:::**The Reader's Corner**:::

Building Two

You've just stepped in the reader's corner, building two. The reason for the idea of adding the site to mines is because I ran out of disk space on my other site, obviously I'm not in the position to be buying more space, until I get me a credit card. So from now on...whenever I run out of disk space...I will add a new site to it. Building one...building two etc. If you want to read celebrity stories...you should know where to go by now.

*My Stories*



*Hosted Stories*

*Recommended Stories*

10 Chapters Stranded *fiction* (coming soon)

Short story The Flight*fiction* (coming soon)

7 Chapters The Agency *fanfiction* (coming soon)

15 Chapters Entrapment *fiction* (the first chapter is up!!!)

9 Chapters The Log House *fiction* (coming soon)

7 Chapters The Devils In *fiction* (coming soon)

10 Chapters The Crazy House *fiction* (coming soon)

Back to Building One (The Reader's Corner)

Email: Justina167@hotmail.com