
This is the part of my site where the boring stuff is. Like updates and other stuff.
So... I know this site isn't anything original, it's just the same old thing. Kevin was born in Montreal, Quebec... blah, blah, blah... His acting carieer begun when... blah, blah, blah... Here are some pictures of him... blah, blah, blah, blah. I really didn't mean to publish this site when it is like that, but I'll add some new, interesting, original, things... I hope.
Until then, have fun at my site. :)


Okey, the first update is this, junktext. I've also added "A Really Boring Story". It's the story of how I created this page. And I've done some small changes but they are almost not noticable and not worth to mention. May I also add that I get very happy when someone signs my guestbook and I start dancing and screaming and have to tell everyone in my family that someone signed my guestbook. So please, please, please, sign it!

As you already have noticed I've added a new poll. Please vote.

Okey, I have added two more pictures to my little picture gallery. I know it's not so much, but it's better then nothing. And it's hard to find good Kevin pictures because he always looks wierd on all his pictures. I've also added a banner to The Hunger Site. Please visit The Hunger Site to help people for free. Thanks.

I know that I havn't updated this site for like an eternity. No, more like a month. But I've been so busy I didn't even have time log in to Angelfire. But now I have added some more sounds and I'm proud of my work.