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                                                                   ABOUT ME!


     Just thought I'd update this...

    I'm Luciana de Jesus, I'm Brazillian and I'm 22 years old. I've been studying Kung Fu for over three years and I love it. Right now I'm almost through with college, my major is theater. Unfortunately I don't live of theater, I work as an english teacher here in Brazil, which is something I also love to do. Now I've been writing slash fiction since I was 14, and this is how it started:

       I write slash since the beginning of this year, and I own it all to a friend of mine named Joey. I've been always different than the other fans in here (Brazil), coz I always wondered A LOT about Frick n Frack's friendship. I could spend a whole day grinning and squealing while looking at those cute pics from them, the earlier years... I don't know how it began, but I just got completelty obsessed with the idea of them being a couple. Not only do they look like the cutest things ever together, but they still are so HOT! lol Only, I never knew there were more people out there that shared this idea. Here in Brazil I never found anyone. For two years I thought I was some kinda psycho for liking the idea of Nick and Brian being more than friends. And it was when I read Joey's story, I need you tonight. It was just so... perfect! Specially to me that had never read anything like that! I couldn't believe the day I found it at nifty archive! Coz it was an accident! lol I remember, I had a Britney Spears web site, and I wanted to look for pics from her to put up on my site. I typed her middle name wrong, Jan instead of Jean, and I don't know why the hell it found nifty's site. I went to gay male and couldn't believe when I actually realized more people liked Brian n Nick as a couple.
       I've always had lots of ideas, and Joey told me to write them down. I said: "You kidding? I don't know if I can... I mean... write a whole story? me?!"  Well, I guess I did it, finally...

       I have written not only Brian/Nick fiction, and not only slash. My latest adventura has been into the LOTRs fandom, with a Legolas/Elrond fic, and I don't plan to stop there... I've been writing for time enough to understand it is what I really love to do and what gives a meaning to my life. I hope you enjoy the site and writing. It may not be flawless, but I swear I'm getting better! ;o)