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Chapter 27

Chapter 27
By Chelle and Tess

~~~~~Back with the group on Kauai~~~~~~~
Milly played the perfect tour guide all throughout the Safari trip. During this tour, the group wandered through Waimea Canyon and the Na Pali-Kona Forest Reserve. The ooed and awed at the perfect spots. They were able touch, smell and see more of Kauai than they ever thought possible.

“wow, this is beautiful” Sherry sighed.

“yes, it is” Brian agreed “you know, we’ve traveled to many countries..and I have to say this is the most breath taking view I’ve seen yet.”

"This canyon was nicknamed 'The Grand Canyon of the Pacific' by Mark Twain. The name has stuck for over a hundred years," Milly said as the group looked around the canyon floor. "If you look closely, you can see a few goats under those trees," Milly said, pointing to a grove of trees.

“Oh my god, that one looks like AJ. He’s has the same goatee thing going there” Chelle said out loud for the group to hear while pointing towards a goat on the side of the road. “let’s just hope they don’t smell alike”. Chelle looked back over to AJ and grinned.

“ha ha ha” AJ mocked back at Chelle. The others just laughed quietly and continued listening to Milly.

“Along the way to the top of the canyon, we’ll make a few stops so you all can have an opportunity to taste the wild fruits there” Milly said while the group continued looking out the window. “Once we reach the top of the canyon we’ll have a picnic lunch at the Kokee Lodge picnic area and Museum. At the museum you‘ll be able to purchase some souvenirs if you wish to”.

“Howie, look at those birds over there. They are so pretty” Tanya said while pointing them out.

“Wow, they are pretty. Wonder what kind they are?” Howie said.

 Milly quickly answered Howie’s question and pointed out a few other rarities that were to be seen. Everyone seem to enjoy the beauty of the canyon. Within no time they were at the top of the canyon where they were to stop for lunch. During their meal, the group enjoyed light discussions about their childhoods. They talked about anything and everything but stayed far away from the topic or reminder that awaited them back on the main lands.  “So, Kevin tells us you girls are from California? And I still can’t believe how long you’ve known each other” Howie said out loud in hopes of stirring a happy conversation.

“Yeah, we all pretty much were born and raised in Los Angeles California.” Tanya answered then looked at the other girls, “we’ve been through a lot together”. The other girls looked at each other and smiled.

“What I want to hear about are the cheerleading days. Now that is something I would love to picture. You fine ladies wearing them cute short cheerleading uniforms.. Wow!” AJ blurted out with a whistle.

“Oh geez, AJ you’re too much” Carmen snickered.

“No, please do tell us” Kevin asked with interest.

“Oh damn, the cheerleading days. What a flash from the past that is. The things we could do then. My bones ache from thinking all the jumps, lifts and the splits we use to do.” Shawn answered.

“what do mean use to do?” Chelle challenged.

“yeah, use to as in the past tense. I would hate to think what would break if we even attempted to do the crazy flips like we use to. And sorry Chelle but even you cant do the jumps anymore. Face it, we‘re all getting older.” Shawn said with a laugh.
Deep down she knew Chelle and Carmen both were the type who refused to believe they were limited to anything.

“oh Chelle, that sounds like a challenge doesn’t it?” Carmen suggested. “I think the ladies have forgotten what I do for a living?

“yeah I think you’re right Carmen. Let me remind you missy that I am not that old either and that I am still pretty limber. Heck I‘ve been taking a few yoga classes here and there back in New York. Not to mention the self defense classes”. Chelle answered back.

“Hell, I bet Nick can comment on that one huh Nicky boy” AJ teased.

“Shut up Bone” The others said in unison. AJ just continued laughing at Chelle and Nick’s expense.

“Well, you know there is only one way to prove it. ” Sherry suggested. This was going to be a lot of fun. “there’s an open area over there” everyone turned to see the spot that Sherry was pointing to. “how about show us what you can still do.”

“Sherry, come on we’re just teasin. This isn’t a good idea”. Shawn interrupted. Oh boy did she ever sense trouble now.

“no, I think it’s a great idea. Little Miss I can do anything needs to prove it for once.” Sherry said in a daring voice. The guys all sat in silence as they were chomping at the bit to see what was about to happen.

“oh Sherry…. Are You like daring us to do this.. Am I mistaken here?” Carmen asked with a mischievous voice.

“Yeah, I dare you and Chelle both. It seems like you two need the reality check that we’re all getting older… so, let’s see you both do a tumbling pattern followed by a back flip and go into the splits. We‘ll just see who moans first you or Chelle.” Another loud snicker was heard from AJ. The group just all shook their heads and turned back to the girls.
“Are you crazy Sherry? There’s no way they can do that out here, not to mention they’re not exactly wearing gym clothes” Tanya cried out while looking over both Chelle and Carmen’s attire. Both girls were wearing shorts but were in sandals, and florally tops.

“No, I think what we’re wearing is fine. So what do you say Chelle? You think it’s time we show Sherry here who can still do what?” Carmen asked while standing up and stretching out her muscles preparing to prove herself to her friends regardless of the outcome.

“yeah, I am game if you are” Chelle stood up following Carmen. Nick and AJ just looked at each other and couldn’t believe what was going on. Tanya and Shawn both looked at each other and thought this was absolutely crazy but fun to watch.

“Oh this is gonna be good” Brian said with a laugh while following behind Sherry. “they laughed at us, now it’s our turn.”

“Yeah, it is our turn to laugh. Because I don’t think they realize they aren’t as young as we were when we originally did these routines.” Sherry giggled.

Carmen and Chelle both walked over to the area Sherry pointed out. And the group gathered around in a semi circle as they looked on.  Chelle removed her shoes and was stretching out to follow up on the dare. Like Carmen, Chelle never said no to a dare. Deep down she thought, ‘Oh hell, how do I get myself into these things.. Oh wait this was Carmen’s doing.. Oh shit.. Please do not let me bust my ass out here.. Especially not in front of AJ’.

Carmen then looked over at Chelle and smiled.. “are we ready?” Chelle nodded. Carmen then looked over at Sherry and asked “ok, so it’s a forward tumbling pattern, going into a backward flip and you want us to end up in the splits?”

“yeah, that’s what I said. See at our older age the hearing is leaving us too” Sherry teased.

“ya know maybe we should put a little money on this, you can pay up in the end when you see who cant do what. Not to mention how you‘re gonna lose your hearing for the rest of the day when I scream in your ear who is da bomb around here” Carmen smirked back.

“alright, you got it. I will shell out 100 bucks if you both land the jumps without a flaw.” Sherry offered.

“oh you are so on. And you know I do remember someone else owing me 100 dollars already from a previous bet” Chelle blurted out looking over at Carmen.

“you will get your 100 plus another 50 if you help me out here” Carmen answered.

“wow, this is getting better by the minute.” Chelle giggled then winked at Nick. Nick was just watching his girl show off her stuff again.

“Oh you girls are nuts. There’s no way you can still do this. And if either of you hurt yourself, you’ll get to hear me scream I TOLD YOU SO” Shawn yelled out.

“Boy, you do sound like me” Kevin said into Shawn‘s ear.

Chelle and Carmen both said at the same time, “MAMA SHAWN”

“Oh, would you two quit stalling and just do it already” Sherry shouted out.

“fine, fine. We’re going” Carmen mocked back. Both Carmen and Chelle walked to the opposite side of the clearing and prepared to do the jumps towards the group.

“oh my god, Carmen. What the hell are we doing” Chelle whispered to Carmen.

“uh, I am not sure…probably about to make complete asses of ourselves.” Carmen laughed quietly to her friend.

“oh shit, now you’re gonna say that” Chelle laughed back. “if I bust my ass, I am not moving and gonna play dead for a follow suit alright.”

“ha ha … you remember that when I fall and bust my ass alright” Carmen whispered back. “god, I miss times like this with you girl”

“yeah, me too. Just next time give us a better advanced warning on crazy stunts like this” Chelle said as stretched out one last time. The girls both stood at the other end of the clearing. They glanced in front of them and saw the group gathered around in a semi circle waiting to see them do their tumbling routine.

“Alrighty Chelle my dear.. Are we ready to roll” Carmen asked her friend.

“yes, Carmen my love.. I believe we are ready….” Chelle answered back while slapping her hand five. With that, the girls ran and tumbled like they were school girls once again. But to everyone’s surprise, the girls landed their jumps and did the splits perfectly. After Chelle and Carmen realized they actually landed the jumps they both rolled over and began laughing nonstop.

 “oh my god, we actually did it. We didn’t fall. We didn’t bust our asses.” Carmen laughed out loud.

“I know. Wait, are we dead?” Chelle asked trying to be serious. But they heard the others cheering in front of them which was proof there were very much alive.

“you did it” Tanya yelled out as she ran over to help Carmen and Chelle up. The girls all hugged like they were back in school.

“oh my god, you really did it” Shawn said.

“I knew you still could. I just had to put you to the test. Knew you couldn’t pass up a dare” Sherry said with a laugh.

 “Oh no, girl you owe us 100 dollars.” Carmen replied back.

“well, I have to say that was worth 100 dollars watching you two do that” Sherry said as she paid the girls the money. As the girl continued hugging, they heard the guys behind them laughing. But it was the way they were laughing that caught their attention.

“what is so funny?” Carmen asked looking at each of them accusingly.

“it’s a good thing you ladies won some money. Cuz it will help you two buy a new pair of shorts. Um, you both have a rip back their.” AJ said pointed to Chelle and Carmen’s backsides.

Chelle and Carmen both looked behind them immediately and sure enough there was rip from the top of their shorts to the bottom side, “AAAAHHHH SHIT!!!”
Nick quickly offered his shirt to Chelle to tie around her waist. AJ on the other hand took a while to offer his shirt to Carmen, he was to busy laughing and checking Carmen’s pretty panties out. “AJ, you dork!”

Once the group settled down from laughing at the incident and they all decided to head towards the museum and quickly rejoin back up with Milly. After the group left museum, the Safari tour had come to an end. They were finally given the opportunity to visit a few shops. Milly quickly gave the group their itinerary for the rest of the evening. They were to meet back up with her in a few hours where they would prepare for the evening luau. “Remember, be back here promptly at 5pm so we can help you get dressed for this evening. I think you will really enjoy tonight’s events.” With that said, Milly left the group to their shopping adventures.

“ok, are we going to stay together or should we split up” Kevin asked the others. He was kind of hoping to have a little time alone with Shawn therefore he prayed the guys took a hint to his suggestion.

Brian understanding Kevin’s suggestion quickly answered, “well, it will be hard for all of us to keep up with each other so why don’t we just split up in groups and meet back up where Milly said?”  The others agreed to the suggestion.

“Alright, well then we’ll see you guys later” Nick said as he grabbed Chelle’s hand and off they went.

“They didn’t waist any time now did they” Shawn said with a laugh.

“Alright, see you all later” Kevin said as he and Shawn went off with their own agenda. The others followed suit one by one. Each couple visited different shops.
Nick and Chelle weren’t too surprised to find AJ and Carmen at the same shops they were at.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~a few hours later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"well, I guess we should head back. I am sure Kevin and Shawn are wondering where we are." Carmen said.
"Oh yeah, Dad is probably having a cow that we are going to be late," AJ said, looking at Nick who just rolled his eyes.
"'re right, Kev is probably starting to get worried. Let's go."
"Well, let me tell you, Shawn's not much better." Chelle said with a groan.
They gathered their things and waved down a taxi to take them back to the hotel.
By 5 'clock, they all had returned to the hotel where Milly had asked them to meet her. She was there waiting and as soon as the girls arrived she led them off to change, sending the guys with another tour guide to get ready for the luau.
"You girls are going to love this. You get to dress in the traditional Hawaiian dress. You will each look so beautiful. There are flowers for your hair, and leis. Oh and your dates will look fabulous as well. You will have so much fun..." Milly said, excited for her tour group.
By the time the girls had changed and were completely ready, it was dark outside. Milly led them outside and down to the beach, where the luau was to be held. Flaming torches led the way and the girls were chatting as they approached.
As they joined the group gathered, the guys approached them. The girls gasped. They had known that the guys were to be dressed in the tradition of the men of Hawaii, but they weren't expecting this.
Each of the guys had a short like costume on with their chests bare. A crown of grass and flowers adorned their heads. And their feet were bare. They looked incredible.
"Wow...." Shawn said, looking at Kevin.
"Yeah, wow......" Nick replied as he reached for Chelle.
The girls were dressed according to tradition as well. Their dresses flowed gently over their bodies, leaving a small trail behind them as they walked. Around their necks they wore floral leis and matching flowers in their hair. Their feet were bare as well.
As each of them paired up, they followed the group to the fire, where a pig had been roasting all day. They sat down on the mats provided and watched in fascination as performers from the hotel began dancing. Hula girls and men twirling flaming batons. Men playing drums and women singing. There was so much to see and they enjoyed every moment.
As they were entertained, the food began to be passed out and women began pouring a sweet liquor into their hollowed out coconuts.
"This is so wonderful...." Kevin said, leaning over to whisper in Shawn's ear.
" is," she said back.
They turned their attention back to the dancers, nibbling on their food as they watched. Nick saw them whispering, wondering what was so interesting. He saw the hula girls dance close and grinned. This brought back memories. He leaned over and nudged Chelle. "You wanna go show them how it's done?" he asked her with a grin.
"Not on your life Carter! Besides, I am too sore from doing that tumbling pass earlier. Remind me not to do that again."
" can just leave the acrobats in the bedroom...I'll be happy then."
Chelle smacked him, but laughed. He had a point.
"What are you two talking about?" AJ asked.
"None of your business, AJ," Carmen said busting on him.
"Don't you think you have picked on them enough?"
"Who? Me?? nah...besides, if I stopped now, Chelle would wonder what I was up too....hey...there's something to think about!"
"Will you shut up.....I'm trying to listen to the song..." Brian hissed.
AJ rolled his eyes and stuck his tongue out at Brian.
Brian smacked him and stuck out his tongue too.
"Boys...children...enough!" Kevin said, as they each got ready to begin a full fledged food fight.
"Busted...." AJ pouted.
"Well...this is supposed to be fun, but I don't think that a food fight was part of the night's entertainment," Sherry said.
The guys sat back and finished watching the show, wondering if the entertainment for the night was limited to just the events here at the luau.
~~~~~~Later that Night~~~~~~
Tess stepped from the elevator and headed for the bar. She was feeling restless and lonely. She was so used to having Will around that she felt out of place being all alone. Not that she missed him hitting her, or yelling at her. She missed the way it used to be. How gentle he had been with loving. But that had been before he had lost his job and they had lost the house. Her losing the baby had been the last straw for Will. That's when he had turned to the bottle for comfort, instead of her. Tess looked around the dark bar and saw that it was nearly empty. Well, that was good. She really didn't want company. She just didn't want to be alone. Other people in the same room gave her the false sense of security she craved.
She sat at the bar and ordered a glass of red wine. The bartender looked at her strangely, but placed the drink in front of her. She sat there a few minutes, staring off into space, just thinking about the last year. A year of pure hell. She felt movement beside her and turned to see a man sitting at the bar beside her.
"Evening," he said. "I'm Davy," he told her, extending his hand.
Tess nodded, hoping he would take the hint and leave. When she didn't make a move to take his hand, he lowered his and smiled. "Let me buy you another," Davy said, indicating her half filled glass.
"No thank you," Tess said, standing to leave.
"Wait...please," Davy pleaded. "Listen...I'm sorry. I don't want to sound pushy. I just wanted some company. And you looked so lonely sitting here by yourself."
Tess sighed. The poor guy really hadn't done wrong. She just wasn't in the mood for small talk. And certainly not with any man.
"Ah...Davy?" she asked. When he nodded, she continued. "I'm sorry....I'm just not good company right now," she told him intent on returning to her room.
"I understand. How about we just sit here..."
Tess looked at him and smiled. He really seemed like a nice guy. Maybe it wouldn't hurt to just sit with him. "Ok...but I won't promise to be any fun."
"Deal," he said as she sat back down.
They sat in silence a few moments, before Tess began to feel guilty. He was being so nice. Not pestering her like most men did. The least she could do was talk to him.
"So...what do you do, Davy?" she asked. She figured he was an accountant or something equally as boring. He just didn't seem the type to be exciting. I work with Jive records. Right now, I'm working with the Backstreet Boys," he said proudly. Tess' head snapped up at the name and she stared at Davy. Incredible. He was working with the Backstreet Boys? She couldn't believe it. She shook her head in disbelief. "'s true. They're here. We were supposed to meet up today, but they blew me off......again."
Tess nearly laughed. Oh yes, she could very well see the guys ditching Davy. He was a nice guy, but very annoying. She knew him all of a half hour and was ready to call it a night. Something about him just rubbed her the wrong way. "Well, Davy, it was nice meeting you, but I've had a long day," she said, standing.
"Let me walk you to your room," he offered, standing.
"No!" she said quickly. "No....that's ok...I appreciate it, but I'll be fine. Thank you," she said, hurriedly walking out before he could push his offer. Davy watched her leave. As she stepped into the elevator and the door slid closed, he realized that she had never told him her name. He laughed to himself. Looks like he would be having fun on this trip after all.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~2 am~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The group returned to the hotel and headed up to their suites, hoping to still avoid Dave. They had the rest of the evening....and they didn't want anything to ruin it.
As Chelle was headed to the elevator with Nick, Mr. Roark approached.
"Miss Wilson I hope you and your party had a good time today."
"That we did, Mr. Roark, Thank you for asking. But it has been a long day."
"Of course...of course. Before you go....I have a message for you. We had another guest check in today. This was left for you," he said, handing her a note card.
"Thank you....and good night, Mr. Roark."  Chelle answered slipping the note into her bag.
MR Roark watched as they headed upstairs, arms wrapped around each other.
“Ah, young love.”  
"Boss?  Will our new guest help or hinder our love birds?" Tattoo asked.
"We shall see, Tattoo.....we shall see."
