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Lucy opened her eyes, still being taken aback by the bliss that invaded her body when she realized Brian was laying beside her in bed. They were in her house, waking up slowly and cuddling to each after another wonderful night.

"Hm..." - Brian purred nuzzling on Lucy's neck and making her giggle softly. - "You are heaven." - he whispered.

Lucy's face brightened and she kissed the tip of his nose.

"My angel..." - she rustled running her fingers through his brownish hair.

"Hm..." - Brian came closer and kissed her lips. - "I wanna be like this the whole day." - Brian tightened his grip on her.

Lucy laughed.

"Honey, we can't! We promised Nick we would have lunch with him today! C'mon, waking up! We are already late, don't want to let your friend waiting, now do you?"- Lucy sounded cranky and got out of Brian's arms, standing in front of him in the bedroom and looking at the sleepy man in her bed.

"You are meanie! I wanna be with you..." - Brian pouted.

She giggled.

"We gotta take a shower and go. We overslept."

"Oh, big news!" - Brian grinned and she followed him.

"C'mon, now."

Brian looked at her beautiful, happy and serious face.

"Ok! You win! Let's go!" - Brian exclaimed giggling, finally leaving the bed.

They locked eyes and smiled. Their life was perfect.


"Hello!" - Nick opened his door to the couple.

"Hey, Nick!" - Lucy exclaimed happily.

"Hey there, man..." - Brian greeted, his arm around Lucy's waist as they walked in his house.

Nick stopped after he closed the door, and stood there with a smile on his face watching the couple smiling at each other.

"Oh, man!" - Nick smiled widely, making Brian and Lucy turn around and stare at him. - "I swear to God you two are the cutest couple ever!" - Nick giggled.

"Awww... thank you, Nick." - Brian smiled, locking Lucy in his arms and kissing her.

Nick couldn't explain his happiness. He knew Lucy, and he could see the love shining in her eyes as she got lost in Brian's stare. He could actually feel the love those two shared, and it made him shiver... God, he wanted a feeling like this! Right now he felt like jumping around in joy that his best friends had finally found their way to be happy in this life... And it would be forever. It was written in their eyes.

"So, Nick... what do you have for us to eat? I'm starving!" - Lucy said.

They all grinned.

"See, thats one of the things I love about your girl, Brian. She is honest."

They all laughed while Nick moved away towards the kitchen.

"I'll check it, be right back."

"Ok." - the couple replied.

Lucy watched when Nick disappeared, and happily leaned her head against Brian's chest, loving the protection he gave her. This feeling of completion....

"Hm... I love you so much, you know that?" -Brian kissed her hair.

"I love you too, Brian... more than you'll ever know..." - she babbled and closed her eyes, still leaning against her lover's body.

'She is honest...' those were Nick's words. And weirdly they reminded her of something she had been wanting to tell Brian for a few days now. Only she never bother to do it before coz it really didn't matter. She just wanted to tell him about the night she slept with Nick... She wanted Brian to know everything about her, and there was no reason to hide it... After all, it had been just a fact caused by destiny. Lucy couldn't really care about this at all. She breathed in deeply and tightened her grip on Brian.

"Awww... I just have to say it again, you guys are so cute!" - Nick exclaimed walking in the living room.

Lucy and Brian giggled and kissed softly on the lips.

"C'mon, guys! Lunch is ready."

"Coming..." - Brian smiled at his friend, taking Lucy's hand on his and walking towards Nick.


The hot day slowly turned into night. Brian and Lucy watched it from the balcony of her house. His arms wrapped around her waist as they stared at the stars above, whispered words and gave in to the total bliss their love could create in their lives.

"Hm... I feel so cozy in your arms." - she purred.

Brian smiled, her hair on his face, the sweet scent coming from the girl he so protectively kept in his arms.

"You smell delicious, you know that...?" - Brian nuzzled on the back of her neck. - "So precious, so mine..."

Lucy smiled dreamily, caressing Brian's hands into hers.

"Oh, I love you baby..." - she whispered.

"I love you too Lucy. And you will be together forever..."

Their embrace tightened and their lips met briefly before they went back in staring the beautiful moon lighting up the dark blue sky.

"Oh... can you see how perfect it is? You are all mine, Lucy... forever... You've been mine before and will be forever..." - Brian whispered.

Lucy smiled more serious this time. It was time she told him about Nick.

"Brian..." - she began smoothly. - "I wanna say something..."

"What? Say it, honey." - he smiled.

Lucy sighed and turned around, getting out of Brian's embrace but still keeping his hands.

"I... I really shouldn't be bringing this all back, coz its not something we will like to remember... But anyway... its no big deal, I just want you to know it."

"Know what, baby?"

"Brian... you remember the day you told me that... er... Leigh was pregnant? And that we couldn't be together... we fought and I went away...?"

Brian swallowed hard.


"You said this would be forever, and we broke apart... you know... we thought we would never be together. That day I took my car and began to drive senseless, I just didn't know what to do with my life!" - Lucy shrugged. - "I... I didn't even want a life anymore..."

"Lucy, Lucy..." - Brian caressed her forehead and cheek. - "Why you bringing this back?" - he asked with a bit of heartache.

"Well... I just wanna tell you that I went to Nick's house that night. I didn't know what to do, who to talk to... all I knew was that I had to have an outburst of tears soon, I was breaking down... and Nick just sounded safe... and at that time right... you know what I mean?"

"Yes... I understand it."

"But Brian... that night... Nick was comforting me... I was so... It felt as if I were in shock or something, and when we kissed..."

"You guys kissed?" - Brian raised his eyebrows.

"Hm... yeah. Yes, we kissed, and we slept together too." - Lucy finished a bit unsure.

"Oh, Jesus Christ!" - Brian let go of her hands, frowning in shock. - "You and Nick?? You had sex with my best friend?!"

Lucy stared at him surprised at his question.

"Well... yes, I did. But..."

"Oh, my God, Lucy! You had sex with Nick! How gross is that?!"

Lucy felt that hurting straight into her heart.

"What you mean?! I didn't do it coz I wanted it, coz I was attracted to Nick or had feelings for him, I feel nothing but friendship towards him, Brian! It happened... just because of the whole moment, don't you see it?"

"Lucy! Oh God! How can I ever be with you knowing you slept with my best friend?! Nick is like a brother to me!"

Brian was gesticulating, he couldn't understand, couldn't accept what his girlfriend was saying... Nick? Nick and Lucy? Why...? Why did they do that? To him!

"I can't believe you are saying that." - Lucy began. - "The only reason I never told you before was coz I didn't think it was important, I thought you wouldn't really mind..."

"Not important?! You actually thought I wouldn't mind my girlfriend slept with my best friend?!"

"Brian! Did you forget you had just dumped me that night?! You fucking told me to get out of your life coz we would never be together!" - Lucy would be crying, wasn't she just so angry.

"Oh, and so if we fight again you'll go back to Nick and sleep with him to find comfort, huh?"

"Shut up." - Lucy said offended. - "I can't believe you are talking this shit. It just happened between me and him, I believe never did Nick want to do that, godamn he loves you Brian! It was just that that night everything seemed lost already, everything seemed to be broken... we weren't really caring about anything..."

"Oh, I bet you cared about the fuck you two had!"

Lucy breathed deeply to keep herself from slapping Brian. Was that the same man she was wrapped in the arms of just a little before?

"Brian, I was in love with you!" - she exclaimed.

"Oh, how beautiful is that then? You slept with another man being in love with me!" - Brian exclaimed flustered. It was just so hard believing Nick and her... God, he couldn't take it, just couldn't!

"You say as if it were some man out of the street! It was Nick, your friend and my friend! And need I remind you that you were too having sex with Leighanne?!" - she yelled angry, because it was true and she knew it, but never liked to think about it.

"Its different, she was my wife, I had to!"

"Oh, oh! Had to! Poor Brian, he was forced to have sex... as if you didn't enjoy it, of course." - she mocked pissed at him.

"Shut up, Lucy! I was thinking of you all the while!"

"Well, I wasn't thinking of you when I did it with Nick! And you know why?! Because I was dying inside! The thought of you hurt me so much that I felt like dying, it was so painful I couldn't carry on the fucking life I had, and when Nick kissed me I just wanted to forget everything you had told me about it being all over... I just wanted to get out of this world..."

"By shagging my best friend." - Brian couldn't help but arguing.

Lucy approached him, her eyes flaming Brian.

"Godamn, Brian... you know you were the first man I had in my life, and who cares if it happened once with Nick? I love you dammit! You are the only one for me! You have no right to judge what happened, how many girls have you slept with in your life, Brian? How many times you slept with Leigh being in love with me?"

"Its not important."

"Of course it is important! You realize you are being such a chauvinist man in here, right?!"

"Oh, Lucy, don't even get it started! Now I see everything... the way you and Nick look at each other!" - Brian began, blind with jealously. - "Oh, Brian, com'on, don't wanna be late to meet Nick, now do you?" - he mocked her voice earlier in that morning. - 'Sure you couldn't wait to see your lover..."

Lucy's chin dropped open.

"Shut the fuck up, you are talking shit!"

"Oh, Brian, Lucy is so honest, thats what I love about her... Oh sure, I wonder what else does Nick love about you. I wonder how much he loved fu..."

Lucy shut his mouth with her fingers.

"Don't say that. You are acting as if I was a whore." - she felt tears beginning to form in her eyes.

God, he loved her just so much! Brian's love for Lucy was just blind, obsessed... it hurt so much realizing she had belonged to some else... specially Nick! And it hurt more, coz he knew secretly that it had been his fault that she went to his house needed of comfort. Brian remembered the state she was in when she left his house that day. But he just couldn't admit it now. Lucy had slept with Nick, and it was just so wrong!

So wrong coz he wanted to love her forever, to be her world, to give in completely and live their own little world... how to accept someone else had been in this little world?

By now Brian knew he was talking shit, but he would only figure it out way later.

"Oh, well, and aren't you one after all?" - he asked angrily.

"What?!" - her heartache was soon turning into rage.

"Oh, why don't you go right now tell Nicky we had a fight? Maybe he can comfort you, or better! Maybe he can fuck you and make you feel better!"

Lucy slapped him violently across the face.

"Get the hell out of my house now." - she said coldly.

Only then Brian realized that whole amount of bull shit he had been saying. But at this climax moment he was just too proud to see it.

"Why you have to go and make things so complicated? You are such a fool... Get lost, Brian. If thats what you think of me then get the hell out of my life. I guess I was wrong about you."

"Well, I was wrong about you too." - he said coldly, but his heart ached badly, coz he was already aware he didn't mean those words at all. - "And I'm out of here, didn't even have to ask."

Brian turned his back and walked away.

When the door slammed behind his back Lucy's eyes grew wider and tears made them moisten. Tears that were soon dropping across her cheeks, but she couldn't really see them. She was in shock... so deep shock... her head spinning... So... so complicated.

In his car Brian felt his nose burning from the feverish tears threatening to drop. What had him done? He wouldn't take it back now, he didn't want to listen to her, but the sudden realization Lucy wasn't in his arms at the moment made the world turn gray in front of him.


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