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Rox Graphics > > > Rox Graphics are helping me out with the buttons for the site. You can find their link on the front page. Thankyou to them.

I-Graphics > > > I-Graphics have supplied me with a button for my site, thanks!

Bravenet > > > Bravenet have supplied me with most of the interactive stuff on the site.

Alxnet > > > Alxnet are similer to Bravenet. I use their poll makers and quizzes.

My friend Chloe > > > Chloe has helped me with the site and gave me some real kool links to html help websites, thanks!

Webmistress of Hartnett-Talent, alpm > > > alpm has helped me out HUGELY with the banners for the site. THANKYOU!!!

Webmistress of, Stacey > > > Stacey has let me use some of the images of Josh from her site. Thanks to Stace.

Lisa @ Real-Bitch Graphics > > > Lisa made the layout for ~*Hottie Josh Hartnett*~. Thankyou so much.

Danni @ Real-Bitch Graphics > > > Danni has helped me out with the blinkies on the site.She has also made me an Enter graphic. Thankyou you talented peep!
