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'Frick and Fracking'


"All right guys, I'm leaving now. And I better find the place perfect when I come back..."
"Oh, c'mon Kevin, what would we do?" - Brian asked innocently but with cheerful eyes.

The older guy gave him a playful but tough look.

"I'm not sure... but knowing you two I just hope you don't put fire on the house."

Nick laughed along with Brian.

Kevin shook his head and grinned.

"I'm going now..." - he informed again.

"Wait, wait!" - Nick jumped from the couch and went closer to him.

"What, Nick?"

"You going out on a date? You got a girlfriend?" - Nick asked cheerfully, the typical curiosity of the sixteen years old boy he was.

Kevin looked at him and at Brian waiting for his answer from the couch.

"You should mind your own business, Nickolas." - Kevin said smoothly, already heading for the door.

"Oh, Kevy!" - Nick whined happily.

"Say it, cuz... we just wanna know, who's she?"

"Ahhh!" - Kevin rolled his eyes before grinning. - "Just an old friend... Met her when I worked at Disney. Her name is Kristin."

"Hm." - Brian raised his eyebrows.

"Kevin got a girlfriend..." - Nick teased.

Brian laughed loudly at the way Nick worked. So full of life, so happy, so... fun to be around!

"C'mere, Frack, let Kevin go."


"Bye you two."

When Kevin left through the door Nick sighed still happy and went back to the couch he was sharing with Brian. Only now Brian was occupying all the space and he couldn't sit.

"Move this lazy ass and make room for me." - Nick laughed.

Brian pretended he hadn't even heard and kept on watching TV.

"C'mon!!!" - Nick was using his hands to try and make Brian sit straight, but it wasn't working at all, instead Brian was only laughing at him. - "Oh, Frick!!!! Damn, if you don't make room for me I'm gonna sit on you." - Nick giggled.

Brian finally found Nick's eyes and raised his eyebrows at him.

"Sit." - he said simply.

Brian watched Nick whine and mumble, all the while laughing and trying to make him move.

"All right! Sit here you stubborn little creature."

Nick punched Brian playfully and was once again sat sharing the couch with him. The blond closed his eyes when Brian playfully messed his hair, before having his attention back to the TV show going on air.

"I bet those bastards are having a hell of a good time."

"Who? Kevin and Kristin?"

"No, Howie and AJ, man... I mean, its so unfair they won't let me enter this nightclubs... I'm not a kid anymore, I know about stuff." - Nick pouted.

"Hey... I thought you liked spending time with me instead." - it was Brian's time to pout. He knew Nick was growing up fast... he was already sixteen, being out of partying was no longer something that didn't matter that much. Sometimes he looked so boyish, but some other times Brian looked at him and felt amazed at the way he had been changing...

Nick smiled widely.

"I luv spending time with you, Frick... what a shame we can't play b-ball..."

"Specially at that time of the night, the neighbors will call the police."

They grinned softly. The boys were on this big and beautiful house, in hot California enjoying two weeks of vacation before going out to perform and record the songs of their second album.

Nick sighed. He did love spending time with Brian... he had never ever thought he would have a best friend so good... Brian made him feel confident. He was the one to make him go for the girls he had crushes on... Brian was always making him have faith on himself.

"Ah, I'm tired!" - Nick said yawning and standing up.

"They will play a great movie in some minutes, Nick..."

"Horror one?"


"Porn?" - Nick giggled.

"Nooo..." - Brian shook his head. Jeez... Nick was really growing up... He had that air around him... that unique scent that embraced young teenagers when they woke up to sex. That playful, scared and needed desire shining on their eyes. Brian was looking happily at him.

"What then?" - Nick asked



Brian felt a hint of disappointment. How could that boy be happy about it when his other friends were all having a heck of a good time?

"Oh, c'mon Nick, ya know we never really watch."

The young blond laughed.

"Yeah, you right."

Brian smiled and stretched on the couch while Nick disappeared into the kitchen.

A few minutes later he could hear Nick calling from there.

"Hey, Brian!!!!"


Nick's eyes were shinning with his sudden idea.

"Do you wanna be a bad boy?"

From the living room Brian grinned.

"How bad?" - he asked Nick.

"Oh, really, really bad..." - Nick practically moaned the words, teasingly.

Brian giggled, already knowing what Nick had in mind.

"What will it be? Chocolate or vanilla?"

From the kitchen Nick grinned happily.

"Haha! I can not believe these morons actually left a full bowl of ice cream in the fridge!" - Nick exclaimed appearing at the kitchen's door with the bowl in his hands.

Brian only looked at him and laughed.

"I mean, didn't they know we would be here?!" - Nick made a shocked face, and Brian laughed harder.

"Oh, bunch of fools... its too late now." - Brian giggled.

Nick's eyes were shining.

"Man, its the best one. Three flavors, strawberry, vanilla and chocolate! Jeez, I'm gonna have an orgasm."

Both guys laughed.

"Nick, go there and get us some spoons, the movie is about to begin. If we're not gonna enjoy it anyway at least we are gonna have something to eat."

"Oh, yeah." - Nick agreed leaving the room briefly.

Meanwhile Brian turned the TV off in the living room.

Nick came back with two big spoons, a big smile on his face. Thats the point in being young, anything can make your day worth it. Even ice cream!

Brian was smiling widely.

"C'mon, let's go to our room, or you wanna watch on the couch?"

"No, a thousand times a bed than a couch!" - Nick exclaimed.

The blond followed Brian to their shared room. He left the ice cream bowl on a small table while Brian and him joined the two single beds and positioned the TV at a good distance from those.

"I think this will do it." - Brian said when they were finally done.

"Who cares? We got ice cream!" - Nick shrugged and Brian laughed.


Saying that both boys got on the bed while Brian used the remote to turn on the TV. The movie was right on the beginning.

Brian was already watching it while Nick struggled briefly with the sheets to find a comfortable position. They were lying across the beds, therefore there wasn't much space to spread.

"Stop moving, it's began." - Brian told him.

"Here." - Nick finally got comfortable and handed Brian one of the spoons he had brought with him.


Brian was once again watching TV while the sixteen years old beside him found himself busy getting as much ice cream as he could with his spoon.

The older guy was grinning looking at Nick.

"Hey, if you keep on so eager I better hurry up and get some." - Brian stuck his own spoon into the icy and tasty cream.

Both boys giggled when Nick finally locked his eyes on the TV ahead of them.

"Hmmm...." - Nick made an utter sound of approval. - "Man, they still haven't invented something better than ice cream." - Nick commented dreamily, watching the movie. - "Oh, I like this guy, he's funny." - Nick said about the actor on TV.

"Yeah, this tastes good. I can not believe we found it." - Brian giggled taking some more.

"Bri, you think they will get too angry when they know we ate it?"

Brian looked at Nick, there weren't far from each other. Actually, their position on that bed made their faces be practically just inches from one another.

"Do you care?" - Brian asked teasingly.

Nick grinned.

"No at all..."

The guys laughed.

The movie went on for some minutes, they guys kept eating ice cream and, as Brian had predicted, giggling and talking more than actually watching what was on TV.

"Hey!" - Nick suddenly exclaimed, as he saw Brian's spoon digging into the ice cream bowl.

"What?" - Brian giggled.

"Not far! Stop it Littrell!" - Nick pushed Brian's spoon away with his own, laughing all the while.

"What you mean?"

"I know what your doing. You are taking just the vanilla and chocolate flavor and leaving all the boring strawberry for me. Bastard."

Brian laughed loudly.

"Am not!" - he pouted.

"Are too!" - Nick laughed still looking at the bowl and trying to push Brian's spoon away by using his own.

"Am not!" - Brian got into this 'spoon fight', laughing like crazy.

"Uh!" - Nick struggled and laughed at the same time. - "Hey!" - he exclaimed when suddenly both of them stopped the 'battle'.

"Oh-o ... Seems like your spoon lost." - Brian giggled when he saw Nick's one had fallen from his hand right into one of Nick's tennis shoes.

"I hate you!" - Nick laughed frustrated and punched Brian softly. - "Look what you did!" - he looked from the spoon in his tennis to Brian, and back at the spoon.

Both guys giggled and grinned.

"See? I told you not to leave these space ships you call tennis in the middle of the room." - he accused.

"Hmmm!" - Nick whined. - "I want my spoon." - he pouted childishly.

"Aw... seems like I'll have to finish the ice cream on my own. Damn!" - Brian laughed.

"Hey! You go there in the kitchen get me another one! You made me drop it!"

"No way! The movie is cool, I wanna watch it. You go."

"But we aren't watching it!... Asshole."

Brian laughed so hard his stomach hurt. His slapped Nick's mouth playfully.

"Gonna wash this dirty mouth with soap." - he said while laughing, and Nick only looked at him grinning.

"Its your fault!" - Nick whined.

"How come its my fault, you dropped it!"

"Cause you weren't eating the strawberry flavor!" - Nick said evenly and they laughed.

"Go there and get yourself another spoon, Nick."

"Aw, man!" - Nick growled and frowned. - "I'm not going anywhere." - he finished giggling.

Brian looked at him and shook his head softly.

"I'm gonna use yours." - Nick informed.

"All right then." - Brian said. - "Lazy ass..." - he mumbled and Nick giggled.

"Here... gimme!" - Nick tried to take the spoon from Brian's hand.

"No! Wait..."


"Wait, I said! Here..." - Brian got some ice cream on his spoon while Nick waited. - "Open your mouth."

Nick giggled when he understood what Brian wanted to do. Nick parted his lips and waited for Brian to feed him the ice cream.

Slowly and still smiling Brian approached the spoon from Nick's lips and the blond immediately closed them to eat what was on it.

Brian watched intensely, Nick's eyes on his while the blond took the ice cream Brian fed him. They were silent for a moment.

"Happy now?" - Brian said after some moments, this time feeding himself with the sweet cream. He couldn't help, damn, he just couldn't help the thought he would be tasting some of Nick's saliva on that spoon. And damn, he couldn't help but... liking the thought. He liked Nick.

"Much better now." - Nick looked at the TV. He wouldn't say anything, even coz it was stupid... it was really nothing the good and... sort of exciting feeling he had when his older best friend fed him. It was just... great.

Brian again stuck the spoon on the bowl and got some good ice cream before looking at Nick's waiting eyes. He couldn't deny his heart softly skipped a bit when he reached out his hand to feed Nick on the mouth.

Nick closed his pink lips on the spoon and dared to look deeply into Brian's blue eyes. He didn't know why he felt almost... turned on by that.

Brian smiled a bit taken aback by that almost... teasing look Nick had. Hell, they were best friends... Brian looked at the TV again, he almost gagged with the knot in his throat.

"I want more." - Nick smiled coyly before grinning.

Brian smiled too, deciding to play a bit with Nick. This scene was getting way too hot for being just a frick 'n frack thing.

"Here... Oh!"


Brian was teasingly approaching the spoon from Nick's mouth before pulling it back again, approaching it from his lips then taking it away. Grinning at the blond trying desperately to eat the ice cream.

Nick giggled.

"Give it to me!"

"Take it... oh, oh!" - Brian teased.

Nick finally grabbed Brian's wrist with his hand, making him stop moving his arm. Then Brian watched when Nick took Brian's hand to his mouth and closed his lips around the spoon his friend was holding. Nick's sharpening blue eyes watched Brian intently.

Brian couldn't take his eyes off the sight ahead. Nick swirled his tongue over the spoon, licking it almost... almost seductively...

Against his will Brian felt his breath getting heavy when he could perfectly spot Nick's chubby and wet tongue licking over the spoon.

"I want more..." - Nick asked, but his plea sounded like a hoarse whisper.

They looked into each other's eyes. Weren't for the TV things would be way more serious by now.

Brian lowered his eyes and served the spoon with more ice cream, trying to believe that everything was normal, everything was...

He looked up again and Nick was a bit closer from him, waiting patiently for Brian to feed him.

The blond watched the way Brian's hand approached his mouth. He liked Brian's hands... he liked to be fed like this... It was almost... erotic, although he wouldn't admit he was thinking this.

Nick swallowed the ice cream and took the spoon from Brian.

"Here, let me try..." - Nick smirked.

Brian's heart was now racing full force when Nick was the one to approach the spoon from his lips. Always looking at the younger boy, Brian tasted the ice cream, almost not tasting anything at all, so completely lost he was in the spell working around them. But God... it was just Nick. Brian looked at the blond hair falling on Nick's forehead, his blue eyes... It was just Nick, he felt safe with him because Nick was his best friend, whatever was happening was just...

"Can I kiss you?"

Brian's heart almost flew from his chest and his eyes darkened in a good and warm feeling, more thrilling than any roller-coaster he had ever ridden.

He couldn't help it! Nick saw those perfect shaped lips licking the ice cream... and they belonged to Brian! And he was... well, just Brian! He was older, he was smart... Brian was... attractive. Nick didn't resist the amazing desire of knowing what his friend's lips tasted like.

"What?" - Brian's question sounded breathy, so excited he was.

Nick went even closer. Brian's fingers instinctively closed around the sheets. His eyes gazing Nick.

"Can I?" - Nick asked again.

"If you want..." - Brian wouldn't have known at all what he answered, because he could see that pink tongue moving inside Nick's mouth.

His heart beating a thousand miles per second, Nick was actually shivering when his face went closer to Brian. Their eyes never leaving each other's.

He didn't know what to do... that was Brian for heaven's sake! That was Brian... and Nick could feel his warm breath on his face.

The blond parted his lips while looking into Brian eyes. Nick moved just an inch to be able to cover Brian's lips with his own. They both froze looking at each other during this new and foreign touch shared between them. Only their breaths picked up speed within those slow movements.

Nick put a bit of pressure on Brian's lips. He liked the feeling so much he felt his body trembling...

Brian closed his eyes. God, god, god! How could those lips be so soft?! When on earth would he imagine Nick's lips were so smooth, even when pressed up hard against his? Oh, he loved that... Brian added pressure into Nick's lips too.

The blond softly nibbled on Brian's lips when the older guy parted them slightly. His heart was beating irrationally inside his chest, and Nick was falling in love with every second of what was happening... But he wanted more... he wanted to feel in his mouth the taste Brian's mouth had.

Brian had parted his lips, secretly craving to feel Nick's tongue with his own. He needed that... he wanted to know what Nick's mouth tasted like... no, not his lips... everything... inside his mouth.

"Brian..." - Nick whispered sheepishly. He opened his eyes, but his friend kept his closed. Nick took courage enough to swallow his heart and go on. - "Can I put my tongue in your mouth?"

It was right on the same second that Brian felt a twitch on the warm pulsation that grew in his center. He placed his hand at the back of Nick's neck, amazed at the delirious feeling he had when he felt Nick's thin blond hair between his fingers... it turned him on.

The blond shuddered when Brian pressed him into the kiss, and Brian's tongue found way between Nick's lips and gave Nick's tongue a long and gentle lick.

Nick would have moaned if he had found the voice to... Instead he closed his eyes. His wish was to freeze time forever only to be able to describe the taste he felt when Brian's tongue touched his for the first time.

The inexperienced sixteen shuddered when he felt Brian's tongue licking his own... like, massaging his own... His tongue felt so... warm.

Brian added soft pressure behind Nick's neck and forced his tongue deeper, inviting Nick to taste it. And the blond did. Nick closed his lips around Brian's tongue and rubbed his own against it. He couldn't believe he was kissing Brian Littrell, his best friend, but all the feelings flooding him were too good to take his concentration out of the hot wetness from their mouths.

Brian parted his lips and Nick did the same, their eyes closed for a long time now, and this time Nick was the one to slide his tongue into Brian's mouth. Almost fearful... he licked Brian's lips slowly before touching Brian's tongue inside his friend's mouth.

Brian felt not only delirious, but extremely hot. Never did he think kissing Nick would make him this hot, but nothing had ever made him feel more erotic, and needed than french kissing Nick. That tongue inside his mouth was searching him, and Brian's one wasn't not even a bit shy in welcoming Nick's curiosity warmly.

Completely against his will Brian felt Nick's tongue leaving his warm mouth, and their lips touched briefly before the blond pulled away a little bit. A wet sound was heard when the kiss broke. Brian felt almost shocked at his disappointing. He just didn't want to stop kissing.

When the older guy looked at Nick he saw the blond was scared.

Nick's heart was beating so fast that he wasn't being able to think of something to say.

"God, Nick..." - Brian looked into his eyes. - "That was so good... so hot..." - Brian wondered if he should have used the word 'hot', but that was what he felt anyway.

Nick smiled.

"You taste good... I... I mean, you are sweet..."

"Must've been the ice cream." - Brian locked his eyes on Nick's.

They giggled.

"Do you really wanna watch this movie?" - Nick asked, this time he was definitely being seductive, although he could not realize it.

Without thinking Brian reached out for the remote and turned it off. The spell grew even stronger with the silence. Their hearts were beating like never had they done before.

"And now..." - Nick took the spoon. By now the ice cream was very creamy, melting slowly. - "Do you want more ice cream?" - Nick bit on his bottom lip. This time he couldn't deny he was extremely turned on. Which was new because for the first time he was having a hard on while being this... intimate to someone. Which was really weird coz this someone was nobody else than Brian!, his best, male, friend.

"Yes..." - Brian practically moaned. Nick looked innocent, sweet... but damn, he was so alluring Brian was almost sweating.

He parted his lips and Nick watched closely his mouth while he fed Brian from the cream. He didn't really care when he dropped the spoon and leaned over to taste the ice cream inside Brian's mouth.

This time Brian locked Nick in his arms and the blonde melted into the embrace, falling completely into the sheer pleasure of their tasty kisses.

Brian ran his fingers through Nick’s hair while savoring Nick’s playful tongue exploring his mouth, tracing his lips, sucking and nibbling on them. The blonde was soon lost into the warmth of Brian’s mouth, and Nick felt his body trembling when Brian moaned softly.

Their lips were still connected and their eyes closed, their embrace still as tight. Ever so gently their mouths broke apart, but the same didn’t happen to their closeness. Nick was more than ever cuddled to Brian’s chest, and his older friend was not at all willing to loosen that so special hug.

Nick felt in heaven. He had loved the kiss and was loving just being this close to his best friend ever. Brian was so good, so friendly, so warm and... beautiful. Nick felt so safe in his arms that suddenly a whole lot of things seemed to have made sense inside his mind.

"You’re so beautiful, Nick..." – Brian ran his fingers through his hair.

"Its so good that you are hugging... I liked kissing you... so much..." – Nick snuggled even closer to Brian’s safe body.

"I told you... must’ve been the ice cream..." – Brian smiled softly and the blond looked into his eyes.

"No... it was much better." – he smiled. Nick couldn’t help voicing his desire, his idea, specially when Brian’s arms welcomed him so lovingly into them. – "Brian... can we kiss each other again?"

His heart raced. Brian’s eyes shone.


"But I mean... Tomorrow... and next week. And then next month... I mean, its not that I have feelings for you or anything, its just that I love having this kind of love, and you are so special to me..."

"Aw, Nick... that would be really great! I mean, it doesn’t have to change our friendship or anything... it can be like a casual thing..." – Brian giggled. – "Kissing you was too good, I sure wanna enjoy it more." – Brian confessed, already craving for the feel of Nick’s tongue in his mouth again.

Nick giggled playfully and touched Brian’s face.

"This won’t make us fall in love, right? I mean, if we become best friends with benefits?"

Brian smiled warmly, loving the feel of his younger friend’s body against his.

"Nah, I don’t think so." – he giggled.

"Yeah, coz imagine if we fell in love!" – Nick laughed. – "Then one day you would meet a copy of Pamela Anderson walking on the street..."

Brian was laughing.

"... and you’ll marry her and leave me alone!" – Nick finished laughing.

"Oh, no boy... That won’t happen." – Brian was still giggling, they were both happy. – "I don’t think a friendship with benefits could take us this far. Plus, its not an everyday thing to find an exact copy of Pamela Anderson willing to be with me!" – he joked.

Nick laughed.

"You’re right! This is so like... totally impossible!" – Nick giggled.

Brian didn’t resist those cute lips. He went closer to capture Nick’s mouth on his once again. Frick and Frack made out during the whole night, and when they closed their eyes they had peaceful and happy hearts, and when fell asleep their had happy and good hopes about the future. Tomorrow is a different day. Tomorrow... will always be a different day.


     Just a break from other stories... hope you guys liked it...

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