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:. Concert Photos

:. Bernard's Showbiz Evolution

"To start it off, I never was a school person. I never really considered myself to be one of them na who stick behind their desk all day and listen to someone talk about life, who doesn’t really know what he’s talking about. I wanted to do something about my life. If I have achieved something, I wanted to feel na it was because of what I did not because of what people gave me. I wanted to know for sure that I deserved it because that for me is the biggest achievement that I could ever have for my self. And I worked hard for it, that’s just my attitude in life kasi."

"I started modeling, after, in between college [2nd year, Computer Applications in De La Salle University, College of Saint Benilde]. I told my mom. I explained to her nga na I’m not really a school person. I also felt that there’s something out there that I was missing.

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So I started modeling. I started working. I got the Close-up commercial. After that the agent that I had at that time [he was only 17 then) asked me if I’m interested in modeling and I was like, ‘sige’ why not. But ah it was boring eh. It wasn’t stable. There was something missing pa rin. Even then I was struggling eh ‘coz my mom agreed for me to stop school and start working on one condition: she said, 'If you do, don’t ask from me anymore.' So I had to work talaga.

It was hard to a point where my mom and I are talking one time and I said, 'You know, nothing is happening.' And then, she told me as a joke, 'Why don’t you get into showbiz?' I used to say before there is no way I’m gonna enter showbiz. But at that time, I was like, 'What would you think if I do?' My lolo was actually the one who pushed me into it." Today, he is regularly seen in Labs ko si Babe as the notorious mayor's nephew, Jobert.


Although some of Jobert’s characteristics draw parallelism to the real Bernard Palanca, like being very determined when he wants to get something, he contends that he is not a bad boy. "I am not! I listen to my mom." The truth is, Bernard and his mom are like best friends.

Away from the set, you can see him hanging out in a small bar along Bautista St. in Buendia. Those who go there trying to be anybody, are not welcome. He plans to put up his own bar. What else? Oh, he's got two dogs, Ganzo and Tanya. And he reads real-life books like the "Satanic Verses." No, he’s not an atheist. He believes in God but he has his own beliefs, too. He likes listening to acid jazz and classic rock. Among his idols are Jamiroquai and Sting. He finds the music of Deep Purple and Red Hot Chili Peppers amusing.