About me

There's really not so much to say about me.
My name is Olesia, I'm 14 years old. I live in Sweden, Stockholm.
My interests are music, internet, television and, of course, Kids in the Hall.
My favorite Kevin characters are Sir Simon Milligan and Dean-King of Empty Promises.
My favorite Kid after Kevin is Mark and then it's Scott. My favorite characters besides
Sir Simon Milligan and Dean-King of empty Promises are the Chickenlady, Buddy Cole.
and the Headcrusher.
I have no pets but I do have a littlebrother and a littlesister named Erik and Christelle.
I also really love to get mail so please e-mail me, or at least sign my guestbook.
You can also go to my personal website at www.geocities.com/obertse/index.html
Okey, I've bored you enough. Now go and do somethoing KITHy and fun!

Email: obertse@yahoo.se