Moon And Back Graphics ~ Land of The Free





Relations between the American
Colonies and Great Britain began to
break down during the mid-1700's
Little by little, Britain tightened
its control over the colonies.
Its leaders passed laws that
taxed the colonists and restricted their freedom.
The colonists had become accustomed
to governing themselves, and had
developed a sense of unity and independence.
As a result, they deeply resented what
they considered British interference in their affairs.
Friction between the Americans and British mounted,
and, on April 19, 1775, the Revolutionary War broke
out between the two sides. During the
war--on July 4, 1776--the colonists boldly declared their
independence from their mighty British rulers.
In 1783, they defeated the British and
made their claim to indenpendence stick.

In the United States, Independence
Day is celebrated on July 4th.
On that day in 1776,the
Continental Congress adopted the
Declaration of Independence.










Hope that everyone will enjoy
my page for the Fourth of July
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