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The World's Not Ready for ME!
Monday, February 13, 2006
I Ain't Feeling IT
Mood:  sad
Hello everyone. I know I know, I was suppose to start updating this thing regularly. I've been going "through" lately. Too blessed to be stressed. I have soooooo much going "on" at home. I wrote a poem called "Consequence" the other day. I'll post it later.

Posted by Jaidyn at 9:17 AM CST
Updated: Monday, February 13, 2006 9:18 AM CST
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Monday, January 2, 2006
Happy New Year!!!
Mood:  celebratory
Happy New Year to errybody!

I've been MIA but hopefully I'm back. I'm at work today! WHY? WHo knows!! No is here but mwa!

Posted by Jaidyn at 3:04 PM CST
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Friday, December 2, 2005
A NEW MONTH - December
Mood:  amorous
It's been almost an entire month since I've update my blog! I apologize!

I'm in a really deep mood today. I can get all lyrical and philosphical but I won't. LOL!

Just wanted to stop by real fast to dust the china cabinet in here and sweep the floor.


Posted by Jaidyn at 9:35 AM CST
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Tuesday, November 15, 2005
***singing Erykah Badu "On and On"
Mood:  lyrical
Ahhh man, I realized that day that Oprah would be having Terri McMillian on her show.

I hope I won't miss it!

I fell asleep since they said it would be after lunch.

When I woke up they said, come on it's time to take you down.

Good! Let's go!

Oprah comes on at 4! It's 12:30, we have time!

I look at Reginald and say, "Come on Reginald! Their taking us down to surgery, let's go!"

The nurse then says,"He can't go where your going." I knew it was a lie but didn't argue. I was going to the "holding" room and he could go!
Oh well, I went alone.

Them crazy people had me down there until 3:00.
The nurse messed up my hand getting the freaking IV in there and by then I was tired and hungry.

It's 3 and I groggily hear them come in to wheel me away to surgery.

"Uh, will y'all be finished in time for Oprah?"

They just laughed.

Next thing I remember them saying is, "Climb from this bed to this one."

Dem negroes den put me to sleep and did the surgery and I wasn't even aware of it. I'm aware of the pain though.

"Please can I have something for pain?" I moan.

She gives me something in my I.V.

****Stops tape***
~``~`~~~``~~Question: Why do they send the doctor into the recovery room to tell you about surgery when they know you are in pain and still doped up?~```~~~~````~~~~


I fall back to sleep and the next thing I know I'm being wheeled up to my room.

Dang who are all of these people in here? I had about 10 people there when I got back. I started groggily rubbing my hair down. Didn't wanna look too bad. LOL!!!!

By then it was 7:00 and I was starving.

The doctor had come up to tell Reginald how everything went and said I could go home when I felt like it.

The doc said the surgery went well. They were able to save my tube. It was compressed and they were able to open it again.

I go for my Post Op appointment on Wednesday, Nov. 23 at 9:30.

Posted by Jaidyn at 10:46 AM CST
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And the Saga Continues!!!!
Mood:  chatty
So she weighs me, I blush! She takes us to my room. Reginald then says, Aww man, y'all were in middle school together. He then proceeds to laugh. Very funny!! Ha Ha!
He knows this irritates me since I look so toe up!

Okay, they left me a note on the bed saying to pee in the cup for a pregnancy test. I do that and then change into the hospital "formal." LOL!

Doggone it I'm starving. No food or drink after 12 midnight. Shoot! It's 8:30 in the morning and I'm a big girl!

"Hey, walk downstairs and go get me a hash brown and some orange juice!" I say to Reginald.

He looks at me and proceeds to change the channel on the television set.
I knew I should have brought somebody who liked to break the rules.

Oh well.

Here comes the other nurse.
"Take these two pills hun. It's for your stomach. It'll help with the nausea."


I ask, "Wow, do I get to drink allllllll of that water?"
Keep in mind its' only a tablespoon! LOL!!!!!!!

I gulp it down and lick the top of the cup!
The nurse laughs!
She's in for a real treat!

Posted by Jaidyn at 10:19 AM CST
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Blows Dust Off Of Door Knob
Mood:  happy
***yanks open door and gloats****

I've been gone much too long. SO much has happened and I've been a badd badd girl regarding my blog.

**spanks self***


I had my surgery on Wednesday, November9. We made it to the hospital at exactly 8 a.m. Reginald went to park the car and I went on in. I was looking like Doggone it, I forgot where they said go. I saw doors that pointed to OB Receiving and I went in there.

"Excuse me Miss? I"m scheduled for blah blah blah....."

She told me to have a seat. I was at the right place. Didn't take her long to give me my arm band (it allows you to ride all of the rides at the hospital -- just kidding) and my room number.

Up to 503 I went. Wait!! Where's Reginald?
I forgot he was parking the car and he wouldn't know where to find me. All of a sudden I hear his loud mouth at the information desk, "UH, I'm looking for Taquana.........."

"Here I am boy! Let's go!" I say!

So up up and away we go.

We make it to the 5th floor and I go to the nurse's desk.

"Hey, didn't you attend Powell Middle School?" asks the nurse.

Awwww, heck! Dis chick knows me. Keep in mind I was student body president, co-caption of the dance team, president of the debate team, choir, National Honor Society member and the list goes on.

I whisper, "Uh, yes. And you are?"

She says, "Girl, I'm Michelle! Remember me?"

Doggone it! Now my nurse knows me, I have on no makeup and I put on some toe up clothes since they told me to dress comfortably since I would be soar.

I plaster on a smile while she says follow me so I can weigh you!

Ahhh heck no! Weigh me???
Now she's gonna know I've gained 50 pounds and I have 4 stomachs!

Oh well!

Posted by Jaidyn at 10:10 AM CST
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Tuesday, November 8, 2005
RUT ROH! Spaghettio!!!
Mood:  bright
It's that time!
Surgery is tomorrow and boy am I anxious and frightened and a whole bunch of stuff splattered together.
My husband is going with me and I have typed out a list of questions for him to ask and what to do and not to do in case of my demise!!
I'm kidding.
But I am prepared since last time he couldn't tell me anything and the doctors had told him everything to relay to me.

The next time you guys here from me will be on Monday, November 14.

Take care and I love you all!

Posted by Jaidyn at 3:36 PM CST
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Friday, November 4, 2005
It's Been Too Long!!!
Mood:  hug me
I know I said I would be right back. Did I ever tell you that my "right back" means a couple of days????
Well, it really doesn't but that's what it's been. I haven't really felt "open" this week or felt like sharing.
I go in for surgery on next Wednesday regarding my infertility and I've been dealing with that among other things.

I keep dreaming that I'm either pregnant or have already given birth. Not too sure what that means though.

I was thinking about starting on my book today. I get sooooo many thoughts and everything and I really wish I had a laptop at moments like that. I'm driving down the street and then BAM!, I get a whole page of inspiration.

I was on my way to eat lunch with my mom today when I just thought about this, "I'm going to be a billionaire."
Not because I "wanna" be one but because I "KNOW" that I will be one!

An old Chinese proverb says, "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person who is doing it." Don't know where this fits into the equation but since I'm an inspirational quote freak I thought I'd tuck it away here for safekeeping.

Posted by Jaidyn at 2:46 PM CST
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Tuesday, November 1, 2005
Mood:  incredulous
I've been MIA becaue I couldn't log on to the site for some reason. Shoot!
And I have so much to tell and so little time.

I'll start after I finish lunch!

Be right back!

Posted by Jaidyn at 12:39 PM CST
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Friday, October 28, 2005
Fantasia It IS!
Mood:  mischievious
I have rehearsal tonight but let me first tell you what happened last night at Jada's rehearsal.
Oh yeah, by the way, if I didn't mention this both of my children received all A's on their report cards. I"m so proud!

Okay, Jada did an outstanding job on last night. That's my baby!
But the one thing that was lacking was an outstanding performance from the teenagers that were in the play.
Guess whose sitting in the audience minding their business when I hear the director say, "Fantasia! Can you come up here?"
I hear Fantasia everyday all day since people seem to call me that alot now because of my spikes.

SO I mosey on up there to see what's up. She asks who works with Jada and I respond, I DO!
She wants to know if I have any theatre background.
Uh, yeah, 4 years of going to a Performing Arts school, of course I do.

So basically I"m now over coaching the teenages with their parts for the play.

NOt that I didn't have enough on my plate, but to God be the Glory!

Posted by Jaidyn at 2:40 PM CDT
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