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Chapter 10
By Chelle

~~~~~~~~~~~~Back w/AJ, Carmen, Nick and Chelle~~~~~~~~~~~~~

As the luau began to wind down,  the local dancers once again recruited a few ladies from the audience to participate in the last dance for the evening.  Carmen and Chelle both were picked as AJ and Nick sat back and watched with the remaining audience.  “Wow look at us Nick” AJ said as he was watching Carmen, “this morning we were hoping to meet these ladies and now here we are all together.  I gotta tell ya man I really like Carmen, she is a lot like me.  She likes to have a good time and doesn’t care what others think.”  AJ then turns to look at his friend who was staring at Chelle and laughs, “man you’ve got it bad their buddy.  That girl is a riot.  I don’t know how you did it man, cuz she seems to be a tough girl to soften up too, but you managed to do it.  And I don’t just mean that literally.  You guys look really good together”.

  AJ’s comment got Nick’s attention and he replied back, “yeah she is cool and very pretty and I do like her a lot but I’ve got to remind myself we’re here only for a short time.  So why not enjoy ourselves while we can right”,  Nick said trying to sound convincing then turned his attention back to Chelle who was smiling back at him.

 “yeah you keep telling yourself that and be sure to remind me that while you’re at it” AJ said back as he also was staring back at Carmen.

  As the girls began to move to the slow rhythm of the music they couldn’t help but look back at the guys with that seductive look.  “yep Chelle, this was a very good idea to come up here.  I think this will definitely set the mood for the rest of the night with AJ” Carmen whispered to her friend.

 Chelle giggled back to her friend, “yeah I think you’re right.  I cant say that I wouldn’t mind that so badly with Nick.  He is definitely gifted in that department”.  After Chelle’s comment both girls started giggling even louder and caught the attention of both Nick and AJ.  The music then played a little louder and the girls were swaying their hips back and forth more and more.  With the sweet sound of the music playing and the women teasing them ,AJ and Nick thought they were in heaven.  Eventually they found it very difficult to know which lump hurt more the one in their throats or the one down below.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Back w/Howie and Tanya~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

“I can’t believe it Howie, you knew all along that we knew who you were and you didn’t say anything.  Well, just remember I didn’t start this” Tanya said as they were walking hand in hand towards their hotel.

“I know and don’t worry he has a plan to get back at Chelle for her tricks” Howie said with a laugh.

“oh, I can’t wait to see this. Chelle’s like a sister to me but I can’t say I haven’t enjoyed seeing the little con artist get hers every now and then.”  Tanya replied then turned to look at another couple walking in front of them.  When Tanya looked at the guy in front of her, it was as if she had seen a ghost.  She stopped dead in her tracks and just starred at the man.

Howie turned and saw Tanya’s face turn pale and immediately held her as if she was in pain, “Tanya, what’s wrong hun” Howie asked with much concern.

The sound of Howie’s voice brought Tanya back to reality, “Huh what, oh nothing I am fine” she said realizing that she startled Howie and then said, “I thought I saw someone I knew that’s all.  I just couldn’t figure how I’d know anyone this far from home.  

“Are you sure you’re ok, I mean you look as if you’ve seen a ghost or something” Howie asked again still not convinced everything was alright.

Realizing that she just saw someone that looked like her late husband Josh, Tanya’s head began to spin as she was remembering the events that had occurred with Howie.   She then began to feel overcome with guilt.  But she was not ready to reveal her uneasiness to Howie just yet.  “yeah, I am fine but I need to find a ladies room” Tanya said in a voice she hoped was very convincing.

“uh ok, I think there’s one right over there” Howie said pointing towards the direction of the restrooms.

“Thanks, I will be right back.  Would like to freshen up after our little rendezvous in the garden”, Tanya whispered to Howie.

Howie watched as she disappeared into the ladies room.  He then questioned in his mind as to what happened that made her tense up like that.  He knew there was something she wasn’t saying but didn’t want to push her.  He then remembered the conversation at the dinner table before Tanya arrived on how this was Tanya’s first big outing since her husband died.  “oh damnit, why didn’t you remember that earlier.  She is not ready for anything just yet”  Howie said to himself.   “Now what do I do?  He again asked himself.

When Tanya walked into the ladies room, she immediately ran to the sink to wash her face and said in a panic “I can’t believe what I’ve done.  I wasn’t thinking clearly, how could I cheat on you like that” Tanya said as if she was making a confession to her late husband. “That’s why I saw that man, it was a sign to remind me I am not ready to move on”.  And with that thought, Tanya began to cry.  Tanya then began to pace back and forth in the restroom searching for an answer of what to say to Howie when she exited the restroom.  After a few minutes, Tanya looked at her watch and realized she had been in the restroom for a while and knew that if she didn’t go back soon Howie would definitely get worried and send the other girls to find her.  And that was one confrontation she knew she wasn’t ready for.  Tanya has worked very hard to convince her friends that she was okay and that she was ready to let go of her past with Josh; however, deep down she had a very hard time explaining that to her heart.  Maybe it’s time to tell Howie the truth.  He’s been so understanding and is definitely much easier to talk with than the girls.  Tanya then took another look at herself in the mirror and said “get a hold of yourself Tanya, no need to make anyone worry about you.  You can do this.”   And with her own little pep talk she regained her composure and walked out of the restroom to find Howie.

“Sorry to keep you waiting” Tanya said coming up behind Howie.

Howie then looked at her and knew she had been crying.  He did the one thing that came so natural to him and that was to pull Tanya into his arms and give her the most comforting hug he knew how to give.  He then whispered into her ear, “I hope everything is ok”.  Tanya then pulled back and looked into Howie’s eyes and was amazed at what she saw.  She saw a look that said I understand what you’re feeling and I am here for you.  Without any words spoken she knew he was there to help her and that she could trust him so she embraced him even harder than before.  

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Back with Carmen, AJ, Chelle and Nick~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Once the party was officially over, the two couples started walking back towards the hotel laughing about the events that occurred that day.  
“I don’t know about you, but if I don’t get a shower soon I’m going to start smelling as bad as AJ over here” Chelle said knowing she was baiting more from AJ.

Nick and Chelle both looked back at the other couple waiting for a reply back but heard nothing.

Unfortunately AJ didn’t have a comment since he was preoccupied with tasting the inside of Carmen’s mouth.

Nick couldn’t help but laugh at Chelle’s efforts then grabbed her around the waist from behind and moaned into her ear “you know I like that idea of a shower with you, hmmm” as he kissed her neck.

“Oh, I think we need to hurry” Chelle moaned back feeling all warm and tingly inside.

“So are you coming back to my room with me” Carmen asked AJ a little out of breath.

“mmmm hmmm,” AJ moaned as he was kissing her ear.  “Try and get rid of me after dancing like that.  You knew what you were doing to me back there and tonight it’s payback.  come on let’s go up stairs”.  With both couples having their own agendas for the rest of the evening, they quickly made their ways into the hotel and up the elevators with very little conversation. When they finally got to the door of the girls’ suite, Chelle asked Carmen “hey do you have your key with you? I don’t remember what I did with mine”.

   “yeah, here I have mine right here” Carmen said handing it over to Chelle who quickly opened the door. As they made their way inside the suite, what they saw was a shock that none of them were prepared for.   “oh my, would you look at them.  At least they are  wearing robes” Carmen said quickly working her way around Chelle for a better view.

 Chelle just stood their looking at Shawn who looked so contempt in Kevin’s arms.  She was very happy to see her “big sister” relaxed and sleeping peacefully in the arms of Kevin Richardson.  “now I know I need to find my camera” chelle whispered to the others and quickly ran to her room to find her camera.   She came back out with her camera and was ready to get the proof she was looking for. SNAP SNAP.  Her camera sounded.    
Kevin and Shawn didn’t awaken from the noises above but only shifted closer into each others arms.  “Oh my god” Carmen gasped “ I know we were just sayin that we hoped she got lucky but damn”.

“yeah, she’s gonna have some major explaining to do” Chelle said in her best authoritative voice.  The others looked at Chelle and couldn’t help but laugh at her __expression on her face.  

“come on guys, let’s leave them alone.  I sure as hell don’t want to wake them up now”  Nick said tugging on Chelle’s arm to move towards her room.  

“oh god yeah really” Chelle answered back and moved with Nick towards her room and called out to the other couple, “goodnight you two and do try to keep it down over there”.

“hey the same goes for you two, and especially you with the lungs” AJ gestured back at Chelle and Nick.  And with that, each couple was off to their room in hopes to keep it quiet.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Howie and Tanya~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Howie pulled back from Tanya and placed his hand under her chin and asked, “Tanya, I know it’s getting late but would you like to go back out to the pool area so we can talk. I know something is troubling you and  I would like to help if I can.”

  “Yes, Howie I would love that.  Besides, I do have some things I would like to tell you.  Things that I really don’t want the others hearing right now” Tanya answered back.
“ok, well let’s go then” Howie said leading her towards the pool area.  As they made their way out to the pool area, they looked around to make sure they were completely alone.
  “wow, the water looks so inviting at night doesn’t it” Tanya asked as she was almost in a trance from the motion of the waterfall.
 “yes it is, why don’t we sit over hear like we did earlier.  We can dip our feet in also.”  Howie suggested.  
“ok, that’s sounds great” Tanya agreed.
  Once they were settled on the side of the pool, Howie placed his arm around Tanya and said, “alright now that we’re comfortable, why don’t we talk”.
   Tanya knowing she was probably going to do most of the talking took a deep breath and began to explain.  “Earlier when you and I were walking back inside the hotel lobby, I told you that I saw a man that looked very familiar to me.  Well, I’ve never seen that man before but he did remind of me someone else.”  Tanya paused for a moment to catch her breath then began again. “He reminded me of my husband, Josh.  Well, actually my late husband.  You see, my husband was killed in a car accident last fall.  I’ve been trying everything I can to move on but it’s been very difficult.  The girls have been so wonderful to me but I don’t want them to keep worrying about me.
  Howie then began rubbing his hand on Tanya's back in hopes to comfort her as he saw a tear fall from her eyes. He then said, "I am so sorry for your loss. I do have to say, you have some amazing friends there. They worry about you only because they care about you. It's easy to forget that they are only trying to help ease your pain. I for one don't like seeing you upset".
  "I know and you're right. And I shouldn't feel guilty about wanting to move on, but I keep telling my head that but heart is telling me something different." Tanya replied back.
 "So, tell me something, do you feel guilty about what happened earlier, um ya know in the garden" Howie asked hoping she would say no.
 "Truthfully, Tanya paused as she grabbed Howie's hand, "no. I don't or I guess I didn't. you made me forget and I probably would have if I didn't see that man in the lobby there. And this is where I get so confused. Perhaps that's a sign that I was wrong for moving on so fast".
 Howie then took a deep breath since he knew he wouldn't like what he was about to say, "Tanya there's nothing wrong with you wanting to move on, but maybe it's all too fast. maybe you dont want to forget your husband. I mean you were in love with him and you just don't forget that. But perhaps you need to find away to move forward on your own.  maybe that's why you're feeling guilty and you're seeing reminders of your past". Tanya's thoughts of her life with Josh began to replay in her mind like a tornado. She didn’t realize she was crying and harder than she's cried in a long time. Howie then gathered Tanya in his arms and just held her so she'd feel safe and comforted.  Howie rubbed his hand on the side of Tanya's cheek and asked, "you know what, it's getting kinda late. How about I take you back to my room so you can have a good nights rest? I promise no funny business, just sleep.
"I'd like that, Howie" Tanya said, "besides, I think I'd sleep better if you held me". "that I can do" Howie smiled and gave her his famous wink.
