear tidbits of the conversation since their main focus point was Shawn. Tess heard Billy's end of the conversation, wishing there was a better way for this to turn out. It wasn't going to happen though. There would be hell to pay...and Billy and Mike would catch most of the fallout. "Yeah.....we're heading back. Right....We had a problem. Have Kev meet us at the hotel." Billy said into the phone. Tess looked at Mike and tried to smile. She knew he was thinking the same things she was. There was going to be trouble when Kevin found out about Shawn.
As the others tended to Shawn, Sherry kept staring at Tess. If looks could kill, Tess would be a in serious trouble. "I can't believe we listened to her advise today. I knew it was a mistake. I bet Tess had something to do with this. After all, she recommended this place. Damn that woman" Sherry thought to herself, "I need to tell soon as we get back."
