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Welcome to my world. This is where I get to say anything I want about whatever I want. and if you don't like it you can leave...or bore me with your hate mail. I don't really care which.

June 4, 2005

Things Currently Bothering Me
Hip-Hop's Dead.
After reading this article about JadaKiss stealing jewlery he borrowed from a jewler and then using it in a made me really think about the state of hip-hop right now. I realized that hip-hop's dead. Cam'ron can't rap...his verse's sound so stupid listen to any of his songs they don't make no damn sense he just has a nice flow. 50 Cent annoys the hell out of me he's a TV gangsta. JadaKiss is just an asshole..he has so much money and he has the nerve to steal jewlery. NO, you're not hood sorry you're just a fucking loser. Jay-z's a biter. Nas can't make up his mind about anything he stay contradicting himself. Nelly's so corny..he's like hip-hop on a diet. Eminem fell off with Encore. Tupac's gone and for whatever reason the south is everywhere now. Pretty Ricky looks like a four man Lil Jon team. Pharrell don't do shit but sing on other people's tracks and make beats. But he about to be out of a job because there's no one left to flow on his beats. Hip-Hop is dead.

Today not only on the way to Jersey Gardens, but on the way back also I was forced to pay $1.70. A dollar 70 each way. For what? Just so I could pass and continue driving on the same boring road. Why is it that New Jersey is the only state with enough nerve to charge people to drive on their part of the interstates? No other state feels the need to do this. Why? Maybe because it's a totatlly pointless way of making money. A dollar 70 at a time. I wonder what they actually use that money for. The only thing I can rule out for sure is road repairs.

Random Top Ten List

Hip-Hop Worth Listening To.

10. Blackalicious
9. Beanie Sigel
8. Mos Def
7. Fabolous
6.Lloyd Banks
5. Talib Kweli
4. Common
3. Ludacris
2. Lauryn Hill
1. Tupac

May 30, 2005

Things Currently Bothering MeChain Letters.
I thought chainletters were annoying when they used to come in the real mail. Occassionally I'd get them and they promise me post cards from around the world (OOHH WOW POSTCARDS!) and then tell me how'd get bad luck for breaking them. Then I got e-mail and started getting them like everyday. WHY? I don't see the point in them. I also find it extremely hard to believe that bad luck, bad sex, and ghosts are going to find me because I refused to forward an e-mail. Who ever came up with this whole idea should be shot. They're a worthless waste of time. Nothing..good or bad has ever happened to me because of a chain letter.

Live Strong Bracelets.
Don't get me wrong I fully believe that scientists need to hurry up and find a cure from cancer and yes people in my family have died of cancer. BUT...these bracelets have become so annoyingly trendy I can't take it. Plus there's like 400 different colors now. First it was just yellow..then there was pink but they were both for breast cancer research so it was cool. Then they started comin' out with all these other colors for all these other things and it just got to confusing. What's even worse is people don't even wear them to support a cause anymore people wear them cause it's fasionable and trendy. And they just stack more and more bracelets one on top of the other for causes they care nothing about. Has anybody else noticed these people are starting to look like RainbowBrite? There's yellow for breast cancer, pink for breast cancer, green for support the troops, brown and tan for support the troops, blue for tsunami, red for AIDS, lime for muscular dystrophy, and orange for multiple sclerosis. Soon diseases are gonna have to start sharing colors. Either that or maybe instead of wasting time finding ways to market disease awareness scientists can start curing some of these diseases.

Random Top Ten List

Worst Scary Movies I've Ever Seen.

10. BoogeyMan
9. Cabin Fever
8. 28 Days Later
7. The Grudge
6. Gothika
5. The Village
4. The Haunting
3. The Blair Witch Project
2. White Noise
1. Wrong Turn

May 29, 2005

Things Currently Bothering Me
Lindsay Lohan.
I have to admit at first I liked this little heffa. She seemed like a real person in 'Mean Girls' instead of the rest of these skinny blonde chicks that are all over Hollywood. She had a normal body and she didn't seem so stupid. My opinion of her has changed when I saw some recent pictures of her in Star magazine and on this website. This bitch has gone from a perfectly healthy 5'7 140lbs to 5'7 112lbs. On top of that she dyed her hair blonde. Why does this bother me? I'm sick of seeing all these girls with so much fame and money turn into cracked out looking fiends. Not that I really give 2 shits about them, but it also effects the real women out there. Most of us are just too healthy looking to achieve that starving third world country look. Fuck the bullshit. Real women have curves...not sharp knees and elbows. Throw this bitch a sandwich.

Chinese Slippers.
Everybody who knows me knows how much I hate these ugly looking shoes. As far as I'm concerned they're not even shoes. Just because they cost a dollar and come in every color imaginable...doesn't mean you should buy them. If they were just for in the house or whatever I wouldn't give a fuck and I probably wouldn't be complaining about them. But I see them everywhere I go. All over campus, all over the mall, downtown Paterson, and basically everywhere else possible. Get over them. They're not cute. Please take all the money you spent on this sorry excuse for a shoe and buy a real pair of shoes...ones that cost more than a dollar.

People Who Constantly Immitate Dave Chappelle.
You're not him. You'll never be him. Leave the man alone. When he makes fun of Lil Jon it's funny...when you do it you sound like an idiot.

Little Girls in a Rush to be Grown.
This has always annoyed me but it recently really got my girl Karen really mad. Why? Because these girls are so incredibly stupid. They think it's cute that they drink, smoke, do drugs and have sex with every other person they know. It gets even worse when they try and throw something at your man...worse yet your fiance. Which is why Karen was ready to choke a bitch. In case anybody doubts me or thinks I'm overexaggerating...visit this chick's profile on her myspace page. Not only does this bitch have a ton of annoying graphics and four videos playing at once but she writes about how boys use her for sex. She's just too dumb to realize that's all it is. If you're too stupid to see that dudes are just using you for sex...than you're too young to have sex. And of course because no true hoe would ever leave out that their best feature is their butt and her occupation is being a sexy bitch. Too bad you can't get paid for that...unless you're a prostitute.

Reality Shows...When Will the BullShit End?
Am I the only one who's getting really sick of reality shows? Reality shows...kinda like Lindsay Lohan started off cool. I was kinda feeling the whole idea of Survivor and Who Wants To Be A Millionaire. But then shit just got 2 carried away. Now people actually watch stupid shit like Who Wants To Marry a Midget? Somebody please explain to me why? Who the hell really watches this crap? If marriage is so sacred according to our wonderful asshole President Bush, that 2 gay people who love one another cannot get married then why the fuck do people watch people compete to marry someone they don't even know let alone love? Next reality show I'm sick of...American Idol. No, I don't care what you think and no it's not the greatest show on television. These people claim they want to be famous so bad...and of course who doesn't but why the hell do they make it through the show and then do absolutely nothing. The chick who won the first episode took forever before she finally put out an album. The hardest working person was William Hung. And he couldn't sing.

Random Top Ten List.

My Favorite Lloyd Banks Phrases

10. I ain't really suprised I ain't never see you & chips cause you always in the crib like tuna fish.
9. The only trigger you touch is on a gas pump.
8. The shit can get uglier than the Master P sneaker.
7. The jealousy is startin' to show like the ribs in Semolia.
6. My diamonds look like I been playin' in food colorin'.
5. Death comes for everybody, no exception to the rule.
4. My words touch the kids like Michael.
3. The only thing open after 3 AM is legs and fast food.
2.I feed a nigga shell like I'm Taco Bell.
1. The only clip on ya hip is holdin' a cell phone.