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May 16,03
hey! today was ok i guess. amy didnt come 2 school :( loser LoL j/k. amy u r in my 1,2,3, and 4th block classes. i dunno about 5th and 6th block cuz u r in band. did u ask you mom about sunday??? ummmmm, sign on and leave me a message :) on my away message it will have my number!!!! just leave a message cuz i probably wont be home :( im going to the tent sale at bech bums hehe YaYeRs!!! i already miss the people atwashington :( like every 5 mins i think "i wonder what they are doing right now..." its annoying. it'll be over in like a week tho, so its ok. hehe andrea is bringing me back a souvenier :) !!!! YaYeRs!!! she always gives me the best soveniers :) o ya and amy u can go in the limo, i kicked dolores out hehe. so u can come 4 sure. im 100% sure. YaYeRs †hehe† LoL i love the crosses † (those arent t's) anywhoo. i am bored. i am listening 2 uncle cracker's "drift away" its the best song, download now. LoL. ok well i better go!!!! aloha i luv yu
May 15,03
sorry i havnt written in a while. LoLz. alot of my friends are goin to Washington 2morrow :( i cant go cuz my mom is scared hehe. well, i would be 2. but its ok. i have corinna and amy!!! *sings* "if u wanna be like amy raise your hand *raises hand* AMY!!!" LoLz. that was funny. well on tues i went 2 disneyland and it was WAY crowded and i dunno why so my mom dad and i ate at the rainforest cafe and then we went to knotts cuz my dad cant handle crowded places. jeese there was NO BODY at knotts hehehe it was fn. i finally got a knotts pass so now i can go with carissa and those people. YaYeRs! amy u should come over this weekend and we can watch "the ring" and then go 2 knotts on sunday. that would rock my socks!!!! LoL. thats my new syaing. o ya and amy if u didnt read your tag board there is gunna be an open spot 2morrow 4 the limo! YaYeRs!!!! hehe. im kickin dolores out. lmbo. (laugh my butt off) ya and yesterday we went to g see "anne frank" the play. it was ok, i guess. hehe i didnt know that trevor wore glasses LoL. it was funny. *sings* if u dont like trevor gomes raise your hand! *everyone raises hand* TRE-VOR!!! hehe that was fun 2. then i ate at wendys and i was waiting in line and carissa calls me over and sais "danielle, do u like sora?" and i was like "NO!!!" and she said "ummmm,she just cut to the front of the line." and i got mad cuz i was HUNGRY. so i asked her wut she was doing and she said she was cutting, and i was so i walked in front of her and invited everyone else 2 the front of the line LoL so sora ended up last. hehe. well, thats all i have 2 say. o ya and 2: marissa, carissa, alyssa, brittany, crystal, andrea and all of my other friends who r goin to washington, I LOVE YA SISTERS! STAY SAFE, AND REMEMBER ME!!!! HEHE. BUH BYE!
May 10nd, 2003
ok u guys this is my new and improved blog. hehe. i will probably still use the old one for pics of things and stuff, but this layout is alot better. i was suppose to make a web site about 'the lizzie mcguire movie' but i didnt want to make a whole new one. LoL. ya. i saw lizzie again 2day. i luv that movie! if u havnt seen it u have 2. lizzie and gordo kiss >:/ but thats ok its just a movie. gordo is way cute, except his hair LoL. when i went last fri the WHOLE theater was sold out. but this time there was only adraina, me, and 5 other people LoL. it was pretty funny. i dont like paolo, he is ugly and mean. i think hilary should die her hair brown, she looks better. yuppers. u like the song? i do hehe. ok well i am out, aloha!!!!