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Chapter 24
By Chelle and Tess

When the girls arrived to the club, Shawn took another glance at Chelle.  She was stunned to have not noticed what Chelle was wearing.  She was wearing a short low cut summer dress that was very slinky.   It was very unlike Chelle to wear something so revealing.  This only meant one thing, TROUBLE.  She sighed at the thought of what could happen.  Once the girls walked inside the club, they quickly grabbed a vacant table that sat near the stage since Shawn was not able to move around too much with her sore ankle.  The room was filled with many other tourists.  The hotel clerk had recommended this club as one of hot spots on the island. It definitely lived up to its expectations.  "Hey Shawn where's the crutches tonight?" Sherry asked.  

"I didn't want to use them tonight and have them in the way." Shawn told Sherry.

"you better hope that Kevin doesn’t see you like this" Tanya reminded her.

"uh, hello Tanya.... We're suppose to see them later...uh duh.. he's gonna see.." Sherry said pointing at Shawn‘s bad ankle.

"I can handle Kevin Richardson." Shawn said with a smirk.

“oh I bet you can.”  Sherry said back to her friend with a sly look.

Shawn gazed around the club and was fascinated on the décor. It was a two story club that had a unique dance floor.  And there was a stage at the front of the first floor along with a few tables along the side.  Shawn then looked up to the second floor that was overlooking the dance floor and stage.  She imagined the guys would probably be seated up there in hopes of not being recognized or spotted by Chelle.  With Shawn’s thoughts drifting back to Chelle, she looked back to where she thought Chelle was at but only found that Chelle had already disappeared.  “now why does this feel like déjà vu?  I am always looking for that damn girl.  She would pick a night I cant move around quick enough to disappear” Shawn whispered to herself as she scanned the room in hopes to see Chelle.  Shawn looked over at the bar and saw Chelle and Carmen in the middle of a group of guys about to order a few drinks.  However, the look the guys were giving both Carmen and Chelle was a little uncomforting.  "No why aren't I surprised" Shawn thought to herself.  Shawn only hoped that Carmen would help keep Chelle out of any trouble.  Especially with Nick about to show up with the other guys.  

“Hey Shawn, exactly when are the guys gonna get here?”  Sherry asked.

“Hopefully soon.  Cuz do you guys see what I see?”  Tanya asked pointing to where Carmen and Chelle were.  The girls were surrounded by guys who were trying to stir up a conversation with them.  But instead of Chelle ignoring them as she normally would, she was actually indulging them by laughing and teasing back.  Shawn groaned when she saw her friend teasing with the guys….cuz within a matter of minutes Nick was going to be there..and lord knows how’d he react if he saw Chelle at that moment.  Minutes later an announcement was made from the DJ booth.  “Welcome all you party people out there….welcome to Coconut Bay…just another reminder that the Karaoke contest will begin here in about 20 minutes.  If you haven’t entered the contest and still would like to…be sure to sign up here at the DJ’s booth…. Cuz you don’t want to miss out on the big prizes that they are giving away…..and again…the contest will begin in 20 minutes….  So, get ready for some WILD AND CRAZY FUN!!!!”   Once the DJ was through with his announcement, he played some up beat dance music.  

Shawn glanced back over at Chelle and Carmen.  She saw Chelle walking on the dance floor with one of the guys she was talking with.  “oh shit” Shawn said in a panic.

“What’s wrong, Shawn?”  Tanya asked with a concerned voice.  But rather than Shawn replying back, Tanya followed her stare and saw Chelle dancing with some guy.  “Oh shit is right.  We need to do something and fast, Shawn.”  

“Go get Carmen, and fast.  We need to go ahead and enter that contest”  Shawn answered back then looked over at Sherry and said, “you know just in case Nick and the guys are here..why don’t you make sure Nick doesn’t get the wrong idea here.  She is only reacting this way cuz she thinks he stood her up.  Uh, and this is only to tease back at her…. This better not backfire…if you guys could only have seen her this afternoon…she was on cloud nine about Nick.  Make sure you tell him that also..k?”  

“Good Idea, Shawn” Sherry answered back as she and Tanya made their way towards the DJ’s booth to enter the contest.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~with the guys~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The car pulled up in front of the club and the guys climbed out, turning to thank their driver. Kevin handed him a tip then turned to AJ.  "I still can't believe you thought of pulling that stunt," he said.

"Hey...I was on a roll. I wanted to see the girls tonight as much as anyone...And seeing Chelle get hers...well, that's just icing on the cake!" AJ said with a grin.

"But AJ...the way you described Ululani....You said she was old..." Nick said with a grin.

"No... I think I said more along the lines of ancient....Antonio said she was around her late 70's."  AJ replied.

"And fat..." Howie chimed in.

"Yeah....tops 280 lbs. But there's so much more of her for Davy to love!!"  AJ cackled

"And that scream....shit! I almost had a heart attack!!!" Brian laughed.

"Yeah...he's gonna come after you, AJ," Kevin said.

"Oohhh....I am so scared!" AJ laughed as they all entered the club.

They stopped just inside the door and looked around the club. They had seen a lot of clubs in their travels, but this was one of the nicer ones.  

"Hey anyone see the girls?" asked Nick.  He was looking around the crowded club, searching for Chelle.

"Nick....come on. We're gonna head up there," AJ said, pointing to the second level. "You'll see your girl in a bit."

As the guys made their way up the stairs, they heard the DJ announcing the Karoke contest about to start.  “Great it’s gonna start in 20 minutes.” Kevin said then pointed at some tables that overlooked the first floor perfectly.  “How about over there.”  

“yeah, I cant wait to see Chelle’s reaction later”  Howie said with a laugh as he took his seat next to Brian.  

“Hey, there they are…”  Brian pointed to a table near the stage.

“Where?”  Nick said anxious to find Chelle.  He was still worried that she was upset with him for not calling her himself.  He knew he should somehow found a way to call her but there was no time to go back now.

“I only see Tanya, Sherry, and Shawn there… I don’t see the other two”  AJ said looking around for Carmen.

Kevin looked at Shawn and noticed that she was jumping up and down on her sore ankle. "Damn! Now what is that girl doing on that ankle like that?" he thought to himself. "She looks upset...worried....I wonder what's going on?"

He glanced over at Nick and saw that he too had a worried ___expression on his face. He followed his gaze and found that he was watching Chelle. She had just stepped onto the dance floor with some guy.

Kevin sighed. This was not good.  "Nick?"

"Kevin...does she look strange to you?" Nick asked

"Huh??" Kevin asked, not knowing what Nick meant.

"She looks....I don't she's not really here. Like she's thinking about something else."  Nick asked.

"Nick...she's probably thinking about you," Kevin said putting his arm around his shoulder.

"yeah...after what you two have been up to, how can she not be thinking of you?" Brian said with a grin.

“naw man, it wasn’t like that” Nick said then paused for a moment still watching Chelle dance with the other guy, “what we shared was incredible.  Like nothing I’ve ever experienced before.”  Nick couldn’t believe he was actually saying this in front of his friends but he couldn’t help but worry that he hurt Chelle.

Kevin then reassured Nick, “Don’t worry bro.  Everything will get cleared up here shortly…and she’ll get a kick out of it herself.. You know I am right.  That little lady is nuts about you….  I know this cuz even Shawn said that earlier”

Nick heard Kevin’s words but couldn’t help but feel the sting of jealousy as he watched his girl dancing with someone else.  

~~~~~Back with the girls~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Sherry and Tanya made their way to the DJ booth to enter the girls in the contest.  Once they got their information, the quickly walked over to where Carmen was and told her the details of the contest.  As soon as they mentioned to Carmen that Chelle was dancing with some guy, the girls quickly glanced up to the second floor in hopes that Nick and the guys weren’t already there.  Sherry was the first to look up and saw Nick frowning at the site of Chelle.  “Oh no, he sees her. I am gonna go up there real quickly and try to lighten his mood so this doesn’t get out of hand”  Sherry said to the Tanya and Carmen.  But as she started walking towards the stairs Sherry saw Brian wave her off gesturing that everything was ok.  “oh ok.  Well, I hope everything will be alright…. Maybe they are explaining how it looks right now”  Sherry said to herself then turned back towards the other girls.  Carmen then made her way on to the dance floor and yanked Chelle away from her dance partner.

“Carmen, what the hell is wrong with you?” Chelle snapped not even giving the guy she was dancing with a second thought.  

“we’ve been trying to get your attention, Shawn needs you for a sec alright” Carmen explained..but then realized she said the wrong thing to Chelle.  

“yeah sure, momma Shawn wants to preach to me again.. Well, I am not in the mood for it tonight…”  Chelle said in anger then waved Carmen off and bolted for the bar.  Chelle was definitely well on her way towards feeling no pain.  She quickly ordered herself a few shots and downed them before anyone could say anything to her.  “Aaaah, now that’s what I’m talking about” Chelle said to her now empty glass. “Jake...another please!!"  Chelle said as Carmen headed back to the others, shaking her head.  As Carmen approached the table, the DJ announced the first act for the karaoke contest.  

"Where's Chelle?" Sherry asked.  The music behind them got loud and Carmen had to practically yell.  

"Getting shit faced!" she said pointing to the bar  

"Oh...Damn!!! What is she thinking??" Tanya asked, looking over at her.

"I don't know, but if we want to do this, we got to get her away from the bar!!" Carmen yelled back.  

"You girls go...I'll stay here." Shawn said looking up at the guys. She shrugged her shoulders and smiled.  Damn, she hoped this didn't backfire.  She saw Kevin's lips move...'Is everything ok?'. She shrugged again and turned to watch as the girls went to the bar.

Carmen leaned against the bar as the next group was introduced for the contest.  "So Chelle...watcha drinkin?"

Chelle turned and glared at her friends.” Did 'Momma" send you?"

"No...we came on our own," Tanya said.

"We're worried about you," Sherry added.

"I'm about some more...." she said holding up her empty glass.

Jake looked at the girls and grimaced. She had already had too much. He was gonna have to cut her off.  "Never mind Jake," Carmen said.

"What?! Now wait one minute!" Chelle cried, her voice full of anger.

"I bet you couldn't dance a straight line, Chelle," Carmen teased.

"Oh me..." Chelle countered and headed for the dance floor.

"No, Chelle...not down here," Sherry said with a smile.

"Up there," Tanya said, pointing to the stage.

Chelle looked up at the stage and grinned. She was going to have fun with this. "How much?" she asked.

"How much what??" asked Carmen.

"You said much?"  Chelle said.   She was one never to pass up on a bet.  In her mind this was gonna be good.

"Ten dollars."

"Carmen...make it about 50.00?" Chelle suggested.

“Alright, 50.00 it is!” Carmen answered.

"Yup! Hey boys....I'm gonna dance!! Come cheer me on!" Chelle said wiggling her hips for the guys at the bar.  

The guys all cheered and milled around Chelle. Sherry glanced up to the second level and saw the guys laughing, that is all of them but Nick.  

"Chelle? Do you think you can sing too??" Carmen asked.

"What? Sing too? That will cost you another 50.00 bucks!" Chelle said, laughing.  The guys around her laughed too.  

"Sure....but you have to come with us now." Carmen said, pulling her away from the bar.

Chelle stumbled and giggled, but followed the others back to the table.  Ok.."momma" I'm here..." she said to Shawn then looked over at Carmen, “I thought you wanted me to sing and dance huh?

Just then the DJ announced over the speaker up above “Alright, well everybody …let’s give it up for the Hawaii Fiv- O’s for their rendition of Guns n Roses ‘Welcome to the Jungle’.   He then announced….  “all right….watch out you guys cuz I am quite sure you’re gonna love our next group of beauties uh I mean contestants….   Let’s give a warm welcome to the “California girls… wooohooooo”   As the audience applauded for the girls… Carmen led the other girls with Chelle bouncing and giggling the whole way.   

Tanya then said to herself, “god, if you’re out there.. Please don’t let Chelle fall off stage and humiliate us… I promise.. I will go to church.. Just don’t let us look stupid in front of Howie and the guys”  

Shawn who overheard Tanya’s prayer added, “and that is from me too.. Oh the hell with Chelle…don’t let my clumsy ass fall off stage either….--oh and sorry about the swear words. I will work on that too..amen”  

As the girls worked their way towards the stage….Chelle’s new fan club cheered for her and the girls…but unbeknownst to them..the loudest cheers came from a group on the second floor… Howie, Brian and Kevin stood up applauded and whistled loudly.  “wooohooo….  Go Carmen…” AJ hollered.  Nick leaned over the railing and watched his Chelle stumble her way on stage…even though she was sloshed…she still had an incredible smile… “come on baby… show me your stuff” Nick whispered to himself…..

As the girls took the stage, the DJ asked Carmen what song they would be singing.  
Carmen replied, “well, we’re singing a song from the group Blondie ‘The Tide is High’ we thought it was fitting for this beautiful island  we’re at.  Carmen smiled back to the DJ.  As the lights dimmed down a little each girl quickly discussed what they were going to do.  Luckily for each of them, this was a song that they sang a lot back at Carmen’s club… so they knew it quite well..   Chelle and Carmen would share the lead while Sherry, Tanya and Shawn blended in the background.  However, each of the girls only prayed that Chelle wouldn’t flop across the stage in her present state of mind.  The music then qued up…and…they were on.   To everyone’s surprise, Chelle was up for the task….  Regardless of what state of mind she was in… she was once again performing with her best friends....and she couldn’t let them down.   She along with Carmen strutted their stuff across the stage and began teasing their new formed fan club by seductively moving their hips and singing.  Sherry, Tanya and Shawn were also harmonizing on the other side of the stage and shaking it up as well.  

“The tide is high but I'm holding on
I'm gonna be your number one
I'm not the kinda girl who gives up just like that oh no
It's not the things you do, that tease and hurt me bad
But it's the way you do the things, you do to me
I'm not the kinda girl who gives up just like that oh no
The tide is high but I'm holding on
I'm gonna be your number one
Number one, number one
Every girl wants you to be her man
But I'll wait my dear 'till it's my turn
I'm not the kinda girl who gives up just like that oh no
The tide is high but I'm holding on
I'm gonna be your number one
Number one, number one
Every girl wants you to be her man
But I'll wait my dear 'till it's my turn
I'm not the kinda girl who gives up just like that oh no
The tide is high but I'm holding on
I'm gonna be your number one
I'm gonna be your number one, your, number one 

As the song was finally ending..  The room erupted in a very loud applause.  The girls were a hit.    “oh my god, we got through that pretty well” Tanya said to Shawn with a very surprised look.  “yeah we did.  Chelle didn’t fall off stage neither did I.  I think we should pat ourselves on the back..”  Shawn whispered back to Tanya.   The DJ then once again joined the girls on stage and had the audience give them one more round of applause…   Shortly afterwards, the girls went back to their table and awaited for the rest of the contestants to compete.  “Wow, we were awesome” Carmen beamed..  “oh my god, that was soo much fun.  I can’t believe we still remembered that routine.”  Chelle squealed back the looked over Carmen, “oh and I do believe someone here owes me what was that  oooh  $100.00”  However, before Carmen was able to reply back to Chelle…one of the guys from the “fan club” showed up with a group of their friends and offered to buy the girls around of drinks…  “hey, that sounds like a great idea”  Chelle said out loud.  “uh, sorry guys but we have to wait it out till after the competition…maybe later”  Carmen interrupted.  Carmen knew there wouldn't be an opportunity later with Nick close at hand.
She glanced up into he balcony, looking for the guys, but they weren't there. She glanced over at Shawn and motioned upward.

Shawn looked and didn't see the guys either. She grinned at Carmen, then tapped Sherry with her foot.  "They're gone," she whispered.

They were just about ready to tell Chelle that she was going to enjoy the last group, when the DJ announced that the last contestants had just finished and that the judges were going to cast their votes.  The girls looked at each other stunned.

"What the hell?" Carmen mouthed to Shawn.

Shawn shrugged, looking around for the guys. She couldn't find them. “Where did they go?”

“where did who go”  Chelle asked looking back at Shawn.  “helloooo, who are you looking for Shawn?”

"Never mind Chelle.."  Shawn answered still looking around.

Chelle giggled then said, "now, who's been sipping the bottle too much, hmmm"

Chelle then turned back to Carmen and asked, "hey Carmen, what do you get if we win this contest..huh? Cuz I think we might win..."

Carmen who was distracted with the thought that the guys had left, didn't answer right away.  

"I am not exactly sure what the prize is, but I think they said it was a cash prize. I honestly didn’t focus on that part. Only thought it would be fun to enter the contest. Ya know kinda like old times" Shawn answered back.

"Ok ladies and gentlemen...the judges have tallied their votes and we have the results right here," he said holding up an envelope .  He ripped it open and cleared his voice. "Drum roll please........"

"In third place, receiving an all day spa treatment, the Hawaiian Fiv-os..  "In second place, receiving an all day tour with Hawaiian Outfitters, The Lonestar Fillies"

"And our winners....who will receive an all day, expenses paid trip to the beautiful island of Kuahai....for themselves and a companion each along with a cash prize of $5,000.00"  Everyone in the club began to chant "California girls". Carmen looked around, and reached for Shawn's hand, squeezing it.

"Our winners..........The California Girls!!!!"  

 The crowd applauded the girls.  Shawn and Carmen squealed in delight. Sherry and Tanya looked at each other stunned. Chelle just grinned and headed for the stage. The other gals quickly followed her, not wanting to get left behind.

"Encore!! Encore!!" the crowd cried in unison.  

The DJ shook hands with each of the girls and congratulated them. He handed them a check and their tickets for the tour.  Then announced in front of the audience, “well, congratulations on being our grand prize winners ladies.  Now as you can see the audience has requested an encore…now before the contest started I spoke with Carmen here”  the DJ gestured towards Carmen, “and she told me that you ladies are big fans of the Backstreet Boys is that correct”  The girls all nodded looking over at Carmen, who was in the state of shock.  The DJ then asked, “well, sing one of your favorite Backstreet songs for us?”   The girls looked at each other and shrugged their shoulder… knowing full well this was something they knew even better than the last number they sang.

The girls quickly huddled and talked amongst themselves.  Carmen headed over to the DJ and whispered their choice of song.  He smiled and as the girls took their places, he cued the music. Once again, he dimmed the lights but added a few more stage lights to enhance the stage effects.  On the screen behind the girls, the video began to play. The girls began to sing with the lyrics and the crowd let out a loud cheer.

Rock your body
Rock your body right
Backstreet's back...alright
The crowd went wild as the girls began dancing.

Oh My God we're back again   Carmen sang.

Brothers, sisters, everybody sing  Shawn added

We're gonna bring you the flavor show you how   Tanya sang

I gotta question for ya Better answer now..yeah  Sherry sang.

Am I original?  Chelle added.

as the chorus started.  AJ quietly slipped on stage at this moment and tapped Carmen on the shoulder.  She turned around, stunned and almost forgot to sing the next line.


Am I the only one?  

Brian snuck on stage and Sherry grinned at him. This was so funny. She had to contain her laughter.  By now the other girls knew what was happening. All but Chelle, who remained clueless.

Am I sexual?

Kevin slipped on stage and the crowd erupted in cheers as they realized what was happening.  The Backstreet Boys were making a surprise appearance!

Am I everything you need?
You better rock your body now

(yeah)  Howie slipped behind Tanya and she slid off tot he side of the stage.

Rock your body

Nick eased his way onto the stage and stood behind Chelle, not close enough to touch her, but close enough that he could smell the perfume she wore.

Rock your body right
backstreet's back alright

Nick waited through the bridge and waved the others closer. They sang the next verse...anxiously waiting for their moment.

Now throw your hands up in the air
wave 'em around like you just don't care
If you wanna party let me hear you yell
Cause we got in going on again

The crowd screamed loudly as all five guys were singing.  Chelle was stunned that they were getting such a reaction from the crowd.  She couldn't believe they liked her and the other gals this much.

Am I original?  Kevin sang, coming up behind Chelle to place his arm around her shoulders.  Chelle squealed...then turned to see Kevin.

Am I the only one?   Brian sang to her, barely heard above the crowd. He eased behind her and slipped his hand into hers.

Am I sexual? AJ asked rubbing up against Chelle. He grinned at her blush and kept dancing against her.

Am I everything you need?  Howie crooned, running his hand down her arm.

The crowd errupted in loud screams as Nick approached her.

You better rock your body now  Nick sang, pressing his hips against hers.

The crowd yelled as all five guys sang and circled her, their hands all over her body.
Chelle could no longer sing. She just stood there as the guys finished out the song.

rock your body
rock your body right
Backstreet's back alright
So everybody everywhere
don't be afraid don't have no fear
gonna tell the world make it understand
as long as there'll be music we'll be coming back again
rock your body
rock your body right
Backstreet's back.......

The crowd screamed again as the guys finished and the music stopped. They were all on their feet and the girls were standing on stage cheering.  They had really showed Chelle. This had been better than what they had originally planned.

Chelle stood there looking at her 'friends'. How could they do this to her?  Humiliate her in public like this?? She was so embarrassed. But most of all she was pissed.  She had deserved the payback, she knew that, but did it have to be so damn public?  Why couldn't they have kept this to themselves? Gotten her back some other way?  She headed off the stage as fast as her legs could carry her. She needed another drink.  Just as she was headed down the steps, she stumbled and nearly fell.   She would have if Nick hadn't seen the look on her face and had jumped down before her and caught her.  She looked up into his face and through a curtain of tears, smiled at him.  " gonna keep falling for me?" Nick asked her.

"Only if you keep catching me..." she said quietly.

"Always, babe," Nick said as he leaned in to kiss her gently.

Hey you two!! Get a room!" Aj yelled. "Oh...that's guys don't need a room..You make out anywhere!"

" cute," Brian said with a fake little cry. "Be still my heart," he said placing his hand over his heart.

He turned to Kevin and gave him the puppy dog eyes. "Aren't you proud of your boy there, 'Dad'?"

"Come on you two....take it back to the hotel," Kevin said.

"Yeah...I'm hungry," Nick said, breaking the kiss he shared with Chelle.

"You're always hungry, Carter," Howie said with a laugh as they all headed out of the club.
