A really boring story

Since I don't have anything fun to tell you I'm going to tell you a really boring story. It's the story about this site, how I created it and about angelfire. I never thought that I would create a website. That's just not me. But then I saw Kids in the Hall and after I tryed to convince myself that I didn't have to make a page about Kevin I realized that I did. And so I began.
I started to plan my page on the history lesson. I thought about my URL. I needed a URL and I had no idea where to get one, or how. I couldn't even download a picture without my brother's help (he loves computers). So I really didn't know where to begin. I decided to save that problem for later. I started to build a page with Microsoft Front and soon I did something I was quite satisfied with.
Then I needed an URL. I lookde all over the net, and then I thought of GeoCities. I was already a member of Yahoo so that would've been easy.
So I went to yahoo and got an URL:
I really didn't like that. I hated it. So I deleted my membership on GeoCities and tryed to find something else.
Then I accidently found a page where a girl said that Angelfire is the best thing to use. So I went to angelfire and got a URL:
I thought that was really good because I got to decide it myself.
But then I got another problem; When I uploaded my page to Angelfire my picture of Kevin wouldn't be displayed. I was an idiot, so I didn't understand that I needed to upload the image too. :)
So I just decided to do a completely new page created with angelfire webshell. At first, I didn't understand how webshell could be so boring and so hard to work with. But then I actually liked it. It was easy and I didn't have to use HTML. I thought that HTML was a stupid and useful thing and I really didn't want to learn it. But when the computer didn't do as I wanted it to do I had to learn HTML to understand it better and to work better with it. After a week I knew all the useful codes that I needed.
Then I did this site. It took me about a month, or 3 weeks. I could've done it faster but I was too lazy. So this is how I created this site. Boring story, isn't it?


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