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Columbia : Star in The Sky

On Febuary 1, 2003, Texans heard the noise no one wants to hear. The sound of seven lifes ending. the sound of children losing their parents. Sadly after a 16 day space mission, Shuttle Columbia was making it back to Earth. Laurel Clark and the rest of the crew were so happy to be returning to Earth, they so missed their familes. Only 15 minutes from Home Columbia lost contact with NASA and lost control and blew up 40 miles above Texas. The whole Crew lost their lifes. the 7 crew members were Laurel Clark, Kalpana Chawla, Rick Husband, William McCool, Michael Anderson, David Brown and Ilan Ramon. For seven hundred miles pieces of the shuttle flew to Earth. However most of the bodies and the shuttle were lost. May They Rest in Peace forever and ever. Also may they felto no pain at the end.

In Loving Memory Of

Lenny Buskey
Lenny's friends
Guest book
