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True, you could go search through google or yahoo or excite for information on him, but wouldn't you like a site that compiles everything on and off the net into one location? For the avid fan - pictures, sounds, wallpaper, and info you may not get anywhere else. For the explorer - information, movie reviews, and a little insight into a man who not long ago you might have said, "...who?" instead of, "Oh yeah, I know that guy."

Enjoy the site. Comment and questions welcome on the messageboard and through email to me, the webmaster.
Note from the webmaster: Welcome to the site, it should slowly be updated here and there since the last time I attempted to update. Pictures and sounds and some links abound.

©2001-2002 villainslair
All rights and properties associated with this website are built and maintained by M.G.R. Hawkins
and all information's original whereabouts are accounted for on the bio page.
Thank you for reading the fine print.