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Welcome to Lyssa!

My Favorite Things

My Favorite Web Sites

Detroit Lions INFO
The Mall and store websites
The bomb away messeges
My live Journal
Life For Teen Girls(sorry guys)

Black is my favorite color, but I might know why it is my favorite color. Not too flashy too, to bold, but you know how the story it told. When you dress in Black you are supposedly making a statement, but when I dress in black I don’t care who hates it. I have more clothes than Black, but when I get a chance to wear it in the week, I know what it is. I might be mysterious within. I could have a soft side and I could have a hard side, but most people see the hard side. Maybe it’s a way to block you into what I am feeling, but you don’t know until we spend time killin. Do you know the real Alyssa, or do you know the Alyssa at BHS but that time will past, once I make my last step. When you look into my eyes, you may see brown, but when I look at my eyes I see Black, Black of a girl that is trapped in the back.. Well even tomorrow my favorite color will still be Black, I just hope that you know don’t ever turn your back.
