Kevin Quotes

"Can I have a tea please chamomile tea."
"Stop it! Stop it! I'll kill you with my own stumps!"
"Oh my God, she's gonna kiss me. That's a juicy one, baby!"
"Come on, you chicken bitch!"
"For I am second assistant manager of the ninth floor, in charge of requesitions and supplies, and I have gone mad with power!"
"The beard stays, you go!"
"The leg was my idea."
"I'm just sick about this."
"Will do."
"Slipped my mind."
"You got a yappy kid there."
"Oh my God, were gonna have sex!"
"Good evening, and welcome to the pit of ultimate darkness."
"Good evening... and welcome to the pit, of pen-ultimate darkness. Apparently there's a pit slightly darker than ours"
"Now were cooking with evil gas!"
"Because you... Pee from them."
"I dunno. I feel like a God-damn freak in these clothes."
"Screw you and screw your friend. I'm outta here!"
"Get out, and leave the bottle here."
"Pop cans money! Office, submarine!"
"Ye basterd."
"Show me the way!"
"You backstabbin-pullet!"
"I think I might grow a beard!"
"He tried to come on to me!"
"Oh my God. She's really close to Mr. Bilbo."
"Oh Baby!"
"Jerry, you are clearly insane!"
"Hey man, I like Led-Zepplin!"
"I am a slave to tea."
"I can't breath!"
"We prefere the word, gay."
"I'm nutty bunny number 3. The cutest bunny is always... me!
"I'd like to begin the presentation, but first, THE WHORES!
"I'm going to get a picture of that bear or deer by the lake for the girls."
"Junk mail saved my life!" Junk mail saved my life!"
"To look into my face is to look into the face of evil."
"You're hopeless. You're pathetic. You're the worst straight man I've ever seen! I quit! I should have never saved you
from those seals"
"Hey look! It's the flying pig!"
"Hi, I'm Kevin McDonald from the Kids In The Hall. Also known as the Kid in the Hall we don't like."
"I'm your sister, dammit!"
"Ma name is Marcel. I am frum Paree!"