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Wuzzup?! WEll Welcome to my Kirsten Dunst Fan Site! She can sing, act, and probably more. If you wanna find out the latest news and movies on Kirsten then you're in da RIGHT place! This is an UNOFFICIAL fansite dedicated to her. I am in no way affiliated or connected to her, her family, or her management. SO please dont try to contact Kirsten through me. However, an address may be put out where you MIGHT be able to contact her at. If not, keep searching! you'll get there eventually! This site is also still under MAJOR construction so be paitient please!! thanx.

**This site was last updated on June 16, 2003**

~*nOtE fRom tHe weBmaSteR*~
i am soooo very sorry for the lack of updates and such on this site.... it has been, what, over a couple of yearS? i am glad that it is still up and running tho- i will try to make it the best that it can be this summer. hopefully my knowledge of HTML hasnt gone that bad.... keep checkin dis site out and be patient as i have much to work on and much to do. take kare now!~
o, and u can also check out my other site- MOVIEYECRAZE ( it is UPDATED and WORKED on much more than dis site...

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