Kevin Sounds

ate112.wavYou ate a hundred and twelve of your fellow passengers. You could've eaten just one but no, you ate a little bit of each passenger. Why?!
cab.wavI don't have enough money to pay for this cab.
cookin.wavHey good lookin'! Whatcha got cookin' sir? Sexiness, that's what!
gay.wavI'm noy gay...But then again, I never used to like asparagas, but I do now!
grinder.wavThose were my happy, carefree days. And then everything changed the fateful day they installed... the Spaghetti Grinder...
kane.wavIt was citizen Kane,It was citizen Kane,It was citizen Kane
madwpowr.wavDave:Are you serious? Kevin: I am serious! And I am dangerous! For I am second assistant of the ninth floor, in charge of requesitions and suplies, and I have gone mad with power!!
mindreader.wavHow the hall am I supposed to guess that? What the hell am I, A mindreader?
nofans.wavI'm Kevin McDonald from Kids in the Hall, or as some of you like to call The kid in the hall we don't like.
officsub.wavDave: Well Mr. Velaine, I'm from the bank. And you have not made any payments on your submarine. Kevin: I sent you my payments. Dave: No Mr. Velaine, what you sent us was alot of empty pop cans. Kevin: Pop cans, money! Office, submarine! Dave: No no no no...
pit1.wavGood evening, and welcome to the pit of pen-ultimate darkness. Apparently someone has opened a pit slightly darker than ours...
pit.wavGood evening! And welcome to the pit, of ultimate darkness
robwill.wavI'm about to rob you of your free will. Does this frighten you?
screwu.wavScrew you!