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Chapter 18
By Tess
~~~Kevin and Shawn~~~
Kevin watched as their tour guide passed out the maps so the couples could find their own way back to the hotel. He waited until he was handed his and after he looked at it briefly, he grabbed his backpack and Shawn’s hand and they headed off into the vegetation. They followed a well worn path for a ways before Shawn pulled on Kevin’s arm.
"Don’t you think you should look at the map again?" she asked, stopping in the middle of the path.
Kevin stopped and pulled the map from his back pocket. He opened it, quickly looked at it, then folded it back up, returning it to his back pocket, never once letting Shawn see it. He turned back to her and held out his hand.
"Come on....."
"Kevin? Did you even look at that map? Do you know where you’re going??"
Kevin rolled his eyes heavenward and threw his hands up to the ancient gods of Hawaii. He once again held out his hand to her.
"Are you coming with me?" he asked her with a gentle smile.
Shawn smiled and placed her hand in his. She trusted him to get her back to the hotel safe and sound. They walked for a ways before Shawn once again pulled on Kevin’s arm.
"Look!" she whispered, pointing to a beautiful bird.
Kevin watched as the bird flew away then they continued walking, the vegetation around them getting dense. He had to push branches out of the way and even hold back a few so Shawn could get by. He hazard a quick glance at Shawn and wasn’t surprised to see a look of panic on her face. It was getting dense around them......he was sure she was afraid they were going to get lost.
"Relax, Shawn."
"I am relaxed," she said, her voice cracking.
"No, you’re not," he laughed, squeezing her hand. "We’re not going to get lost. I promise."
Shawn glanced at him and smiled.
"Okay....." she said, not quite sure of his promise.
Kevin led her through the foliage and after about a half hour of walking, he suddenly stopped. The path had all but disappeared. And he was sure he had the direction correct. He reached for the map, but found his back pocket empty.
"Shit........" he muttered, looking around on the ground.
"What? Kevin.....what??" Shawn asked, trying to get his attention.
"Ah...I think we might have a problem....."
"I....ah...think we’re lost........and I....well, I don’t seem to have," he said sheepishly.
"Oh, Kevin!!" Shawn cried.
Shawn was so angry with him, she stomped her foot.
"Ow...ow...ow...." she cried out, tears quickly forming in her eyes as she grabbed her right ankle.
Kevin grabbed her around the waist to steady her and helped her to a half hidden log. Shawn sat down and leaned over to look at her ankle. It was already beginning to swell. She brushed away her tears with the back of her hand. She felt so damn foolish. Stomping her foot like a child....well look where that had gotten her.
"Shawn...I’m sorry. I was headed to a clearing........for our has to be around here.......somewhere......" Kevin said taking the backpack off. He looked around the dense foliage for some sign of the clearing. He knew they were close, they hadn’t had that far to go the last time he had looked at the map.
Shawn tested her ankle by turning it this way and that. It was sore and a little swollen, but she thought she might be able to put her weight on it.
" your ankle okay?"
"I think it will be okay."
"I’m really sorry.....I didn’t mean to ruin our day......."
" haven’t ruined our day. Look what I did. Twisted my foot in a fit of anger. How stupid!"
"Well, if you can walk.....I think we should go that way.........." he said, pointing towards the left.
Shawn stood and winced, but still kept her balance. Kevin noticed her ___expression of pain and reached out for her, but Shawn waved him off.
"I’m fine......I’m fine........" she said, handing him the backpack.
Kevin nodded and together they headed off in the direction that he had indicated. It was slow going, but within an hour, they heard the rumble of running water. Kevin turned to her and grinned, his smile lighting up his face. They had found the clearing. He just knew it.
"Come on Shawn.....hop on...I’ll give you a lift!" he said, removing the backpack. He handed it to her, bending down so she could hop up on his back.
Shawn laughed and held on for dear life as Kevin lifted her, holding her on his back by her legs. Then he trudged off toward the clearing. With each step he took, the roar of water got louder. As he broke through the vegetation, Shawn gasped.
In the middle of the clearing was a large pool and at the far end of it, a huge waterfall. All around the pool were fragrant flowers, their scent filling the air.
Shawn slid off Kevin’s back and stood holding his arm for support. This was a beautiful spot. Very romantic. And if she didn’t know better she would say Kevin had planned this.
"It’s beautiful, Kevin....Ow..." she cried out as she twisted her ankle.
Kevin grabbed her arm and led her to a rock outcropping near the water’s edge. As she sat and removed her sock and shoe, he knelt and rummaged through the backpack, looking for something to wrap her ankle with. He found their lunch, but nothing that would work as a wrap. Without a second’s hesitation, he removed his shirt and ripped several strips of material from it. He heard Shawn’s sharp intake of breath and looked up at her with a grin.
"This won’t be a proper bandage, but it should help," he said, wrapping her ankle with his shirt strips. He tied them off and stood, admiring his handy work.
When he looked at her, he found she was watching him. He smiled and held out his hand to her. She took it and stood, a little wobbly at first, but soon she was able to stand, putting her weight on her ankle.
"You did a find job, Dr. Kevin..."
"I aim to please. How about we go sit by the water...unless you’d rather eat?"
"No sitting by the water sounds heavenly. It’s hot."
Kevin helped her to the bank and they sat down. Shawn took her other shoe off, as well as her sock and eased her feet into the cool water. She sighed loudly, the coolness of the water a welcome relief from the hot mid day. She glanced over at Kevin and found he had removed his hiking boots and his socks and had swung his feet into the water as well.
"This is great!" he exclaimed kicking his feet gently.
"Yes...but it’s still so warm," Shawn said.
Kevin grinned and casually leaned over to swipe his hand through the water, sending a wave of water splashing over her. She cried out and reached her hand into the water, splashing him as well. He laughed and splashed her again, causing her to shriek. She went to splash him again, but lost her balance and fell into the pool. She came up, sputtering, her blonde hair plastered to her face.
"Well, you could offer to help me out," she told him, holding out her hand.
Kevin, still laughing, reached for her hand. When she felt his hand slip into hers, she pulled on him, making him fall in to the pool as well. He came to the surface, his hair dripping water.
"Ha! How do you like it!!" Shawn laughed.
Kevin splashed water into her face and a water battle quickly ensued. Shawn reached for him and dunked him under the water, then swam away as fast as she could before he resurfaced.
When Kevin broke the surface of the water, he looked around for Shawn. He could hear her laughing, but he couldn’t see her. He finally spotted her near the waterfall. Kevin grinned and dove under the water, fully intending on getting even with her for dunking him.
Shawn watched as Kevin dove under the water. She waited for several minutes and when he didn’t resurface, she began to get worried. She looked around the pool frantically, hoping he had surfaced somewhere, but she couldn’t find him. Surely he couldn’t hold his breath this long.
"Kevin!" she yelled, her voice lost in the thunderous roar of the waterfall.
Suddenly, she screamed, and went under the water, her arms flailing wildly. She came to the surface with Kevin in tow. He had his arms wrapped around her waist and she was holding onto his neck. She coughed and spit out a little bit of water.
"Are you okay?" he asked, worried that he had over done it.
Shawn smacked his arm. "I was worried about you! And then you pull a stunt like that!!"
Kevin hung his head, sorry that he had worried her.
"I’m sorry, Shawn."
Shawn laid her head on his bare chest and sighed. She had been worried about him when he hadn’t come up for air when she had thought he should. She found herself caring about him....probably more than she should. But she had become so comfortable around him and in such a short time.
Shawn looked up into his green eyes and smiled, shyly. She watched in fascination as he lowered his head to hers and just as his lips moved to touch hers, she closed her eyes. She slipped her arms around his neck and slowly moved her mouth against his. She could feel his hands move from her waist to her back. Then suddenly, his hands were under her shirt, touching and caressing her skin. She felt his hands upon her breasts and she clung to him, stretching her fingers across his back and shoulders.
Kevin reached for the hem of her shirt and pulled it over her head, flinging it to the bank. Then he turned her in his arms, her back to his chest and undid her bra, tossing it to the bank as well. Shawn threw her head back as his hands found her breasts again, his fingers pulling at her nipples. This was madness...........sheer madness.
Her hair cascaded over her shoulders and tumbled down to touch his chest, the cool water sluicing over their bodies. Kevin trailed his hands over her body, sending ripples of desire through her. His hands slipped under the water and into the waistband of her shorts, caressing her through her panties. Shawn moaned, her voice hoarse, even to her own ears.
Kevin unbuttoned the buttons of her shorts and slid them off her, picking them out of the water as they floated to the top. He tossed them to the bank where they landed with the rest of her clothes. He resumed his assault on her senses, kissing her neck and down her back, his hands cupping her breasts once again. The flame burning in her beat against the cool water.
The sun beat down on them, the trees and leaves rustled overhead. Shawn cried aloud as the flames that threatened to engulf her spiraled out of control. She turned in Kevin’s arms, her hands dipping below the water to find his shorts. She tugged on the snap, freeing him to her touch. She bent her knees just a little and pulled his shorts and boxers free of his legs. She stood, her prize in her hand.
She smiled at him, then tossed them to the growing pile of discarded clothes on the bank. She reached up and laced her arms around his neck, her fingers twisting into his wet hair. She pulled his head down to hers and kissed him, her tongue teasing his. A low moan came from the back of his throat as her hands slipped over his shoulders and down to his waist.
He circled her waist with his hands, stroking the tender flesh. His hand slipped to her belly, brazenly touching her. He slipped his fingers into the waistband of her panties and pulled them down, finally freeing her of all her clothing.
"I want you," he whispered, huskily in her ear.
He picked her up and slid deep within her as she wrapped her legs around his waist. She had never known a hunger so great...never wanted a man so desperately. His lips seared hers, his body burning against hers even as the cool waters cascaded over them. Shawn clung to him, crying out with the sheer force and beauty of the earth shattering climax that swept over her. As quickly as it overtook her, another followed, leaving her breathless. She threw her head back and cried out, the water falling over her and between them, caressing her fevered skin.
Kevin leaned over and trailed hot kisses down her exposed throat, causing her to tremble. His hands left her hips and slid up her back, supporting her as she arched into him. He could feel the pressure building deep within himself. She was so wet and so tight....and....Oh, God.......
"Shawn......" he cried, his voice tight with desire.
Shawn slid her hands over his chest and down his back, caressing every inch of him, frantic to memorize the feel of him. The tips of her fingers tingled, every nerve ending alive and hyper sensitive. She felt another wave of pleasure wash over her and she moaned his name.
Kevin came undone by her hushed pleas. He thrust into her warmth once more, spilling himself within her, crying out her name. He held onto her, his knees weak. She laid her head upon his shoulder and he heard her soft sobs in his ear.
"Shawn?? Baby...are you okay?" he asked, concern laced in his deep voice.
Shawn nodded weakly, unable to find the words to say to him. What they had just shared had been beautiful. She lifted her head to stare into his eyes. She smiled then leaned in to kiss him softly.
Kevin eased her to her feet, taking care not to hurt her. They swam away from the waterfall and pulled themselves up onto the grassy bank. They laid back in the grass, their hands just touching, the sunshine warm on their bodies.
Kevin leaned up on his elbow and stared down into her blue eyes.
"You’re sure that you’re okay?"

Kevin had chased away her private demons. She was going to be okay.
"Yes...." she said quietly. "It's been a long time since anyone has made me feel that way," she said reaching for her clothes.
" too," he confessed.
A comforting silence came over them as they dressed. Kevin reached for his hiking boots and accidentally brushed his hand against her.
"Sorry," he said as she jumped back.
"'s okay...." she said, looking away from him. She was beginning to question herself and her actions.
“Shawn? Are you okay? Any regrets?"  Kevin asked with a concerned look.
"No! No....I...well....this was so incredible........"  Shawn answered back with a blush.
Kevin watched as she struggled with her explanation. He leaned over and kissed her, effectively silencing her.. "It's okay. I understand..".
Shawn limped back to the rocks and picked up the backpack. She pulled out their lunch and sat on a rock to eat her sandwich. Kevin walked over and sat beside her, taking the sandwich she offered.
"You know...this was a fantasy come true...." she said quietly.
"What? The waterfall??" Kevin asked excited at her statement.
"Yeah.....crazy, huh?" she answered hiding her eyes from Kevin.
 "No....wonderful." Kevin said back still mesmerized by what has happened between the two.
I'm glad it was with you," she whispered.
Kevin leaned over and kissed her. "And I'm glad it was with you...."
“Kevin...not to ruin such a romantic moment, but how are we going to get back to the hotel?"  Shawn asked.
Kevin groaned. The map. He had forgotten all about losing the damn map.  "I guess we'll have to wing it. Maybe we'll get lucky and find it....or come across someone that can help us out."
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Thirty minutes later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
They walked into a group of hikers, who just happened to know exactly where they were and how to get back to the hotel.
 Kevin thanked them and turned to Shawn.  "You up to a little more walking?"
"I'd rather do anything than walk right now. How far is it?"  Shawn grimaced
"They said we could borrow their's just down the road." Kevin said pointing towards the direction they were going to walk to.
"What about our rental?"  Shawn asked.
"I traded them keys."  Kevin replied.
Shawn answered back, "As long as you stop somewhere and feed me. I'm starved."
They reached the car in about fifteen minutes and Kevin helped her in. Then he drove straight for the nearest hospital.
"You said you would feed me" Shawn complained as he pulled into he hospital parking lot.
"There is a cafeteria in this place somewhere. you need to have that ankle looked at."
He parked the car then ran around to her side and lifted her out of the car.
Shawn tried to stand on her own, "I can walk, Kevin."
"You've walked enough."  Kevin carried Shawn into the hospital emergency room where an orderly met them with a wheel chair.
He wheeled her back to x-ray and left Kevin to fill out forms as best he could. A nurse came up to him and offered him a scrub top, which he accepted gratefully. People were beginning to stare.  An hour later, Shawn was wheeled back out, her ankle wrapped with an white bandage and carrying a set of crutches.
Kevin jumped to his feet and grimaced.  "How bad is it?"
"Just a sprain. The crutches are to help keep my weight of it. I'll be fine. But can you get me out of here?"  Shawn said out of breath.
Kevin nodded and wheeled her out to the car. He helped her in and then he drove her back to the hotel. He parked the car and helped her inside.
"How about room service?"  Kevin suggested
"Your room or mine?" she asked.
"Yours. Let's get you settled."
They headed up to her room, trying to avoid the others. There would be enough explaining to do in the morning without having the 'kids' know about their little escapade tonight.
Kevin unlocked her door and turned on the lights. Shawn hobbled in passed him and headed straight for the bed. She plopped down on it and sighed.  "What a day..."
"I'm got hurt....we got lost......" Kevin said with a guilt __expression.
"We talked........we connected......we made love.......It was perfect......"  Shawn answered with a sparkle in her eye.
"'re on crutches for God sake!"
"Kevin....I've never had much success when it comes to sexual relationships.........I....well, I tend to shy away from them.......but with's so much more than sex."
Kevin sat on the bed beside her and took her in his arms.
I'm comfortable with you, Kevin. Something I never thought would happen for me ever again.  You gave that back to me.  So today was every way."  she said with tears in her eyes
Kevin hugged her tight. "It was perfect for me too"
Kevin laid back against the pillows, cradling Shawn in his arms, dinner completely forgotten.
"Kevin?" Shawn asked.
"Thank you...  Today was wonderful, " she said sleepily.
"You're welcome, Shawn..." he said with a yawn.  Today was a day he would never forget either.  “what a woman she is” Kevin thought to himself as his eyes grew heavier.  Soon they both were fast asleep their arms wrapped securely around each other.
