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.  Chapter 17
By Chelle, Shawn, Jennifer, Beth, and Tess

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~with Carmen and AJ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
As AJ and Carmen entered a little diner that overlooked the ocean called Manulanis they took a quick glance around and noticed it was not very crowded.  This was definitely the kinda place AJ was looking for.  He wanted to be able to enjoy a private meal with Carmen and was hoping to not have any more distractions like before.
“would you like the table there by the window sir” the waiter asked.
“yes, that would perfect” AJ answered for the both of them as they followed the waiter to their table.
“wow, this place is great.  And what a view of the ocean”  Carmen said in awe as she took her seat.
“yeah, it sure is.  Great view, great looking lady with me, now to make it completely perfect….. We need a great meal cuz I am starved.”  AJ said leaning back in his chair.
Seconds later the waiter came back and took their orders.  Once he left, Carmen took this moment as the perfect opportunity to ask AJ what happened at the dress shop.
“uh, AJ?” Carmen paused then asked, “what happened back at the dress shop?”
“what do you mean?” AJ answered with a question, pretending to not know what she was implying.
Realizing that AJ was avoiding her questioning, Carmen grabbed AJ’s hand and placed into hers and said, “AJ, babe… I know that family back there upset you.  Now, don’t shut me out.  I wanna know what upset you.  I would like to think you could trust me enough to talk to me about things that really matter to you"”.

“I’m sorry, really it’s nothing” AJ replied hoping that they could just drop the subject.  But the look he saw in Carmen’s eye told him that should wouldn’t let it go that easily.  
As Carmen waited for AJ to open up to her, she began to feel something rub on her leg.  She grinned as she realized that it was AJ's leg rubbing against hers. She knew that he was doing this on purpose, trying to distract her from her questions. And truth be told she really didn't mind.
"What are you doing A.J.?" Carmen asked
"Ah...playing?" he said, innocently.
"Playing what?" Carmen asked.  
“Footsies” He said with a devilish grin.
“Footsies huh, why do I feel your hand then?" Carmen asked.
"Well, baby, it's just the beginning" AJ said with a low growl.
And with that comment, AJ's hand slid up her bare leg and into her lace panties.
As his fingers touched her, she let out a tiny 'yelp', blushing several shades of red as well.
The waiter approached, carrying a tray with their lunch and Carmen quickly smacked AJ on the arm.
"What?" He asked with an innocent look. AJ grinned at her and slowly removed his hand.
As the waiter placed their plates in front of them, a popping sound was heard from below the table.
“Oh my god” Carmen mumbled to herself and shakes her head  with a smile.  A.J. just busted out laughing.  
"I love the bread, it is almost as sweet as you" said AJ with a hint in his voice then  laughed, "Carmen did you hear that noise?"
Carmen just sat there looking at her chicken ignoring the question while she continued turning three shades red.
"mmmm hmmmm, and I bet it tastes wonderful too" AJ said wiggling his eyebrows.  Once the waiter left the table, Carmen pretends as if nothing happened then once again asked “so, are you going to tell me what happened back at the dress shop or am I gonna have to tell you no sex later”  Carmen knew that might get AJ’s attention so she had to try something to get him to open up to her.
After staring into Carmen's eyes... "Damn woman, that's hitting below the belt!" AJ heaves a deep sigh and finally takes his glasses off and sets them on the table.  "Ok...if you have to know", he begins to play with his glasses as he begins to explain to Carmen why he'd gotten upset.  He explained how he saw parents of two young kids that pulled their children away from the store when they saw AJ goofing around.  They had looked at him as if he were a monster or something.  And, well this was something he just couldn’t understand.   Why do parents seem to be so close minded about life around their children.  He then continued to explain, “Something like that normally wouldn’t bother me but well….damn, I like kids and I would never be mean to them or nothing.  And I don’t want people to see me as something that they have to fear for their children.   “ aww, AJ” Carmen consoled “you’re right you should not let what those uptight people do or say bother you.  Unfortunately we have no control on how they raise their children” .  Carmen continues "It is too bad that people are so narrow minded, that they can't see what is having fun and what is not!"  AJ listened to Carmen’s words for a moment then said with a sad tone, “yeah, well maybe that’s why I will never be a parent.  Perhaps I am not what kids should look up to”.    Carmen grabbed AJ‘s hand and held into hers, “No, you’re wrong AJ.   In spite of your silliness, you have a kind heart, and well it’s too bad that some people just don’t get it, cuz they’re missing out on the real AJ.  You see, I see more than the wild and crazy Backstreet boy, AJ MCLEAN. And I think you’ll be a great dad one day.  ”  Carmen paused for a moment then said with a smile, “Oh my, daddy AJ  now there’s a thought for ya.   AJ shivered at the words Carmen said to him.  This was the first time anyone has ever seen past what he only let them see.  How could she know what he was thinking?  But before AJ could reveal his thoughts, he quickly said jokingly, “Me? DADDY AJ?   Oh, I don’t think so… maybe BIG DADDY or Bone daddy…. Or uh…”.   But was interrupted by Carmen laughing with him, “oh dear god, should’ve seen this one coming.”  As the two finally finished their meal, AJ asked hoping to have a change of scenery and to liven their moods,  “So, what else would you like to do today?”    “well, maybe we could go see some sites instead of shopping for a while.  As much as I do love to shop maybe it would be nice to explore this island”  Carmen suggested.  “ok, well…. Let me pay our tab and let’s get going”  AJ replied.  “Nope, sorry AJ but this meal is on me”  Carmen said quickly grabbing for the bill then handed the waiter her credit card.   AJ just sat their dumbfounded not sure of what to say.  "Hey wait a minute, I invited you and I am paying for it" insisted AJ.  “Oh come on AJ, don’t tell me you’ve never let a girl treat you to a meal before” Carmen said with a laugh.  
“Actually no I haven’t.  Usually they expect me to pay the bill”  AJ replied back.   The waiter brought back Carmen her credit card and had her sign the bill.  After she signed the receipt, she then stood up and looked back at AJ and said, “well, one day when I am well known actress which I hope to be soon, you can look back at this day and remember when you had your lunch bought by little ole me….”  And with that said, Carmen made her way out the door with AJ lingering behind wrapped up in his thoughts, “an actress huh?  Hmmmm, now that I’d love to see happen for sure. Maybe I can help with that…mmmm  who should I call?”   AJ then rejoined Carmen at their rental car and drove back to their hotel to drop off their shopping bags.  From the hotel they figured they would find out a great place to go site seeing at.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~moments later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

After dropping off their shopping bags, they learned from the front desk clerk that there was a popular garden not too far from their hotel that many tourists like to visit called Heritage Gardens - Iao Valley.  This garden sounded very intriguing to  both AJ and Carmen so they both made sure to get proper directions from the clerk and went on their way.  

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~20 minutes later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
“wow AJ, I think we’re gonna enjoy this place.  This place is huge” Carmen said in awe as they were walking inside the entrance of the garden.

AJ thinks to himself,” Man am I going to score, this is something different to do and this is even better than I thought”.   “wow, look at all these flowers, it's sooo _what's the word_..tropical" AJ said looking all around. He was glad the clerk suggested this place. He knew the other guys were taking their dates out somewhere romantic, well AJ was never one to be out done_not even by Howie. This garden was definitely the romantic setting for both he and Carmen.  Carmen giggled at AJ’s __expression but would never tease him about how he described the different flowers.  After all, he agreed to go with her to a garden of all places.  She then thought to herself, “yup the guy has definitely earned a few points in the romantic department.  Never thought he’d agree to come here…wow”   AJ and Carmen were following the map they were given at the main entrance.  “and I think that gazebo is right up this slope here” Carmen suggested.  “I still cant get over how big this place is.” AJ said back.  “me either, and look at this view AJ” Carmen said as they finally made their way to the gazebo that was overlooking the ocean.  Before AJ was able to reply back they were interrupted by another couple who whispering behind them.  
AJ and Carmen turned around to see who was behind them and saw a couple.
The woman was in a white dress and the guy was in a suit.  
Finally they heard the woman say, "Honey, just go ask them.  The man started towards them and introduced himself, "Hello, I am Dwayne and this is my fiancé Beth’  he blushed then corrected himself, “or hopefully about to become my wife.  we’ve decided to get married, cuz we don't want to be without each other anymore. And well we need someone to stand up for us. We we’re hoping maybe you two wouldn’t mind helping us out.  It will only be for a little while.”   
“uh, you want us to witness you’re marriage” AJ asked a little taken back at the idea, “wouldn’t you want someone like a close friend or a relative to do that for you.  I mean, and no offense or anything but you don’t know us”.
"Yeah" Carmen said agreeing.
"Well," said Beth, "we came her for a vacation and then decided to get married and we don't know anyone here to witness it".
“So do you mind? You seem like a nice couple" Beth continued.
AJ and Carmen looked at each other. "Yeah sure, why not" said AJ.
"Thank you so much!" said Dwayne shaking AJ‘s hand, "You have made us the happiest couple!!"  
“sure, no problem man… just hope you don’t mind our um attire here” AJ said looking down at his clothes.  He chuckled to himself, “good thing Chelle wasn’t here to see this”.
"no, you're both dressed fine. we are just happy that you will witness for us!" said Dwayne with a laugh.  
“what do we do now” Carmen asked excited about what was to occur.  She thought to herself as she looked around at her surroundings, “what a beautiful place for a wedding.   And right before sunset, wow.”
AJ looked over at Carmen and saw that she looked so happy and was deep in thought.  He wondered what she was thinking about.  
Just before he could ask Carmen, Dwayne said, "I am going to tell the minister that we are now ready, he is just over there at the garden, I will be right back" he turns to Beth and gives her a kiss and runs off.
 "So Beth, how long have you two been together?" asked Carmen.
"Three years." Beth said.
"and what was it that told you both that you had to get married now?" AJ asked with a curious look.
"Well, we first met here on the island.  This is the first chance we have been able to get back since  we just found out we’re having a baby and we want to raise it together." said Beth with a glow while rubbing her stomach.

"Wow, I would love to get married here, it is just the most romantic place there is!" thought Carmen.” So three years ago you guys met here? That's amazing.  And how romantic you're getting married here" Carmen said with a sparkle in her eye.

As Beth and Carmen both continued having their girl talk, AJ studied Carmen’s face expressions and thought to himself, “Wow, Carmen is really digging this! I am so glad that we came.   Hmmmm, I bet Carmen would make a beautiful bride one day.  And for someone who swears she’ll never get married….  She’s not convincing.”

Minutes later Dwayne returned with minister. The minister quickly explained what he needed from AJ and Carmen.
Dwayne takes Beth's hand leads her to their designated spot and quickly gives her a kiss saying" I Love you, you have made me the happiest man". As the minister was about to begin the ceremony, AJ and Carmen quickly took their places as they were told.  It was a touching moment for everyone as they witnessed a very tender moment between Beth and Dwayne as they said their wedding vows.
While Beth and Dwayne vowed their love to one another, both AJ and Carmen drifted off into worlds of their own. Carmen was imagining what it would be like to be in Beth's shoes, to have a man who loved her unconditionally. meanwhile, AJ's thoughts were the same. However, he wondered what it would be like if Carmen were pregnant.
I bet Carmen would be so beautiful carrying my child" AJ said to himself. "Wait, what am I thinking! I am not supposed to be thinking like this! It must be Carmen, she has made such a difference in me, I am not used to this...What is happening to me?"   While A.J. and Carmen listened to the words the minister spoke, they began visioning themselves as Beth and Dwayne. They were standing where Beth and Dwayne stood while their family and friends were sitting watching them unite as one.  They imagined themselves saying their vows which they wrote for one another.  Then, they placed the ring on their fingers sealing it with a kiss.  AJ looked at his mom, she had tears falling from her eyes. He saw his brothers look at them with nothing but smiles on their faces. He looked back at Carmen and knew that he may have found the love of his life.  She was patient with him and was very concerned with his feelings.  She uncovered a side that no one has ever seen before.  Most girls looked at AJ like he had money growing out of his ears but not Carmen.  She was an independent woman.  This was the first girl that didn't look at him with dollar signs in her eyes. To AJ that meant the world to him.  While the minister was still speaking, Carmen glanced over to AJ who was looking directly at her.   She looked into AJ's eyes and saw the window to his soul. Deep in there, she saw found love. The love that she needed. The love that she longed for. She found happiness. She found peace. She was finally home. She didn't want this dream to end.  However, she was brought back to the present time when she heard the minister pronounce Beth and Dwayne, husband and wife.  As they witnessed their kiss, both AJ and Carmen cheered the happy couple on.  Once the ceremony was over, Beth and Dwayne quickly thanked them for helping them out.  Afterwards, they were off to begin their happy life together as man and wife.  AJ and Carmen watched as they walked away hand in hand wondering if they would ever be that happy or if they would ever find happiness like that.  
"Wow, that was beautiful" Carmen said as she wiped a tear from her eye.
"Yes, it was" AJ said as he took her hand in his. "Don't cry." A.J. added
"I can't help it. I always cry at weddings.” she paused then said with a sincere sound in her voice, “ But, I do dream of this all the time".   "Well, you know what? One day, your dreams will come true" AJ said as he kissed the back of her hand. That made Carmen's heart melt even more. She just looked at him with questions in her eyes.  
AJ looked at his watch and realized it was getting later in the afternoon.  They had a good distance to walk back to their hotel.  
"Should we start walking back?" AJ asked Carmen pointing towards the direction of their hotel.  
"Yes, I think we should" Carmen replied "Thanks for bringing me here AJ, it was a great experience" said Carmen still  reminiscing over the ceremony.
"You're welcome. " AJ said proudly.  In his mind he thought, “yup AJ gonna get lucky tonight”.   He then asked, “uh, Carmen?”  “yeah?”   She answered.              
“you think we can celebrate their honeymoon for them tonight?”  AJ asked wiggling his eyebrows.  Carmen just laughed at the look on AJ’s face and thought “ok, the old AJ is back”.  The two began walking back towards their hotel both replaying the wedding in their minds and wondering if it is possible to really find that special someone.  Was it possible that they found that special someone?

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~later back at the hotel~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

“Wow, I don’t know about you.. But that long walk made me kinda hungry again”  AJ said out of breath.

“Well, do you want to get something to eat before we go back to the room?  Carmen asked.

“Yeah, but let’s find a different restaurant…they say there’s several in this resort” AJ suggested.

AJ and Carmen settled for a small diner.  It wasn’t very crowded at the diner and they both were able to carry on a light conversation while they ate their meal.  Once they finished, they made their way back towards the girls’ suite.  As they walked in the suite they both took a seat on the sofa.
Carmen asked with a sigh “so, you guys are gonna be in a meeting all day tomorrow huh?  She was enjoying spending time with AJ and part of her feared that once he was back in the Backstreet mode that he would be too busy to spend any time with her.

“yeah, we’re meeting with a few guys from our label.  We are here to work on the album a little.  But….” AJ paused and looked over at Carmen.  She apparently was lost in her own thoughts.  If only he could read her thoughts.  He then moved closer towards Carmen and gathered her in his arms and then continued, “….but, we are here to relax also.  So, I’d like to spend more time with you while we’re here…   uh, that’s if you don’t have any other plans.”  He hoped that she would agree to spending the rest of their time in Hawaii with him.

“I really enjoy spending time with you too.  And, I don’t have any other plans other than hanging out with the girls.  We will probably do that while you guys are working”  Carmen said as she leaned her head on AJ’s shoulder.  Just then, a giggle was heard from one of the rooms behind them.  Both Carmen and AJ turned to see which room the giggle came from.  Both realizing that it came from Chelle’s room, they both settled back on the sofa and just shook their heads in disbelief.  

“Ya know, I am really glad she met Nick.  He is so good for her.  We were hoping she would loosen up on this trip.  And with him, she really seems…happy.” Carmen said then began to explain, “We have been worried about her since her big break up with Jared.  Still don’t understand what happened.  But whatever it was had to be pretty bad cuz one day she was planning this elaborate wedding and next minute it was cancelled.  She told everyone that they had irreconcilable differences.   But after the wedding was called off she zoned out on all of us.  Turned into this person that no one recognized.  She drowned herself into her work and basically didn’t have time for anything or anyone.”
“Well, if anyone can understand what she’s feeling it would be Nicky.   He had a bad break up with his last girlfriend.  Maybe, they’ll help each other heal their wounds”  AJ said .  
“I hope so, and I also hope our new friends Dwayne and Beth will be truly happy together.’  Carmen replied.  
“Well, I think after today…their on the right path in finding out.” AJ answered then said “hey, that reminds me…hmmmmmmm you promised we’d celebrate their honeymoon”   AJ looked over and noticed that Carmen was once again lost in her thoughts.  “so, do I take that as a YEAH?”

"oh sorry AJ. I am just thinking about Dwayne and Beth again. They’re pretty lucky you know to have each other. Not to many people are that lucky." Carmen said with a sincere voice.

"yeah they are lucky." AJ said hoping that he would find that kind of happiness also.  AJ glanced over at Carmen who was staring off in a distance.  He then thought to himself, ‘and who knows maybe Carmen could be the one”.  

As AJ leaned over and kissed Carmen, they were interrupted again by another giggle.  “Oh man, not again.” AJ grumbled, “ You know, I think our friend Chelle there is going to be in for a BIG surprise soon.   I cant wait to see the __expression on her face when she finds out we’re on to her ‘secret’  and that reminds me.  You are going to help with that right?  AJ said looking over at Carmen.

“You definitely can count on me for help.  Like you, I can’t wait to get a glimpse of Chelle’s face when she finds out you guys know the truth.  Even her Nicky there”  Carmen said with a laugh then asks, “so, tell me again what is the plan?”

AJ then stood up, stretched and pulled Carmen towards the direction of her bedroom.  “well, the plan is………………………..”  Carmen giggled loudly as AJ explained what was going to happen.  She then shut the door to their room and entered a world for only AJ and Carmen to enjoy.  
