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All 4 You BeBe


by the way i kno who im talkin u?!
ZURIS not ashamed to say names
she keeps it real..........................


its pretty lame
the things u do
to get back @ ppl
i think ur crazed
somethins seriously wrong w/ ur membrane
why do u have so much anger? rage?
ur insane!
its not that deep
let all that shit go
its over wit
she aint gonna let u hit
she aint that stupid
she knows everything ur up 2
so screw it
u need to move on with ur life
ur in denial
u got played, and u kno it!
i bet u never thought
what u do
would eventually come back to u
well guess what?
it did
and whats sad is that u were actually really feelin this girl
so say what u wanna say
but its really really funny
even ur bestfriends knew
thas why they made a few hata remarks about u
nobodys jealous.
wants to be u!
if they did, they would be askin 4 a life full of confusion and pain
shit maybe AIDS
yea i said it'
so what?
thas tru too
u 100+ fool'
and u think not knowin who the chic next you in the mornin is cute?
thas sad
im deff glad im not u
and what would you do?
have a clue?
can ne1 say Pitiful?

i had 2 do it
everything is true lyke i said
luv ya,
&yea im RUNNIN @tha mouth
&imma keep it up
so wassup now?
trynna call us IN girls UGLY?!
have u looked in the mirror lately?
o yea' with ur hat OFF!
don't u realize it' chix only holla back cuz ur always wearin that damn hat and u gotta coup bux from ya parentals....
heres a quest, try picking up a chic w/o ur hat....once ppl realize ur posin...they wont want ur UGLY azz.
lyke i said.....holla@me!

(^every1 agrees its tru'
we know
how we get guys'
how 2 get guys!
we dont have to "wonder why?!" or "who?"
our lifes not a huge LIE filled with deception & seduction ...)
*ur so lucky we're not