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Chapter 26 - The Morning After the Karaoke Contest
By Chelle and Tess

Davy stretched and slowly opened his eyes. He looked around and found his room empty. As he thought back to last night he was amazed at what had happened to him. First, having that wonderful massage that suddenly turned into horror. AJ McLean had a lot to explain about that little incident. And then finding Simone in his room last night after he had run from the spa, had been unexpected. He was sure AJ had something to do with that as well.

He swung out of bed and headed for the bathroom. There was no time like the present to go and confront the guys about last night. He wanted answers. They were here to work and some how he figured that was the last thing they were doing.
~~~~~~~~~~~~A few hours earlier in The Girls' Suite~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"You know we're probably gonna get teased to no end for being the first ones awake" Chelle said to Nick who was putting his shoes on.
"Yeah tell me about it. This may cause dear ole dad to have a heart attack_cuz this is definitely a first" Nick said as he walked over to Chelle wrapping his arms around her waist and kissing her neck.
"but ya know it was definitely a good reason to get up early huh. Leave it to my Nicky to find a way for us to keep it really quiet. No one can complain about us being too loud. Of course, did you hear Kevin and Shawn last night?" Chelle replied while kissing Nick back.
"oh please, I don't think I want that mental picture of what Kevin and Shawn were doing. And yeah you're right, they better not say anything to us about being loud. I didn't think Kevin had it in him to moan like that. Don't want to know what he and Shawn were doing ..but DAMN!" Nick said with a laugh.
“Damn what?” Brian repeated then stared blankly at Nick and said rubbing his eyes, “woah, are we late or something? Cuz, Nick is already up. Hey Sherry, I thought you said it was early?”
“Ha ha. You’re funny Bri.” Nick said ruffling his friend’s hair. “you’re just mad cuz we beat you for a change huh?”
“Is anyone else up yet?” Sherry asked walking behind Brian.
“Not yet..maybe we should make sure they are awake..cuz we do need to get a move on if we’re gonna beat Davy this morning? Cuz the guy’s’ an early bird” Brian suggested.
“yeah tell me about it” Nick agreed.
Minutes later the other couples joined everyone in the living room and were gathering the items they were gonna need for their trip. All of a sudden a knock was heard at the front door startling all five of the guys. Chelle took a quick glance at the guys and laughed, “Oh geez, will you guys relax. He doesn’t know this is our room. Besides, that is probably our breakfast.” Chelle opened the door and it was the room service she had ordered for everyone.
“woah, sorry but I just don’t want to deal with Davy this morning” Kevin replied.
Chelle showed the gentleman where to set their breakfast at. As he was setting up, she picked up the newspaper on the side of his cart and glanced at the front page. The smile that was on her face quickly disappeared. “oh shit” she whispered.
Nick looked over as he heard Chelle curse. “What’s wrong Chelle?”
“This is what’s wrong” Chelle answered in a whisper as she handed the paper to Nick.
He saw a picture of their performance from club on the front page. It was of the guys dancing all up on Chelle with the headlines reading, ‘Backstreet Boys give a surprising performance last night at local hot spot’. “Oh shit” Nick repeated. He then looked over to Kevin and the other guys. “Davy really is gonna shit a brick now”.
Kevin looked at the paper. After talking with the DJ the night before…he wasn‘t in shock “well, all the more reason to hurry up and get going. I for one do not want to hear about it from him. Definitely not this morning” Kevin said. “let’s hurry up allright”.
Everyone agreed. They all ate in silence as they were worried what it was going to be like now that the news broke out that the guys were in town. “oh my god, Kevin. You guys don’t have any security with you. How are you going to be able to go out in public with out being recognized?” Shawn questioned. The other girls were also curious about their answer.
“well, we’ve been able to do that before. But I don’t know once the word spreads that we are here. Damn. We better enjoy today while we can.” Kevin answered back looking over at the other guys. He knew what the guys were thinking. It had been a nice break away from the press. They were able to spend quality time with the girls on their vacation without being bombarded by anyone. For a short time, they were just a regular group of guys who met up with some incredible girls. But now reality was about to come crashing in, and then would the charade continue? Would they be able to spend any more time with the girls on the island? Kevin knew that if Davy had his say in the matter, the answer would be a big flat NO. And perhaps a few days ago, the guys wouldn’t have cared….but after spending as much time with them as they had….. Things were different now. Each guy has bonded with each of the girls…and they were going to have to find a way to make this work. Kevin looked over at Shawn and realized he was thinking specifically for himself…but knew the others were in the same boat. As he looked around the dining table he realized that everyone was lost in their own thoughts.
“He’s right. Let’s hurry and get this day started. If this will be the last day of peace and quiet….let’s do it right” Sherry said with a smile interrupting everyone‘s thoughts. She looked over at Brian and gave him a comforting smile. He reached over and held her hand in his.
“yeah” everyone agreed. With that everyone gathered their things and was headed for the door.
“Hold up, let me make sure that we have a car ready for us. That way we don’t have to wait around. We don’t want to have any run ins with either Davy or any press.” Kevin said. He quickly picked up the phone and requested to speak to Mr. Roark. He advised him of what they needed and requested for some assistance on being discreet as to where they were headed.
“No problem Mr. Richardson. Everything will be waiting for you and your friends. In fact, I will have Tattoo tell the driver to pick you guys up on the side entrance that way no one sees you leave.” Mr. Roark said.
“wow, thank you sir. That would be great” Kevin replied then hung up the phone. He quickly told everyone what Mr. Roark offered to do. Everyone obliged and followed Kevin out the door. As the guys passed their suite, they made sure the ‘do not disturb’ sign was on their door. In a few hours, Davy was expected to show up. But they were taking the day off. They were all going to spend the day with their girls. Each hoping this wouldn’t be their last moments together. But if it were, they all were going to live it up one last time.
~~~Back with Davy~~~
Davy stopped out front of the guys' suite and raised his hand to knock on the door. He was just about to connect when he noticed the `Do Not Disturb' sign on the door. Ignoring it, he knocked anyway. When he received no answer, he knocked again. And again....and again. Finally, he gave up and headed downstairs to the front desk. He was going to get way or another.
"Good morning, sir," the clerk said.
"Good Morning...I'm looking for the Backstreet Boys....did they by any chance leave the hotel?"
"I'm sorry sir...I just came on duty this morning. But there is a `Do Not Disturb' on their suite."
"I know that!" Davy yelled.
“Well, I’m sorry sir, but that’s all I know” the clerk answered back.
“What in the hell is going on? Dammit where did those guys go?” Davy said to himself. As Davy was about to walk away from the clerks desk, he glanced over and saw the daily newpaper. What caught his attention was the front page article. It was a picture of the guys dancing with some girl at a local ’hot spot” “SHIT!” Davy said out loud getting the attention of several others around him.
“Is there a problem sir” Mr. Roark asked coming up behind Davy.
“Yeah, I am looking for the Backstreet Boys. Do you have any idea where they are at?” Davy screamed out in anger.
“No sir, I am afraid I can’t help you.” Mr. Roark answered.
“Look, I know you run this hotel here. The Backstreet Boys are your special guests here, I know that. And I actually work for them. So, I am quite sure you must know their whereabouts” Davy asked sarcastically.
“I am sorry sir, but I am confused. If you work for them, shouldn’t you know where they are?” Mr. Roark questioned.
Davy gritted his teeth. It was obvious that this Mr. Roark didn’t know anything. Disgusted, he headed for the dining room. Maybe a late breakfast would calm him down. It seemed the guys had ditched him once again.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~with Mr. Roark~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Tattoo walked up next to Mr. Roark as they both watched Davy walk away angrily. “Gee boss, that man sure was angry. It’s a good thing you don’t know where the boys are.”
“you’re right Tattoo, it is a good thing I don’t know” Mr. Roark replied back as he winked at his friend. “come my friend, it appears we have another guest that has arrived to the island today.”
“We have another guest? Boss how come now?” Tattoo asked.
“well, it has to do with fate my dear friend. It appears that she will play out an important role in our young friends fate.” Mr. Roark explained.
“but who’s fate? I hope she doesn’t bring trouble for the others” Tattoo said to his employer.
“we shall see, Tattoo. We shall see. Come. Let’s make sure to help her get settled in” Mr. Roark suggested.
~~~~~~~at the airport with the group~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
As the group piled into the car, they all were talking over their plans for the day. They spent the entire time talking about what they were going to do. But never mentioned a few minor details. When the car pulled into the airport parking lot, Nick looked out the window and was stunned to realize where they were. “what are we doing at the airport” Nick asked looking at the other guys. He knew they had to travel to the island but he had assumed they were going by boat. A quick plane ride was something he had to be psyched for. And well, being that he knew nothing about a plane ride… he was NOT psyched.
“Nick how did you think we were going to get to the Island of Kauai?” Howie asked looking back at Nick. He knew Nick despised plane rides and knew it was best not to mention exactly how they were suppose to travel to this island.
“Uh, Howie. You and Tanya were reading over this brochure last night right. Exactly what are we suppose to expect. Cuz, the last thing we want to have happen is to be spotted at the airport.” Brian said looking out the window.
“well, we’re not actually suppose to go inside the airport. The car is going to pull around to the side of the airport. So you won‘t have to worry about being seen there”. Tanya replied.
“That’s good to know” Kevin said looking over from Nick to Brian. He knew that Howie forgot to mention their source of transportation. He just wasn’t sure who would panic first Nick or Brian.
When the car pulled out on the tar mat, a rather large man approached the car opening the door to assist the passengers. “Good morning ladies and Gentleman. My name is Al. I will assist you on your flight to Kauai.” Al waited for all of the guest to exit the car before he continued explaining what they were to expect “ok, now..when you arrive in Kauai, you will meet with your tour guide that is assigned to you for the day. Now if you would please follow me, I will take you to the helicopter that is waiting for you. This will be your transportation to the Island of Kauai”

“THE HELI WHAT?!?!” Both Nick and Brian exclaimed.

Al looked back to the two gentleman who both spoke out. He rolled his eyes and thought. “oh boy, not another one. Always the big strong guy afraid to fly. Oy.”

“YOU”VE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME RIGHT?” Nick replied. Just the thought of getting on a helicopter had Nick shaking at the knees.

“Nick, what’s the matter babe?” Chelle asked tugging on his arm.

Nick wasn’t able to answer back. He didn’t want to explain to Chelle that not only did he really hate to fly but he was extremely terrified to fly on a damn helicopter. Nick looked over to Kevin who was shaking his head. “Kevin, did you know about this man?”

Kevin lied, “uh, no Nicky I didn’t. Actually I thought we were flying in an airplane not a helicopter.”

“Uh, Al… is this the only way we can get to the Island?” Brian asked praying he’d say no.

“well, no not really. I can get you set up on the commuter jet…but I won’t be able to guarantee that it’s private. You may see a few other tourists on there as well. And the view won’t be as exquisite as what you would’ve seen from the helicopter” Al answered.

“How long will that take?” Kevin asked. He should’ve realized that they’d have to find an alternate way of traveling.

“well, give me just a sec and let me see if there’s a few seats available in the next flight. I will be right back” Al said as he walked back inside the airport.

“thanks, AL” Brian said.

“man, what’s wrong with you two chickens. Where’s you sense of adventure?” AJ teased. Carmen quickly pulled at AJ to get him to lighten up on the teasing.

“Shut up Bone” Nick said looking embarrassed. He didn’t want Chelle to think bad of him. But he couldn’t help it, flying just never was his forte. Chelle reached out for Nick’s hand and slipped her hand into his.

“aww, it’s ok Nicky. Nothing to be ashamed of. I for one don’t care how we get there….but I do want you to be comfortable especially since this is suppose to be a fun day for all of us. I think I have an idea that will distract you once we’re on the plane.”

Nick leaned over and wrapped his arm around Chelle planting a quick kiss on her forehead, “thank you.. I may need to take you up on that here in a bit… I guess you now know.. I hate to fly”

Chelle hugged Nick back and whispered to him, “I forgot that. I guess since I’ve been with you.. I kinda forgot all the details I already knew…one being your big fear of flying”

Al returned minutes later and advised that there was a flight leaving within 20 minutes.and that there weren’t too many people booked on that flight…so, they would be able to have some privacy.

“Wow, thanks Al for arranging this for us.  That would be perfect”  Kevin answered for the group.  With that, the group followed Al towards the terminal to get ready to board the plane.  

“wow, this is exciting”  Shawn squealed.  

Kevin held her hand and smiled back at her.  He was looking forward to spending the day with her as well as their friends. “yeah, we’re gonna have a great time today”

Al then returned and informed the group that they would be boarding in about five minutes.  As the group waited around, there were only a few other passengers lingering around.  A young girl who was with her mother eyed the guys. Nick noticed her and motioned for her to come over. She headed over, her gaze at her shoes. When she was close enough, Nick reached out and pulled her into a huge bear hug. "Want an autograph?" he asked her. When she nodded, he signed the book she held. Then he leaned down and kissed her cheek.  Nick motioned for the other guys to do the same.  Once the guys all signed her book, the young girl bounced back over to her mother to show what they did grinning from ear to ear.  Chelle just stood their admiring what the guys did for the girl.  She then leaned up and kissed Nick on the cheek.

“What was that for”  Nick asked pretending to not know.  

“that was so sweet of you.  it’s amazing what your friendly little gesture has done.
You know you just brightened her whole trip”  Chelle said smiling.  

“yeah, that’s what makes what we do so special.” Nick said back.

Al then reappeared and announced that it was time to board the plane.  Everyone quickly gathered their belongings and followed him.  Noticing Nick’s lack of enthusiasm, Chelle grabbed Nick’s hand and led him towards the plane.  “come on sweetie, I promise this ride won’t be so bad.” chelle paused then teased, “hey does this mean I get the window seat?”
“ha ha, cute”  Nick said as he let Chelle pull him along.  Maybe this wouldn’t be so bad after all.  At least Chelle was there with him.  

“Hey Brian, you’re not afraid of flying are you”  Sherry asked.  After their parasailing adventure, she didn’t think he’d be afraid of flying but wasn’t sure as he also looked a little green which was almost the shade of Nick.  

“who me?  Of course not.  I mean we fly all the time”  Brian reassured her.

“ha ha.  That’s a good one cuz, I was just wondering myself which one of you would panic first.  You or Nick.  Looks like you came in second this time.’  Kevin teased.  He then rejoined Shawn who was talking with Tanya and Howie.

As the group boarded the plane, Al explained the route there were going to be flying.   Once they were airborne, he explained that they would be flying over the “Garden Isles” what was known as the hidden treasures.  As the plane was near their destination, Al became their official tour guide on the plane.  He pointed out all the different features that they were able to see from the plane.  Both Chelle and Sherry tried to make Nick and Brian forget about the plane and to take in the beauty that was to be seen down below.  Slowly but surely they both drifted out of their shells.

“oh my god AJ, do you see that?  That is breath taking”  Carmen gasped pointing out the canyon below.  AJ enjoyed listening to Carmen’s excitement.  

As the plane drifted in a northern direction, Al then announced that they were crossing over the romantic cliffs of Hanalei River Valley.  When they flew over the “Sleeping Giant” which was the Wailua Falls both Kevin and Shawn gripped the others hand as another memory flashed in their minds.  After passing the falls, Al then explained the next site they flew over,  Mount Waialeale.   “This is better known as the wettest spot on the earth” Al said while the group looked on.  AJ and Nick both laughed at the pun.  Before they knew it, their 30 minute flight had come to an end.  

“wow, now that wasn’t so bad” Nick said in relief.  

Chelle laughed, “Really?  Do you think you can let my hand breath a little?”  Chelle released her hand from Nick’s tight grip.

“oops, sorry babe”  Nick grinned.

When the group finally departed from the plane, Al introduced them to their tour guide for the afternoon then bidded his passengers farewell. They followed their new tourguide to the van that was arranged to pick the group up.  “Hello everyone, my name is Milly.  I will be your guide through out the day.  Now first of all, I would like to say congratulations to the ladies here.  I hear you were the big winners last night at Coconut Bay.”  The girls all grinned back.  “well, we have an incredible day planned out for you.  So, if you will follow me.  We are going to board the van that will take us through the ‘Safari Adventure’.  After the tour, you will be given an opportunity to visit some of the local shops.  Then this evening, you are invited to participate in a luau.  Now this luau is a little different from the ones you may have been to already.  This luau actually requires a specific dress attire, which we would help you be prepared for. As you can see, this day will be filled with all sorts of exciting events.  Let’s get started shall we”  Milly then directed the group towards the van, and with that the tour had begun.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Back at Fantasy Island~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Tess Dayne looked around as she stepped into the hotel lobby. Well, her travel agent was right. This place was spectacular. She approached the front desk, a suitcase in one hand, her purse and a briefcase in the other. She watched as the clerk behind the desk smiled widely as she stepped to the desk.
"Good afternoon, miss. Checking in?"
Tess sat her suitcase down and smiled. "Yes. The reservation will be under Welkin Publishing."
“ it is. If you could sign the receipt....." the clerk said, turning the paper around...."And here's your key. I will get a porter to take you to your room."
"That won't be necessary. I'll find the room. Can you tell me if Chelle Wilson is still a guest here?"
The clerk checked his computer. "Yes, she is. I can't give out her room number, but if you would like to leave her a message?" he said, pushing a pen and paper toward her.
"Yes...I would. Thank you," Tess said, taking the pen in hand.
I took the liberty of asking Carl, your whereabouts. Please don't be angry with him. I begged him to tell me. And you know how I always get what I want. I brought the contracts that you wanted me to sign. I have a few questions about them. I know you wanted me to work with Paul Tanner while you were gone, but it was just horrible. I will explain that later. I hope we can get together over brunch tomorrow, say 10:00 am in the dining room, and work on these papers.
Tess folded the paper and slid it into the envelope. She handed it back to the clerk with a smile and bent to pick up her suitcase. As she did, her eye caught a flash of light from the bar. She turned and saw a slim man raise his glass at her. She smiled weakly and headed for the elevator. A man was the last thing she needed right now. She was just getting over a messy divorce. Her ex-husband had taken to abusing the bottle and subsequently, used her as a punching bag. She had finally had enough after he had put her in the hospital with a collapsed lung and a broken arm and had filed for divorce the day she was released from her doctor's care. That was part of the reason she was here. She had needed the escape that Hawaii provided. It just helped that Chelle was here as well. She could get the paper work for her book done too. She had to thank her ex-husband for that. She had a best seller on her hands. She wrote about her abusive experiences, wrapped a romance story around it and sent it in. They had loved it. And here she was. She entered the elevator and watched as the man who had raised his glass to her walk into the lobby. She watched him watch her and as the doors slid closed, she sighed in relief. She just didn't want any entanglements on this trip. She wanted to see Chelle, get the papers signed and head back to New York.
