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The Backstreet Boys Visit Fantasy Island

Rating: R

Time: June 2002

Where: Island in Hawaii
Plot: The backstreet boys travel to a famous Hawaiian Island known as, The fantasy Island.  At this island they are somehow paired up with five girls (who are best friends) traveling together. Each of the travelers are not aware of the legend behind Fantasy island.  During their visit each person will have the opportunity to live out their ultimate fantasy.  Will they live up to the challenge?? Only you can decide their fates……


The Backstreet Boys

Kevin Richardson: Oldest Backstreet boy.  Will Shawn be able to trust Kevin?

Howie Dorough: Backstreet Boy who pairs up with Tanya.  Will they find the hope they both are searching for with each other?

AJ McLean: seeking a woman who can keep up with him, is that woman Carmen?

Nick Carter: seeking true love but has not understood what it actually is. Will he find true love with Chelle?

Brian Littrell: is seeking his creative sides, he enjoys writing his music but has another side to himself that has yet been revealed.  Will Sherry be “the One’ to discover the adventurous Brian?

The Girls:

Chelle: seeking true love, but has become very skeptical due to her past relationships. 

Shawn: seeking inner peace with a past secret, that has not been revealed to anyone.  Will Kevin be able to help her deal with her past as well as his own nightmare?

Tanya: seeking hope, she recently lost the love of her life and leans on her friends for support. 

Sherry: seeking adventure, she always was the quiet child growing up but was never given the opportunity to show her true talents.

Carmen: is seeking to conquer the world, she is fun happy loving person but is afraid of settling down. 

Mr. Roark the host of Fantasy Island

Tattoo: Mr. Roark’s assitant


As the plane crosses the sky, we hear the famous cry from Tattoo “d plane d plane“.  The plane lands and the guests of the island have arrived.  Mr. Roark looks over to Tattoo and goes into his usual spill of analyzing his new arrivals for the next week as the guests walk the famous red carpet.  “ah, we have a few celebrities this time Tatoo” Mr. Roark advised then continued  “it appears that the Backstreet Boys are joining us“.   
Mr. Roark began to explain to tattoo, ”first, there is Kevin Richardson, the oldest member of the group.  His fantasy is to control his nightmares.  His appearance to everyone seems to be normal but underneath the surface he is facing an inner demon that has been haunting him ever since he was in a car accident.  Next, we have Howard Dorough, but goes by Howie. His fantasy is to find a way to move past his fears from his childhood.  Unfortunately, he has not yet come to terms of what those fears are.  That will be his true test.  Then, we have AJ McLean.  AJ is your typical life of the party kinda guy.  AJ enjoys putting on this crazy upfront but seems to be hiding something underneath.  He is hoping to find a woman that will help him reveal that tender side.  AJ is followed by, Nick Carter who is the youngest Backstreet Boy.  Nick, also like AJ, likes to be the joker of the group but secretly is hoping to find the meaning of true love.  He has had many girlfriends but has not yet found that one true love. And the last Backstreet boy is Brian Littrell.  He is here to explore his “wild“ side.  He is well known for being the quiet guy but is desperately wanting to reveal an adventurous side that even he doesn’t know exist“. 

“yes, I see sir the backstreet boys are here but if they are here that must mean they are going to be in store for a few suprises this week”  tattoo answered back.  “Indeed, they are” agreed Mr. Roark.   “Now who are the ladies behind them, are they fans following the Backstreet Boys?”, asked Tattoo.  “Ah, one would think that they are, and they may be fans, but these ladies are here for there own reasonings.  These ladies have been friends for a very long time and they have been taking trips together for the past two years as a sorority ritual.  But just like the Backstreet boys these ladies also have inner tribulations they each want to face” answered Mr. Roark.  “Ah, Mr. Roark do you think these ladies will pair up with the backstreet boys?  Tattoo inquired.  Mr. Roark replied back, “yes tattoo, I believe they will.  For as you know they have all found their ways at the same time to the ............................FANTASY ISLAND.
