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Darva Conger Rick Rockwell Fan Club

posted 6/29/2004: NOTE: That dolt, Darva, has now blocked access to the archived edition of her website, which is truly sick! I'd hoped that I had already saved most of it, on disks, because that is truly annoying! However, I don't think I have! If anyone has saved pages of her site, could you please send me email, so I can upload it. elsewhere? Send to:
Darva is being truly ridiculous; and I am utterly weary of her pretentiousness, in having removed the archives from The Wayback Machine! When I'd asked for a personal interview with her, she'd given me bits here, pieces there, but overall, gave me the impression that because I wasn't BIG nor IMPORTANT enough, she wouldn't give me the same respect as TV networks, nor other bigshot media!
In early 2001, when Darva launched Darva's, she was feeling in the need for some love and attention, and good comments and treatment, from the public. Her site was excellent, one of the best sites, ever! She made a point of answering letters from dozens of people, personally, and upon her sites Q&A page! She'd ALWAYS answered mine, because I'd seen what it was that she wanted to talk about on her site: not simply Q&A about Playboy, Rick Rockwell, etc., nor to defend herself against insults, but to be treated with respect, to answer questions relating to her knowledge and experience with health, beauty, nutrition, etc.; and my questions were exactly what she was hoping for, when she began the site!
But then, 5 months later, when she got her nursing career back, her replies to peoples' letters revealed more and more irritation and impatience; she eventually started lying outright, pretending that her server, Verizon, was "down," and that she couldn't access her messages--except for one thing: I knew 3 of her e-mail addresses on AOL; and I had her on "friends" list, so I always knew when she was online--and she was frequently online, all during her "troubles" with "her server, Verizon"!
Fact is, I believe that she was simply refusing to answer the mail she was receiving, because she didn't think it was "good enough"! I proved to myself that that was the case, when I sent more of my own questions, which got promptly answered--and posted, as soon as she received them, her "server troubles" miraculously solved!! I proved this 3 or 4 times!
Although, at the time, I wasn't out to "prove" this; I had been truly sympathetic toward Darva, and had wanted to encourage her to keep her site going, and to provide an example to the other viewers of what type of question to send. Darva, herself, had expressed gratitude towards me for this, and for my singular belief in her version of events, and in her sincerity.

I will say, now, that I feel that I have been HORRIBLY USED!! Darva has not only blocked access/removed material from the archive site, she has ALSO hacked into one or more of my groups, to remove messages that had reprinted the text from her site!
So, she feels that she has a "right" to do this! I do NOT!!!!!! If she didn't like something, then she should've written to me, personally, NOT hacked into my group that way!
I've sent the group's server a notice about it--because nothing has shown up, to inform me if any of my posts had been deleted. THAT would've been the case, had they been removed via legitimate means!

I had also defended Darva, in print, and in voice, regarding the allegations made toward her, by Rick Rockwell--who is now claiming that, on their disasterous "wedding night," contrary to everthing that Darva said, in interviews, that she asnd he were in separate beds, --even separate rooms, in their suite--that she'd gotten into the same bed with him, while he was naked, and she was in " satin tap pants, and camisole." Darva told me --in an email--that Rick had lied. But since Darva has proven herself to be QUITE a liar--and a dishonest hacker, and careless of my feelings, I no longer believe her.

Darva, you are a disgrace, for the way you treated me, and for hacking my group. You were self-centered in removing your site from the archive site, even if you were no longer interested in maintaining your site--which is understandable, because you wouldn't want the expense; and if you weren't interested, nor had the time/inclination to answer letters anymore, of course you wouldn't want to leave your site seemingly active. However, the site was very useful, and had provided viewers with useful information; and unless you are planning to write a book, and want to reuse the material, to sell, you shouldn't have removed all traces and public access to the site! It is insulting! It seems like you just wanted some "public love" when it was desired by you--then, when you didn't need your public, nor fans, you decided to just drop it! AND hacked into my fanclubgroup!!

And YOU wanted a career in show biz? ( of course, you ARE restarting one, on GSN, with your Las Vegas Wedding Show! )

Rick was probably CORRECT about you. And it hurts me to say that, because he's been a bastard, as well.

But YOU, Darva, are a SNOB and ELITIST for having treated me in the way that you have.

[ 6/29/04: I'm leaving the following in place, for viewers to see what cheesed Darva off, so ] NOTE: You can view the archived version of Darva's expired website, and Rick's older version at:

Darva's House archive
Photo Gallery of Darva's Archive version--includes celebrity and party pix, personal, and some sexy professional pix
Darva's Rumour Rebuttal Page
OOPS! Darva's bio on how she married The Millionaire
Darva Conger's Recipe of the Week and Archives

Please note, that several of the links on Darva's House site will not work, as this is an ARCHIVED version; and sadly, Darva had fixed too many of her pages, with a code, forcing the user to a sign-in page--thus, sadly foiling the archive site's search engines. Many of these pages were not archived, or cannot be found.
MAYBE Darva, herself, can provide the archive site with missing pages? Hint, Hint?

Rick's older version

Successful site, with Rick's endorsement--for which he wasn't paid--so he'd had his photos removed! ( you can still see most of the text--except his "view on love" )

About Successful site
Rick's 2000 Appearance schedule at Succesful
Rick's plea to Darva
Rick's bio

UPDATE: JULY 31, 2001:
The "Orphaned" Sites of Darva and Rick?

Darva has all but given up her website. As of 7/31/01, her last update was on July 5th ( an allusion to Independance Day? ). My own inquiry had garnered the disappointing response that her DSL was AGAIN down ( doesn't speak too well of Verizon, which Darva had complained of being down many, many times within the past two months ); she couldn't receive nor respond to e-mails via her site; and apparently had not a backlog of interesting enough e-mails with which to get through this period.

On July 19th, visitors to Darva's Site were shocked to read this foul message:
Welcome to !
Hacked By Chinese!

It had supplanted almost every page on her site. Hopefully, no one had gone to that foul site; for this was later identified as a virus, dubbed the "Code Red" virus, it's discovery date was 7/17/01. It is an Internet worm, and worried many, that nations' security and military systems would be affected, when it was predicted to strike again. Fortunately, it did NOT--yet. ( Hope not EVER! Hackers such as these, who cause mischief and destruction have no care as to the great personal loss to private PC owners, in their quest to dominate/control/wreck havoc upon Big Business and Big Government! ) CodeRed description

I, myself, had written to Darva to alert her--and she assured me that her webmaster was working on the problem at that moment. It had been fixed by the next day, all operations normal. EXCEPT--that she STILL hadn't updated, and would not, for awhile!

We cheer the triumph over the dispicable hacker/virus. But Darva disappoints us all, who love her site, by informing me that she's somewhat tired of the site, and wants to move on. It transpires that as she had created this site along with Dennis Klifman, her ex-boyfriend, it hurts too much, and reminds her of him. It appears that since the resume of her nursing career, her need to explain herself has abated significantly. Her website, created at a time when her career and future was in flux, was a necessity in making her position, and viewpoint clear to all. Her biography, as well as the weekly installments, describing/explaining how/why she had become involved with the "Who Wants to Marry a Millionaire?" show in the first place, was a rousing success. For many, this site had been a revelation: Darva had shown that she was a real person, with thoughts, feelings, philosophies, who enjoyed movies, books, fun new recipes, like anyone else. She wasn't *just* the "infamous golddigger bride" that so many had thus pigeonholed her to be. She became three-dimensional. She triumphed, especially, with her daily e-mail postings, where she'd demonstrated a sense of humor, friendliness, caring and warmth towards those who shared their feelings, hopes, dreams, fears with her. She readily advised those seeking her opinion and knowledge. She offered her aid in the field she was expert in: health, nutrition, and exercise. But she researched the answers to those questions that she did not know out of hand. I, myself, had asked her a few, that I had puzzled over, for years. I was impressed by her quickness and thoroughness in answering. It isn't easy to obtain answers from many publications, online or paper. Most of us who write to editors go without a personal or posted response. Darva had made a pledge to answer "everyone, eventually." From what I've observed, she certainly made a valiant effort to do so. Impressive, in light of her busy life and schedule. Even when she'd first returned to nursing ( via a registry, which assigned her to whatever venue needed her skills ), she'd kept up with the e-mails--albeit with multiple breaks, due to an increased workload. Considering that, I'd known it was only a matter of time.

And so it goes. As of late, Darva has all but ceased updates. One hopes, that one day they may resume. Darva's is a delight, one of the best-looking websites on the net.

Meanwhile, Rick Rockwell refuses to update HIS site. Rick was put together some years ago, and not updated in look, style, or content since. His webmaster was QUITE testy when I'd asked if an update was forthcoming:

: "Sorry, Rick's website content is how he wants it (at this time). I'll only change it if and when he asks me. Thanks for your interest.

Considering that Rick IS in show business, and many, many comedians manage to maintain and update their own websites ( which are far superior in content and construction ), one would think that it would be a priority? Once, I'd suggested that he post sexy Speedo shots of himself, as well as other good photos--as the ones he HAS displayed upon the site make him look so old, and do not display his looks to their best advantage. His answer was to the effect that since it was a site geared towards corporations that sought speakers, his looks wouldn't be a priority. I firmly disagree. It never hurts to show how good you look to ANY type of potential employers. Plus, Rick needs to have a section of his site geared to his fans. I've viewed the sites of several comedians, and they ALL have sections devoted to potential employers, as well as to their fans--many having guest books to leave comments; and ALL display a performance schedule, letting their fans know where and when they will appear! Why, then, has Rick all but abandoned HIS site??

Rick's fans want very much to know where and when he will appear in their own home town. Why has he left them bewildered so?

Part of the problem may be that he's had a turnover in representation. I asked him if he was going to replace the agent/manager he'd fired. Apparently, he's reluctant to search for another. He seemed to have thought that THEY should come to HIM.
Wake up, Rick! That happens, rarely! YOU have to choose! And it helps to have a PR and/or manager with connections. Darva had lucked out with Kevin Allyn, whom she knew through her friend, ex-Monkey Mickey Dolenz. Kevin has vast experience and impressive contacts. He'd managed to negotiate an impressive deal with Playboy, arranged for a comfortable talk show schedule, and had helped Darva to make all sorts if savvy deals, as well as getting her invites to glittering parties, including Oscar parties, in both 2000 and 2001!
Rick, meanwhile, decided to hire rather cut-rate PR, and manager, who ended up making deals that got him into trouble. San Diego based Theo Hansen was accused of making threats to EYada talk-hosts Dan and Scott. He'd arranged for Rick's second interview with them, and allegedly warned them, that if they screwed up, he'd make sure that they never worked again! During Rick's LIVE interview with the streaming-audio talk-hosts, they decided to surprise Rick, by playing the phone message tape of Theo ( alleged ) threats. Sometime afterward, Theo was dismissed from Rick's employ.
Rick had also complained of Alice Tauna, who'd gotten him involved with a publicity deal that had backfired. The tabloid involved had promised "a day in the life" article--but had tricked him, turning the thing into a rip of his character!

We, the public, are awaiting the publication of Rick's autobiography. It would help, significantly, if he would go to the trouble of researching for a top-notch manager. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

UPDATE 8/27/01

Darva HAS, recently, begun posting again. Two weeks ago, she posted a notice on her e-mail and home page, informing readers that she's all right, still interested in her site, had simply needed a break. She informs us that she is currently casually dating again, after her break-up with her beau of 2 years ( Dennis Klifman ). The break-up had hurt her quite a bit, and she'd needed a bit of time to heal. She joked that maybe she would've used the dating service she promotes, www.Loverzlane, if things hadn't picked up. Darva informs us that her interview with MSNBC, Headliners and Legends will be aired Sept. or Oct.
No word, yet, about Rick.
Susan Brown copyright 2001


Rick has, recently, improved and updated his website, even adding a sexy photo to one page. In it, he's holding an armful of wood he's chopped.
Delightful! Now, Rick, PLEASE add some MORE, and allow us to link to them! It does you no good if we can't!


Darva tells us that she'll be on "Headliners and Legends," and a celebrity episode of "Weakest Link" (with any proceeds going to charity) and a new show called "Incredible Journeys." Expected airdates in September or October.

Word is, that Darva, the Gulf War Veteran, is heartsick over the World Trade Center tragedy. Word is, that Darva had worried that she'd lost friends in the devastation in New York, on September 11, 2001. She is saddened that this generation will know the tragedy of war. Also, Darva has had many friends from the United Arab Emirates, and worries for the safety and well-being of those whose race and religion might attract the attention of bigots bent on hate-crimes.
We ALL hope for the best.

No word, yet, on Rick's friends and family. Rick's family and boyhood friends live in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, where one plane had crashed. And some of the terrorists had once resided in Rick's current home town, San Diego. Rick is a pilot, as are his friends, John and Martha King, and others, and might've run into them, on some airfield.


Darva and Gennifer Flowers, Tonya Harding, Kato Kaelin, Todd Bridges, Leif Garrett, David "Puck" Rainy ( of "The Real World" ), and Kaya Wittenburg ( of "Temptation Island" ) will be on a "Newsmakers" edition of "The Weakest Link." Date of Show: airs Monday, October 22, NBC at 8 PM

Rick threatens several people with lawsuits, and files false accusations with the police--i.e., he's committed a criminal act, in doing so. Speculation is that a girlfriend of his has, once again, ditched him, and he's acting out, in his frustration. Rick has destroyed several promising friendships, --business and personal--by acting in this manner, He has also cheated at least one employee out of payment, for work on his book. But at last word, his former live-in "personal assistant," ( whom he'd only introduced as "Nicole" ) had finally gotten fed up, and left. More about this later.

Rick on Weakest Link Newsmakers 2!

Rick will be on Weakest Link, Sunday, January 6, 2002. This special "Newsmakers" edition was created, I suspect, to accomodate Darva's preferance NOT to be on the same show as Rick--thus, Rick's show has far fewer "scandalous" contestants--Mayflower Madame Sydney Biddle Barrows and adult film star Ron Jeremy figure in the closest here--as well as Gary Coleman and Corey Feldman. But the episode ( taped Wednesday, December 5, 2001 ) is filled out by such delights as Survivor favorites Tina wesson and Gervase Peterson, and Diet Coke hunk, Lucky Vanous. I think it's great that finally, Rick can show off his talents on a game show! He has a photographic memory, and is super-smart, able to do mathematics like a breeze ( he does his OWN taxes! And is even CHEERFUL while doing so! ). I hope that by making the acquaintance of Tina and Gervase, Rick can make some inroads towards perhaps appearring on a celebrity Survivor ( should it EVER come to pass! ), and on Who Wants to be a Millionaire!
Look for Rick to kneel before Anne Robinson to propose! Should be almost as good as William Shatner's swoon-kiss of her!

RICK WON!!!!!!

Unlike Darva, who was voted off midway on HER Weakest Link "Newsmakers," Rick made it ALL the way to the end, and WON the game!!!!!!
I'm so very PROUD of him! He won $43,500 for his charity: his alma mater, Fox Chapel high school hockey team, and the YMCA benefited.
Coery Feldman, the runner-up, had even paid Rick a compliment: that to become a Multi-Millionaire, Rick had to VERY smart! ( so it was no shame to lose to him! ) Indeed: Rick IS VERY smart, having graduated first in his class, and also having a photographic memory. In Pasadena, when I saw him perform, he'd not only remembered my name, but my face as well; and totally blew me away, by reciting my website at AOL's address--every word, letter, number, slash, dash, and underscore. Incredible!
There's really nothing BAD about Rick--except how he wastes his talents and chances, though.


It was announced on Inside Edition, Feb. 21, 2002 ( and in Star Magazine, March 5? ), that Darva is engaged to paramedic Jim Arellano, 10 years younger than herself. He proposed Feb. 9, 2002 with a 1.3 caret diamond princess-cut ring, while they were visiting the Getty art Museum in Los Angeles. He had met her only 3 months earlier, in the St, Francis Medical Emergency Room. He describes it as "I looked up, saw Darva, and it was like looking at an angel."

Rick's website

Rick has recently IMPROVED his website--but it's STILL not perfect: on March 12, 2002, I looked in--to see Rick's webpages flashing past in a wild display! Since that serves NO purpose, it would seem to be an ERROR!
It's too bad for Rick, that he didn't take me up on my offer to do his OFFICIAL fan club/website! I would've done a superior job to that!
Call me, Rick, when you come to your senses!


Darva's website does NOT show up, when you click a link to it. Neither does e-mail to her address send. I'd say that she's ditched her site, and likely also dumped AOL as her server, as well ( and it was always odd to me, that she'd claimed inability to connect to her site to update it, if her DSL was down--as she also had AOL! )
Darva, as you may've heard, has AGREED to box in the Celebrity Boxing match, on May 22, 2002. She says that she had formerly sworn that she would NEVER box--because she hadn't wanted to box a criminal ( Tonya Harding ). But Olga Korbet, a former Olympic athlete, who DID have a minor excursion with the law, was deemed O.K.

Wondering: I remember how Olga had cried, when she lost a mano-a-mano match against Nadia Comeneche. Think we'll see tears, once again? Though it IS apropos that Olga fight Darva: as Olga, with her tears, her rebelliousness, matched by her incredible audience appeal, and charisma, was an early precurser to Princess Diana.
Darva, meanwhile, had also reminded one of Diana, with her mad dashes away from the press, the emphasis on a marriage gone bad, etc. etc. It SHALL be interesting.


Darva beat Olga, hands down, their boxing match! It was aired just 2 days after the final?of Survivor 4--but hadn't quite gotten as good ratings as Celebrity Boxing 1. Joey Buttafuco was roundly considered to be a pig, for the way he pushed around Joannie Lauerer ( the former wrestler, Chynna ); yet he defended his actions to Howard Stern, later on. He's now scheduled to box Stern semi-regular Nicole Bass. The Smart money is on her! ( but then, many had believed that Crazy Cabbie would beat Stuttering John--he did NOT! )


You heard it right!: NBC's newest hit game show, Dog Eat Dog, will host a special celebrity edition, featuring Darva, Survivor #1's Rich Hatch and Sue Hawk, Temptation Island #1's Kaya Wittenberg, and Ytossie Patterson, and Kato Kaelin. $25,000 is at stake!
This special airs on NBC, at 9PM, on July 15, 2002.
( Wonder if Rick will get his chance? )


On the eve of "The Bachelor 2" final? Inside Edition followed Darva, along with about 8 of her female friends, to her bachelorette party. Darva and her pals enjoyed a male strip show, riding home in a limo.
Darva insisted on emphasising that this was her first and only marriage.
She and paramedic Jim Arellano will be married this coming January, 2003.
Wonder if RICK was watching?

Rick's and Darva's Websites, December 12, 2002

I have just today added links to the archives of Darva's, so that you can view her website. I also added the photo gallery link, and rumour rebuttal page link ( see top of this page for links ).
I also added link to Rick's older version. I may find an improved link later. As you see, Rick's older version, by webmaster Phillip Dunn, was QUITE primitive, with black and white "professional" photos of Rick--sadly making him look like an OLD man! ( the weird thing is, that Rick was so very cheap, he wouldn't pay for new photos, nor EVER install a photo gallery comparable to that of Darva's! You'd wonder why?
He was also so very foolish and shortsighted, as to actually send these UNattractive pix to women that he wanted to date! You'd think he'd have more brains than that! Most men would send sexy, hot pix to prospective dates! NOT Rick!
His current webmaster, Jim Oliver, appears to run his own webserver, upon which Rick has his latest version--which it turns out, is not much better--especially in terms of user-friendliness! The Active-X feature causes problems for those using many public and/or library PCs: Active-X, on my OWN site, is in the form of CometZone cursers--the only trouble my viewers have, is that if Active-X is disabled, the special cursers are not visible, --therefore, not really a problem.
Rick's entire site, however, is rendered invisible on PCs with Active-X disabled! Does his webmaster care?
Also, Rick's webmaster has installed a feature that causes the various menu option buttons to SWELL up, as you hover--a ludicrous device! Thoroughly unnecessary, boring; and it's just too easy to accidently hit the wrong button, forcing you to "back-browser," as each page fails to incorporate a direct link to the home page, let alone every page!
And Rick still refuses to offer fans a photo gallery--he even has prevented fans from downloading or linking to the sole sexy pic -- one of him bearing an armload of wood ( and likely kneeling down, thus, to hide his "wood," ha ha! ).
Ludicrous. And he refers to Darva's ex-site as "ridiculous." Rick derides other comedian's sites, when he cannot create an adaquate one for himself! ( i.e., refusal to post a performance schedule, his own good reviews, guestbook for fans to write him, photo gallery, a journal/update page etc.--as other comedians do. It is HIS site that is a "waste of space," not theirs! ) He has derided MY OWN SITE, when he TOTALLY lacks the talent, creativity, skills, or patience to create/run one himself; always relying upon others to do it for him.
Someone ( a lawyer who had been compiling a dossier on Rick ) had told me, that Rick feeds off of women--gets them to do his work for him. I know from personal experience, that that is so. ( but of course, he will almost always pay the men who work for him--Rick's charm cannot buy their time and efforts--and Rick stays away from gays, I bet!


In my opinion, Rick has THOROUGHLY LOST HIS MIND! I made a check of various of Darva and Rick links, only to be horrified as to how many--and which ones were destroyed!
There's no question that Rick had his buddies, the Kings, demand that the FAA remove the three short videos that they'd had posted for a long time, on airline safety. The videos featured Rick, and can still be found at the archive--sadly MINUS the videos!: Rick's FAA videos
But it's CLEAR that Rick had had these removed, via his "surrogate parents," the Kings; for the last date mentioned in the Wayback archive is November 9, 2001--a date that will live in infamy, for it's the day after Rick's criminal attack upon me, and my name and reputation. TOO obvious. Rick also had numbers of other videos and interviews destroyed. WHAT is his problem? He has to be crazy! What is Rick's damn problem with a links site devoted to him? Rational celebs want very much to be lauded and applauded on websites--I have NEVER insulted him! If I criticize, it's constructive criticism. But Rick has to be thoroughly off his rocker to go around destroying all sorts of websites, SOLELY for the purpose of wrecking a link on MY page! He HAS to be crazy!
THINK of all the people who might've benefitted from the free availability of these free videos on flight safety! And NOW they can't have it--because of RICK.

Darva gets MARRIED!

Darva Conger, 37, just got hitched again on January 18, 2003-- to paramedic Jim Arellano, 27.
Rick Rockwell, 45, Conger's ex-husband, didn't send his regards, telling Us weekly: "Pity Mr. Arellano didn't order a copy of my book, What Was I Thinking?, before he took the plunge. All of Darva's husbands should be required to read it."


FUN SITE--links to various sites for games, trivia, fansites, humour
SUSAN BROWN MAIN PAGE directory/index 1
SUSAN BROWN directory/index 2
ROYALS LINKS SITE:-- links to various sites for articles, fansites, transcripts, interviews, speeches, news, etc.
The Saga and Odyssey of Rick and Darva article links Page 1: Nov.-1999-Jan.-2001
The Saga and Odyssey of Rick and Darva article links Page 2: Feb. 2001-Present
Rick and Darva: Photos, Audio/Video, Fansites, Nude Pix
REVIEWS OF RICK'S ACT, Rick Rockwell-Public Speaker/Comedian
Rick, Darva Official Sites, Transcripts, Interviews, Satirical

