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Chapter Three
by Chelle

-----------------------------Back at the pool---------------------------

After the general introductions were made, Carmen and Tanya decided to go back into the pool but were wading around the area where Shawn and Chelle were at.  Howie and AJ decided to join the ladies that we’re sitting at the edge of the pool hoping to talk with the girls more.

  “So, what brings you ladies here to the islands?” Howie asked hoping to stir a conversation with their new friends. He couldn’t help but stare over at Tanya who was just wading through the water towards her friends  who were sitting on the side of the pool and was now in front of him.

  “we’re on a girl’s getaway trip” Carmen quickly answered smiling in AJ‘s direction.

  “we try to do this at least once a year but lately we’ve all been busy so it’s not been that easy to plan out ” Chelle added in.

  “so, I take it you ladies have known each other for quite along time?” Howie questioned.

  “we’ve known each other since high school and have been best friends ever since“, Chelle admitted happily.
 “Wow, you’re lucky to have each other”  Howie stated then turned looking at AJ who was still gawking at Carmen.    He then whispered to AJ desperately trying to get his attention but still no luck.

  “well, I noticed you guys didn’t travel alone either” Tanya said while laughing at Howie’s attempt to get AJ’s attention and then continued “what brings you guys here?

  “I think you’re friend there is a goner” Chelle blurted out.
  Howie then decided to continue his conversation leaving AJ to fend for himself.  He then answered “my friends and I are also here hoping to have a little vacation but to work on some new material for the next album”.
  “Next album?” Chelle questioned pretending to not know who they really were.

  “oh, well um , we’re in a music group called the Backstreet Boys and we’re working on new material for our next upcoming album” Howie answered back completely shocked that they didn’t know who he was.

  “Wow, that sounds exciting, maybe we’ll get to hear some of your new stuff while we’re here together” Chelle said in her most innocent sounding voice.

 Howie then stated, I am sure the other guys wouldn’t mind that at all if you heard some of the new tracks we layout.

   “Now where are your other friend’s?“ Chelle asked trying to not at all seem over anxious to meet them.
 “well, they’re” Howie started to explain but was interrupted by a laugh.

 Shawn couldn’t help but laugh at loud at Chelle’s best acting debut tactics.  

“hey, what are you laughing at?” Chelle questioned  giving Shawn that look that said follow my lead.

 Shawn had no idea what Chelle was up to but was definitely gonna enjoy the outcome of this game she was headed in.  Shawn looked over at Howie and replied back, “oh, I was just laughing at um your friend AJ and Carmen over there, I don’t think they realize anyone else is out here”.  Shawn quickly grinning at Tanya who both were stunned at Chelle’s remark to Howie.

  “Well, I think it’s time to bring those two back to earth what do you guys think,” Chelle said looking over at the others with a smirk.  And before anyone could say anything, Chelle was up and already jumping in the pool splashing Carmen, AJ and the others who were sitting there.  AJ not being the shy one decided this was really the best time to meet his new friends.  He jumped in the pool after Chelle to get back at her.  Tanya and Shawn both also found the need to help AJ out.   With that, the pool war was on!  AJ dove in after Chelle but was not able to catch her.  Tanya and Shawn were both laughing so hard that they found it hard to swim fast.  Howie and Carmen of course jumping in to join the others.  And so the chase was on.  Sherry who was looking on from her chair decided that now was a good time to get something to drink and without anyone noticing her, she slipped away quietly.

    When Chelle noticed that “EVERYONE” was after her, she being the better swimmer here decided to quickly swim to the other side of the pool and try to sneak out.  She did this successfully and was running out of the pool area wrapping her towel around her.  Chelle figured that they would get even with her but later was much better than now.  As Chelle was running looking behind her, she didn’t see someone standing in front of her until they both collided into one another.
   “Aah“, she screamed and without looking up she continued, “geez, I am so sorry I didn’t see …”  but she didn’t finish her statement because she finally saw who she ran into.  There before her was the most beautiful pair of blue eyes she ever saw.

   “are you okay”  Nick asked helping her up.

  “yeah, I am alright.  I am so sorry for not watching where I was going” Chelle explained trying her best to remain cool.  One her pet peeves is to not act like an idiot in front of any guy even if the guy happens to be Nick Carter her favorite Backstreet Boy.

  “It’s okay, I do things like that all the time” Nick joked back at her and then extended his hand to her and said, “ I am Nick by the way”.

  “ My name is Chelle and nice to meet you Nick”, Chelle replied.
   “so why were you in such a hurry?” Nick asked.

 “Well, I was…..aaaaahhhh” she tried to explain but ended up screaming because all of a sudden a very wet AJ was right behind her.  AJ grabbed her throwing her over his shoulder, then said hello to a very puzzled looking Nick and was headed back to the pool where he intended to throw Chelle back in.  As they headed back to the pool with a kicking a screaming Chelle, the others were cheering clapping for AJ to throw her back in.    This excitement also caught the attention of Kevin and Brian who were not too far behind Nick.

 “Well Chelle you thought you were sneaky but I guess you weren’t sneaky enough” AJ exclaimed and without a second thought Chelle was flying back into the pool still screaming away.  He then turned and bowed before his audience.
 “I cant believe what’s going on here”, Shawn whispered to Tanya.
  “Yeah me neither, and oh my god”, Tanya replied back trying to remain calm.

  “what is it” Shawn asked.

  “Look behind AJ there” she quietly said and stated, “ it’s the rest of the guys”.  “And Carmen was afraid we wouldn’t meet any cute guys” Tanya whispered back to Shawn.
At that moment, Chelle reappeared to the surface from being tossed in.  “I cant believe you did that AJ, oh you are so gonna get it” Chelle yelled.  AJ laughed back and then turned to his friends who were standing there behind him looking clueless to what was happening.

  “Hello guys, good of you to finally join us”  AJ said in his best british accent.

  “ AJ, what happened man” Nick asked still looking very confused.
  Kevin then clearing his throat to get AJ’s attention and said, “AJ, are you gonna introduce us to these ladies or are we gonna have to throw you back in the pool?  Oh, and by the way, next time you go swimming, don’t you think you should change first?”

  AJ looked at Kevin with that kiss my ass look and then started the introductions.  “Ladies, these guys here are our friends.  First here on my right is Nick but he‘s frack to all of us.  Here on my left is Kevin of course we call him dad.  And on the other side of Kevin is Brian but we call him Brok”.  The guys all smiled back at the girls.  AJ then began introducing the females, “first we have Carmen there on the left, next to her is Shawn followed by Tanya.  And the drowned rat over there is Chelle, who we’ve learned has great pair of lungs and……then AJ began looking around, now I know there was another girl out here…um Sherry right?”

   “yeah, sherry is right that would be me” Sherry answered back coming up behind the guys.
 “hey where did you disappear to?” Carmen asked.

  “well, while you guys were horsing around I got thirsty so I went and got something from the bar over there” Sherry replied pointing at the lounge.
  “ooh, that sounds like a great idea” Carmen chimed in.

  “well, we were planning on getting something to eat there, maybe you ladies would like to join us? Kevin asked.

  “Thanks, that sounds like a great idea but maybe we should go change first since we all are kinda wet”, Shawn replied.

  “yeah looks like someone needs to sit under the dryer for a while” Nick teased Chelle who was still drenched from the pool.

  “Grrrrrrr” Chelle mumbled and walked off towards her room.

  “oh geez, I was only kidding with her” Nick said apologetically.

  “oh don’t mind her, she’s still bruting over having the joke pulled back at her” Carmen answered back.  She then laughed when she saw the proud look from AJ’s face and then stated, “I would suggest you keeping a look out for her AJ, cuz Chelle’s well known for having great comebacks. Nick laughed at that thought as he was still watching the direction Chelle stormed off to.

  “Alright, well if you ladies still want to join us here in a bit, we’ll go ahead a get us a table set up while you go change” Kevin said looking anxious for a reply back.

  “But, don’t take to long” Brian jokingly said finally blending in the conversation, “we know how you women are”.

  “oh you do huh? Sherry kidded back, “well after that comment looks like your stuck with one girl who’s still wet”.

  “make that two girls”, Carmen added in as she was putting her tee shirt and shorts back on.

  “well, sorry not me, I need dry clothes” Tanya replied.

  “I second that one”,  said Shawn.

  “ok, well we’ll see you ladies back here in a bit and do make sure to bring Chelle back with you, I am curious as to what‘s in store for AJ later” Howie chuckled.

  The two girls followed in the same direction as their friend Chelle walked in, leaving the other two with their new friends the Backstreet Boys.
