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Chapter 14
By Chelle, Shawn, Jennifer, Beth and Tess

Howie and Tanya went out front to wait for the car. "So, we really get to swim with real dolphins?" Tanya said with excitement.
"Sure do and I can't wait! The guy at the counter recommended it highly." Howie answered back.
 "Wow, this is so exciting!" said Tanya.
Just then their car came up and Howie followed Tanya around to her side of the car and opened the car door for her. At first Tanya wasn't sure what he was doing and then she smiled as she got into the car and thought that how nice to be with such gentleman. As Howie got in the car, Tanya saw a big smile on his face and asked, "So what are you smiling at?"
 "I am just happy to be in a beautiful place with a beautiful woman." said Howie with a wink. Tanya couldn't say anything and just blushed.
Howie took Tanya's hand in his and said "Why, Tanya, are you blushing?”
 "Who me? No way" Tanya said laughing. She couldn't hide the redness in her face. She knew he saw it. She wanted to change the subject, so she asked, "Howie, can I ask you something?"
Howie said, "Sure. Ask anything."
"Have you ever been in love before? You know, true love?" Tanya asked.
"Well...." Howie starts. "There was someone along time ago, She was my first and only true love. Her name was Jennifer."
"What happened with her? Why did the two of you break up?" Tanya asked curiously.  Howie didn't want to get into it right now. Luckily they were at their destination.  "Well here we are." said Howie to avoid answering her question.
Tanya sensed that Howie wasn't ready to open up about Jennifer. She said, "Look, there is a spot over there." Tanya is getting excited about swimming with the dolphins. They pulled in the spot and Tanya waited for Howie to open the door for her. `I could get used to this.' thought Tanya with a smile. Howie takes Tanya's hand and leads her to the entrance.   When they walked inside the park, the director showed them where to change into their suits and helped them with their scuba gear.  Once they were in the water, Tanya was giggling like a little girl and said,  “oh my god, this is so incredible”.  “yeah it is,” Howie replied back loving the big smile he saw on Tanya’s face.  He then thought to himself, ‘yep Howie this was a great idea”.  They had a great time feeding the dolphins.   The two spent the next few hours just laughing and enjoying each others company.   Before either of them knew it, hours had passed and they both decided it was time to go find food.
"Wow, that was a lot of fun!" said Tanya.
 "Yeah! It sure was!" said Howie. "Man, now I am hungry, the guy said that there is a great restaurant a short way from here, shall we go and check it out?"
"I am getting hungry too, so I think that would be a great idea." said Tanya.
“okay, well then off to the Tiki Porch we go” Howie said with a laugh as he led Tanya back towards the car.

~~~~~~~~~~~with Shawn and Kevin~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Kevin had rented a car to take Shawn and himself to the secret outing he had planned for the two of them.  After a while, he could sense that she was a million miles away from there.  He leaned over and said “a penny for your thoughts.  You still worried about Chelle?”.
"I'm sorry, yeah I am still worried about her but she didn't want to elaborate to much.  So, I'd rather not even think about it now till we can get her to open up more" Shawn answered back.
"yeah I know how that is, Nick is the same way too. But you're right, let's focus on us for now" Kevin said with a smile.  Shawn then looked back at Kevin and realized he was right, it was time to focus on something else other than her friend who obviously didn’t want to talk to her.
“So, where are we headed?”  Shawn asked Kevin hoping he would give a little hint of his surprise.
"Shawn, you're too impatient. Just wait and see. You'll love it" Kevin said.
"come on, no one is around now, can't I have a hint?" Shawn pleaded.
"woman, you are worse than Nick. Ok, your hint is ….. you're going to love it" Kevin replied knowing this was going to frustrate Shawn. Realizing that Kevin wasn’t going to give any hints, Shawn let out a big sigh.
Within a few minutes, they finally had reached their destination. When they both got out of the car, they were greeted by a few other couples who looked like tourists themselves.  "so who are all these people, Kevin?" Shawn asked curiously as she got out of the car and joined him on his side.
Kevin then took out their packs from the trunk, and laughed when he saw the look on her face then answered, "well, these are other tourists who I guess are going on the same tour we're going on".
"What tour?" Shawn asked with an excited look on her face.
Kevin then retreated the brochure from his back pocket of his shorts and said "we're going on a tour called, the Journey to Haleakala Crater, the 'House of the Sun'. You wanted to take me somewhere to relax today and you wanted to see the sites, well on this tour we can do a little bit of all of that".
"Oh Kevin, this sounds exciting." Shawn said with a sparkle in her eye.
Kevin then placed his arm around her waist and said, "I'm glad you like your surprise".
"Yes, I love this Kevin. This is an excellent idea" Shawn squealed out. When they met up with the other hikers, Kevin got a few glares from the other tourists who may have recognized who he was. But today, none of that mattered to him. He was spending the day with a beautiful girl whom he just met and was very anxious to get to know.  She listened to him talk about something that he couldn't talk about with anyone else and to him that was someone he wanted to get to know better.  With that thought in mind, Kevin reached over and wrapped his arms around Shawn giving her the gesture that he was really happy to be there with her.
She responded back by wrapping her arms around him. Kevin then took the invitation and kissed her forgetting that there was an audience behind him.  
"Awwww", they both heard from the others behind them.
They pulled back and looked at each other in the eyes and began to laugh. Kevin then waved to the others as he blushed.
Shawn giggled then whispered into Kevin's ear, "if this is only the beginning of my surprise, hmmm, what else do you have in store for us?"
"Wouldn't you like to know?" Kevin said smiling.
Just then a guy in shorts walked over. He had a microphone in his hand.  "My name is Richard and I'm your tour guide. Would you all please gather around me?" He asked.  
"I guess he's our tour guide' Kevin mumbled to Shawn trying not to laugh at the little guy.
Shawn and Kevin blended in with the rest of the crowd and listened to what their tour guide had to say. He began explaining what to expect throughout the tour and then handed out maps for when they were to separate from the group and travel back at their own pace.  Kevin then began to think, "I hope Shawn and I can find a nice spot where we can spend some quality time together later'.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~with AJ and Carmen~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
As AJ followed Carmen from one store to another, he still couldn't believe that someone could actually have this much energy to shop.  ‘He loves to shop, but man, she is definitely the queen and also I think she would make anything look good!’ thought AJ.  Moments later Carmen had disappeared yet again into another dressing room to try on another dress she found that she thought just had to have.  While she was gone,  AJ was getting a little bored and saw a good outfit to surprise Carmen with.  He picked up the outfit and went straight to the dressing room to put it on. He was laughing to himself as he put it on.  When Carmen reappeared, she found the guy she arrived with transformed into a hula girl wearing a coconut bikini top and the infamous grass skirt.  "Oh my god, where is Chelle's damn camera when I need it" Carmen cried out. But without saying a word, AJ began mocking the hula dance he saw Carmen and Chelle doing the night before. This of course drawing the attention to many other spectators.  Carmen couldn't help but laugh. AJ looked so funny. He definitely doesn't make a good woman.  Especially with the tattoos peeking through the coconut bikini top.  “oh, AJ I never knew you wanted to become a hula girl” Carmen teased loudly for everyone to hear.
As AJ looks around he sees this family pointing at him and shaking there heads. He starts to feel bad for doing this. Carmen see AJ's face and then asked,” What is wrong, baby?"  "Oh, nothing. I think I'll just go change into my clothes" AJ said with a grim look on his face.  Carmen looked at AJ then at that family. She realized why AJ acted the way he did. She couldn't believe that they are acting this way. He was just having fun.
When AJ returns from the dressing room, he turns to Carmen and says, "are you ready to go yet. cuz, um. I am getting kinda hungry".
"sure sweetie, we can go. let me just get these things real quickly" Carmen replied back knowing something had upset AJ when he saw that family.
 "Good, cuz I'm starving" AJ said as he took her hand and led her to the door.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~with Nick and Chelle~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
As Nick steered the boat away from the island, he glanced over at Chelle who was sitting at the front of the boat.  She was staring out at the water and had looked so peaceful sitting there.  He then thought to himself, “Tanya was right, Chelle did love the water.  Man, who‘d a thought I‘d meet someone like her.  Yeah, she’s beautiful but there is something about her that drives me wild.  She is so much fun to be around.  She is so not like the other girls I‘ve met before.  She‘s so independent and tough.  But, she’s  vulnerable also even though she tries very hard to hide that side of her.  She doesn’t treat me like Nick Backstreet.  She sees me as hmmm  her Nicky ”.    As Nick  drifted deeper into his thoughts, he began watching and studying Chelle’s movements.  He watched as she hugged her legs to her chest, resting her chin on knees.  Her long brown hair billowed out behind her, occasionally blowing into her face.  He wanted to reach out and brush her hair away from her face, take her in his arms, wipe away all her troubles.  Wanted to always put that beautiful smile of hers on her lips.  He wanted to be there for her.  But he was scared.  Scared of getting too involved with her. Scared of his fragile feelings for her.
Chelle stared out at the ocean, her mind reeling with the idea that she could be falling for Nick.  She couldn't let herself open up to him like this, knowing how hurt she had been by her ex. How could she not open up to Shawn, yet tell him all her deepest darkest secrets?  And yet Shawn herself had just about pushed her into Nick's arms.  She had said he was there waiting for her, like a white knight in shining armor, ready to erase all her worries and fears.  Chelle looked over her shoulder at Nick and smiled, maybe he was exactly what she needed. He sure knew how to make her forget about this morning's run in with them.  He was kind, considerate...and well damn sexy as hell.  What the hell was she doing wasting her time thinking about her ex? She should be thinking about Nick.  Chelle moved toward him and reached a hand out to touch his arm.  "Nick? Thank you.' she whispered quietly.  
"for what?" he asked.
"For everything."  Chelle answered back.
Nick put his arm around her, hugging her close. “for you...I’d do anything'.
Chelle smiled and leaned up to kiss him on the cheek.  Nick turned his head just before her lips found his cheek and captured her lips in a tender kiss.   When he broke the kiss, Nick continued to hold her, his eyes on the horizon.  He could feel her hand on his back and he smiled.  This felt right...and damn the consequences of getting too close.  He would deal with that when the time came.  Right now he was in heaven.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~with Brian and Sherry~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Brian and Sherry headed for the beach, each wearing their bathing suits under their shorts.  Brian held Sherry's hand, his heart beating a mile a minute the closer they got to the boats.  He couldn't believe he was really going to do this.  Go into the air above the water with only a line and a sail holding him up.  He must be crazy.
"You having second thoughts?" Sherry asked, knowing he was afraid of heights.  
Brian swallowed and forced a smile to his lips.” No"
“Liar"  Sherry said back with a laugh.
Brian looked at her and shook his head.  “No reallly" he said  "I'm doing this."
Brian looked at the rainbow sails and slowed his pace a bit.  Sherry felt him slow down and yanked on his arm   "Come on...I'm right here."
Brian smiled...maybe it wouldn't be so bad.  
They waved to the driver and his assistant, who had two life vests in his hands.
"life vests?" Brian asked.
"Policy," the driver said, helping Sherry into hers
Brian gulped and shrugged into the bright orange vest
“what on earth was he doing?”
The assistant positioned sherry in front of him and hooked the line to their vests.
"Hold on to her"
Brian wrapped his arms around Sherry’s waist
"Brian...not that tight," she said, barely able to breathe
"Sorry,' he mumbled
"Here we go," the driver said as he revved the engines
Brian offered up a silent prayed to his God...let me live through this Lord....
Brian closed his eyes and felt the boat moving off onto the water.
He could feel sherry against him and was greatly comforted.  No way would he be doing this alone.
 "Ready?" he heard the driver call out.
“Ready for what? , he thought
Suddenly he felt a quick tug and his feet left the deck of the boat.
"OH God! " he cried as he floated upwards
"Brian, open your eyes," sherry called out to him, knowing they were closed as tight as he could get them.
"' he mumbled.
Sherry squeezed his hand  "'s okay...I'm right here...Look"
Brian opened an eye, peering around her to look out over the skyline.
"Wow...oh wow,' he exclaimed." this is amazing."
Brian watched the sky, amazed at the feeling deep in the pit of his stomach. This was beyond anything he had ever imagined. The thrill, the adrenaline only the guys could see him now.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~with Nick and Chelle~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Chelle smiled as she ran her hand across Nick's back. This was turning into a wonderful day.  "Hey! Look!" Nick said, pulling her out of her daydreams.
Chelle followed his outstretched hand and looked up into the sky. Above them was a sail with the colors of the rainbow
"Damn! He did it!" Nick exclaimed as he recognized Brian.
"B-ROK!!!  SHERRY!!!" they yelled.
Brian looked down and saw two people waving from a sailboat and pointed them out to Sherry.
"Is that Nick and Chelle?" she asked
Brian looked down and saw two people waving from a sailboat and pointed them out to Sherry.
"Has to be. Wave back." Brian said, waving.
" I have a witness to the fact that I actually did this.  Now all I have to worry about is getting down." Brian said with a groan.
