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He didn’t care if it was right or wrong. No wrongness about being happy could ever go through his mind. He had a world of his own, which didn’t mean he wasn’t aware of how far some people would go to judge him, how low they would go in finding a proper name to him for his acts. He couldn’t care less. In his mind, if people bothered to look down on what he did, they either had too much time in hands and a lack of things to do, or they truly only envied him. Oh, and he could understand why anyone would ever envy him.

He was happy. So dammed happy. The little world he had for himself could as well be described as simply more than he could have asked from life. It was pure satisfaction. It filled him with love and he was content. All the confusion and loss came from the minds of people outside his perfect reality, people that didn’t interest him; at all.

Who cared if what got him off was nothing other than illicit sex? Forbidden sex, illegal sex... These were truths that had no effect on him. Bliss was too intense for any conscience crisis.

Kevin was addicted to little boys. Kevin liked them young, he wanted them innocent, he loved them virgin. For him there was nothing that could compare to the pleasure of breaching a young boy, of being the first to penetrate such a sweet and tender channel, to be the one in charge of presenting of a world of possibilities to a smart kid.

At first his cousin had been enough. Kevin had loved Brian when his cousin was nothing but a young and scared boy. He had given him his love, he had taught Brian about love, Kevin had spread his thighs tenderly and played with him, until Brian had come to like what he did, to love, until Brian depended on his touch to get off. The first part of his perfect world he found when his fingers caressed all of the secrets in Brian’s body, Kevin had a taste of true pleasure when his tongue poked the most hidden openings of that sweet and beautiful boy...

Of course he never really expected something to come in between his perfect life with his cousin. Teasing, pleasing,... torturing, why not? Kevin always had Brian in the palm of his hand. But he wouldn’t brag about it. He just had what he wanted because he knew what to do in order to get it. Kevin was blessed with the right skills to achieve his happiness. He had Brian as his totally submissive and willing lover. He just never expected things to change... And if they did, he couldn’t have dreamed – not even in his sweetest dreams – that the change waiting for him – for them – could be this good.

When he came along Kevin had been dazzled. He couldn’t believe what his eyes studied when caught himself staring more and more at the blond preciosity he now shared an apartment with. Long story short, a group of five crazy guys thinking they could make a dream come true through music. It was a fun and good way to make money, although all of his fun was in the bedroom he shared with his cousin, where he could turn off the lights and draw the most injured moans from his always so insecure cousin. Brian feared giving in to him just as much as he needed to do so. Kevin knew that. Kevin always knew.

But that was besides the point. Everything was beside the point when that little creature came into his world.

* * *

Away from his family, so alone and so... pretty. Nick Carter was twelve years old, he had long blonde hair and baby blue eyes. The first time he laid eyes on him Kevin wanted to eat him alive. His most primal thought was to ravish that sweet and fair boy with his own mouth, to push his cock into all of his sweet little openings, to finger him and hear his moans of surprised, childish pleasure, Kevin wanted to lick all of him, to taste that shy and smooth boy in places he hadn’t been touched before. Not even by himself. Kevin looked at him and he wanted to stroke his probably very pink boyish dick. The boy stared at Kevin with huge blue eyes and a fearful, yet loving smile, and all Kevin could see was his pretty face all covered in his seed. He wanted that little angel boy to be dripping in his seed, to be open and willing to him, he wanted...

Of course Brian knew something was up, of course he knew what was going on. He wasn’t blind or anything, he wasn’t stupid for crying out loud! He knew Kevin, he knew his cousin very well. From the older cousin who made him travel in a world of endless guilt and painful pleasure to the one lusting after the twelve years boy they now shared a house with. Brian had begun to get worried as soon as he saw that little piece of people. He tried to shrug the thought off, he had tried telling himself he was just being silly, but when more days began to close by he realized with sadness how very right he had been on his suspicions.

Kevin wanted that boy. That damn... damn boy just so young and... fuck! So... so blond and... God, Brian hated him!! Brian hated that child with a passion...!, he hated him with irrational fear. Brian was afraid of losing Kevin. In fact, he was so afraid he no longer knew how comforting sleep could be. Brian was restless. Of course he knew why his cousin wanted Nick. The boy was such a bundle of energy, so shy and yet so sexy in his boyish kind of way... Brian had to swallow his blind anger. That little boy was a tease to Kevin and he probably didn’t even realize.

He should have known that kid would catch Kevin’s eye. But why did he feel this jealousy, this fear growing bigger and bigger instead of vanishing as it should have been supposed to? Brian couldn’t stand Kevin’s obsession with that boy. And he couldn’t stand the fact Kevin would deny everything when Brian confronted him about it! Kevin had to know the way Brian was feeling, why did he deny, why didn’t he talk to him, soothed him the way he always did?? Of course Kevin still teased him, stretched him, hurt him... and Brian fed in his love, but his fear of losing his cousin’s attention was too great.

Since the little blond walked in the world he had with his cousin, nothing seemed perfect anymore. It was chaos. Brian was turning mad wondering, spying, suffering the pain certain thoughts caused him. Brian wondered how many times had Kevin shoved his member into his welcoming body thinking of that boy. That kid. Brian knew the blond got Kevin hot! It had already been more than once his cousin had come to him and fucked him harshly and intensely after a long period of watching Nickolas. Brian knew that when Kevin took too long in the shower was because he was masturbating thinking of that little... little goddamn thing!!

All he knew was that with all this he was threatened to lose his sanity. He wanted to shout it into Kevin’s ear how very wrong was all of these... these feelings he was feeding towards that boy. For fuck’s sake, that was illegal! When he was younger it had been different... they were cousins after all, they knew each other – what always caused great part of this monster called guilt who lived in Brian’s closet – and it was simply meant to be... Kevin, Kevin was meant to happen him. Thats the way Brian saw things, because he couldn’t see himself or what he would have become without Kevin’s care and love for him through his years growing up...

Brian was scared. He was jealous. If only that kid had never crossed their way!! If only he would flee from their little world!! Then his heart could be at ease... then he could be sure his cousin’s – not always – gentle touch belonged to him and only him.

Of course Kevin knew Brian was jealous. He could taste it in his tongue, he could feel it in the nervous tightness every time Kevin’s fingers demanded access into his private playground. Kevin knew how distressed his lover cousin was. He knew it, but Brian would have to wait. Kevin never went for something against all odds. When he wanted, he knew he would get it. Actually, the way things were by now he couldn’t be happier, he was just too eager with all of what he had been doing. Brian would have to wait. Kevin had plans, of course he had. He always knew what to do, and if he ignored all of Brian’s jealousy was simply because he didn’t want to ruin his marvelous plan. So sweet it seemed like a dream. One very likely to come true.

Brian hadn’t bothered at the sound when he slammed the door to his bedroom shut and went for his bed. As he took in deep breaths he fought against the tears of frustration. Who did Kevin think he was fooling?! Brian took one pillow from the pile behind him and bit it to muffle a scream. What he had seen at the living room was – unfortunately – something he had been used to seeing, but this time things had gone too far!

Situations like the one they had now were common, to Brian’s deep sorrow. Late at night and only Nick, Kevin and him in the house. The other two guys sharing the place were best friends and always went out clubbing. He and Kevin always stayed to accomplish their much better plans, but apparently the little brat was too young to go along with the other two, so that he stayed in the house with them. Curse him for this. Curse Kevin for liking it too much. The boy’s youth... Innocence. Brian shut his eyes and cried out into the pillow.

Back in the living room he had just witnessed a disgusting scene. His cousin almost drooling over the more-and-more-captivated-by-him-boy. Kevin offered him a Popsicle, to which Nicky’s eyes shone and when he thanked and went for it Kevin didn’t give it to him. Instead he held the candy until that pinkish mouth went for it and wrapped itself on the rosy candy. The boy sucked on that lollipop with his little blue eyes locked on Kevin, and for a second the power of influence his cousin held over that boy seemed scary. Having to bear with Kevin’s constant flirting towards the boy was something, but now having that little... little piece of people flirt back with his grown up cousin...! That was more than disgusting, that was outrageous!!

Brian got completely caught up in his world of frustration where he tried to swallow up tears of fear and mask them under the jealousy that made him tremble in anger. He didn’t have much time to suffer this rush of emotions, for a sudden one, of surprise, hit him badly when the door to his room fell open and he saw Kevin walking in holding Nick’s hand in his. The boy sucking on that goddamn lollipop and eying him curiously. Brian’s chin dropped open at the display and he couldn’t form words for a few seconds.

What the fuck was that?? What was Kevin thinking?! That he wanted the boy and wouldn’t admit Brian was aware, but now bringing that kid into their room to show off on how amazingly charming he was to have seduced him as a prize, now that was too much!! For Christ’s sake, Kevin didn’t need to rub it on his face, it was disgusting! Annoying! It was... disturbingly erotic...

"Say hi to Brian, Nicky." – Kevin smiled warmly at the boy and gave his hand a soft squeeze.

"Hi, Brian." – that alluring boy looked at him with a smiley face.

Brian almost forgot to breathe. Kevin could fool who he wanted, but he couldn’t conceal that tone of voice from him. While for everyone else Kevin’s voice might have sounded sweetly warm, for Brian it sounded purely perverse, and a strange chill ran up and down his spine. It was indeed scary that Kevin had accomplished this. In so little time he seemed to have earned all of the boy’s trust, for the blond now looked peacefully at Brian, but his hand didn’t loose within Kevin’s not even for a second!

"Kevin, what the fuck!!" – Brian finally burst out.

Instinctively the boy practically hid himself behind Kevin at the display of anger.

The older man almost smiled in satisfaction at the boy’s reaction. Instead he took his gaze to his cousin and frowned in a phoney disapproval. He was too happy to let any real bad feeling find room in his mind.

"Hey, what’s this, cousin? Don’t you see you’re scaring Nickolas?"

Brian’s heart beat fast; it was beating in his throat as he looked panicked and confused at the scene ahead.

"Hey, boy, there’s no need to be afraid, Brian likes you!" – Kevin explained warmly to the boy, who still had that lollipop shoved into his mouth.

And once again that voice sounded raw, perverse. He could almost see Kevin as a molester, but the next move made his thoughts vanish. Kevin approached the bed with the twelve years old boy, and both of them sat in the bed where Brian had been previously mourning over this situation.

"I don’t think he wants me here..." – Nick said sheepishly when Brian’s eyes didn’t soften a bit.

"Brian! You don’t want him to feel unloved, now do you?"

"Kevin, what are you doing?" – Brian ignored his question and pleaded into his cousin-lover’s eyes.

Kevin flashed him a grin. And once again Brian felt his blood freeze inside of him, only to explode in a bolt of lust right after.

"Brian is a bit... tense. But don’t worry. He loves you, just like I love you, you hear?" – Kevin smoothed that cascade of blond hair and Brian once again swallowed hard. What the hell was going on in front of him? Brian felt as if Kevin was some kind of God to whom everyone submitted, because the boy seemed to take all of his words in and worship them. He nodded at Kevin’s comment and kept on sucking on that candy.

Of course that if he wasn’t too busy hating the boy Brian would have to admit to himself he was definitely alluring. His perfect baby face, those little pinkish lips shining in wet saliva as he licked and sucked on that rosy and moist rounded candy... Brian realized how very erotic it was what he saw on that little blond’s mouth. For a few seconds there was nothing in that room but the boy’s tongue and lips caressing the sweet lollipop, and Brian’s pants tightened instantly for he didn’t need much effort to imagine his cock being so graciously licked by that kid. He swallowed the knot in his throat and sweat broke across his forehead.

"Kevin?" – he tried again, his voice barely above a whisper.

Kevin eyed his cousin with a triumphant grin. He knew Nicky would have some power over him, it was impossible that one could not have their cocks rock hard at the sight of such frail and soft boy... At least to Kevin’s conception of world. That baby boy was like an angel who had fallen right into his lap... fallen, forced, in the end it wouldn’t make a difference.

"Be cool, Brian my love. Nick and I were talking and I think he would like to play with us, would you boy?"

The blond stopped with the candy bulging on his cheek and blushed sweetly. Kevin once again offered him a warm – perverted – smile.

"I told him its all about love, all the love we could give him, all the love I can show him..."

"Kevin, what are you insane?!" – Brian forced himself to exclaim even as the rising and irrational lust began to fight against all of his senses.

Kevin’s response to this was a meaningful stare at the center of Brian’s body, where a rock hard erection made itself noticed. Brian fought not to blush in embarrassment under such a revealing look. He had to keep his senses, he couldn’t lose his mind! What the hell was his cousin thinking, had he gone insane? They could as well go to jail for this! After all Nick, Nickolas, he was twelve years old, a child! And he was living far from his family, he was probably so lonely and confused, he was needing an adult’s guiding hand to lead his way, not to... to corrupt his oooh, so touchable innocence... The boy had huge and unafraid blue eyes locked on him, and a sassy and pink tongue licked the delicious candy right in front of him. The boy was... he was... hmmmm...

"Oh!" – Brian gasped when Kevin’s hand kneaded his erection through the dim of his jeans.

"You don’t dare to go against it, I can feel how hard you are... The thoughts running through your head right now are dirty, aren’t they Brian?"

Kevin spoke to him in the voice that had always gotten to him, that voice that reduced him to nothing but a scared little boy, fearfully spreading his legs and letting Kevin’s finger push inside his young and virgin body. Kevin talked with that voice and Brian wanted to scream with lust. He had no defenses against the gentle stroking that began to drive him mad.

"I know you care for this kid, I know you love him too, Brian, and all you want right now is to make him see how much you love him, and you want him to give you his love, don’t you?" – Kevin opened the button of Brian’s jeans and lowered the zipper in a movement that was too fast for Brian’s sake.

The boy watched under sweet and brave eyes. He sucked faster on the lollipop inside his mouth.

"Kevin, oh God, please no!" – Brian weakly tried to protest when Kevin pulled his boxers down to his thighs along with pants, exposing his hard cock to the young boy whose eyes quickly grew shiny. The boy swallowed up the sight. – "Oh..." – Brian’s gasp was a trembling one. His breath was caught up in his throat, and he felt fear as strong as he felt his intense arousal.

Brian’s eyes locked on that blond boy, wondering what would his reaction to this be. He might have felt disappointed when his face showed no shock at all, not even disgust. He might have felt this way if the curiosity and... longing? Brian saw there in his eyes hadn’t taken over him.

"Kevin, why are you doing this?"

"Shh..." – he instructed Brian before turning his attention to Nick. Kevin gently took the wet candy from Nick’s mouth and once again gave him a warm smile. – "I think I’ve found something more interesting for you to suck on, Nicky..." – Kevin couldn’t help the husky in his voice.

The boy opened such a sassy smile to Kevin that made Brian’s throat go dry. Kevin assisted his moves when he crawled closer to Brian’s erect member. The boy’s face only inches from it, and the strong scent of arousal filled his lungs.

"Why... why are you doin’ this?" – Brian managed in a weak whisper, at the same time his cock pulsed with the boy’s closeness to his aching flesh.

"I want you to love me. Kevin promised you would." – Nick explained, and it scared Brian that he felt no fear in the boy’s voice, only pure honesty. What the boy said next made a real tremor of fear run up and down his spine, and weirdly stiffen his cock. – "And I trust Kevin."

"Mmm..." – Brian moaned helplessly when Kevin stroked the base of his erection, his other hand at the back of the blond’s neck when he guided those little soft lips to the tip of Brian’s cock.

"How do I do this?" – Nick asked, eyes looking straight into Kevin’s perversely green ones.

"Remember what you were doing before with the lollipop?" – Brian shuddered at Kevin’s words. – "Its practically the same, you got to put your lips on the rosy head and suck it into your mouth."

"Oh..." – Brian frowned, too far gone by now to hear his mind’s yelling protests not go through with this.

"Oh, I get it... Can I also lick it like I did with the lollipop?" – the smart kid asked and a tear of pleasure leaked from Brian’s tip. Kevin’s eyes seemed to glow – which was scary – when he spoke.

"But of course you can."

The blond smiled at him one last time before letting the moist tip of his tongue touch the rosy head of Brian’s cock. Brian tried to suck in his breath but ended up by letting out a throaty and obscene moan escape his lips. The boy’s tongue flicked back and forth on the underside of his tip, and he didn’t seem disgusted at all. The hunger and pleasure he took made Brian really feel as if Nick was feeding from a lollipop, and not his own cock.

"Thats it... very good..." – Kevin smoothed the back of Nick’s blond head sweetly, and from time to time the boy stopped what he was doing to smile at him. – "Very nice, Nicky..."

Brian heard Kevin speak and stroke his member from base to the leaking tip where Nick enjoyed himself, exploring every inch of smooth skin with the tip of his sassy tongue. There was really nothing he could do when his heart was beating at the tip of him in a throbbing pleasure that felt almost too painful for him to handle.

"Good boy, Nicky... yes, keep licking him, show Brian you love him..." – Kevin caressed his hair tenderly and the boy didn’t take his mouth away, he simply smiled with his eyes at Kevin’s affection.

Brian shuddered. Kevin talked to Nick as if his words were directed to a puppy.

"Ooh!" – he moaned when the boy’s little lips opened wide to take the head of him inside. At the same time both of Kevin’s hands surged at each side of his hips to urge him down. – "Oh God..." – Brian trashed on the bed while Kevin held his hips down for Nick to suck on his cock head.

All of Brian’s chest constricted in a heavy breathing while the blond’s lips wrapped around him and his tongue poked the tip inside his hot mouth. Brian felt the delicious wetness from himself and the boy’s saliva altogether. He wanted to scream. That kid didn’t know what he was doing and yet he turned out to be a damn cock teaser! His tongue licked, flicked restlessly back and forth the tip of him, he sucked the leaking arousal from his tip into his mouth almost... viciously...

"Oh, Kevin... make him stop, he doesn’t know what’s doing... he’s too young..." – Brian pleaded with the remaining reason he had.

Nick’s response was to intensify the sucking and licking to a desperate pace, fearing his tasty lollicock would be taken from him.

"Fuck!" – Brian cursed and his eyes fell shut.

"Hm... I think he knows pretty well what he’s doing... don’t you Nicky?"

The blond stopped only enough to smirk at Kevin before going back to work.

Kevin’s hand was back at the base of Brian’s cock, holding the tip for Nick to lick.

"Thats it... taste him... yeah... nice and slow, until Brian shows you his love for you... Good boy... good boy, Nicky..."

"Oh, to hell with this!" – Brian cried out and his hands went for the bobbing head on his lap. Brian’s fingers ran through blond locks and his hands replaced Kevin’s at the back of the blonde’s neck, he framed the boy’s face while Nick sucked eagerly on the tip of him. "Hmm hmm yeah..." – Brian moaned endlessly.

Nick felt a spike of victory when Brian surrendered to him. It meant he was doing things right, it meant he was good in it! And then Kevin and Brian were gonna love him and keep him with them. He shuddered in pleasure when Brian’s strong hands guided him up and down his wet penis.

Kevin was more than pleased when his lover gave up and and gave in. When Brian lost himself holding Nick to him, when he opened his mouth and whimpered his intense pleasure, then Kevin knew it was time he took his.

His eyes never leaving the scene ahead, Kevin took his own sweet time to undress himself. His T-shirt, his jeans... his boxers finally, and when he slid these off a rock hard, throbbing erection stood proud against his chest, the pink tip already wet with arousal.

Nick couldn’t help his eyes when Kevin could be found naked. He kept sucking Brian out of pure enjoyment, for his attention was focused on that beautiful, muscular and kind man. God, how much Nick loved him! Nick loved that Kevin loved him, and he loved to look at the big cock Kevin now stroked gently. He was bigger than Brian, whom Nick also loved deeply. These two were all the comfort Nick needed in his life, and he would be completely opened to their will.

Kevin caught his eyes while Nick’s mouth still played with Brian’s cock, and he smiled at the boy in complicity, stroking his engorged member as if only to Nick’s delight. The blond felt his smaller cock burn inside his pants, he had never felt it burning so good down there...

Brian faintly noted Kevin’s nakedness, he was enjoying too much each flick and each suck from the submissive boy.

"Come here, Nick." – Kevin spoke.

The boy hesitated only a brief second before letting the soaking tip of Brian’s cock slip out of his mouth and follow Kevin’s directions, crawling a few inches to be close to him.

Brian whined aloud at the loss, but Kevin knew what he did, for even if Brian still thought it all wrong, he was too damn horny to care. He wouldn’t protest, even because he couldn’t wait to cum, he was... almost there... and knew he would still find release tonight. Inside that room, with these two people, with his lover and the little blond he was learning to love.

Nick stopped on his fours in front of Kevin, who was on his knees in front of him. That big shaft almost brushed Nickolas' cheek.

Kevin smiled affectionately at him and his hand slipped behind the blond cascade of hair, to touch the milky skin of his neck. His eyes into the boy’s one, Kevin pushed his cock again’t his lips, and Nick’s pinkish lips got even wetter at the needy touch.

"Suck me."

Brian moaned at the sight when the boy took a deep, anxious breath and opened his hungry mouth to feed from Kevin’s leaking precum.

Kevin groaned and threw his head back. Who would have guessed Nick would make such a good puppy? The blond licked his cock, sucked on the head of it, and marveled when Kevin’s taste joined Brian’s in his mouth. Nick’s little heart was filled with love for those two guys and he sucked harder.

Brian took the opportunity to free himself from his remaining clothes. Completely naked, it felt much better. Much more... erotic.

"Aw... suck my cock, Nicky... yeah... hmm... you’re too good..." – Kevin pumped his hips gently, letting the wet tip of him slip in and out of Nick’s soft and warm lips.

Brian couldn’t help himself when his hand went for his neglected cock. He squeezed himself at the base to easy some of the pressure, and began a slow, deliberate pace in his search for relief. He couldn’t feel the loss of Nick’s mouth, for the sight he and Kevin provided was by far too erotic. Too.. wrong and... Brian was no longer jealous. Funny. Later when he looked back at this first night of theirs Brian would see he never really realized when exactly the jealousy had turned into love. All he would know was that it had.

Kevin glanced Brian stroking himself, and he was forced to tear his cock from Nick’s hungry mouth.

The boy pouted unconsciously, afraid he wasn’t being good...

"Thats enough boy." – Kevin told him. – "You can go back to loving Brian." – he instructed.

But the blond boy kept his look on him. Why wouldn’t Kevin let him suck his cock longer?

As if reading the boy’s thoughts Kevin smiled gently at him and cupped his cheek.

"That was good Nick, but I have other plans."

The boy smiled and quickly looked down at Kevin’s pulsing erection. He didn’t resist flicking his tongue once more against the tip and was rewarded by Kevin’s surprised moan and his tender look of affection towards him.

Satisfied, Nick turned back on his fours and was about to make his way back to Brian, his eyes already fascinated with the transparent moisture that gathered at the tip while Brian masturbated himself, when Kevin stopped him.


Nick turned back to him again and even Brian looked at Kevin.

"Let’s get you undressed first."

For the first time in the night Brian saw Nick truly blush. The childish embarrassment in his look made Kevin’s cock drool in perverted fascination.

"Have you ever been naked in front of anyone before, Nicky?" – he pulled the boy’s shirt over his head and his eyes appreciated the sight ahead. Oh if Kevin didn’t like what saw!

"Nope. Is that a problem?" – he wanted to know.

Only Brian caught the menace look of pure wickedness in Kevin’s greenish eyes.

"No... not at all."

Nick helped Kevin remove his trousers, and his heart beat faster when Kevin removed the underwear marked with a wet spot of arousal. Brian’s eyes also followed Kevin’s gaze to the boy’s erect pinkish cock. The two guys moaned together at the sight; Nick felt good.

"You are pretty." – Kevin cupped his cheek again and his hand slid lower, stopping to study each hard, small rosy nub in his chest, and going lower to run a finger up and down the length of him. Nick moaned quietly. – "This is going to be fun." – Kevin said almost to himself, and his eyes looked for Brian’s ones. For the first time in the night Brian nodded, smiling with approval, need, lust... and that spike of uncertainty so typical of him.

"What do I do now?" – the boy’s voice sounded so... young.

"Brian’s waiting for you."

"What about you?"

Kevin suddenly opened a huge grin to him.

"Don’t worry about me. Just go and give Brian’s cock a wet kiss for me, will you?" – Kevin winked at his cousin and Brian even trembled.

The boy wasted no more time and crawled back to Brian, stopping between Brian’s spread thighs, where he positioned himself on his hands and knees and lowered his head to finally taste the pool of arousal from Brian’s tip. Brian sighed in bliss when the boy began working on his member as his thin hair brushed his hips. Few things could feel better than that...

Kevin was next to Brian in a heart beat, taking his cousin’s member in his hand and stroking it firmly, sending all the pressure to the tip where the boy worked his curious tongue. Brian almost fainted under the pleasure.

"Oh God.. Kevin!"

Excited with Brian’s helplessness, Kevin approached his lips to his cousin’s ear and murmured hotly to him.

"Guide Nick onto your cock, lover... make sure he does a good job and lick every drop that escape your cock... Hold him still for me, its time the real fun begins." – Kevin licked Brian’s ear shell and smiled satisfied at the tremor that rocked his cousin’s body.

"Oh yeah..." – Brian looked down, fascinated at the movement of his tip entering and leaving Nick’s mouth, each time wetter with the boy’s eagerness to please.

The boy tried not to wonder much about the meaning of Kevin’s words, he was much too busy tasting Brian’s cock.

The bed shifted slightly when Kevin made his way across it. He stopped behind the boy, and his eyes met his cousin again. Brian’s cock throbbed into Nick’s mouth at the display of lust in Kevin’s face as he stared at Nick’s naked ass.

Nick’s body suddenly trembled when Kevin’s heavy and strong body hovered above him. He shuddered in almost fear, but he was soon soothed as Kevin only reached above him to slip one of his fingers into Brian’s awaiting mouth. Nick forced himself to relax as he kept on sucking.

"Tell me Nick... you are a virgin, right?" – Kevin asked absently, adding another finger to Brian’s hungry mouth. He could tell his cousin was soon losing it between sucking Kevin’s fingers and having the blond suck his cock so tenderly.

The boy stopped, slightly uneasy.

"Yes, of course..." – Kevin’s cock twitched at the innocent reply. – "I’m twelve..." – Nick’s voice was small.

Kevin removed his wet fingers from Brian’s mouth and once again positioned himself behind Nickolas. He caressed the boy’s back and neck with his other hand, as if to soothe him.

"Thats ok..."

"You still want me, don’t you?" – his voice sounded terribly childish.

Kevin muffled a chuckle.

"Yes, baby, yes... Go back to what you were doing." – he instructed.

"Yes... Nicky, I need you..." – Brian whined, making the blond open a huge pleased smile before engulfing Brian’s member once again.

Kevin gently parted Nick’s cheeks, opening the small pucked hole to him.

"Now Nick, now matter what, I want you to keep sucking Brian, ok? I am not going to hurt you..." – his mouth watered at the sight. – "And if you do feel pain, I want you to remember to relax and trust me, for all I want is to you give you pleasure, alright?"

When the blond stopped sucking to reply it made a soft, wet noise.

"Ok, Kevin."

Brian was constantly licking at his lips, his lashes fluttering between shut and open as Nick found that small spot underneath the tip and flicked his tongue incessantly back and forth.

Kevin’s eyes were glazed with lust when he touched first one then another of the fingers coated in Brian’s saliva to the boy’s sweet little entrance. Nick jumped softly, but quickly regained composure after feeling the so foreign touch.

"Shhh... don’t be scared... I’m gonna make you feel so good..." – Kevin trailed off and once again circled the tight ring of muscles. The boy was absurdly tight, in a first look he didn’t think it would be possible to ever pierce such tight opening.

But Kevin was patient.

The ball of his finger gently teased the pinkish sphincter, adding pressure, but not enough to breach. Nick moaned low in his throat and Brian groaned at the vibrations it sent to his tip. Oh, how much Kevin loved this! Loved the little wicked scene he created and all the power he had over the ones participating on it.

Kevin’s fingers wetted the puckered hole that fluttered at the touch in a virginal response. It drove Kevin mad. He couldn’t resist when he parted the boy’s cheeks father and his tongue leaned in to lap at the untouched opening.

Nick immediately let go of Brian’s shaft.

"Ooohhh!!" – he cried out, mouth hung opened, head thrown back, Brian moaned at the sight of him, and moaned more as he knew exactly what Kevin was doing to him.

Kevin’s tongue worked circling the opening before pressing against it, trying to breach the boy, to penetrate him with his warm and wet flesh.

Brian grinned and caressed Nick’s now sweaty face.

"Does it feel good, boy?" – Brian’s voice assumed the same wicked tone Kevin was so fond of.

Kevin’s tongue was soft against his opening, and it pierced his body over and over.

"Oooh yeah.... owww..." – the boy’s eyes were shut tightly and he rocked back and forth on his knees, at the same time avoiding and needing more of that exquisite touch.

Brian grinned. By this time he was already aware of his infatuation with the boy.

"Whats Kevin doing to you? How does it feel?..." – he teased, not being able to get enough from the boy’s tortured face.

Kevin delved his tongue deeper, coaxing the boy open to him, stretching his virgin little hole with the sheer eagerness of his tongue.

Nick looked deliciously vulnerable and... wanton. From his mouth the most childish and shrieking sounds. He looked sinful.

"Feels good... Ai, Brian!" – he called desperate at Kevin’s fury in working him open.

"Shh..." – Brian framed his face. – "Its ok. Just relax for him, Nick. Relax for Kevin, he knows what he’s doing." – Brian eyed his cousin’s working figure briefly before focusing on the pained expression of pleasure Nick had no idea he pursued right now.

"Hmm... Oh, aahh Brian... I... can’t take it..." – Nick cried, and Brian almost had pity on him.

"Shh..." – he smoothed the blond’s face. – "Go back to suck my cock, loose yourself for Kevin, Nick... just open for him..."

Kevin groaned in his throat at his lover’s gentle instructions as he ravished the boy’s opening with his hunger.

The boy was visibly trembling when he lowered his head once again to please Brian, and even when Kevin’s tongue released him he didn’t have time to recover, for Kevin’s index finger was once again teasing, this time going further and breaching his virgin channel.

"Hmm..." – Brian closed his eyes in enjoyment when Nick once again sucked vigorously on the head of his cock. He kept on caressing the boy’s face and hair, encouraging him to keep sucking and forget the pain Kevin would eventually inflict.

Every inch of his body tingled, screamed in pleasure as Kevin’s finger penetrated, twisted and rubbed Nick from inside. Brian also took his own additional pleasure as Kevin’s ministrations caused Nick to moan constantly against his tip.

"Thats it... open for me Nicky, don’t be ashamed." – Kevin murmured as if in trance as he added a second finger to the still resistant passage. Nick was too tight.

While Nick and Brian echoed the most pleasurable and painful moans, Kevin worked his fingers gently in and out, moving them inside, curling them slightly to rub over the pleasure spot. Every time he did this the boy buckled against his fingers.

"Brian, get me the lube, will you?"

Although hating to break his haze of pleasure, Brian reached the drawer besides the bed and pulled a small bottle of lubricant. The blond boy stopped sucking to watch Brian’s movement.

"What is this for?" – he asked.

Brian smiled. His eyes almost closing, he ached too bad. The sooner Kevin had his pleasure the sooner he too would be allowed to come... And by God if he didn’t want to find his release between Nick’s child-like lips. He went back to his position against the pile of pillows and handed the bottle to Kevin.

"This is only to make things easier... to help you accommodate to Kevin’s cock when it is shoved deeply inside you." – Brian teased and the boy trembled. Did he finally sense the human fear he should have felt from Nick at the beginning? – "Don’t worry." – Brian caressed his face with sheer affection. – "You’ll like it."

The boy smiled to Brian, purring against his strong hand as Kevin’s fingers returned to his body after a small absence, this time with something cold and slippery covering them.

"Here, come suckle on my cock..." – Brian didn’t know where the dirtiness was coming from, but given their current situation, everything was allowed. He pushed his cock between Nick’s rosy lips. – "Suck me into your mouth and I’ll feed you with my hot milk... yeah, thats it..." – he smoothed the blond hair as the blond once again engulfed his tip.

When Kevin added a third finger the boy winced in pain and tensed too much against the invasion. If he had a slight clue of how much it aroused Kevin... The most wicked thoughts crossed his mind, thoughts of tying the boy up with thighs spread to him, to finger him all day, to fuck him, to rape him over and over... Kevin stroked until the boy relaxed around him and allowed those intruding fingers to explore the inside of his body.

"Kevin... I don’t think I can take much more... its too good, just get it done with...! Please..." – Brian whined.

Kevin hated being rushed, but in this case the warning was welcomed. He couldn’t wait a second anymore before entering that boy for the very first time and planting his seed deep within him. After applying lots of lube on himself his strong hands grasped the small hips in a grip strong enough to bruise, and the slick head of his member caressed the vulnerable and eager opening.

"Mm..." – the boy moaned quietly against Brian’s erection, that by know leaked constant fluid into his mouth.

Brian was holding his breath, trying not to focus on his intense pleasure, and he took his attention to Kevin’s look of concentration and irrational lust as he began to push.

"Uh!" – Nick stopped sucking and held his breath under the great pressure being inflicted upon him.

The slick rosy head of Kevin cock pierced the small hole after much pressure, and when it finally slid in he almost screamed at the unbearable tightness that engulfed him. For sure his cock would be sore when he was through with that.

"Oh Brian, Brian! He’s hurting, make him stop PLEASE!!" – the boy cried out.

More turned on than ever by the kid’s desperate pleas, Kevin drove all the way into him and remained still, savoring every inch of him being squeezed by Nick’s tense tightness.

"Oh God, I don’t want it! It hurts!!" – tears welled at his eyes and he almost hyperventilated.

"Shhh, Nicky, calm down, look at me..." – Brian grabbed him at the sides of his face. Truly concerned for him, which didn’t make him less aroused by the scene of Kevin taking him roughly against his crying pleas. – "Its ok boy, its gonna be ok, the sting will fade, trust me..." – he desperately tried to assure the boy, inches from his face.

"No Brian it won’t!" – the boy cried, eyes wide shut when Kevin pulled out and shoved his big member inside him again. – "Please!! I can’t handle it!" – he cried, he was shaking.

"Hmm..." – Kevin groaned aloud. The more the boy fought the harder was his grip on his hips, and the more pleasure he took from forcing the boy’s tight channel to open for him.

The boy was still crying, he erection gone, not even that hard and wet cock resisted such great pain he was having to endure.

"Nick, Nicky, listen to me, I know what it feels like, it will get better, you have to trust me..." – Brian talked to him as if he could talk to the scared boy he was when Kevin first fucked him. Brian tried to soothe Nick from a pain that almost made him jump out of his skin when he was a little boy. He more than anyone in this world knew what Nick was going through, and his heart – and cock – ached for him.

"I can’t..." – he cried softly when Kevin began to trust at a very demanding pace, rocking his small body back and forth.

"Yes you can. Look at me, look into my eyes!"

Reluctantly Nick complied and stared at Brian.

"Thats it, good boy..." – Brian wiped his tears gently as Kevin penetrated him with sadist violence. – "Good boy, Nicky... you’ll be ok..."

The boy sobbed quietly looking into Brian’s eyes, begging in silence for help that wouldn’t come. Brian didn’t know what exactly happened at that moment when he stared at that pretty boyish face so tortured with pain, so fragile in the hands of two perverted men, trying his best not to break down... Brian’s heart spoke through him when he pressed his lips against Nick’s.

Even Kevin slowed down his pace to watch.

Brian’s so tender lips parted Nick’s small and wet ones. His soft tongue was extremely gentle and practically begged access into the warm haven where Nick’s little tongue welcomed him. Brian licked the boy’s tongue and Nick suddenly caught himself deepening the kiss, his mouth opened inviting Brian to come sooth him, to come and show him his love. The more he kissed the more he wanted to kiss, Brian tasted himself into Nick’s mouth, and his licks and sucks on the boy’s tongue were effectively calming Nick down. The boy loosened when his focus concentrated in the taste of Brian’s mouth, and Kevin’s thrusts went deeper into him, hitting his prostate which every thrust. Nick had his eyes closed and felt in heaven while Brian contemplated him with his first kiss.

Their tongues gently licked at each other and Kevin’s rock hard cock pulsed within the boy. What a beautiful sight!

"Fuck you two... I’m gonna cum...!" – Kevin moaned and picked up a frenetic pace driving into the boy.

Nick and Brian broke the kiss softly and when the boy opened his eyes he smiled widely at Brian. He was sure he was and would be forever loved. In a few seconds that kiss created a much deeper connection than Nick had ever felt in his life with anyone... not even when he had his or Kevin’s cock in his mouth had he felt so... cared for. The boy smiled truly thankful to Brian, and he little by little became aware of the blood rushing to his groin once again into a burning erection as Kevin pounded the living day lights out of him.

"Go back to sucking my cock, baby... I wanna fill your mouth with my taste." – Brian purred and the boy only smiled at him, faint moans dropping from his lips before he lowered himself to wrap his lush lips around Brian’s member. Nick sucked sweetly on him.

"Oh fuck! You got such a tight little ass Nicky... hmmm..." – Kevin’s muscular chest was covered in sweat, his muscles tensing at each flex of his hips. – "You feel much too good... do you like it? Is it good now?" – he panted, fucking him hard.

Nick’s cried a long moan against Brian’s cock. It had felt terrible before, but now it felt so good... Kevin’s cock hit something that made him feel as if he was flying under the pleasure. The more Kevin thrust the more Nick felt completely helpless, feeling Kevin so deep, too deep into him, knowing he was completely loved by him. Nick loosened and spread his legs wider, giving Kevin all the access he wanted, all the opening he needed to cause that delicious friction inside of him.

"Oh, oh... yes, fuck!" – Brian caressed the boy’s neck and stroked his own cock for Nick to lick the moisture leaking from his slit. – "Suck it... mmm..."

Nick echoed the moan, Kevin was ripping him apart, and all he wanted was to have that feeling more and more and more and... – "Oh!!!" – he shrieked loudly throwing his head back in pleasure before going back to milk Brian’s cock with near desperation.

"Oh yes... hmm..." Kevin panted and groaned, he couldn’t help himself when he slapped that white ass with the palm of his hand. Hard. He slapped once, twice, until the flesh was rosy with the burning.

"Awwmmmm..." – Nick whined boyishly against Brian’s cock. The dual assault was making him quite incoherent to his all around. All he knew was that it was simply too much.

Nickolas only stopped when his body combusted, a thousand little explosions beginning from deep within him and ending in a loud scream of pleasure as he released his seed on the sheets. The pained sound coming from Nickolas mouth did it for Kevin. Holding him firmly in pace he gave a few desperate thrusts into the captive body and found the mind blowing release deep within Nick’s tight heat.

"Holy fuck!" – Kevin screamed, thrusting slowing while he poured his fluid into Nick.

The only desperate sound in the room came from Brian, who still hadn’t come since Nick was panting and licking at his lips to recover from his orgasm. Brian was still achingly hard and he stroked himself with passion.

Coming down from his high and seeing it, Kevin pulled out of Nick who gave him a soft sigh. He went towards Brian and sat beside him, replacing the hand on his lover’s cock by his own and stroking Brian shiftily.

"C’mon, Nick." – he urged. – "Your lover hasn’t finished yet, come here taste Brian’s cum... make sure you swallow everything he has to give you."

Kevin’s words alone were almost enough to send him over the edge. When the boy’s lips and that curious tongue went back to his cock to lick and suck with a calm and tasty patience Brian growled aloud.

Nick sucked the smooth tip of Brian’s cock with voracity, and Kevin stroked the hard length from base till where his hand brushed Nick’s already sore pinkish lips.

"C’mon, Brian... give it to him... cum for him... look, he’s waiting to feed from your cock..." – Kevin spoke hoarsely into his ear.

"Oh... Oh, oh God!" – Brian was panting, Kevin stroked faster and the boy licked relentlessly. – "Hmm..." – a strangled moan escaped his lips and Brian came into Nick’s mouth with a wild groan.

Kevin stroked his tip delicately while his hot white cum poured into Nick’s awaiting tongue.

"Oooh..." – Brian closed his eyes and his mouth hung open.

"Yeah... swallow it up, pretty boy... hmm... very nice..." – Kevin kept stroking until it was sensitivity too much for Brian to handle. He stopped Kevin’s fingers and tore himself away from Nick’s mouth.

Both Kevin and Brian eyed the little blond boy that licked cum from his lips. Brian was the first to smile and he leaned in to capture Nick’s mouth into another deep kiss. The boy hugged Brian, leaning into his naked chest and letting his mouth be devoured by his new found lover while Kevin stroked the back of their necks and whispered words of affection to them.

"Thats it my boys... my puppies... Kevin loves you two..." – he kissed Brian and then Nick’s head tenderly.

When both of them broke the kiss smiling it was Kevin’s turn to press his fingers at the boy’s chin and claim his mouth in a possessive kiss that simply said ‘you belong to me’. He licked the kids mouth obscenely, darting out his tongue to run the tip of it over every corner, every little inch of the sweet innocence Nickolas carried. This amazing innocence he had just shared with them.

He ended the kiss with a last lingering lick at the boy’s lips and released his face as well. His eyes met his cousin’s and without waiting another second Kevin went for a rough and bruising kiss with Brian. The two cousins kissed each other with intimate roughness. The boy watched them with a smile on his face. They were so beautiful!

Brian responded just as eager to that kiss so familiar to him, that claiming kiss of ‘you belong to me.’ The same he had just given Nick. And when the kiss broke Kevin embraced both young guys and pulled them to him. He kissed each one again while Brian’s hands found Nick’s across his chest.


They had started a new and exciting adventure with each other. A little world of love were the word wrong had its access denied. Nick learned that pleasing Kevin be could as much fun as it could be dangerous. That love could either comfort or hurt. That the line between pain and pleasure was as thin as the one between sanity and madness. Nick learned to like all that.

And Brian? He learned he had no reasons to be jealous of the little blond. Nick loved him and Brian loved him back with the same passion. It was amazing whenever they were allowed to play only the two of them. Even when Kevin watched them both playing... They shared a connection that deepened as each day closed by. There was a new and exciting pleasure in having someone with him, sharing his feelings and experiences, loving being Kevin’s puppy just as much as he did.

Meanwhile Kevin was in heaven. To say the truth, come to think of it, he didn’t think he ever expected any less from life. Everything seemed to match. Things all into place. He honestly didn’t care what would anyone think of their little world. It was a private one. A world in which love could be expressed in every way possible. A world in which darkness could mean light exploding in your head with each tremor of an orgasm. A world where wrong and right had their only role in making things the more exciting, never censuring anything. A world of affection, complicity and wild passion. But above all else, a wicked, wicked world.


  tbc... ???     Hmm... Ok, I'm like... *terribly* embarrassed of what i wrote. LOL  I don't mean that I didn't like it or that I ain't proud of my story... I just wonder if it wasn't.. er... too much, ya know? lol   So, you must know that when it comes to Nick/Brian/Kevin getting it on, this is SO not my only fantasy... *grin*  I could make this into a more than one chapter kind of PWP story... lol  Its really up to you guys. Let me know what you think, if you guys like it then I might keep this up!! 
